Achievement Unlocked Game Global Unlocks
Defeat the trainer at the top of Mount Silver.
2024-08-13 19:17:15
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 154
That's Still Too E4sy for Me
Defeat E4 and Johto's Champion using only your starter again [Elite 4 Round 2]
2024-08-13 19:09:25
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 131
The Ex-Champion
Defeat Johto's Champion Again [Elite 4 Round 2]
2024-08-13 19:04:41
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 155
One Last Time?
Defeat Zane at Silver Cave's Entrance.
2024-08-13 18:50:56
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 162
Earth Shattering Earth Badge
Defeat Blue in the Viridian City Gym.
2024-08-13 18:47:48
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 166
Under the Sea
Pick and catch either Latias or Latios inside Undersea Cavern.
2024-08-13 18:46:54
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 137
Fired Up Volcano Badge
Defeat Blaine in his new Gym.
2024-08-13 18:41:07
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 169
Team Saturn's End
Defeat the Saturn Boss inside Cinnabar Volcano.
2024-08-13 18:39:05
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 161
This is not the End
Defeat your rival inside Mt. Moon.
2024-08-13 18:29:33
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 151
Rocky Bolder Badge
Defeat Brock in the Pewter City Gym.
2024-08-13 18:27:46
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 171
Literal Roadblock
Catch the Snorlax guarding Diglett's Cave.
2024-08-13 18:26:00
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 169
Wet Cascade Badge
Defeat Misty in the Cerulean City Gym.
2024-08-13 18:22:16
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 175
Aaaaand Again
Defeat Zane at Cerulean.
2024-08-13 18:13:00
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 176
Pair of Devs
Defeat the pair of Developers leading to Route 5.
2024-08-13 18:10:41
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 169
Friendly Competition
Defeat Axel in Lavender Town.
2024-08-13 18:01:21
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 177
A ... Dead Gengar?
Catch the Gengar at Lavender Town.
2024-08-13 17:57:32
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 173
Poisonous Soul Badge
Defeat Janine in the Fuchsia City Gym.
2024-08-13 17:50:44
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 178
Stop Following Me
Defeat Zane at Celadon.
2024-08-13 17:45:03
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 178
Grassy Rainbow Badge
Defeat Erika in the Celadon City Gym.
2024-08-13 17:44:15
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 178
Psychic Marsh Badge
Defeat Sabrina in the Saffron City Gym.
2024-08-13 17:41:29
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 179
Electrifying Thunder Badge
Defeat Lt. Surge in the Vermilion City Gym.
2024-08-13 06:31:34
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 183
The Best Trainer in Hoenn
Defeat Hoenn's Champion, Brendan.
2024-08-13 06:26:59
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 190
That's Too E4sy for Me
Defeat E4 and Johto's Champion using only your starter.
2024-08-13 06:23:48
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 144
The Champion of Johto
Defeat Johto's Champion.
2024-08-13 06:23:47
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 196
Rival for the Fourth
Defeat your Rival at the end of Victory Road.
2024-08-13 06:20:20
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 201
Legendary Pair of Dragons
Pick and catch either Latias or Latios inside the Dragon's Den.
2024-08-13 06:08:17
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 198
Lt. Surge Ripoff
Defeat the Saturn Boss deep within the Dragon's Den.
2024-08-13 06:05:24
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 209
Dragon Tamer
Defeat Claire in the Blackthorn City Gym.
2024-08-13 05:52:24
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 215
Water of the Legendary Trio
Catch Suicune.
2024-08-13 05:41:15
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 213
Back to the Past
Complete the Ruins of Alph puzzle, and go back in time to find the Clear Bell.
2024-08-13 05:35:19
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 239
Oh, You Again.
Defeat Zane before the Ice Cave.
2024-08-13 05:19:52
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 224
Blocked Radio Signal
Defeat the Rocket Executive in Goldenrod City.
2024-08-13 05:18:26
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 225
Rival, Round 3
Defeat your Rival in Goldenrod City.
2024-08-13 05:12:26
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 219
The Coolest Gym Leader
Defeat Pryce in the Mahogany Town Gym.
2024-08-13 05:06:58
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 230
Executive Decision
Defeat the second Rocket Executive in Mahogany Town.
2024-08-13 05:04:18
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 231
Executively Defeated
Defeat the first Rocket Executive in Mahogany Town.
2024-08-13 05:03:40
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 229
Mythical Red Gyarados
Catch the Shiny Gyarados at the Lake of Rage.
2024-08-13 04:55:53
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 234
The Girl of Steel
Defeat Jasmine in the Olivine City Gym.
2024-08-13 04:53:44
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 245
The Other Rival ... Again
Defeat Zane in Olivine City.
2024-08-13 04:53:23
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 241
The Fight Amongst Friends
Defeat Axel in front of the Olivine City Lighthouse.
2024-08-13 04:51:41
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 246
Fighting Type Master
Defeat Chuck in the Cianwood City Gym.
2024-08-13 04:47:52
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 254
Mystical Man of Suicune
Defeat Eusine in Cianwood City.
2024-08-13 04:45:46
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 247
The Gym of Invisible Floors
Defeat Morty in the Ecruteak City Gym.
2024-08-13 04:38:09
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 270
Rival at the Burnt Tower
Defeat your Rival in Ecruteak City.
2024-08-13 04:35:33
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 273
Kimono Girl of Electric
Defeat the Kimono girl with Jolteon.
2024-08-13 04:33:51
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 276
Kimono Girl of Water
Defeat the Kimono girl with Vaporeon.
2024-08-13 04:32:53
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 278
Kimono Girl of Dark
Defeat the Kimono girl with Umbreon.
2024-08-13 04:32:47
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 278
Kimono Girl of Psychic
Defeat the Kimono girl with Espeon.
2024-08-13 04:32:38
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 278
Kimono Girl of Fire
Defeat the Kimono girl with Flareon.
2024-08-13 04:32:32
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 277
Trouble at the Lab
Defeat the Saturn Admin at Professor Elm's Lab.
2024-08-13 04:30:51
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 284
The Road Blocking Tree
Catch the Sudowoodo blocking the path.
2024-08-13 04:26:40
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 270
Just a Normal Girl
Defeat Whitney in the Goldenrod City Gym.
2024-08-13 04:23:18
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 298
Fight Against the Rival, Round 2
Defeat your Rival in Azalea Town.
2024-08-13 04:03:35
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 320
The Other Rude Red-head
Defeat ??? in Azalea Town.
2024-08-13 04:03:09
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 321
You Really Bug Me
Defeat Bugsy in the Azalea Town Gym.
2024-08-13 04:01:08
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 326
The Kid in Black Returns
Defeat Zane in the Azalea Town Gym.
2024-08-13 04:00:05
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 306
Team Rocket in the Well
Defeat Team Rocket in Slowpoke Well.
2024-08-13 03:58:51
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 329
No Rest for the Winged
Defeat Falkner in the Violet City Gym.
2024-08-13 03:53:01
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 378
Sprout Tower Complete
Defeat the final Sage atop Sprout Tower to earn the Flash HM.
2024-08-13 03:52:16
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 381
Who Are You?
Defeat Zane at the end of Route 30.
2024-08-13 03:42:42
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 429
Mysterious Boy Who Stole a Pokemon
Defeat your rival on the way back to Professor Elm's Lab.
2024-08-13 03:39:12
~Hack~ Pokémon Liquid Crystal Version 519
Bone Chilling
Defeat Pryce and gain the Glacier Badge. [Set Mode, <= Lv.31]
2024-08-06 02:10:50
Pokemon Gold Version 382
Old Man Winters
Defeat Pryce and gain the Glacier Badge.
2024-08-06 02:10:50
Pokemon Gold Version 698
Rocket Rage
Defeat Team Rocket in Mahagony Town.
2024-08-06 02:04:46
Pokemon Gold Version 701
One Inch Punch
Defeat Chuck and gain the Storm Badge. [Set Mode, <= Lv.30]
2024-08-02 07:31:05
Pokemon Gold Version 398
Karate Island
Defeat Chuck and gain the Storm Badge.
2024-08-02 07:30:33
Pokemon Gold Version 717
Brazen Bull
Defeat Jasmine and gain the Mineral Badge. [Set Mode, <= Lv.35]
2024-08-02 07:28:39
Pokemon Gold Version 391
Iron Maiden
Defeat Jasmine and gain the Mineral Badge.
2024-08-02 07:28:39
Pokemon Gold Version 707
I Did It for the Easy Pokedex Entry
Obtain the Shuckle from Cianwood City
2024-08-02 07:24:14
Pokemon Gold Version 420
I'll Become Even Stronger - Part 1
Won against 50% of the Trainers in Johto.
2024-08-02 07:18:36
Pokemon Gold Version 447
A Nightmare
Defeat Morty and gain the Fog Badge. [Set Mode, <= Lv.25]
2024-08-01 02:19:25
Pokemon Gold Version 420
Friendly Ghost
Defeat Morty and gain the Fog Badge.
2024-08-01 02:19:25
Pokemon Gold Version 764
Wow! Thanks Bill!
Obtain the Eevee from Bill.
2024-08-01 02:00:52
Pokemon Gold Version 398
A Little Baby Pigeon
Obtain a free Spearow.
2024-08-01 01:26:06
Pokemon Gold Version 410
A Normal Brat
Defeat Whitney and gain the Plain Badge. [Set Mode, <= Lv.20]
2024-08-01 01:23:33
Pokemon Gold Version 457
Milk Maid
Defeat Whitney and gain the Plain Badge.
2024-08-01 01:23:33
Pokemon Gold Version 860
Crawling in My Skin
Defeat Bugsy and gain the Hive Badge. [Set Mode, <= Lv.16]
2024-07-31 22:56:13
Pokemon Gold Version 482
Bug Catcher
Defeat Bugsy and gain the Hive Badge.
2024-07-31 22:56:13
Pokemon Gold Version 927
Rocket Slowpoke
Defeat the newly formed Team Rocket in Slowpoke Well.
2024-07-31 22:53:49
Pokemon Gold Version 959
It Kept the Shell
Hatch the Mystery Egg and obtain the Pokemon within.
2024-07-31 22:28:30
Pokemon Gold Version 620
Gale Force Winds
Defeat Falkner and gain the Zephyr Badge. [Set Mode, <= Lv.9]
2024-07-31 18:59:58
Pokemon Gold Version 518
Flying Monk
Defeat Falkner and gain the Zephyr Badge.
2024-07-31 18:59:58
Pokemon Gold Version 1,070
Rocky Balboa
Trade a Bellsprout for an Onix in Violet City.
2024-07-31 18:17:29
Pokemon Gold Version 564
Be Nice
Give your new rival a name.
2024-07-31 18:01:30
Pokemon Gold Version 1,240
Gone Critical!
Land a Critical Hit 5 turns in a row in a single battle.
2024-07-30 06:08:44
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,690
I Found You, Faker!
As Ditto, use Transform on an Enemy Ditto.
2024-07-30 06:07:26
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 1,875
The Strongest Pokemon Ever!
Catch the fabled Mewtwo.
2024-07-30 05:39:58
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,604
It's Present
Claim all 6 Gift Pokemon. (Including Revived Fossils and Magikarp)
2024-07-30 05:28:56
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,125
Prof. Perfect
Defeat the Pokemon League without having any Pokemon faint. (Level 60 Cap, No resetting starting from entering door)
2024-07-29 21:13:41
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 1,777
Elite Stomp
Beat the Pokemon League with only one Pokemon in your party. (No resetting starting from entering door, No Mew or Mewtwo)
2024-07-29 21:13:41
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,209
Pokemon Master!
Beat the Elite Four and the Champion of the Pokemon League.
2024-07-29 21:13:41
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 3,082
Halfway (Solo)
Get the Pokemon in Slot 1 from Level 49 to Level 50.
2024-07-29 21:01:32
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 3,187
Defeat Giovanni
Earn the Earth Badge in Viridian City.
2024-07-29 20:45:37
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 3,301
Blasting Off Again
Defeat Giovanni on Set Mode without using items in battle. (Level 50 Cap)
2024-07-29 20:45:35
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,306
Spin to Not Win
Navigate through the Viridian City Gym without using the Spin Tiles. (Start from Gym Entrance)
2024-07-29 20:45:22
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,363
One Of A Kind
Grab the only Item Ball in the game that is inside of a Gym.
2024-07-29 20:44:59
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,666
Defeat Blaine
Earn the Volcano Badge at Cinnabar Island.
2024-07-29 20:41:55
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 3,333
Fire Fighter
Defeat Blaine on Set Mode without using items in battle. (Level 47 Cap)
2024-07-29 20:41:54
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,307
2000 IQ Super Quiz
Complete all of the Quizzes in the Cinnabar Island Gym without leaving the building, fighting any trainers, or resetting.
2024-07-29 20:41:44
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,278
GB Bungaku Zenshuu
Read all Journals in the Cinnabar Mansion without leaving. (No resetting)
2024-07-29 20:38:09
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,228
Unidentified Flying Object
Glance at a mysterious bird in the distance using the binoculars.
2024-07-29 20:09:39
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,477
Performance Enhancement Disk
Obtain HM04 Strength from the Safari Zone Warden in Fuchsia City.
2024-07-29 20:06:18
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,934
Too Much Water
Obtain HM03 Surf from the Safari Zone.
2024-07-29 20:04:33
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 3,027
Obtain all 3 Fishing Rods.
2024-07-29 19:55:51
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,711
Defeat Sabrina
Earn the Marsh Badge in Saffron City.
2024-07-29 19:53:08
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 3,422
Brawn Over Brains
Defeat Sabrina on Set Mode without using items in battle. (Level 43 Cap)
2024-07-29 19:53:06
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,364
Monkey's Tounge
Navigate through the Saffron City Gym using the fewest amount of warps. (Start from Gym Entrance)
2024-07-29 19:52:43
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,336
Biggest Balls In Kanto
Obtain the Master Ball from the President of Silph Co.
2024-07-29 19:50:15
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,893
Ekans Dilos
Reach the Rival in Silph Co. without defeating more than 1 trainer.
2024-07-29 19:47:52
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,307
Enter the Dragon
Claim your prize from the Saffron City Dojo.
2024-07-29 19:43:25
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 3,516
Defeat Koga
Earn the Soul Badge in Fuchsia City.
2024-07-29 17:24:01
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 3,670
Ninja Gaiden
Defeat Koga on Set Mode without using items in battle. (Level 43 Cap)
2024-07-29 17:23:58
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,518
Ace of the Maze
Navigate through the Fuchsia City Gym without bonking. (Start from Gym Entrance)
2024-07-29 17:23:39
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,497
Lay Your Life on the Line
[Episode 2] Begin the Trial on Day 3!
2024-07-28 03:54:54
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 832
Mia's Trump Card
[Episode 2] Discover the Newspaper Clipping
2024-07-28 03:47:40
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 833
Memo from Murder Manor
[Episode 2] Receive the Bellboy's Affadavit
2024-07-28 03:23:35
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 849
At Your Service
[Episode 2] Fully interrogate the Bellboy during his testimony
2024-07-28 00:45:47
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 873
Unraveling the Web
[Episode 2] Begin the Investigation on Day 2!
2024-07-27 23:58:32
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 870
The Lady of the Lie
[Episode 2] Find the contradictions in April May's testimony
2024-07-27 23:27:59
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 881
Detective Detective Detective
[Episode 2] Find the contradictions in Detective Gumshoe's testimony
2024-07-27 07:29:38
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 887
Pleading Face
Find all the free coins in the Celadon City Game Corner.
2024-07-27 03:03:59
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,813
Raiding the Vault
Find every Item and defeat every Trainer in the Rocket Hideout.
2024-07-27 02:59:58
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,598
Ghost Buster
Obtain the Silph Scope from the Rocket Hideout.
2024-07-27 02:59:50
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 3,299
The Sleeper Awakens
Use the Pokeflute to awaken and catch Snorlax.
2024-07-27 02:46:42
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 3,670
Metal Detector
Obtain the Itemfinder from the Aide on Route 11.
2024-07-27 02:45:56
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,849
Prepare For Liftoff
Obtain HM02 Fly from the secret house on Route 16.
2024-07-27 02:45:37
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 3,306
Save Mr. Fuji and obtain the Poke Flute.
2024-07-27 02:38:25
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 3,935
Dearly Beloved
Gift the forced Ghost encounter at the top of Lavender Tower a Poke Doll to calm it without using the Silph Scope.
2024-07-27 02:36:09
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,734
Defeat Erika
Earn the Rainbow Badge in Celadon City.
2024-07-27 02:25:42
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 4,120
Kicking Some Grass
Defeat Erika on Set Mode without using items in battle. (Level 29 Cap)
2024-07-27 02:25:39
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,781
Flashing Lights Warning
Obtain HM05 Flash from the Aide on Route 2.
2024-07-27 01:51:26
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 3,713
Defeat Lt. Surge
Earn the Thunder Badge in Vermillion City.
2024-07-27 01:47:02
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 4,714
One Man Army
Defeat Lt. Surge on Set Mode without using items in battle. (Level 24 Cap)
2024-07-27 01:46:59
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 3,134
Lawn Mower
Cut the grass.
2024-07-27 01:40:54
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,813
My Heart Will Go On
Collect all optional Items and defeat all optional Trainers on the S.S. Anne.
2024-07-27 01:40:10
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 3,278
A Boatload of Fun
Rub the Captain's Back on the S.S. Anne and obtain HM01 Cut.
2024-07-27 01:34:28
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 4,128
Sleeping Giant
Be told about a legendary Pokemon that sleeps a lot.
2024-07-27 01:30:57
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 3,967
I Like To Ride It
Obtain the Bicycle from the Bike Shop in Cerulean City.
2024-07-27 01:25:02
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 3,814
Defeat Misty
Earn the Cascade Badge in Cerulean City.
2024-07-27 00:54:33
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 5,312
Pool's Closed
Defeat Misty on Set Mode without using items in battle. (Level 21 Cap)
2024-07-27 00:54:30
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 3,484
Obtain Raticate
2024-07-26 06:01:20
Pokemon Blue Version [Subset - Professor Oak Challenge] 85
Obtain Fearow
2024-07-26 05:53:52
Pokemon Blue Version [Subset - Professor Oak Challenge] 85
Obtain Nidorino
2024-07-26 05:51:13
Pokemon Blue Version [Subset - Professor Oak Challenge] 86
Obtain Nidorina
2024-07-26 05:45:44
Pokemon Blue Version [Subset - Professor Oak Challenge] 87
I know how to solve a mystery
Beat the game in under 75 minutes.
2024-07-26 04:58:34
Detective Conan: The Mechanical Temple Murder Case 61
Case Closed
Unmask the culprit and find Satomi.
2024-07-26 02:56:25
Detective Conan: The Mechanical Temple Murder Case 75
This Person must be the Culprit
Finish the reasoning and find the Culprit.
2024-07-26 02:52:53
Detective Conan: The Mechanical Temple Murder Case 76
The Murder Investigation
Investigate the scene and find all Evidences.
2024-07-26 02:11:29
Detective Conan: The Mechanical Temple Murder Case 76
Unpleasant Evening
Investigate the temple and find the Corpse.
2024-07-26 01:16:14
Detective Conan: The Mechanical Temple Murder Case 87
Dark Conversation
Listen to the dark conversation in the Secret Passage.
2024-07-26 00:55:18
Detective Conan: The Mechanical Temple Murder Case 89
I'm Detective Conan
Get acquainted with the Theater People.
2024-07-26 00:41:07
Detective Conan: The Mechanical Temple Murder Case 93
The Sleeping Sleuth
Play as Kogoro Mouri.
2024-07-26 00:37:47
Detective Conan: The Mechanical Temple Murder Case 87
Great Detective of the West
Play as Heiji Hattori.
2024-07-26 00:37:33
Detective Conan: The Mechanical Temple Murder Case 88
Unknown Connection
Leave the book shop and travel to the Temple.
2024-07-26 00:32:31
Detective Conan: The Mechanical Temple Murder Case 101
First Investigation
Get some clues in the Togawa House and go to the Book Shop.
2024-07-26 00:30:02
Detective Conan: The Mechanical Temple Murder Case 103
Like Shinichi
Play as Ran Mouri.
2024-07-26 00:26:42
Detective Conan: The Mechanical Temple Murder Case 94
[Episode 2] Discover a suspicious Wiretap
2024-07-26 00:09:36
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 906
Girlie Phone
[Episode 2] Fast-talk your way into obtaining Maya's Cell Phone
2024-07-25 23:57:24
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 933
A Helpful Reminder
[Episode 2] Receive Maya's Memo
2024-07-25 23:40:24
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 949
Written in Blood
[Episode 2] Find the Receipt
2024-07-25 18:33:10
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 980
Like Clockwork
[Episode 2] Find "The Thinker"
2024-07-25 18:31:55
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 983
Turnabout Sisters
[Episode 2] Begin the Investigation on Day 1!
2024-07-25 18:21:58
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 1,023
[Random Pokemon] Hall of Fame
Defeat the Elite Four and the Champion.
2024-07-24 23:34:02
~Hack~ Pokemon Regulation Red | Regulation Blue 106
[Random Pokemon] Gym Leader Giovanni
Defeat Giovanni in Viridian City.
2024-07-24 23:15:15
~Hack~ Pokemon Regulation Red | Regulation Blue 106
[Random Pokemon] Gym Leader Blaine
Defeat Blaine in Cinnabar Island.
2024-07-24 23:13:35
~Hack~ Pokemon Regulation Red | Regulation Blue 107
[Random Pokemon] Gym Leader Koga
Defeat Koga in Fuchsia City.
2024-07-24 23:07:00
~Hack~ Pokemon Regulation Red | Regulation Blue 112
[Random Pokemon] Gym Leader Sabrina
Defeat Sabrina in Saffron City.
2024-07-24 23:00:06
~Hack~ Pokemon Regulation Red | Regulation Blue 107
[Random Pokemon] Gym Leader Erika
Defeat Erika in Celadon City.
2024-07-24 22:45:22
~Hack~ Pokemon Regulation Red | Regulation Blue 114
[Random Pokemon] Gym Leader Lt. Surge
Defeat Lt. Surge in Vermillion City.
2024-07-24 22:32:04
~Hack~ Pokemon Regulation Red | Regulation Blue 117
[Random Pokemon] Gym Leader Misty
Defeat Misty in Cerulean City.
2024-07-24 22:08:16
~Hack~ Pokemon Regulation Red | Regulation Blue 122
[Random Pokemon] Gym Leader Brock
Defeat Brock in Pewter City.
2024-07-24 21:46:40
~Hack~ Pokemon Regulation Red | Regulation Blue 135
Obtain Butterfree
2024-07-24 21:21:36
Pokemon Blue Version [Subset - Professor Oak Challenge] 90
Obtain Pidgeotto
2024-07-24 21:18:57
Pokemon Blue Version [Subset - Professor Oak Challenge] 88
Obtain Beedrill
2024-07-24 21:17:48
Pokemon Blue Version [Subset - Professor Oak Challenge] 89
Obtain Kakuna
2024-07-24 21:15:24
Pokemon Blue Version [Subset - Professor Oak Challenge] 93
Obtain Pikachu
2024-07-24 21:14:50
Pokemon Blue Version [Subset - Professor Oak Challenge] 94
Obtain Metapod
2024-07-24 21:13:16
Pokemon Blue Version [Subset - Professor Oak Challenge] 94
Charmeleon, Ivysaur, Wartortle
Evolve your starter for the first time
2024-07-24 21:07:40
Pokemon Blue Version [Subset - Professor Oak Challenge] 93
Obtain Weedle
2024-07-24 21:06:56
Pokemon Blue Version [Subset - Professor Oak Challenge] 96
Obtain Caterpie
2024-07-24 21:05:15
Pokemon Blue Version [Subset - Professor Oak Challenge] 95
Obtain NidoranM
2024-07-24 21:03:56
Pokemon Blue Version [Subset - Professor Oak Challenge] 95
Obtain Spearow
2024-07-24 21:01:01
Pokemon Blue Version [Subset - Professor Oak Challenge] 96
Obtain NidoranF
2024-07-24 20:57:21
Pokemon Blue Version [Subset - Professor Oak Challenge] 97
Obtain Pidgey
2024-07-24 19:33:28
Pokemon Blue Version [Subset - Professor Oak Challenge] 99
Obtain Rattata
2024-07-24 19:33:21
Pokemon Blue Version [Subset - Professor Oak Challenge] 99
Beginning Your Journey
Select Charmander, Bulbasaur, or Squirtle as your starter Pokemon.
2024-07-24 19:14:45
Pokemon Blue Version [Subset - Professor Oak Challenge] 104
Show Me Your Moves!
Defeat the Pokemon Move Maniac in Cerulean City
2024-07-24 15:57:51
~Hack~ Pokémon Radical Red 301
To the Moon!
Defeat Archer in Mt. Moon
2024-07-24 15:52:46
~Hack~ Pokémon Radical Red 602
Brock Solid
Defeat Brock
2024-07-24 02:26:43
~Hack~ Pokémon Radical Red 700
Hardcore Boulder
Defeat Brock on hardcore mode
2024-07-24 02:26:43
~Hack~ Pokémon Radical Red 243
Falkner the Falconer
Defeat Falkner
2024-07-24 02:24:07
~Hack~ Pokémon Radical Red 750
Hardcore Zephyr
Defeat Falkner on hardcore mode
2024-07-24 02:24:07
~Hack~ Pokémon Radical Red 270
All the Way From the Hoenn Region...
Defeat Brendan in Viridian Forest
2024-07-24 02:16:44
~Hack~ Pokémon Radical Red 855
Poke Vial Puzzle
Defeat the friendly teacher in the Trainers School
2024-07-24 01:32:47
~Hack~ Pokémon Radical Red 427
Ya Snooze Ya Lose!
Defeat your rival on Route 22
2024-07-24 01:28:18
~Hack~ Pokémon Radical Red 726
Smell Ya Later!
Defeat your rival in Pallet Town (Randomized mode is blocked for every achievement except for the randomized achievements, allowed cheats: Shiny, SO2Toxic, Woyaopp)
2024-07-24 00:57:26
~Hack~ Pokémon Radical Red 1,116
Lucky Egg
Catch Chansey.
2024-07-24 00:48:31
Pokémon FireRed Version 2,268
Shoot for the Moon
Find every Item and defeat every Trainer in Mt. Moon.
2024-07-23 21:34:34
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 3,512
Only Take One
Choose a Fossil at the end of Mt. Moon.
2024-07-23 21:34:24
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 5,507
Improvised Interrogation
[Episode 1] Complete the case without being penalized!
2024-07-22 18:55:09
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 1,045
Prevent your Pokemon from evolving.
2024-07-22 18:09:35
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 2,979
Anybody Home?
Go from one entrance of Viridian Forest to the other without initiating any wild encounters. (No resetting, no Repel or Cut)
2024-07-22 18:05:10
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 4,301
Rock Smash
Defeat Brock on Set Mode without using items in battle. (Level 14 Cap)
2024-07-22 18:00:26
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 4,057
Thinking It Through
[Episode 1] Solve the murder of Cindy Stone!
2024-07-22 07:53:56
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 1,128
Meticulous Preparation
[Episode 1] Check Cindy's Autopsy Report
2024-07-22 07:30:01
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 1,246
Pride in Your Profession
[Episode 1] Check your Attorney's Badge
2024-07-22 07:29:58
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 1,227
The First Turnabout
[Episode 1] Begin the Trial! (Some achievements are linked to avoiding mistakes - save often and have fun!)
2024-07-22 07:26:40
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 1,464
Preparing To Be The Very Best
Assemble a full team of Pokemon.
2024-07-22 05:49:30
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 6,185
Defeat Brock
Earn the Boulder Badge in Pewter City.
2024-07-22 05:38:52
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 6,509
Setting the Forest Ablaze
Find every Item and defeat every Trainer in Viridian Forest.
2024-07-22 05:37:46
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 4,193
Parting Gift
Obtain 5 Poke Balls from Prof. Oak.
2024-07-22 05:29:15
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version 4,132
Trainer Tower Singles
Complete the Single battle challenge.
2024-07-22 05:11:18
Pokémon FireRed Version 1,709
The Legendary Beasts
Catch Raikou, Entei or Suicune.
2024-07-22 04:52:48
Pokémon FireRed Version 1,738
Catch Mewtwo.
2024-07-22 04:41:05
Pokémon FireRed Version 2,054
The True Solo Master
Beat the Second Round Elite Four with only one Pokemon in your Party
2024-07-22 04:24:51
Pokémon FireRed Version 1,488
The Real Champ II
Return stronger and become the League Champion.
2024-07-22 04:24:46
Pokémon FireRed Version 1,921
New and Egg-citing Things
Obtain the Egg from the Old Man in the Water Labyrinth
2024-07-22 04:06:51
Pokémon FireRed Version 1,690
Blasting Off Again
Stop Team Rocket in their warehouse on Island 5.
2024-07-22 04:00:36
Pokémon FireRed Version 2,216
Resort Gorgeous
Rescue Selphy on Island 5.
2024-07-22 03:40:10
Pokémon FireRed Version 2,089
Helping Hand
Help Lorelei in stopping Team Rocket on Island 4.
2024-07-22 03:26:36
Pokémon FireRed Version 2,312
Solo Mastery
Beat the First Round Elite Four with only one Pokemon in your Party
2024-07-22 03:12:04
Pokémon FireRed Version 1,748
The Real Champ I
Become the League Champion.
2024-07-22 03:11:53
Pokémon FireRed Version 2,685
A Warm-Up!
Defeat your Rival on your way to the Pokemon League.
2024-07-22 02:46:00
Pokémon FireRed Version 2,947
Just Trying to Seel the Deal
Trade a Ponyta for a Seel at Cinnabar Island
2024-07-22 02:43:58
Pokémon FireRed Version 1,797
Well Grounded
Defeat Giovanni, [Set Mode] [Levels <=50] [5 Pokemon or Less in Party]