Mega Man 6

Updated 1 year ago

Game for NES/Famicom
Mega Man 6
2D Platforming
StingX2, televandalist, Scootaloo
4.60 / 5
Game Rating
4.58 / 5
Achievements Rating
2023-09-20 02:11:22
Last Played
2023-09-20 02:11:22
Last Unlock & Completed
2016-04-23 18:01:50
Previously Completed
2014-06-22 02:40:00
First Unlock & Started
9 years 4 months 2 weeks 2 days 23 hours 31 minutes
Time Taken
Owners Including hidden & invalid profiles
… Players
… in Progress
… Completed
Completion Average
Completion Median
Player Completion Achievements Last Unlock
YouShouldFeel 2.17% 2 / 92 2024-12-16 02:17:00
Botch 33.7% 31 / 92 2024-12-15 15:11:38
deewhiz 100% 92 2024-05-30 02:21:39
turdwig 32.61% 30 / 92 2024-05-19 05:44:50
Kinglink 8.15% 15 / 92 2024-04-20 08:57:22
Gamechamp 100% 92 2024-02-29 15:29:56
darkwolf7786 63.04% 58 / 92 2024-02-08 22:05:12
AbKun 2.17% 2 / 92 2024-01-01 20:55:19
memeticshift 1.09% 1 / 92 2023-12-05 23:32:00
GalacticSpear 90.22% 83 / 92 2023-10-16 23:56:10
Achievement Unlocked Global Unlocks
I Have the Power
Beat Power Piston without taking damage in the second stage of Mr. X's Castle
2023-09-20 02:11:22 140
8 Crazy Battles
Complete the boss rush in the third stage of Dr. Wily's Castle without taking damage
2023-09-20 02:01:05 91
Busting the Pistons
Beat Power Piston using only the buster in the second stage of Mr. X's Castle
2023-09-20 01:43:45 157
Dr. Wily's Secret Treasure Trove
Collect every E-Tank and 1-Up in Dr. Wily's Castle
2023-09-19 02:18:23 129
Counter Striked
Beat Tank CSII without taking damage in the second stage of Dr. Wily's Castle
2023-09-19 02:17:53 128
Tank Buster
Beat Tank CSII using only the buster in the second stage of Dr. Wily's Castle
2023-09-19 02:17:53 218
Dragon Slayer
Beat Mechazaurus without taking damage in the first stage of Dr. Wily's Castle
2023-09-19 01:56:47 123
Roar Goes the Dragon, the Blue Warrior Creeps Thru
Reach the boss door of the first stage of Dr. Wily's Castle without taking damage
2023-09-19 01:55:08 121
Beat the X Crusher without taking damage in the final stage of Mr. X's Castle
2023-09-19 01:43:27 151
Mega Man's Punch-Out!!
Beat the X Crusher using only the Power Adapter in the final stage of Mr. X's Castle
2023-09-19 01:43:27 155
X Marks the Spot, but Only if You Can Spell
Reach the boss door of the final stage of Mr. X's Castle without taking damage
2023-09-19 01:42:49 127
Mr. X's Hoard of Goodies
Collect every E-Tank and 1-Up in Mr. X's Castle
2023-09-19 01:42:18 119
Meet Mr. Met, Then Beat Him
Beat Metonger Z without taking damage in the third stage of Mr. X's Castle
2023-09-19 01:35:30 144
Giant and Strong, the Patient Win the Day
Reach the boss door of the third stage of Mr. X's Castle without taking damage
2023-09-19 01:32:33 125
Flying Higher Than Ever Before
Beat Power Piston using only the Jet Adapter in the second stage of Mr. X's Castle
2023-09-19 01:26:57 159
Up and Down the Piston Goes, Hitting Nothing That It Knows
Reach the boss door of the second stage of Mr. X's Castle without taking damage
2023-09-19 01:24:26 144
No Corners, No Damage
Beat Rounder II without taking damage in the first stage of Mr. X's Castle
2023-09-19 01:21:00 127
Roundhouse Punch Coming at Ya!
Beat Rounder II using only the Power Adapter in the first stage of Mr. X's Castle
2023-09-19 01:21:00 181
Four Legs Bad, Two Legs Good
Reach Centaur Man's boss door without taking damage
2023-09-17 19:07:25 150
A Knight Aims True, a Bomber Is Untouched
Reach Knight Man's boss door without taking damage
2023-09-17 19:00:29 154
The Seeds of the Earth Will Not Soil My Feet
Reach Plant Man's boss door without taking damage
2023-09-17 18:53:26 146
Spirit Life
Collect the 1UP in Yamato Man's Stage
2023-09-17 03:09:42 234
Flowers of Life and Death
Collect all of Plant Man's special purple flower health pickups without dying
2023-09-17 03:08:23 189
Dance Around the Oil, Dodge All the Flames
Reach Flame Man's boss door without taking damage
2023-09-17 03:04:51 175
Flaming Life
Collect the 1-Up in Flame Man's stage
2023-09-17 03:02:11 189
Flow with the Wind, Not Against
Reach Wind Man's boss door without taking damage
2023-09-17 03:00:47 158
Windy Life
Collect the 1-Up in Wind Man's stage
2023-09-17 02:59:45 459
Breezy E-Tank
Collect the E-Tank in Wind Man's stage
2023-09-17 02:59:31 326
Frosty Lives
Collect both 1-Ups in Blizzard Man's stage
2023-09-17 02:57:12 241
No Snowflake Will Touch Me!
Reach Blizzard Man's boss door without taking damage
2023-09-17 02:56:16 168
I'm Not Thirsty!
Complete the game without ever using an E-Tank (No Passwords)
2023-09-17 02:51:19 177
Never Say Die to Dr. Wily
Complete all of Dr. Wily's Castle without losing a life
2023-09-17 02:51:19 130
Tank! Tank! Tank! Blue Bombers Belong in This Castle
Reach the boss door of the second stage of Dr. Wily's Castle without taking damage
2023-09-17 02:40:39 130
Buster Dragon
Beat Mechazaurus using only the buster in the first stage of Dr. Wily's Castle
2023-09-17 02:38:45 229
Never Say Die to Mr. X
Complete all of Mr. X's Castle without losing a life
2023-09-17 02:33:55 132
Classic Defeats X
Beat the X Crusher using only the buster on the final stage of Mr. X's Castle
2023-09-17 02:33:15 243
Busting Mets Makes Me Feel Good
Beat Metonger Z using only the buster in the third stage of Mr. X's Castle
2023-09-17 02:28:16 245
Bust a Rounder
Beat Rounder II using only the buster in the first stage of Mr. X's Castle
2023-09-17 02:18:13 221
You Are Round, I Am Square
Reach the boss door of the first stage of Mr. X's Castle without taking damage
2023-09-17 02:17:27 153
Never Say Die World Tour
Complete all 8 Robot Master stages without losing a life
2023-09-17 02:12:03 133
Buster of Centaur
Beat Centaur Man using only the buster
2023-09-17 02:12:03 501
Buster of Knight
Beat Knight Man using only the buster
2023-09-17 02:08:29 551
An Honorable E-Tank
Collect the E-Tank in Knight Man's stage
2023-09-17 02:06:56 365
Knight Lifer
Collect the 1-Up in Knight Man's stage
2023-09-17 02:04:50 368
Buster of Yamato
Beat Yamato Man using only the buster
2023-09-17 02:04:07 509
No Point Shall Poke, No Thrust Shall Stab
Reach Yamato Man's boss door without taking damage
2023-09-17 02:03:21 182
Harmonious E-Tank
Collect the E-Tank in Yamato Man's stage
2023-09-17 02:01:43 344
Buster of Tomahawk
Beat Tomahawk Man using only the buster
2023-09-17 02:00:01 534
Swing and Miss, Fire Walk with Me
Reach Tomahawk Man's boss door without taking damage
2023-09-17 01:59:16 174
Western E-Tanks
Collect both E-Tanks in Tomahawk Man's stage
2023-09-17 01:57:11 302
Buster of Plant
Beat Plant Man using only the buster
2023-09-17 01:54:48 540
Plant Life
Collect the 1-Up in Plant Man's stage
2023-09-17 01:51:15 359
Buster of Blizzard
Beat Blizzard Man using only the buster
2023-09-17 01:50:21 558
Ice Cold E-Tanks
Collect both E-Tanks in Blizzard Man's stage
2023-09-17 01:49:06 361
Buster of Flame
Beat Flame Man using only the buster
2023-09-17 01:46:06 633
Hot Honey E-Tank
Collect the E-Tank in Flame Man's stage
2023-09-17 01:44:54 477
Buster of Wind
Beat Wind Man using only the buster
2023-09-17 01:41:48 609
Air Pressure
Discover the alternate path through the first stage of Dr. Wily's Castle
2016-04-23 18:01:50 607
Beat the final stage of Mr. X's Castle without using any weapons
2016-04-23 18:00:14 723
Secret Passage
Discover the alternate path through the first stage of Mr. X's Castle
2016-04-23 17:48:55 725
Saving the Planet
Don't let oil catch on fire in Flame Man's stage
2016-04-23 17:45:45 382
Flash Eye
Defeat Centaur Man without taking damage!
2016-04-23 17:31:40 344
Fly Higher
Beat any Robot Master using the Jet Adapter
2016-04-23 17:17:28 448
Shield Penetrator
Beat any Robot Master using the Power Adapter
2016-04-23 17:09:53 476
Knight Crush
Defeat Knight Man without taking damage!
2016-04-23 05:39:35 572
Spear His Life
Defeat Yamato Man without taking damage!
2016-04-23 05:35:57 384
Silver Tomahawk
Defeat Tomahawk Man without taking damage!
2016-04-23 05:32:00 355
New Seed
Defeat Plant Man without taking damage!
2016-04-23 04:55:39 434
Blizzard Attack
Defeat Blizzard Man without taking damage!
2016-04-23 04:47:56 441
Burn the Oil
Defeat Flame Man without taking damage!
2016-04-23 04:39:42 394
Quick Like the Wind
Defeat Wind Man without taking damage!
2016-04-23 04:26:55 590
Man's Best Jet Pack
Try on the Jet Adapter
2014-06-22 04:22:40 1,028
Dr. Wily Arrested
You finally got him! Dr. Wily is in jail!
2014-06-22 04:13:20 855
The Fallen Return
Beat the third stage of Dr. Wily's Castle
2014-06-22 04:05:32 860
Out of the Dragon, Into the Bubble
Beat the second stage of Dr. Wily's Castle
2014-06-22 04:03:10 866
The Long Fall
Beat the first stage of Dr. Wily's Castle
2014-06-22 03:56:25 878
What a Twist!
Beat the final stage of Mr. X's Castle!
2014-06-22 03:50:31 894
Metool Tank Tango
Beat the third stage of Mr. X's Castle
2014-06-22 03:45:25 897
Enter the Wall Roomba
Beat the second stage of Mr. X's Castle
2014-06-22 03:42:27 904
A Nice Night for a Walk
Beat the first stage of Mr. X's Castle
2014-06-22 03:35:33 941
I'm Into Voodoo!
You have 9 lives or 9 creepy Mega Man heads in your inventory!
2014-06-22 03:32:22 459
I Know Kung Fu
Wind Man is actually an excellent cook
2014-06-22 03:31:31 1,095
It's Going To Snow Tomorrow
After Mega Man 6, Blizzard becomes the world's best weather forecaster
2014-06-22 03:23:17 1,111
Collect all of Beat's pieces and select him
2014-06-22 03:18:41 864
You Got To Balance Your Chi, Man
Collect the Energy Balancer!
2014-06-22 03:11:59 757
Drop Dead Into The Dimensions!!
Centaur Man has a gambling problem
2014-06-22 03:08:18 1,031
Nippon Banzai!
Yamato has two weaknesses, Boxing and Tomahawks - American specialties
2014-06-22 03:04:02 1,027
This Flower Is So Beautiful
Plant Man actually suffers from severe depression
2014-06-22 02:54:19 1,040
Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em, Bop 'Em
Try on the Power Adapter
2014-06-22 02:49:06 1,107
Oops, Time To Refill the Oil
Flame Man is the most punctual of all the Robot Masters
2014-06-22 02:48:27 1,152
Tomahawk Man Does Not Lie
He can hit a target 100 meters (328 feet) away with a Tomahawk
2014-06-22 02:44:38 1,034
Would You Care To Step Outside?!
Knight Man and Yamato Man are actually great friends
2014-06-22 02:40:00 1,074