Achievement Game Global Unlocks
Gust Jar
Obtain the Gust Jar.
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 3,460
Obtain the Earth Element.
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 3,321
Don't Hurt Yourself
Obtain a Bomb Bag.
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 3,202
Rupee Accumulator
Accumulate 100 Rupees
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 3,039
Putting The Pieces Together
Assemble 4 Pieces of Heart.
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 3,006
Grip Ring
Obtain the Grip Ring.
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 2,573
But I Can Walk Just Fine!
Obtain the Cane of Pacci.
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 2,395
Master of the Castle
Reach level 50.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 2,394
Rupee Gatherer
Gather 300 Rupees
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 2,379
Obtain the Fire Element.
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 2,339
White Sword
Obtain the White Sword
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 2,328
White Sword 2
Infuse your sword with Earth and Fire elements
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 2,269
Deep Pockets
Accrue a total of 200,000 gold or more.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 2,242
Fit for Consumption
Purchase the Soul Eater Ring from Hammer's shop.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 2,189
Lon Lon Ranch
Find and return the Lon Lon Ranch Key
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 2,127
Where's The Boom?
Obtain a Boomerang
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 2,124
Pegasus Boots
Obtain Pegasus Boots
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 2,098
Bow Down
Obtain a Bow
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 2,048
Rupee Collector
Collect 500 Rupees
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,992
Wake Up
Obtain the Wake-Up Mushroom
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,988
Dig Dug
Obtain Mole Mitts
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,988
Ocarina of Wind
Obtain the Ocarina of Wind
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,960
Power Bracelets
Obtain the Power Bracelets
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,827
Going For A Swim
Obtain Flippers
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,817
Absorb every type of Enchanted Soul.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 1,788
Guardian Angels
Absorb every type of Guardian Soul.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 1,781
Hyrulean Bestiary
Obtain the Library Book - A Hyrulean Bestiary
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,773
Legend of the Picori
Obtain the Library Book - Legend of the Picori
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,753
Bullet Hell
Absorb every type of Bullet Soul.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 1,744
History of Masks
Obtain the Library Book - A History of Masks
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,737
Light It Up
Obtain the Lantern
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,716
Obtain the Water Element.
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,674
White Sword 3
Infuse your sword with the third element - Water
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,655
Infinite Power!
Obtain the Chaos Ring, the ultimate reward for gaining dominance over the castle's denizens.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 1,642
Obtain the Graveyard Key and use it
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,635
King's Blade
Complete Boss Rush in 6 minutes or less as Soma and obtain Excalibur.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 1,625
Rupee Hoarder
Hoard 999 Rupees
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,597
Positively Electronic
Complete Boss Rush in 5 minutes or less as Soma and obtain the Positron Rifle.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 1,579
I Can Fly!
Obtain Roc's Cape
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,559
Complete the Hyrule Map and activate all Wind Crests
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,523
The Sword of Many Slashes
Complete Boss Rush in 4 minutes or less as Soma and obtain Valmanway.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 1,513
Miracle Maker
Fuse at least 50 Kinstones
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,505
Obtain the Wind Element.
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,450
Magic Trick
Obtain the Magical Boomerang
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,434
Four Sword
Infuse your sword with the fourth element - Wind
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,415
Party Like It's 1999
Return to Dracula's Castle and defeat the heir apparent in Julius Mode.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 1,306
Hard Work
Find all 5 pieces of equipment exclusive to Hard difficulty.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 1,270
Bested Big Green Chuchu
Defeat the Big Green Chuchu without taking damage
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,260
Set Up Us The Bomb
Obtain a Remote Bomb
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,244
Belmont Legend
Defeat every boss in Julius Mode on Hard difficulty.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 1,224
Crouching Tiger
Obtain all Tiger Scrolls
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,160
Din's Charm
Use Din's Charm for increased attack power
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,114
White Picolyte
Use a White Picolyte for an increased chance of finding Kinstones
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,094
Open House
Explore Dracula's Castle in its entirety.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 1,038
Obtain all four Bottles
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,036
Nayru's Charm
Use Nayru's Charm for increased defense power
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,029
It Doesn't Feel Lighter
Obtain Light Arrows
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,017
Farore's Charm
Use Farore's Charm for increased attack and defense power
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,015
Defeat Incubator on any difficulty
Silent Hill 1,007
Swordsman Newsletter
Subscribe to Swordsman Newsletter and collect all issues
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 977
Hero of Hyrule
Restore peace to Hyrule
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 915
Bested Gleerok
Defeat Gleerok without taking damage
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 915
Green Picolyte
Use a Green Picolyte to find a Mysterious Shell
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 869
Red Picolyte
Use a Red Picolyte to find a heart and refill your health
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 844
Bested Mazaal
Defeat Mazaal without taking damage
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 828
Learn all 6 abilities speeding up various actions
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 795
GAME CLEAR - Obtain the BAD ending on any difficulty
Silent Hill 761
Path of the Boneheaded
[No NG+ | Hard | Lv.<=2] Defeat the Creaking Skull boss without taking damage.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 738
The Archer and the Beast
Defeat Splithead on Hard
Silent Hill 737
Packing Heat
Fully upgrade your Quiver and Bomb Bag
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 736
Bested Big Blue Chuchu
Defeat the Big Blue Chuchu without taking damage
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 727
Bested Big Octorok
Defeat the Big Octorok without taking damage
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 691
The Pit of Calamity
Defeat Twinfeeler on hard
Silent Hill 676
Yellow Picolyte
Use a Yellow Picolyte to find Rupees
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 673
Defeat Floatstinger on hard
Silent Hill 671
Like the Back of My Hand V
Get through the second trip through the sewers without picking up the map
Silent Hill 653
Like the Back of My Hand IV
Make it from the first to second sewer trips without getting the resort map.
Silent Hill 653
Obtain the Mirror Shield
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 649
Blue Picolyte
Use a Blue Picolyte to find Bombs or Arrows
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 624
Suppressing The Feeling Of Guilt
Defeat Red Pyramid Thing without taking damage on action level Normal or Hard
Silent Hill 2 623
Win 270 Rupees or more at the Chest Mini-Game Shop
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 607
Orange Picolyte
Use an Orange Picolyte to find and bottle a fairy in your bottle
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 587
Like the Back of My Hand I
Make it through the School and Alternate School without having picked up the map.
Silent Hill 587
Like the Back of My Hand III
Make it through the first sewer trip without picking up the map
Silent Hill 559
Killing Time
GAME CLEAR - Obtain the GOOD ending on any difficulty
Silent Hill 558
Path of the Minimalist
[No NG+ | Hard | Lv.<=10] Defeat the Great Armor boss without taking damage or utilizing souls.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 527
Path of the Deadeye
[No NG+ | Hard | Lv.<=6] Defeat the Manticore boss in 10 or fewer attacks using only Bullet Souls.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 518
Defeat Incubus on hard
Silent Hill 516
GAME CLEAR - Obtain the BAD+ ending on any difficulty
Silent Hill 516
Like the Back of My Hand II
Approach Floatstinger without having picked up either hospital map
Silent Hill 516
Scary Harry I
Alt. School - Flashlight and Radio OFF - Kill 5 enemies in a row with melee weapons [No Pausing or Inv. Screen]
Silent Hill 514
Scary Harry II
Alt. Hospital - Flashlight and Radio OFF - Kill 5 enemies in a row with melee weapons [No Pausing or Inv. Screen]
Silent Hill 513
The Power to Rule
Fill out all of the enemy data and monster drops in your bestiary.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 506
Carlov Medal
Collect all 136 Figurines
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 504
Tingle Trophy
Complete all Kinstone Fusions
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 493
Stayin' Alive
Have 20 Heart Containers
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 491
Path of the Summoner
[No NG+ | Hard | Lv.<=13] Defeat the Big Golem boss without the use of physical attacks or Bullet Souls.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 488
Bested Gyorg Pair
Defeat the Gyorg Pair without taking damage
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 476
UFO Sighting I
Witness the first UFO sighting
Silent Hill 472
Scary Harry III
Sewers I - Flashlight OFF - Kill 5 enemies in a row with melee weapons [No Pausing or Inv. Screen]
Silent Hill 463
UFO Sighting IV
Witness the fourth UFO sighting
Silent Hill 448
UFO Sighting V
Witness the fifth UFO sighting
Silent Hill 447
UFO Sighting II
Witness the second UFO sighting
Silent Hill 446
GAME CLEAR - Obtain the UFO ending on any difficulty
Silent Hill 445
UFO Sighting III
Witness the third UFO sighting
Silent Hill 439
Overdose Delusion
Achieve "Leave" ending
Silent Hill 2 434
Scary Harry V
Sewers II - Flashlight OFF - Kill 5 enemies in a row with melee weapons [No Pausing or Inv. Screen]
Silent Hill 413
Thank You...
Defeat Incubator on hard
Silent Hill 410
Simon's Strength - No Magic Needed!
You've beaten Fighter Mode
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon 410
Entropy Distilled
[No NG+] Earn the game's true ending on Hard difficulty.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 387
Scary Harry VI
Nowhere - Flashlight and Radio OFF - Kill 10 enemies in a row with melee weapons [No Pausing or Inv. Screen]
Silent Hill 384
Silent Hill Chainsaw Massacre
Kill 30 enemies with the chainsaw to gain street cred with the greats
Silent Hill 383
Drillin' Like a Villain
30 enemies have experienced lethal penetration at the hands of Harry's Rock Drill
Silent Hill 382
Meaningless Tomorrows
Solve Gravestone Memorial puzzle
Silent Hill 2 377
Love Psalm
Complete Born From A Wish sub scenario
Silent Hill 2 377
Daring Harry
GAME CLEAR - Finish the game saving no more than 2 times
Silent Hill 370
Shootin' Around
You've beaten Shooter Mode
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon 369
Big Thief is Destined for Greatness!
You've beaten Thief Mode
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon 363
A Gift from Outer Space
No one will believe the abduction. Make the best of it and kill 30 enemies with the hyper blaster.
Silent Hill 361
Warden of the Woods
Complete Fillmore Act-1 in Normal mode without dying.
ActRaiser 357
Path of the Hunter
[No NG+ | Hard | Lv.<=15] Defeat Headhunter without taking damage using only knives, daggers, and bows.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 357
Scary Harry IV
Alt. Resort - Flashlight and Radio OFF - Kill 10 enemies in a row with melee weapons [No Pausing or Inv. Screen]
Silent Hill 348
Harry the Weeb
Prove to your friends that all that anime paid off and kill 30 enemies with the katana
Silent Hill 345
Bones Without a Soul
Defeat the Creaking Skull in the Castle Corridor in NOSOUL mode.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 340
Are These New Sub-Weapons?
Complete Boss Rush in 6 minutes or less as Julius.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 328
Path of the Calcium-Rich
[No NG+ | Hard | Lv.<=20] Defeat Death without taking damage using only spears and the souls of skeletal creatures.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 327
Vocal Abuse Denied
Kill all Flesh Lips without taking damage on action level Normal or Hard
Silent Hill 2 324
Path of the Warrior
[No NG+ | Hard | Lv.<=35] Defeat Graham without taking damage using only physical attacks.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 315
Path of the Predecessor
[No NG+ | Hard | Lv.<=25] Defeat Legion without taking damage using only a whip and the souls of monsters from the first CV.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 313
Path of the Pugilist
[No NG+ | Hard | Lv.<=30] Defeat Balore without taking damage using only fist-enhancing weapons and martial arts.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 311
Above the Murck
Obtain the 1-up in Bloodpool Act-1 in Normal mode.
ActRaiser 310
The Sunderland Special
Obtain Chainsaw
Silent Hill 2 309
You CAN Kill What You Can't See
Kill one of the invisible prisoners
Silent Hill 2 303
Skeleton in the Closet
Defeat the Creaking Skull in the Castle Corridor in NOUSE mode.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 300
Path of the Cremator
[No NG+ | Hard | Lv.<=40] Defeat Julius without taking damage using only katanas and fire-based attacks.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 298
Path of the Goetia
[NG+ OK | Hard | Lv.<=50] Defeat Chaos without taking damage using only pistols and the souls of demonic creatures.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 297
Let's party!
Kill Eddie while getting hit or shot no more than 5 times on action level Normal or Hard (don't use green Hyper spray)
Silent Hill 2 296
Combing the Town
Find 33 or more items in sub scenario
Silent Hill 2 293
Harry the Swift
GAME CLEAR - Clear the game and get any non-UFO ending in under 1hr 30mins
Silent Hill 290
Restore peace to Hyrule with only 3 Heart Containers
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 264
Painless Acknowledgement Of The Truth
Defeat Red Pyramid Thing Duo without taking damage on action level Normal or Hard
Silent Hill 2 257
Corpse Without a Soul
Defeat Death in the Clock Tower in NOSOUL mode.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 255
You Will Not Touch Her Or Me!
Kill Abstract Daddy without taking damage on action level Normal or Hard
Silent Hill 2 248
Spoils of the Forest
Obtain both 1-ups in Fillmore Act-1 in the same life in Normal mode.
ActRaiser 241
Deathly Potion
Defeat Death in the Clock Tower in NOUSE mode.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 241
Riddle Me More
Complete main scenario on riddle level Hard
Silent Hill 2 239
Chaotic Disposition (NOSOUL)
Defeat the real master of the castle and obtain the game's true ending in NOSOUL mode.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 239
Raison d'etre (NOSOUL)
Watch the normal ending scene in NOSOUL mode.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 238
Chaotic Disposition (NOUSE)
Defeat the real master of the castle and obtain the game's true ending in NOUSE mode.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 230
Acquire four Sources of Magic.
ActRaiser 228
Raison d'etre (NOUSE)
Watch the normal ending scene in NOUSE mode.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 227
Entropy Distilled (NOSOUL)
[No NG+] Earn the game's true ending on Hard difficulty in NOSOUL mode.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 225
Entropy Distilled (NOUSE)
[No NG+] Earn the game's true ending on Hard difficulty in NOUSE mode.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 224
Theseus's Legacy
Complete Fillmore Act-2 in Normal mode without dying.
ActRaiser 223
Colosseum of Souls
Complete Boss Rush in NOSOUL mode
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 223
Harry the Great
GAME CLEAR - Achieve a rank of at least 8 stars
Silent Hill 220
Pharaoh's Treasure
Obtain the 1-up in Kasandora Act-2 in Normal mode.
ActRaiser 218
Sword or Whip?
Complete Boss Rush in 4 minutes or less as Julius.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 214
Elevator Action
Obtain the 1-up in Bloodpool Act-2 in Normal mode.
ActRaiser 207
You're Supposed To Take Care Of Me!
In a single session escort Maria from Rosewater Park to Otherworld Hospital Basement Hallway without her being harmed once on action level Normal or Hard
Silent Hill 2 206
Endless Sands
Complete Kasandora Act-1 in Normal mode without dying.
ActRaiser 201
The Temple's Secrets
Obtain both 1-ups in Marahna Act-2 in the same life in Normal mode.
ActRaiser 190
Harry the Best
GAME CLEAR - Achieve a 10-Star Rank
Silent Hill 190
Pool Cleaner
Complete Bloodpool Act-1 in Normal mode without dying.
ActRaiser 182
Castle Stormer
Complete Bloodpool Act-2 in Normal mode without dying.
ActRaiser 180
Swamp Thing
Complete Marahna Act-1 in Normal mode without dying.
ActRaiser 178
Tomb Raider
Complete Kasandora Act-2 in Normal mode without dying.
ActRaiser 177
Let It Snow
Obtain both 1-ups in Northwall Act-1 in the same life in Normal mode.
ActRaiser 174
Deep Sea Diver
Obtain a Source of Life in Fillmore.
ActRaiser 174
Bested Vaati
Defeat Vaati without taking damage
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 174
Labyrinth Loot
Obtain the 1-up in Fillmore Act-2 in Normal mode.
ActRaiser 173
Acquire all seven Sources of Magic.
ActRaiser 172
Torrential Downpour
Obtain a Source of Life in Bloodpool.
ActRaiser 172
I Couldn't Protect Her Anyway
In Hospital Basement Hallway reach elevator without Maria being harmed by Red Pyramid Thing or James on action level Normal or Hard
Silent Hill 2 172
Chop, Shoot, Stomp
As Maria kill all three unique monsters but each in a different way on action level Easy or higher
Silent Hill 2 171
Challenge of Gods
[Fighter Mode] Complete the entire Battle Arena without using sub weapons and without recovering your health (<=50 Level)
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon 171
Complete Northwall Act-1 in Normal mode without dying.
ActRaiser 169
Complete Aitos Act-2 in Normal mode without dying.
ActRaiser 168
King of the Mountain
Complete Aitos Act-1 in Normal mode without dying.
ActRaiser 168
Achieve "Maria" ending
Silent Hill 2 160
Prize of the Fens
Obtain the 1-up in Marahna Act-1 in Normal mode.
ActRaiser 160
For Me, It's Always Like This
Reach "Leave", "Maria", "In Water" or "Rebirth" ending on action level Hard
Silent Hill 2 160
Boggy Templar
Complete Marahna Act-2 in Normal mode without dying.
ActRaiser 156
Obtain the 1-up in Kasandora Act-1 in Normal mode.
ActRaiser 155
Scared Straight
Obtain a Source of Life in Northwall.
ActRaiser 152
Reduced to Rubble
Obtain a Source of Life in Kasandora.
ActRaiser 152
What's a Geneva Convention?
Obtain Hyper spray
Silent Hill 2 151
See? I'm Real
Kill Mary/Maria without taking damage from her or moths on action level Normal or Hard (can use green Hyper spray to dispel moths only)
Silent Hill 2 149
The Reverse Will
Achieve "Rebirth" ending
Silent Hill 2 146
Streets Of Darkness
Anywhere on Otherworld Streets turn off the Radio or reduce its volume to 0, then go and kill 24 monsters in 12 minutes without taking damage (progress indicator shows elapsed time)
Silent Hill 2 145
Complete Northwall Act-2 in Normal mode without dying.
ActRaiser 143
Dying Light in Wood Side and Blue Creek
Complete Wood Side and Blue Creek apartments while enabling the Flashlight no more than 12 seconds (killing a monster resets timer)
Silent Hill 2 143
Arboreal Gifts
Obtain both 1-ups in Northwall Act-2 in the same life in Normal mode.
ActRaiser 141
Silent Hill Chainsaw Massacre Pt. 2
Kill 5 enemies with the Chainsaw in close proximity to Maria, then impress her with your battlecry
Silent Hill 2 136
Strange Death By Skewering
Unequip your weapon and bait Red Pyramid Thing to execute a Lying Figure on action level Easy or higher
Silent Hill 2 128
I'll Never Hurt You Like He Did
Complete sub scenario without killing anyone and saving no more than 1 time on action level Normal or Hard
Silent Hill 2 128
I Like to Remember Things My Way
Reach final boss without picking up any optional maps
Silent Hill 2 125
Have You Seen A Little Girl Around Here?
Achieve "UFO" ending
Silent Hill 2 120
Bird of Prey
In sub scenario defeat 16 monsters by shooting and 16 monsters by fighting
Silent Hill 2 117
So It Was All Your Work!
Achieve "DOG" ending
Silent Hill 2 112
I'm so Afraid of Pain
In a single session complete sub scenario in less than 12 minutes and receiving 100 pts damage or less on action level Hard
Silent Hill 2 108
If Anyone Makes Fun of Me... I'll Kill 'Em
In main scenario defeat 75 monsters by shooting and 75 monsters by fighting
Silent Hill 2 100
The Mind is a Labyrinth
Complete main scenario on riddle level Extra
Silent Hill 2 96
Peace & Serenity
Reach "Leave", "Maria", "In Water" or "Rebirth" ending without a single optional kill with 5 or less saves on action level Normal or Hard
Silent Hill 2 94
Skilled Oarsman
Complete Boat Stage in less than 1:11 while reaching a speed of 3.66 m/s (action level Hard)
Silent Hill 2 89
Achieve a ranking of less than two stars
Silent Hill 2 88
The Most Wonderful Horrible Day of My Life
Achieve a ranking of 8.5 stars or better
Silent Hill 2 85
NASA Freelancer
Save humanity from a catastrophe in space
Blast Corps 77
Deadly as 134Caesium
Finish all hard levels
Blast Corps 77
Terror in the Depths of the Fog
Achieve a 10 star ranking (don't have green Hyper spray in inventory)
Silent Hill 2 76
Humanity saved
Prevent a nuclear catastrophe once and for all
Blast Corps 76
NASA Employee
Return to working in space
Blast Corps 64
Go for gold on Terra Firma
Have gold medals on all levels so the real fun can begin
Blast Corps 58
Not so easy anymore
Get Platinum on the easy story levels including Simian Acres
Blast Corps 37
I mastered my basics
Get Platinum on all vehicle tutorial levels
Blast Corps 34
Erich Hagenlocher memorial
Get Platinum on Orion Plaza, playing a fine game of poolbillard
Blast Corps 34
NASA Engineer
Get Platinum on Shuttle Clear and Moon
Blast Corps 31
NASA Astronomer
Get Platinum on Mercury, Venus, Mars and Neptune
Blast Corps 31
Rising to the challenge
Get Platinum on all medium story levels
Blast Corps 30
Raddest Racer I
Get Platinum on Glanders Ranch, Moraine Chase, Cobalt Quarry, Bison Ridge
Blast Corps 30
Plutonium Medals
Get Platinum on all hard story levels
Blast Corps 30
Please proceed into J-Bomb Hell II
Get Platinum on Falchion Field, Geode Square and Dagger Pass
Blast Corps 30
Raddest Racer II
Get Platinum on Skerries, Twilight Foundry and Sleek Streets
Blast Corps 29
Please proceed into J-Bomb Hell I
Get Platinum on Saline Watch, Magma Peak and Lizard Island
Blast Corps 29
Get Platinum on Salvage Wharf, Silver Junction and Morgan Hall
Blast Corps 29
You Can Stop Now
The game developers thought this was impossible for a single person
Blast Corps 28
Raddest Racer III
Get Platinum on Cooter Creek, Corvine Bluff, Jade Plateau, Marine Quarter
Blast Corps 28
Pac-ing a bunch
Get Platinum on the both Pacman style levels Gibbons Gate and Baboon Catacomb
Blast Corps 28
Bikers on the Storm
Get Platinum on the three bike levels Mica Park, Kipling Plant, Dark Heartland
Blast Corps 28