Achievement Game Global Unlocks
Octuple Tetris
Clear four lines at once eight times in a row
Tetris (Nintendo) 1,645
Beat Falkner with Johto Pokemon only. (Set Mode, LVL: <=9, No Items) [see forum topic]
Pokémon Crystal Version 1,337
Bested Big Green Chuchu
Defeat the Big Green Chuchu without taking damage
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 1,260
Back to the Books
Beat Bugsy with Johto Pokemon only. (Set Mode, LVL: <=16, No Items)
Pokémon Crystal Version 1,233
Plain Boring
Beat Whitney with Johto Pokemon only. (Set Mode, LVL: <=20, No Items)
Pokémon Crystal Version 1,145
Angler Annihilator
Defeat Angler Fish without being harmed.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 1,049
Beat Morty with Johto Pokemon only. (Set Mode, LVL: <=25, No Items)
Pokémon Crystal Version 1,041
Jill: Kill Yawn the first time you meet him, before you pickup the item. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 1,014
Pieces Collector
Use 50 of every piece
Tetris (Nintendo) 996
Do You Even Lift Bro?
Beat Chuck with Johto Pokemon only. (Set Mode, LVL: <=30, No Items)
Pokémon Crystal Version 993
Beat Jasmine with Johto Pokemon only. (Set Mode, LVL: <=35, No Items)
Pokémon Crystal Version 983
Jill: Did you lost your courage? Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 962
Easy Ice
Beat Pryce with Johto Pokemon only. (Set Mode, LVL: <=31, No Items)
Pokémon Crystal Version 960
Hog Wild
Wrangle all 3 pigs on Outset Island without crawling or going indoors.
Legend of Zelda, The: The Wind Waker 949
Genie Grappler
Defeat Genie without being harmed.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 949
I'm sorry...
Jill : Kill the dogs in a room where you can find 6 green herbs . Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 944
Have Golem show up while playing the slot machines.
Pokémon Crystal Version 931
Bested Gleerok
Defeat Gleerok without taking damage
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 915
Ninja Warrior I
Complete Niko's obstacle course within 20 seconds.
Legend of Zelda, The: The Wind Waker 904
Five Chumps
Defeat the Elite Four and Champion Lance with only one Pokemon.
Pokémon Crystal Version 900
The Dragon Tamer
Beat Clair with Johto Pokemon only. (Set Mode, LVL: <=40, No Items)
Pokémon Crystal Version 892
Musical Madness
Hear Totaka's Song
Luigi's Mansion 884
Master of Storms
Capture Lugia.
Pokémon Crystal Version 877
Didn't Know I Had It in Me!
Get a "Super Effective" using Hidden Power.
Pokémon Crystal Version 857
Bested Mazaal
Defeat Mazaal without taking damage
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 828
With Enemies Like These
Rescue Tetra from the 2 Bokoblins without using your sword and without leaving the area.
Legend of Zelda, The: The Wind Waker 822
Hitting the Jackpot
Match 3 7's in slots.
Pokémon Crystal Version 813
Jill: Kill all the sharks without leaving the room. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 812
Your Aim is Impeckable
Jill: Kill all the crows in the Picture Room. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 809
Fire and Lightning
Capture Entei and Raikou.
Pokémon Crystal Version 805
Chattin' with the Cukeman
See all dialogue options available from a transformed Buzz Blob.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 799
Yamete Kudasai!!!
Jill: Kill the Plant 42 without the V-Jolt. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 786
Slime Slasher
Defeat Slime Eye without being harmed.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 780
Inversion Exertion
Capture a ghost while upside-down
Luigi's Mansion 777
Eagle Eraser
Defeat Evil Eagle without being harmed.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 774
Seeing Red
Defeat Pokemon Trainer Red on Mt. Silver with only one Pokemon.
Pokémon Crystal Version 760
Rise of the Rainbow
Capture Ho-oh.
Pokémon Crystal Version 751
I am the most beautiful... Hunter!
Jill: Find and kill a Hunter in a room with a big mirror and a bed. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 749
Ghost Bustin'
Make Professor E. Gadd proud by catching at least 10 ghosts in the tutorial
Luigi's Mansion 740
Eel Eradicator
Defeat Slime Eel without being harmed.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 734
Orb Obliterator
Defeat Evil Orb without being harmed.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 731
Quick off the mark
Jill: Kill Yawn the first time you meet him, before you pickup the item, in less than 25 seconds. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 729
Hot Head Hustler
Defeat Hot Head without being harmed.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 728
Facade Fighter
Defeat Facade without being harmed.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 727
Bested Big Blue Chuchu
Defeat the Big Blue Chuchu without taking damage
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 727
The Shroomless Raccoon
Without ever entering the screen where you acquire the Mushroom, use Magic Powder on the raccoon in the Mysterious Forest.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 724
Luck of the Draw
Win a x24 bet in Card Flip.
Pokémon Crystal Version 723
You're too slow! Wait what?
Jill: Kill Yawn the second time you meet him in less than 15 seconds. Spawn counts. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 721
The Giant Ghini and Friends
Defeat the four ghosts in the top-right section of the Graveyard.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 721
This Sounds... Familiar
Listen to the secret song on the File Select Screen.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 716
Beat Lt. Surge with Johto Pokemon only. (Set Mode, LVL: <=46, No Items)
Pokémon Crystal Version 709
All Unown
Catch all 26 types of Unown.
Pokémon Crystal Version 706
Waste of time
Chris: Kill the zombie in the 002 bathroom. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 703
Dog evolved into... a spider !
Jill: The first dog room is now fulfilled with spiders... Please do something! Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 702
Mind Crush
Beat Sabrina with Johto Pokemon only. (Set Mode, LVL: <=48, No Items)
Pokémon Crystal Version 701
Grass Trimmer
Beat Erika with Johto Pokemon only. (Set Mode, LVL: <=46, No Items)
Pokémon Crystal Version 699
Complete the Dream Shrine by opening both chests in one visit without taking damage.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 693
Bested Big Octorok
Defeat the Big Octorok without taking damage
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 691
He Knows About Timed Hits!
Defeat Crump in only 2 attacks.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door 688
Beat Misty with Johto Pokemon only. (Set Mode, LVL: <=47, No Items)
Pokémon Crystal Version 687
Too fast to be fun
Jill: Kill the Plant 42 with the V-Jolt in less than 15 seconds. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 685
That Awful Beast!
Have Richard kick you out because you brought Bow-Wow with you.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 683
I Don't Need Burn Heal
Beat Blaine with Johto Pokemon only. (Set Mode, LVL: <=50, No Items)
Pokémon Crystal Version 682
Johto Title Challenge
Defeat the Elite 4 with Johto Pokemon only. (Set, LVL: <=44, No Items in battle, One Session)
Pokémon Crystal Version 678
I'm Doing My Part!
Defeat Kiru Giru without taking damage on any difficulty
Metroid: Zero Mission 676
Oh please, Barry!
Jill: Let Barry go first in the Underground. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 675
Go Kick Rocks
Beat Brock with Johto Pokemon only. (Set Mode, LVL: <=44, No Items)
Pokémon Crystal Version 671
Snake.... SNAAAAAKE!
Chris: Kill Yawn the first time, before you pickup the Moon Crest. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 669
Believe It!
Beat Janine with Johto Pokemon only. (Set Mode, LVL: <=39, No Items)
Pokémon Crystal Version 663
A Long Way to Mastery
Disappoint Professor E. Gadd twice in the tutorial without leaving
Luigi's Mansion 660
Smell You Later!
Beat Blue with Johto Pokemon only. (Set Mode, LVL: <=58, No Items)
Pokémon Crystal Version 655
Just. Kill. Everyone.
Chris: Kill the 3 zombies in a row in the room before the Tiger statue. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 652
B-Type: Start at Level 10 Height 4 and clear it
Tetris (Nintendo) 650
Micro Compensation
Reach the skill level of Hitman with the SMG
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 647
A Dream Come True
Help Marin fulfill her dream.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 642
Barry... Why...
Jill: Escape with Chris. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 633
Kiki vs. Bow-Wow
Chase off Kiki the Monkey with Bow-Wow.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 629
Chomping The Chain That Binds
Rescue Bow-Wow damageless without equipping Roc's Feather or the Shield. Exit and re-enter the area to retry.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 627
I can't use my brain to skip them
Chris: Kill all the dogs in a row at the Guardhouse Gate. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 619
A Real Treat
Recover at least 10 HP and 6 FP from the Sweet Treat special move.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door 619
Chris: Kill all the spiders in a row in the Billiards room. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 618
City Core Shopper
Discover and enter all 8 available locations including Megalow Parts before proceeding to Stage 2
Need for Speed: Underground 2 614
Where Gravity Training Began
Complete King Kai's training by landing a hit on Bubbles and Gregory
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 613
The Dangerous Yarna Desert
Travel through the Yarna Desert and get the Angler Key without taking damage. Exit and re-enter the desert to retry.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 612
It's Lit
Turn on the lights in every possible area in the mansion
Luigi's Mansion 609
Win 270 Rupees or more at the Chest Mini-Game Shop
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 607
I'm so Hood
Win 4 Outrun events in Stage 2 and complete the special event to earn unique hoods
Need for Speed: Underground 2 606
Ballad of the Pol's Voice
Defeat the 3 Pol's Voices in the Face Shrine with the Ocarina.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 603
Won’t Be Hanging out with Wolves Again
Rescue the lost boy on the snowy cliff and help him return with his mother
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 599
Shell Collection
Collect all possible 26 Secret Seashells across Koholint.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 598
Shadow Slayer
Defeat all 6 Shadow Nightmares without being harmed.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 595
Chew On This
Defeat Kraid without taking damage on any difficulty
Metroid: Zero Mission 595
Piece of cake
Jill: Kill all the dogs outside after the crest door in less than 10 seconds. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 594
Two for One Sushi Special
Defeat the Blooper in Rogueport Sewers while defeating his tentacles at the same time every time.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door 593
It's Got What Plants Crave
Defeat Kalle Demos without attacking its core.
Legend of Zelda, The: The Wind Waker 588
A Composer's Secret
Trigger Totaka's Song in Richard's house.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 587
Vegeta, Help Me
Defeat Nappa
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 586
Brawns over Brains
Fail the 65th Super Fun Quirk Quiz and win the fight afterwards.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door 583
The Prince of All Saiyans
Defeat Vegeta
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 582
Guardian of the Seas
Catch Lugia without using a Master Ball and register their Pokedex entry.
Pokémon Crystal Version 579
Great Saiyaman Senior
Defeat the three bank robbers
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 579
You Know, This Ain’t No 10-Second Race
Win the rookie tournament in Underground mode, on hard difficulty
Need for Speed: Underground 577
Better safe than sorry
Jill: Kill the dogs in a room where you can find 6 green herbs in less than 10 seconds. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 575
What have you done?
Jill: Get the bad ending. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 572
One Last Battle
Win the optional battle against your rival at Indigo Plateau.
Pokémon Crystal Version 569
Take It From El Binco
Buy all clothes available at Binco
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 559
Who cares about Chris anyway
Jill: Escape with Barry. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 557
Chris: Kill Tyrant 1 without getting hit. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 551
Gotta Catch 'em All - Crystal
Catch all 206 obtainable Pokemon.
Pokémon Crystal Version 548
Oh no, Barry!
Jill: Witness Barry's death in the Underground. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 546
No time to spare
Complete the game in less than 3 hours. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 543
Delivery 101
Deliver both Capsules to the man in the house by the entrance to the city
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 543
Black Sapling
Obtain the Saplings
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 541
To the Window, to the Wall
Win the "All Go, No Show!" tournament, in Underground mode, on hard difficulty
Need for Speed: Underground 540
Beginning Investor
Buy all properties that are available in the beginning of the game
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 539
You Do Well, Hahahaha, You Do Well
Defeat Recoome
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 536
Scorching Catch
Catch Entei without using a Master Ball and register their Pokedex entry.
Pokémon Crystal Version 535
Nice view
Chris: Kill all the Hunters in a row at the Dining Room 2F. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 535
Red Magic
Obtain the Red Artifact
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 534
Blue Magic
Obtain the Blue Artifact
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 533
Kanto Title Challenge
Beat Red with Johto Pokemon only. (Set Mode, LVL: <=65, No Items)
Pokémon Crystal Version 532
I love that!
Rebecca: Let me open the Drug Storeroom (V-Jolt room) instead of Chris!! Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 531
Jill: Kill the Black Tiger before you cut the web, in less than 5 seconds. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 530
The Night of the Living Dead
Chris: Kill all the zombies in a row in the Boiler Room, after the Guardhouse. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 529
Namekian Reforestation Project
Collect all three Namekian Saplings and plant them in the three holes
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 529
Muted Massacre
Defeat Hooktail without utilizing the sound of a cricket.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door 529
Guess We’ll Never See That Fantastic New Pose...
Defeat Ginyu
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 528
Fastest in the Universe
Defeat Burter
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 528
You Will Be the First to Witness My Final and Most Awesome Form
Force Frieza to transform a final time
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 526
Wow, This Sure Is an Old Temple!
Find the red, green and blue Artifacts and place them on the three pedestals in the Artifact Room
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 526
Wipe That Smirk off Your Face, Monkey!
Force Frieza to transform a second time
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 526
Heal Up
Find the Rejuvenation Chamber
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 526
Congratulations, Saiyan
Force Frieza to transform
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 526
Beaten By... A Monkey... How...?
Defeat Frieza
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 526
He’s Gonna Have to Wash That Dust Out of His Hair...
Defeat Jeice
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 525
Electric Catch
Catch Raikou without using a Master Ball and register their Pokedex entry.
Pokémon Crystal Version 524
Guarding for Gold
Defeat the Gold Fuzzy in the Petalburg Sewers without sustaining 3 or more HP worth of damage.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door 523
Frustrated/Excited Beyond Belief
Use Frustration or Return at its max power. (Slot 1 Pokemon only)
Pokémon Crystal Version 523
Sharks, here?! But... Why?
Rebecca: Chris didn't kill the 3 sharks... I'll do it then!! Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 520
Pack Leader
Earn enough Respect to form a 7 man gang
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 518
Battle Tower Winner
Defeat 7 trainers in a row in the Battle Tower.
Pokémon Crystal Version 518
[DQ1] Lucky!
Defeat a Metal Slime.
Dragon Quest I & II 517
Facing the Tiny Face Shrine
Obtain the Face Key without taking damage in either the outside- or inside sections of the Ancient Ruins.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 516
Show Me Your Moves!
Learn a new move from Bill's Dad outside Goldenrod City's Game Corner.
Pokémon Crystal Version 515
The Goodest of Metal Doges
Have Bow-Wow point out all of the spots where you can dig up Seashells in one session.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 509
Mesmerizing Dance
Watch the Clefairy event on Mt. Moon Square and obtain a Moon Stone.
Pokémon Crystal Version 509
Make My Day
Receive all the gifts from the Week Siblings.
Pokémon Crystal Version 509
I Am a Super Saiyan
Reach level 25 and defeat Frieza
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 509
Kill It With Fire!!!
Defeat Imago without taking damage on any difficulty
Metroid: Zero Mission 508
Guardian of the Sky
Catch Ho-Oh without using a Master Ball and register their Pokedex entry.
Pokémon Crystal Version 507
Fire Sale
Buy something in the Rooftop Sale at Goldenrod City's Dept. Store.
Pokémon Crystal Version 506
Chris the botanist
Chris: Collect all the green herbs in the boiler room in a row. Don't mix them. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 505
Lot Sniper
Win an auction with a bid of 75 Rupees or less.
Legend of Zelda, The: The Wind Waker 502
Tea Time!
Get your Pokemon groomed by Daisy Oak in Pallet Town.
Pokémon Crystal Version 498
Pimped Out Escalade
Complete the SUV Events before proceeding to Stage 3
Need for Speed: Underground 2 497
Kanto Conqueror
Defeat all non-missable Kanto trainers.
Pokémon Crystal Version 496
New Magikarp Record!
Beat the Fisherman Guru's record in Lake of Rage.
Pokémon Crystal Version 495
B-Type: Start at Level 12 Height 5 and clear it
Tetris (Nintendo) 494
Jill's Diary
Jill: Obtain all the files. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 493
S.S. Aqua Conqueror
Defeat all possible trainers while riding the S.S. Aqua. (1st trip excluded)
Pokémon Crystal Version 492
Familiar Tactics...
Defeat the Darknut in the Tower of the Gods without using a sword, save for a single parry attack.
Legend of Zelda, The: The Wind Waker 491
Saiyan Pride
Make it to Final Form Frieza before reaching level 25
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 485
Sorry, I need to go!
Chris: Remove the web without killing the Black Tiger. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 483
Hero of the Hall
Defeat the enemies in Hyrule Castle's Great Hall without recovering health.
Legend of Zelda, The: The Wind Waker 482
[DQ1] I swear i'm Roto's descendant
Equip the Cursed Belt and go to Radatome Castle (before killing King Dragon).
Dragon Quest I & II 481
[DQ1] Harder than stone
Defeat the Golem without using the Fairy Flute.
Dragon Quest I & II 481
Your new wife
Chris: Escape with Rebecca. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 477
Stage 2 - Hard Finish
Complete the final URL Race of Stage 2 with Career Difficulty set to Hard
Need for Speed: Underground 2 476
Bested Gyorg Pair
Defeat the Gyorg Pair without taking damage
Legend of Zelda, The: The Minish Cap 476
Chris: Open all the Drawers. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 475
Swimming Not Required
Get the Boss Key in the Angler's Tunnel without having the Flippers.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 472
B-Type: Start at Level 14 Height 4 and clear it
Tetris (Nintendo) 471
I’m So Good, Man
Win the "Downtown Series" tournament, in Underground mode, on hard difficulty
Need for Speed: Underground 471
B-Type: Start at Level 16 Height 2 and clear it
Tetris (Nintendo) 470
With A Little Help From My Friend
Clear the mission "Highjack"
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 469
Eyes off the Prize
Defeat Phantom Ganon in the Forsaken Fortress without L-Targeting or equipping an empty bottle, and without being resurrected.
Legend of Zelda, The: The Wind Waker 469
Richard's Golden Leaves
Collect the 5 Golden Leaves without losing health. Exit and re-enter through either castle entrance to retry.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 464
Fire Signal
Clear the mission "Interdiction"
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 464
Mini-Boss Masher - Grim Creeper
Defeat the Grim Creeper in Eagle's Tower damageless.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 460
Preparing The Hostage Situation
Reach the skill level of Hitman with the Regular Shotgun
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 459
Johto Conqueror
Defeat all non-missable Johto trainers in the overworld.
Pokémon Crystal Version 458
Sub Urban Dictionary
Buy all clothes available at Sub Urban
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 456
Foo Fighters ©
Clear the mission "Learning to Fly"
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 456
Steal or catch a wild Farfetch'd holding a Stick.
Pokémon Crystal Version 456
Don't bite me please
Chris: Kill Yawn the first time without taking damage, before you pickup the Moon Crest. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 456
[DQ1] I don't need anyone's help
Defeat King Dragon without being equipped with the Sword or the Armor of Roto.
Dragon Quest I & II 454
What would have happened if I was a girl?
Chris: Kill the Plant 42 without getting hit. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 453
Why would I save?
Complete the game without saving. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 450
Rims Real Big
Win 6 Outrun events in Stage 3 and complete the special event to earn unique rims
Need for Speed: Underground 2 450
The Chests of Tal Tal Mountain
Open all five of the treasure chests located on one screen on Tal Tal Mountain.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 449
Go eat something else
Chris: Kill the Black Tiger without getting hit. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 449
Our Words Shall Remain Here For the Ages
Solve all slide puzzles and obtain all the items hidden within the Ruins of Alph.
Pokémon Crystal Version 448
Time to Club Some Seels!
Obtain a Thick Club from a wild Cubone or Marowak.
Pokémon Crystal Version 446
Stage 2 - Full Clear
Complete all possible world events, including hidden world events, before finishing Stage 2
Need for Speed: Underground 2 445
Skull Crusher
Defeat the miniboss of the Earth Temple using only the Skull Hammer and without being resurrected.
Legend of Zelda, The: The Wind Waker 444
Learn To Fly
Clear the mission "N.O.E."
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 444
Andromada Demolished
Clear the mission "Stowaway"
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 442
Counter Strike
Reach the skill level of Hitman with the M4
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 441
Receive a Nugget from either Pokefan Beverly or Pokefan Derek.
Pokémon Crystal Version 439
Fear Is The Greatest Weakness
Clear the mission "Fender Ketchup"
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 439
Los Santos Magnate
Buy all properties that become available after beating "The Green Sabre"
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 438
Am I Not Supposed to Use These?
Win the first encounter with Master Stalfos by using Bomb Arrows and pick up the small key. Reset to retry.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 438
Area 69
Clear the mission "Black Project"
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 436
Clear the mission "Explosive Situation"
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 435
Clear the mission "Green Goo"
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 434
Brutal Massacre
Reach the skill level of Hitman with the Sawn-off Shotgun
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 434
Silence, I Kill You!
Reach the skill level of Hitman with the Silenced 9mm Pistol
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 431
Performance Enhancing Vitamins
Receive a vitamin from all possible trainer rematches.
Pokémon Crystal Version 431
I Can Do It Too!
"Let ME kill the 2 zombies in the Mansion's 2nd Floor C-Passage instead of Chris!" [Rebecca - Standard Mode]
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 431
[DQ1] King Dragon's Quest
Bring princess Laura to the King Dragon.
Dragon Quest I & II 430
Complete the mission in less than 2 hours on any difficulty
Metroid: Zero Mission 425
Navigator, Garage with the Elevator
Complete all available SUV Events before proceeding to Stage 4
Need for Speed: Underground 2 424
Pro-Laps Around Uranus
Buy all clothes available at Pro-Laps
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 423
Mini-Boss Masher - Gohma and the Music Man
Defeat both Gohmas without taking damage while armed with only an Ocarina and a Bow. You must play the Ocarina at least once.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 422
Hot Take
Retrieve the Power Bracelets from Fire Mountain within 1 minute and 15 seconds.
Legend of Zelda, The: The Wind Waker 422
The true survivor
Jill: No heal. Don't pickup any Herbs or Spray. You can use the 1st first aid spray. You can save. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 420
Magnus von Grapple's Got Hands
Defeat Magnus von Grapple without destroying his hands while they're on the field.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door 420
Factory Disturbance
Clear the mission "You've Had Your Chips"
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 420
The Great Fairies of Koholint Island
Heal yourself at all four Great Fairy locations in one session.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 419
Technical Machine Enthusiast
Collect all of the finite TMs and HMs.
Pokémon Crystal Version 417
Run off the Cold
Open the chest that contains the Iron Boots within 1 minute and 15 seconds of thawing Ice Ring Isle.
Legend of Zelda, The: The Wind Waker 416
B-Type: Start at Level 18 Height 3 and clear it
Tetris (Nintendo) 414
Grove Street, Home
Have one of your homies take a picture of you and save it to the gallery
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 413
Asserting Dominance
Conquer 30 territories (A territory counts as being yours after you clear the 2nd wave)
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 413
A Lucky Find
Steal or catch a wild Chansey holding a Lucky Egg.
Pokémon Crystal Version 412
Arco Del Oeste
Clear the mission "Don Peyote"
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 410
I Guess He's Part Dragon?
Collect all 12 coins in World 1-1.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door 407
Mini-Boss Masher - Master Stalfos
Defeat the final three encounters with Master Stalfos in Catfish's Maw without taking damage during- and between the fights. Bomb Arrows are NOT allowed.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 405
See You Again Soon!
Defeat Ridley without taking damage on any difficulty
Metroid: Zero Mission 403
Johnny Sindacco
Clear the mission "Intensive Care"
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 402
It's finally over
Jill: Complete the game on Advanced mode.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 402
Kanto Explorer
Find all items in Kanto. (Red Pokeballs and hidden items)
Pokémon Crystal Version 401
Clear the mission "The Meat Business"
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 400
Stage 3 - Hard Finish
Complete the final URL Race of Stage 3 with Career Difficulty set to Hard
Need for Speed: Underground 2 400
Buena's Biggest Fan
Register Buena's number in the Pokegear.
Pokémon Crystal Version 400
DEA Chasedown
Clear the mission "Misappropriation"
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 399
Clear the mission "Madd Dogg"
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 396
Clear the mission "Architectural Espionage"
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 396
Tom Petty
Clear the mission "Freefall"
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 393
Another Bastard Hits The Dust
Clear the mission "High Noon"
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 393
The Confusing Owl Statues
Talk to every owl statue on the island in one session.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 392
Dildo Dominance
Clear the mission "Key To Her Heart"
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 391
Taking A Little Vacation
Clear the mission "Saint Mark's Bistro"
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 387
No Spoilers!
Win 4 Outrun events in Stage 4 and complete the special event to earn unique spoilers
Need for Speed: Underground 2 384
You should use a box next time, to hide
Chris: Kill Yawn the second time you encounter him without getting hit. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 382
Scuffling Solo
Win a fight in the Glitz Pit after eating the Poisoned Cake.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door 382
Johto Explorer
Obtain all of the items within Johto. (Red Pokeballs and hidden items)
Pokémon Crystal Version 382
Dam Quay Destruction
Clear the mission "Dam And Blast"
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 382
Notorious B.I.G.
Clear the mission "A Home In The Hills"
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 380
This is all your fault
Chris: Get the bad ending. Standard mode only.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut 379