PlayStation 2
The Godfather: The Game

Updated 2 weeks ago

The Godfather: The Game
Page 44 Studios
Electronic Arts
Action-Adventure, Sandbox
2025-01-29 12:13:45
Last Played
2025-01-29 11:57:45
Last Unlock
2025-01-27 05:28:48
First Unlock & Started
2 days 6 hours 28 minutes
Time Taken
Owners Including hidden & invalid profiles
… Players
… in Progress
Completion Average
Completion Median
Player Completion Achievements Last Unlock
bestrigyn1 18.29% 30 / 164 2025-02-05 16:54:55
St3v0 4.27% 7 / 164 2025-02-01 20:31:21
IIHeDII 90.85% 149 / 164 2025-01-29 11:57:45
bumbeer 3.05% 5 / 164 2025-01-28 08:51:57
HazzxR 45.12% 74 / 164 2025-01-28 02:01:54
itwfghmnb 19.51% 32 / 164 2025-01-27 09:01:09
FidgetyJester 0/ 164
FSP95 0/ 164
BrunoKiko 0/ 164
AngryCactus 0/ 164
Achievement Unlocked Global Unlocks
Citizen Kane
Find 90 Movie Reels
2025-01-29 11:57:45 15
The Lost Weekend
Find 80 Movie Reels
2025-01-29 11:44:45 15
The Grapes of Wrath
Find 70 Movie Reels
2025-01-29 11:32:32 15
To Have and Have Not
Find 60 Movie Reels
2025-01-29 11:25:37 17
Out of the Past
Find 50 Movie Reels
2025-01-29 11:16:54 17
The Maltese Falcon
Find 40 Movie Reels
2025-01-29 11:04:15 19
Double Indemnity
Find 30 Movie Reels
2025-01-29 10:55:58 22
Find 20 Movie Reels
2025-01-29 10:38:03 25
Don of New York
Become the Don of New York
2025-01-29 10:26:41 18
Acquire more than 1 million $
2025-01-29 10:26:41 21
Straccidentally Killed
Stracci family eliminated
2025-01-29 10:18:00 19
Barzini family eliminated
2025-01-29 10:14:46 18
Tattaglia family eliminated
2025-01-29 10:10:36 22
Clickety Clack, BOOM
Crack 90 safes
2025-01-29 09:58:45 13
Cuneo's Hub
Take Cuneo's Hub in Hell's Kitchen
2025-01-28 21:57:12 22
You Lock Good
Crack 80 safes
2025-01-28 21:56:45 13
Buy the Python
2025-01-28 21:55:02 23
Midtown Mayor
Take control of all the business in Midtown
2025-01-28 21:53:07 18
Crack Addict
Crack 70 safes
2025-01-28 21:31:46 18
Safe and Sound
Crack 60 safes
2025-01-28 21:10:01 26
Street Sweeper
Buy the Street Sweeper
2025-01-28 15:16:44 25
Silent Robber
Crack 50 safes
2025-01-28 15:03:26 29
Discover every execution style
2025-01-28 15:02:18 26
Waterside Warehouse
Take Waterside Warehouse from the Stracci
2025-01-28 14:53:42 28
Stracci's Hub
Take Stracci's Hub in New Jersey
2025-01-28 14:47:08 28
Tattagliatelli Al Dente
Finish the contract on Johnny Tattaglia by burning him
2025-01-28 14:30:53 47
Johnny Tattaglia
Finish the contract on Johnny Tattaglia
2025-01-28 14:30:53 47
Stealth Nobile Prize
Finish the contract on Freddy Nobile without any witnesses
2025-01-28 14:24:04 57
Freddy Nobile
Finish the contract on Freddy Nobile
2025-01-28 14:24:04 57
Tony Bianchi
Finish the contract on Tony Bianchi
2025-01-28 14:17:30 66
Tied Up All Loose Ends
Finish the contract on Tony Bianchi with a garrote
2025-01-28 14:17:29 64
Donnie Marinelli
Finish the contract on Donnie Marinelli
2025-01-28 14:14:36 73
Hit and Run
Finish the contract on Donnie Marinelli with a baseball bat
2025-01-28 14:14:36 70
Buy the Dillinger
2025-01-28 14:06:53 23
Emilio Barzini
Finish the contract on Emilio Barzini
2025-01-28 14:05:55 22
Emilio 'Lonely' Barzini
Finish the contract on Emilio Barzini but take out every Barzini before he dies
2025-01-28 14:05:55 22
Domenico 'Betrayed' Mazza
Finish the contract on Domenico Mazza with the help of a bodyguard
2025-01-28 14:00:47 23
Domenico Mazza
Finish the contract on Domenico Mazza
2025-01-28 14:00:47 23
Kill 10 pedestrian with a car with less than 5 seconds between each of them
2025-01-28 13:26:32 54
Finish the contract on Pietro Testa when he's shaking hands with the Police Chief
2025-01-28 13:25:35 25
Pietro Testa
Finish the contract on Pietro Testa
2025-01-28 13:25:35 26
Big Bobby Toro
Finish the contract on Big Bobby Toro
2025-01-28 13:18:32 28
Cops Friend
Finish the contract on Big Bobby Toro without killing any police officers
2025-01-28 13:18:31 28
Marco Cuneo
Finish the contract on Marco Cuneo
2025-01-28 13:16:28 23
Marco 'Free Fall' Cuneo
Finish the contract on Marco Cuneo by throwing him into a ditch or the railyard
2025-01-28 13:16:28 22
Jaggy Jovino
Finish the contract on Jaggy Jovino
2025-01-28 13:04:36 30
Jaggy HeadJotvino
Finish the contract on Jaggy Jovino without injuring any escort girls
2025-01-28 13:04:36 30
Luciano Fabbri
Finish the contract on Luciano Fabbri
2025-01-28 13:00:04 26
Fat Man
Finish the contract on Luciano Fabbri but taunt him before he dies
2025-01-28 13:00:04 26
Respect Level 45
Reach a respect of level 45
2025-01-28 13:00:04 22
Salvatorre 'No Match' Stracci
Finish the contract on Salvatorre Stracci before he blows up the warehouse
2025-01-28 12:50:06 27
Salvatorre Stracci
Finish the contract on Salvatorre Stracci
2025-01-28 12:50:05 27
Ronnie Tosca
Finish the contract on Ronnie Tosca
2025-01-28 12:45:01 31
Toscattered Brain
Finish the contract on Ronnie Tosca with a head shot
2025-01-28 12:45:00 30
Empire Estates
Own all safehouses
2025-01-28 12:38:57 16
Lucy's Apartment
Buy Lucy's Apartment in Midtown
2025-01-28 12:38:57 30
The Peak
Buy The Peak safehouse in Midtown
2025-01-28 12:35:22 27
Become a Don
2025-01-28 12:29:05 22
Brooklyn Mine Mine
Take control of all the business in Brooklyn
2025-01-28 12:21:55 28
Where Did I Put My Dynamite?
Crack 40 safes
2025-01-28 12:19:25 33
No Mercy for the Windows
Crack 30 safes
2025-01-28 11:58:05 43
Tattaglia's Hub
Take the Tattaglia's Hub in Brooklyn
2025-01-28 11:55:23 44
Respect Level 40
Reach a respect of level 40
2025-01-28 11:47:30 28
Tattaglia's Compound
Destroy Tattaglia's Compound in Brooklyn
2025-01-28 11:47:30 37
Barzini's Compound
Destroy Barzini's Compound in Midtown
2025-01-28 11:32:21 28
The Carnegie Club
Buy the Carnegie Club safehouse in Midtown
2025-01-28 11:26:25 22
Hotel Madison
Buy Hotel Madison safehouse in Midtown
2025-01-28 11:24:37 25
Savannah Hotel
Buy Savannah Hotel safehouse in Midtown
2025-01-28 11:23:26 22
Choke Fontana
Finish the contract on Jack Fontana by a bare-handed strangle
2025-01-28 11:18:49 30
Jack Fontana
Finish the contract on Jack Fontana
2025-01-28 11:17:05 30
Milk Co. Warehouse
Take the Milk Co. Warehouse from the Cuneo
2025-01-28 11:06:17 28
Oscar Zaravelle
Finish the contract on Oscar Zaravelle
2025-01-28 11:01:37 36
Oscar "Three Shot" Zaravelle
Finish the contract on Oscar Zaravelle by shooting in this sequence - knee, shoulder then chin
2025-01-28 11:01:37 36
Mrs. Spillane's
Buy Mrs. Spillane's safehouse in Hell's Kitchen
2025-01-28 10:51:55 32
Cuneo's Compound
Destroy Cuneo's Compound in Hell's Kitchen
2025-01-28 10:49:30 29
King of the Corner
Increase your Street Smarts skill to 5
2025-01-28 10:33:27 62
Respect Level 35
Reach a respect of level 35
2025-01-28 10:32:53 34
Stracci's Compound
Destroy Stracci's Compound in New Jersey
2025-01-28 10:32:52 30
Mario 'Pancake' DeBellis
Finish the contract on Mario DeBellis by running over him with a car
2025-01-28 10:28:50 33
Mario DeBellis
Finish the contract on Mario DeBellis
2025-01-28 10:28:50 33
The George Hotel
Buy the George Hotel safehouse in New Jersey
2025-01-28 10:24:24 30
Lamplight Rooms
Buy Lamplight Rooms in New Jersey
2025-01-28 10:23:35 34
The Highway Hotel
Buy the Highway Hotel safehouse in New Jersey
2025-01-28 10:22:17 36
Leon Grossi
Finish the contract on Leon Grossi
2025-01-28 10:16:56 45
Leon ‘Golden Crust’ Grossi
Finish the contract on Leon Grossi by throwing him in a bakery furnace
2025-01-28 10:16:55 45
Plinio Ottaviano
Finish the contract on Plinio Ottaviano
2025-01-27 19:27:56 53
Plinio Hot-aviano
Finish the contract on Plinio Ottaviano by burning him
2025-01-27 19:27:56 53
Bobby Marcolineeds a Parachute
Finish the contract on Bobby Marcolini by throwing him off a bridge or a roof
2025-01-27 19:25:39 33
Bobby Marcolini
Finish the contract on Bobby Marcolini
2025-01-27 19:25:39 33
Saleriously Beaten
Finish the contract on Mikey Saleri with your barehands
2025-01-27 19:20:58 93
Mikey Saleri
Finish the contract on Mikey Saleri
2025-01-27 19:20:57 95
Become an Underboss
2025-01-27 19:14:38 31
Baptism by Fire
Finish the mission "Baptism by Fire"
2025-01-27 19:12:04 31
Respect Level 30
Reach a respect of level 30
2025-01-27 19:12:04 41
It's Only Business
Finish the mission "It's Only Business"
2025-01-27 18:23:02 33
Assassin's Pistol
Buy the Assassin's Pistol
2025-01-27 18:19:30 25
Order to Kill
Finish the mission "Order to Kill"
2025-01-27 18:13:11 35
Win a Mob War against another family
2025-01-27 18:00:22 57
Become a Capo
2025-01-27 17:52:29 38
Increase your Fighting skill to 5
2025-01-27 17:48:41 56
Respect Level 25
Reach a respect of level 25
2025-01-27 17:47:59 52
Change of Plans
Finish the mission "Change of Plans"
2025-01-27 17:47:59 38
Sonny's War
Finish the mission "Sonny's War"
2025-01-27 17:23:11 40
Saturday Night Special
Buy the Saturday Night Special
2025-01-27 17:01:29 39
Palermo Warehouse
Take Palermo Warehouse from the Barzini
2025-01-27 16:43:48 23
Barzini's Hub
Take Barzini's Hub in Midtown
2025-01-27 15:18:05 23
The Silent Witness
Finish the mission "The Silent Witness"
2025-01-27 13:05:08 44
Providence Hotel
Buy the Providence Hotel safehouse in Hell's Kitchen
2025-01-27 12:45:12 32
St Sebastian Hotel
Buy the St Sebastian Hotel safehouse in Brooklyn
2025-01-27 12:38:33 57
Now It's Personal
Finish the mission "Now It's Personal"
2025-01-27 12:27:55 49
Become a Soldier
2025-01-27 12:11:32 52
The Elegante
Buy The Elegante safehouse in Hell's Kitchen
2025-01-27 12:07:21 36
A Recipe for Revenge
Finish the mission "A Recipe for Revenge"
2025-01-27 12:03:54 53
Finish the mission "Horseplay"
2025-01-27 11:14:38 61
St Alban's Hotel
Buy St Alban's Hotel safehouse in Midtown
2025-01-27 10:51:00 39
Wacky Races
Drive at more than 70 MPH during 60 seconds without any damage to your car
2025-01-27 10:46:07 66
Made for Speed
Increase your Speed skill to 5
2025-01-27 10:39:31 38
Respect Level 20
Reach a respect of level 20
2025-01-27 10:35:57 60
Death to the Traitor
Finish the mission "Death to the Traitor"
2025-01-27 10:35:57 71
Become an Associate
2025-01-27 10:21:45 78
Finish the mission "Fireworks"
2025-01-27 10:17:18 81
Intensive Care
Finish the mission "Intensive Care"
2025-01-27 10:08:40 88
Hotel Alioto
Buy Hotel Alioto safehouse in Little Italy
2025-01-27 09:18:35 42
Saint Martin Hotel
Buy Saint Martin Hotel safehouse in Little Italy
2025-01-27 09:17:53 70
My Little Italy
Take control of all the business in Little Italy
2025-01-27 09:09:27 34
Lipari Warehouse
Take the Lipari Warehouse from the Cuneo
2025-01-27 09:09:27 34
Knock Knock?!
Crack 20 safes
2025-01-27 08:57:19 50
The Don is Dead
Finish the mission "The Don is Dead"
2025-01-27 08:51:17 105
Increase your Shooting skill to 5
2025-01-27 08:29:32 65
Increase one of your skill to 10
2025-01-27 08:29:26 57
Verona Warehouse
Take the Verona Warehouse from the Tattaglia
2025-01-27 08:28:39 52
Respect Level 15
Reach a respect of level 15
2025-01-27 08:28:39 74
Italia Hauling Co.
Take the Italia Hauling Co. Warehouse from the Stracci
2025-01-27 08:00:31 44
Who Needs a Key?
Crack 10 safes
2025-01-27 07:42:11 59
Gone with the Wind
Find 10 Movie Reels
2025-01-27 07:23:00 39
Bowery Hotel
Buy Bowery Hotel safehouse in Little Italy
2025-01-27 06:59:06 50
Chinaware Warehouse
Take the Chinaware Warehouse from the Tattaglia
2025-01-27 06:55:15 53
Respect Level 10
Reach a respect of level 10
2025-01-27 06:55:15 90
Mob War
Start a Mob War against another family
2025-01-27 06:16:43 77
Increase your Health skill to 5
2025-01-27 05:59:07 73
Lock Picker
Crack your first safe
2025-01-27 05:58:42 94
Respect Level 5
Reach a respect of level 5
2025-01-27 05:58:30 116
Find the weak spot of someone during a negociation
2025-01-27 05:58:02 149
Sleeping with the Fishes
Finish the mission "Sleeping with the Fishes"
2025-01-27 05:48:48 125
Movie Reels
Find your first Movie Reels
2025-01-27 05:40:23 105
A Grave Situation
Finish the mission "A Grave Situation"
2025-01-27 05:38:55 137
The Enforcer
Finish the mission "The Enforcer"
2025-01-27 05:35:01 147
Bribe and Conquer
Bribe some law enforcement
2025-01-27 05:34:27 148
The Alley
Finish the mission "The Alley"
2025-01-27 05:28:48 164
New Jersey Emperor
Take control of all the business in New Jersey
Hell's Kitchen Chief
Take control of all the business in Hell's Kitchen
Savings and Loan Bank
Rob the Savings and Loan Bank in Little Italy and get back to your safehouse (one bank at a time)
Day Off
Visit each Tunnels, each Bridges, each Loops, Brooklyn Toll Plaza and Columbus Circle without stepping out of your car in 24 in-game hours
Lock Whisperer
Crack all the safes
Midtown Bank
Rob the Midtown Bank in Midtown and get back to your safehouse
Movie Afficionados
Find all the Movie Reels
I Said "Al Dente" !
Beat Mama Corleone, beware of Sonny now !
Manhattan Trust Bank
Rob the Manhattan Trust Bank in Midtown and get back to your safehouse
Bowery Bank
Rob the Bowery Bank in Little Italy and get back to your safehouse
Saint Elia Warehouse
Take the Saint Elia Warehouse from the Barzini
Williamsburg Bank
Rob the Williamsburg Bank in Brooklyn and get back to your safehouse
New Jersey National Bank
Rob the New Jersey National Bank in New Jersey and get back to your safehouse
Respect Level 50
Reach a respect of level 50
Cuneobody's Alive
Cuneo family eliminated