Nintendo DS
Sims 2, The

Updated 1 month ago

Game for Nintendo DS
Sims 2, The
Amaze Entertainment, Maxis
Electronic Arts
Life Simulation
October 24, 2005
4.90 / 5
Game Rating
2024-08-15 16:07:44
Last Played
2023-10-03 01:02:03
Last Unlock
2023-05-28 01:29:53
First Unlock & Started
4 months 1 week 23 hours 32 minutes
Time Taken
Owners Including hidden & invalid profiles
… Players
… in Progress
… Completed
Completion Average
Completion Median
Player Completion Achievements Last Unlock
Shotari 98.25% 56 / 57 2024-04-29 19:17:42
smyklo 43.86% 25 / 57 2024-04-11 02:13:13
Sutarion 15.79% 9 / 57 2023-12-15 04:43:19
Alex1331xela 45.61% 26 / 57 2023-10-27 02:40:24
Scorpion16 70.18% 40 / 57 2023-10-03 01:02:03
Kijin 15.79% 9 / 57 2023-08-12 19:25:08
Adenothe 15.79% 9 / 57 2023-07-20 20:42:13
SleeplessSP 73.68% 42 / 57 2023-05-04 02:48:32
SuicidalBagel 100% 57 2022-11-06 13:06:25
Whithbrin 100% 57 2022-09-15 01:27:27
Achievement Unlocked Global Unlocks
Get a High Score of 1700+ in Sisyphus
2023-10-03 01:02:03 22
Social Butterfly
Meet every sociable character in the game
2023-07-02 00:01:05 31
Nuclear Energy
Collected 20 Nuclear Rods and gave them to Optimum Alfred
2023-07-01 23:59:34 40
Arcade-Deluxe Pool
Get a High Score of 250+ in Deluxe Pool
2023-07-01 23:50:59 19
Arcade-Space Armada
Get a High Score of 2000+ in Arcade-Space Armada
2023-06-23 00:34:02 44
Mechanical Menace
Welcomed Optimum Alfred Alfred into the Penthouse
2023-06-16 10:45:42 42
Rot and Ruin
Branded the Bovine Statue
2023-06-16 10:44:32 42
Grave Digging
Found the Mummy Sarcophagus and placed it in the Managers Suite
2023-06-16 10:21:48 42
Travelling Light
Have a Total of 25 Guests Stay in the Hotel
2023-06-16 10:19:43 32
Earned $50,000 in Total
2023-06-13 20:17:11 39
Life Goals
Fulfill your Sims chosen aspiration
2023-06-12 01:38:56 26
Phone Home
Have a Total of 10 Alien Ship Parts
2023-06-12 01:28:15 24
Desert Secrets
Recieved a strange phone call and met the stranger on the other end
2023-06-10 22:47:28 42
Needs more Cowbell
Found the Mystic Cowbell and brought it to Ava
2023-06-10 07:46:19 40
Judgement Day
Stop a Robot Invasion
2023-06-10 01:34:05 39
Holy Cow!
Excavated the shrine for Ava
2023-06-10 01:08:02 44
Underground Unkowns
Build all Basement rooms
2023-06-10 01:08:02 43
Dark Desires
Welcomed Ava into the Penthouse
2023-06-09 01:36:33 45
Super Spy
Calm down Frankie whilst wearing a Wire
2023-06-09 01:34:25 44
Clean Sweep
Make $500 with Vacuum Earnings
2023-06-09 01:13:44 35
Honest Work
Obtain the Metal Detector, find 3 Metal Bars and give them to Frankie
2023-06-08 01:26:06 45
Iron Will
Make $2,000 with Metal Detector Earnings
2023-06-08 01:20:55 36
Rat Man
Unlock the Rat Suit and wear it for the first time
2023-06-08 01:10:11 43
Arcade-X Raider
Get a High Score of 500+ in X Raider with at least 3 lives left
2023-06-07 02:17:20 35
Italian Job
Build The Vault for Frankie
2023-06-07 01:21:58 49
Easy Entertainment
Build all Atrium rooms
2023-06-07 01:21:58 50
Shaken, not Stirred
Obtain Chocolate Milkshake from a cow
2023-06-05 01:14:46 35
Independence Day
Stop an Alien Invasion
2023-06-04 01:56:31 48
People Pleaser
Build all Guest rooms
2023-06-02 00:59:38 53
Have a Total of 50 Nuclear Fuel Rods in your inventory
2023-06-01 01:47:15 40
Gorging on Gourds
Have a Total of 50 Strange Gourds in your inventory
2023-06-01 01:35:21 37
I'm not equipped for this...
Put the fire out in the City Hall and Calmed Honest Jackson down
2023-05-29 02:21:13 63
Fusili Frustration
Welcomed Frankie into the Penthouse and paid the price...
2023-05-29 02:11:36 67
Signs of Life
Obtain the Super Drencher and defeat your first enemy
2023-05-28 01:51:46 84
Tough Love
Find Tristan in the Desert and cheer him up
2023-05-28 01:47:16 87
Under Arrest
Restrain Honest Jackson in the Hotel Lobby
2023-05-28 01:37:31 96
Squeaky Clean
Get the Vacuum Cleaner and clean up 5 Dust Piles
2023-05-28 01:36:10 100
Beat the Meat
Punch the meat in the freezer to gain full sanity
2023-05-28 01:33:44 73
Let there be Light!
Fuelled the furnace for the first time
2023-05-28 01:32:59 106
Should've got Insurance
Arrived in Strangetown and get offered help
2023-05-28 01:29:53 124
Drink Me
Drank a strange potion and reported back to Xizzle
Hacker Sim
Hacked the Elevator and Stolen the Blueprints
Smooth Talker
Obtained all 10 Charisma Skill Points
Persistent Assistant
Obtained all 10 Business Skill Points
Crazy Day
Send 20 Goons to Jail
Beyond Repair
Obtained all 10 Mechanical Skill Points
Arcade-Pie Factory
Get a High Score of 800+ in Pie Factory
Wet Rat
Stop Lord Mole and Report back to Optimum Alfred
Secret Thief
Learn every Sims secret
Pumped Up
Obtained all 10 Body Skill Points
Obtain all Concept Art
Razor Burn
Collect all 24 License Plates
Get a High Score of 1000+ in Billiards
Defeated Optimum Alfred and watched the end of the game
Refined Taste
Obtained all 10 Creativity Skill Points
Arcade-Bustin' Out
Get a High Score of 200+ in Bustin' Out
Monkey Business
Play Moogoo Monkey on December 14th