Achievement Unlocked Game Global Unlocks
Making the Mother of All Omelettes Here, Peko
Beat Clear Mode on Hard difficulty
2025-02-02 17:55:27
Crossroad Crisis 12
Don't Count Them Before They Hatch
Beat Clear Mode without using a continue (Normal difficulty or higher)
2025-02-02 17:03:19
Crossroad Crisis 11
Peko's Homecoming
Beat Clear Mode on Normal difficulty or higher
2025-02-02 16:50:35
Crossroad Crisis 18
Crossing the Road Without Hesitation
Beat a stage with a tile clear of 10 or more without the time going below 50 seconds
2025-02-02 14:17:54
Crossroad Crisis 27
Rank - O. Kintobor
Have your score surpass 500,000
2025-02-02 13:59:17
Crossroad Crisis 11
An Old-Fashioned Sliding Puzzle
Beat a stage with a tile clear of 10 or more without pressing any of the rotate tile buttons
2025-02-02 12:41:29
Crossroad Crisis 17
Rank - B. Hatcher
Have your score surpass 250,000
2025-02-02 12:39:24
Crossroad Crisis 12
Rank - S. Armstrong
Have your score surpass 100,000
2025-02-02 12:25:36
Crossroad Crisis 20
The Book of Revelation - Chicken Edition
Finish a stage while erasing all tiles (including those that spawn after the exit appears)
2025-02-02 12:25:36
Crossroad Crisis 12
The Results for the Poll-try are In
Beat Clear Mode on Easy difficulty or higher
2025-02-02 12:10:45
Crossroad Crisis 26
Hard to Boil a Combo
Complete a 10 or greater tile combo
2025-02-02 12:02:39
Crossroad Crisis 25
Putting the Petal to the Metal
Beat Stage 9 in Clear Mode
2025-02-02 11:57:41
Crossroad Crisis 27
Time to Chill Out a Little
Beat Stage 8 in Clear Mode
2025-02-02 11:55:00
Crossroad Crisis 31
This Chicken's Met a Terrible Fate, Hasn't It?
Beat Stage 7 in Clear Mode
2025-02-02 11:50:39
Crossroad Crisis 34
Dark Fact's Disciple Is a... Chicken!?
Erase a total of 150 tiles
2025-02-02 11:50:14
Crossroad Crisis 32
A Night Away From Home
Beat Stage 6 in Clear Mode
2025-02-02 11:49:25
Crossroad Crisis 35
Rank - A. Wesker
Have your score surpass 50,000
2025-02-02 11:48:16
Crossroad Crisis 34
Enough for a Mosaic
Erase a total of 100 tiles
2025-02-02 11:47:42
Crossroad Crisis 36
Looking for a Chicken in the Desert
Beat Stage 5 in Clear Mode
2025-02-02 11:47:14
Crossroad Crisis 35
A Quiche and Easy Combo
Complete a 4 tile combo
2025-02-02 11:46:55
Crossroad Crisis 48
Those to Fawn Over
Beat Stage 4 in Clear Mode
2025-02-02 11:45:53
Crossroad Crisis 41
Frittatas Combo on the Fritz
Complete a 8 tile combo
2025-02-02 11:45:50
Crossroad Crisis 32
Rank - H. Dumpty
Have your score surpass 25,000
2025-02-02 11:45:23
Crossroad Crisis 38
Poached Combo by Coach
Complete a 7 tile combo
2025-02-02 11:45:23
Crossroad Crisis 37
Installing a Tiled Surface or Two
Erase a total of 50 tiles
2025-02-02 11:45:04
Crossroad Crisis 41
Offering an Egg in These Trying Times
Finish 3 stages in a row without losing a life on Normal difficulty or higher
2025-02-02 11:44:32
Crossroad Crisis 39
The Place That is Lily Calming
Beat Stage 3 in Clear Mode
2025-02-02 11:44:32
Crossroad Crisis 42
Scrambling to Get a Combo
Complete a 9 tile combo
2025-02-02 11:44:15
Crossroad Crisis 30
Tile Dye-l the Eggs
Erase a total of 25 tiles
2025-02-02 11:43:49
Crossroad Crisis 47
The Sunny-Side-Up Combo
Complete a 5 tile combo
2025-02-02 11:43:49
Crossroad Crisis 43
Rice Rice Baby
Beat Stage 2 in Clear Mode
2025-02-02 11:43:14
Crossroad Crisis 47
Combo of the Deviled Egg
Complete a 6 tile combo
2025-02-02 11:42:34
Crossroad Crisis 37
Begin to Pond-er the Puzzles
Beat Stage 1 in Clear Mode
2025-02-02 11:41:54
Crossroad Crisis 52
That Combo was Over-Easy
Complete a 3 tile combo
2025-02-02 11:41:52
Crossroad Crisis 52
Time to Get Cracking
Finish Beginner Mode. All other achievements must be done in Clear Mode
2025-02-02 11:40:41
Crossroad Crisis 40
1st Place Novice RT Xevious Green
Be the champion in the Novice Race with the RT Xevious Green Car
2025-02-01 22:56:14
Ridge Racer Revolution 111
1st Place Novice RT Xevious Red
Be the champion in the Novice Race with the RT Xevious Red Car
2025-02-01 22:52:27
Ridge Racer Revolution 111
1st Place Novice RT Nebulasray
Be the champion in the Novice Race with the RT Nebulasray Car
2025-02-01 22:48:43
Ridge Racer Revolution 106
1st Place Novice RT Bosconian
Be the champion in the Novice Race with the RT Bosconian Car
2025-02-01 22:44:55
Ridge Racer Revolution 106
1st Place Novice Galaga RT Carrot
Be the champion in the Novice Race with the Galaga RT Carrot Car
2025-02-01 22:41:05
Ridge Racer Revolution 116
1st Place Novice Galaga RT Prid's
Be the champion in the Novice Race with the Galaga RT Prid's Car
2025-02-01 22:37:16
Ridge Racer Revolution 108
1st Place Novice RT Blue Mappy
Be the champion in the Novice Race with the RT Blue Mappy Car
2025-02-01 22:33:36
Ridge Racer Revolution 104
1st Place Novice RT Pink Mappy
Be the champion in the Novice Race with the RT Pink Mappy Car
2025-02-01 22:29:29
Ridge Racer Revolution 107
Obtain the 'Secret Bonus'
Obtain the 'Secret Bonus' from the Galaga'88 Mini-Game
2025-02-01 22:25:01
Ridge Racer Revolution 127
1st Place Novice RT Blue Solvalou
Be the champion in the Novice Race with the RT Blue Solvalou Car
2025-02-01 22:10:17
Ridge Racer Revolution 154
1st Place Novice RT Yellow Solvalou
Be the champion in the Novice Race with the RT Yellow Solvalou Car
2025-02-01 22:06:17
Ridge Racer Revolution 164
1st Place Novice (Extra)
Be the champion in the Novice (Extra) Race (race against 12 cars, typeS or novice speed level only)
2025-02-01 21:51:41
Ridge Racer Revolution 105
1st Place Novice RT Ryukyu
Be the champion in the Novice Race with the RT Ryukyu Car
2025-02-01 21:42:45
Ridge Racer Revolution 189
Lazy Driver
Beat a game in one sitting using a car with automatic transmission (first three tracks, no secret cars)
2025-02-01 21:28:02
Ridge Racer Revolution 100
1st Place Expert
Become the champion in the Expert Race
2025-02-01 21:28:02
Ridge Racer Revolution 154
1st Place Intermediate
Become the champion in the Intermediate Race
2025-02-01 20:59:33
Ridge Racer Revolution 193
1st Place Novice F/A Racing
Be the champion in the Novice Race with the F/A Racing Car.
2025-02-01 20:53:52
Ridge Racer Revolution 191
1st Place Novice
Become the champion in the Novice Race
2025-02-01 20:53:52
Ridge Racer Revolution 273
Invading the Royal Palace
Complete "Castle" on Expert
2025-01-31 21:28:47
Great Waldo Search, The 347
Peace Between Worlds
Complete "Monk Battlefield" on Expert
2025-01-31 21:26:58
Great Waldo Search, The 348
Ready to Find Diamonds
Complete "Cave" on Expert
2025-01-31 21:25:45
Great Waldo Search, The 346
Poorly Drawn Dawg
Enter the bonus game in "Cave"
2025-01-31 21:24:23
Great Waldo Search, The 360
No Magic Needed
Complete "City" on Expert
2025-01-31 21:24:08
Great Waldo Search, The 347
Now Find Odlaw
Complete the game with 50,000 or more points
2025-01-31 21:21:24
Great Waldo Search, The 341
1 in a Million Chances
Complete the game on any difficulty by completing "Land of Waldos"
2025-01-31 21:21:24
Great Waldo Search, The 350
Storm the Castle
Complete "Castle"
2025-01-31 21:20:04
Great Waldo Search, The 365
Lock It Down!
Enter the bonus game in "Castle"
2025-01-31 21:19:07
Great Waldo Search, The 357
Fire and Ice
Complete "Monk Battlefield"
2025-01-31 21:18:50
Great Waldo Search, The 366
Who Let the Dogs Out?
Enter the bonus game in "Monk Battlefiled"
2025-01-31 21:18:03
Great Waldo Search, The 357
Digging Straight Down
Complete "Cave"
2025-01-31 21:17:46
Great Waldo Search, The 367
10,000 Years Gives You a Crick in the Neck
Complete "City"
2025-01-31 21:16:56
Great Waldo Search, The 369
Getting Time to Spare
Have a total of 4 extra clocks at any point
2025-01-31 21:16:29
Great Waldo Search, The 366
Dog Goes Bark
Enter the bonus game in "City"
2025-01-31 21:15:32
Great Waldo Search, The 361
Rock the Dragon
Defeat Dragon in Vs. Mode (Any Difficulty)
2025-01-31 20:47:39
Panel de Pon 1,220
Same Time, Same Panel
Clear Vs. Mode (Any Difficulty)
2025-01-31 20:47:39
Panel de Pon 1,181
Flame Guardian
Defeat Phoenix in Vs. Mode (Any Difficulty)
2025-01-31 20:41:47
Panel de Pon 1,245
Star Light, Star Bright
Defeat Seren in Vs. Mode (Any Difficulty)
2025-01-31 20:37:48
Panel de Pon 1,271
Sea What I Did There?
Defeat Naris in Vs. Mode (Any Difficulty)
2025-01-31 20:35:08
Panel de Pon 1,280
Liquid Hot Magma
Defeat Flaire in Vs. Mode (Any Difficulty)
2025-01-31 20:31:44
Panel de Pon 1,292
Watered Down
Defeat Elias in Vs. Mode (Any Difficulty)
2025-01-31 20:28:08
Panel de Pon 1,302
Polished Up
Defeat Ruby in Vs. Mode (Any Difficulty)
2025-01-31 20:25:25
Panel de Pon 1,306
Merry Fairy
Defeat Thiana in Vs. Mode (Any Difficulty)
2025-01-31 20:23:09
Panel de Pon 1,310
Big Snowman
Defeat Sherbet in Vs. Mode (Any Difficulty)
2025-01-31 20:21:24
Panel de Pon 1,323
Lighter than Air
Defeat Windy in Vs. Mode (Any Difficulty)
2025-01-31 20:19:46
Panel de Pon 1,338
Probably Receiving Both the Vezina and the Conn Smythe
In a single session, win the Best of 1 Playoffs without ever letting the opposing teams score
2025-01-31 19:49:49
NHL '94 1
Beginning Trader
In Master League Mode, Accumulate a total of 50 trading points
2025-01-29 21:19:09
ISS Pro Evolution 2 14
Triple-Digit Scorer
In League Mode, Score a minimum of 100 goals in a single full season
2025-01-28 21:34:42
ISS Pro Evolution 2 12
Total Mastery
Unlock all available content
2025-01-28 21:34:31
ISS Pro Evolution 2 11
Timeless Icons
Unlock the historic European and International Classic teams
2025-01-28 21:34:31
ISS Pro Evolution 2 12
Defensive Fortress
In League Mode, Concede no more than 15 goals in a single full season
2025-01-28 21:31:21
ISS Pro Evolution 2 12
By the Book
In League Mode, Finish a full season with no red cards and less than 15 yellow cards received
2025-01-28 21:31:21
ISS Pro Evolution 2 12
League Supreme
In League Mode, Finish in first place in a full season
2025-01-28 21:31:21
ISS Pro Evolution 2 12
Overcome a halftime deficit and come back to win the match on Normal difficulty or higher
2025-01-28 18:48:20
ISS Pro Evolution 2 20
Ultimate All-Stars
Unlock the European and International All-Star teams
2025-01-26 19:23:42
ISS Pro Evolution 2 18
Champions of the World
In Cup Mode, Become the champions of the International Cup
2025-01-26 19:23:28
ISS Pro Evolution 2 18
European Elite
In Cup Mode, Become the champions of the European Cup
2025-01-26 17:23:36
ISS Pro Evolution 2 14
Survivor of the Groups
In Cup Mode, Secure a spot in the knockout rounds by finishing in the top 2 of your group in the European Cup
2025-01-26 16:14:44
ISS Pro Evolution 2 16
Unbeaten in the Group Stage
In Cup Mode, Win every match in the group stage of the European Cup
2025-01-26 16:14:36
ISS Pro Evolution 2 14
Club House Opening
Unlock the Club House stadium
2025-01-26 13:18:02
ISS Pro Evolution 2 14
Konami Cup Conquerors
In Cup Mode, Get the trophy in the Konami Cup
2025-01-26 13:17:52
ISS Pro Evolution 2 14
Continental Heroes
In Cup Mode, Become the champions of the African Cup
2025-01-26 11:16:26
ISS Pro Evolution 2 16
American Cup Conquerors
In Cup Mode, Become the champions of the American Cup
2025-01-26 10:50:32
ISS Pro Evolution 2 15
Masters of Asia
In Cup Mode, Become the champions of the Asian Cup
2025-01-25 22:23:25
ISS Pro Evolution 2 13
Dramatic Cup Win
In Cup Mode, Win a match through penalty shoot-out
2025-01-25 21:34:24
ISS Pro Evolution 2 14
Last-Minute Goal
Score the winning goal during injury time in the second half of the match
2025-01-25 21:04:57
ISS Pro Evolution 2 21
Halftime Momentum
Score the leading goal during injury time in the first half of the match
2025-01-25 20:58:47
ISS Pro Evolution 2 17
Park the Bus
In Cup Mode, Make it through the group stage of the European Cup without conceding a goal, on Normal difficulty or higher without edited national teams
2025-01-25 19:58:56
ISS Pro Evolution 2 14
Through to the Knockouts
In Cup Mode, Secure a spot in the knockout rounds by finishing in the top 2 of your group in the International Cup
2025-01-25 19:26:41
ISS Pro Evolution 2 19
Score a goal after completing at least 10 consecutive passes without losing possession on Normal difficulty or higher
2025-01-25 17:12:38
ISS Pro Evolution 2 25
Penalty Pro
Score a goal from a penalty kick during a match
2025-01-25 17:00:03
ISS Pro Evolution 2 20
Scoring Sensation
Score 5 goals in a single match on Normal difficulty or higher
2025-01-25 16:25:38
ISS Pro Evolution 2 21
Every Shot, Every Goal
Achieve a perfect shot-to-goal ratio by scoring with every shot you take in a match
2025-01-25 16:12:57
ISS Pro Evolution 2 16
Win your first match in any competition
2025-01-25 15:11:04
ISS Pro Evolution 2 34
Score your first goal
2025-01-25 15:07:26
ISS Pro Evolution 2 37
Pacific Fan
In a single session, win matches featuring every team in the Pacific Division
2025-01-20 10:18:15
NHL '94 6
Atlantic Fan
In a single session, win matches featuring every team in the Atlantic Division
2025-01-20 09:14:09
NHL '94 6
Central Fan
In a single session, win matches featuring every team in the Central Division
2025-01-19 22:18:10
NHL '94 5
Goon Unleashed
Get 6 minutes of penalty with the same player
2025-01-19 22:08:15
NHL '94 13
Northeast Fan
In a single session, win matches featuring every team in the Northeast Division
2025-01-19 19:10:10
NHL '94 7
Even the Benchwarmers Got Some Points In
In a single game, get a goal or assist with at least 21 different players
2025-01-19 18:10:05
NHL '94 9
Undisputed GOAT
Win a match between All Stars East and All Stars West and have Wayne Gretzky be the first star of the match
2025-01-19 17:47:55
NHL '94 10
Every Line Is Great
In a single game, get a goal or assist with at least 14 different players
2025-01-19 17:34:00
NHL '94 11
The Magnificent One
During a match between All Stars East and All Stars West, perform a hat trick with Mario Lemieux
2025-01-19 15:51:03
NHL '94 10
Domination via Defense
Win a Shootout with 5 saves, with a manual goalie
2025-01-19 15:40:57
NHL '94 18
Stanley Cup Champions
In a single session, win the grand finals in Best of 7 Playoffs to win the Stanley Cup!
2025-01-19 15:36:00
NHL '94 11
The Cup Is So Close I Can Feel It
In a single session, win the third round in Best of 7 Playoffs to get to the grand finals
2025-01-19 14:20:26
NHL '94 12
Eyes on the Prize
In a single session, win the second round in Best of 7 Playoffs to get to the semifinals
2025-01-19 09:29:15
NHL '94 13
Domination via Offense
Win a Shootout with 5 goals
2025-01-18 23:02:14
NHL '94 12
Breakouts Adept
Win a Shootout
2025-01-18 22:45:01
NHL '94 19
Great Year for the Club
In a single session, win the first round in Best of 7 Playoffs to get to the quarterfinals
2025-01-18 22:25:45
NHL '94 13
Fair Play
Win a game without receiving any penalties
2025-01-18 21:23:30
NHL '94 13
No Goals for You
Record a shutout
2025-01-18 21:23:30
NHL '94 15
Strong Team
In a single game, get a goal or assist with at least 7 different players
2025-01-18 21:21:32
NHL '94 18
Bring Down the Hats
Perform a hat trick
2025-01-18 21:16:13
NHL '94 15
First Taste of Victory
Win your first game
2025-01-18 21:03:48
NHL '94 22
Quality Over Quantity
Score during a Penalty Kill
2025-01-18 20:54:23
NHL '94 16
Yet Quantity Matters
Score during a Power Play
2025-01-18 20:52:44
NHL '94 19
First Steps on the Rink
Score your first goal! All other achievements require penalties to be on and periods to be 10 minutes or longer
2025-01-18 20:52:44
NHL '94 38
Captain's Guarantee
Playing as New York, score 3 consecutive goals in the third period as Mark Messier against New Jersey
2024-12-08 09:37:52
NHLPA Hockey 93 12
Rod the Bod
Playing as Philadelphia, score 2 short handed goals on the same penalty kill as Rod Brindamour against Pittsburgh
2024-12-08 09:13:40
NHLPA Hockey 93 11
Gordie Howe Hat Trick
Get a goal, assist, and 5 minute fighting major with the same player in a single game [Penalties = off, except fighting]
2024-12-07 17:16:12
NHLPA Hockey 93 18
Desperation Move
Score a goal while your goalie is pulled
2024-12-07 15:29:27
NHLPA Hockey 93 20
Padding Your Stats
Playing as Chicago, get at least 4 goals and an assist as Jeremy Roenick against Winnipeg
2024-12-07 13:18:26
NHLPA Hockey 93 16
Super Mario
Playing as Pittsburgh, get at least 5 goals and 3 assists as Mario Lemieux against Philadelphia
2024-12-07 13:04:27
NHLPA Hockey 93 16
Habs Killer
Playing as Boston, get a shut out against Montreal while using Andy Moog (or no goalie) for the duration of the game
2024-12-07 12:33:58
NHLPA Hockey 93 17
The Great One
Playing as Los Angeles, score at least 3 goals as Wayne Gretzky and win the game against Toronto
2024-12-07 12:06:02
NHLPA Hockey 93 18
Stanley Cup Champions
Win the Stanley Cup in Playoffs Best of 7 mode
2024-12-07 00:29:09
NHLPA Hockey 93 17
One Last Hill to Climb
Win the semifinals series in Playoffs Best of 7 mode
2024-12-06 23:38:48
NHLPA Hockey 93 17
Deep Run
Win the quarterfinals series in Playoffs Best of 7 mode
2024-12-06 22:56:35
NHLPA Hockey 93 17
Moving On
Win the first series in Playoffs Best of 7 mode
2024-12-06 22:04:42
NHLPA Hockey 93 18
Natural Hat Trick
Score three consecutive goals with the same player in a single game (resets if a goal is scored by any other player on either team)
2024-12-06 21:37:25
NHLPA Hockey 93 21
Shut Out
Win a game without allowing the opposing team to score
2024-12-06 21:28:43
NHLPA Hockey 93 22
Stanley Cup Express
Win the Stanley Cup in Playoffs mode (1 win per round)
2024-12-06 21:18:01
NHLPA Hockey 93 17
5-on-3 Shorthanded Goal
Score a goal while killing off the opposing team's 5-on-3 man advantage
2024-12-06 20:26:38
NHLPA Hockey 93 17
Regular Season Victory
Win a game in Regular Season mode
2024-12-06 19:29:21
NHLPA Hockey 93 25
What An Upset!
As Ottawa, play against Montreal and win
2024-12-06 19:29:20
NHLPA Hockey 93 28
Hat Trick
Score three goals with the same player in a single game
2024-12-06 19:28:54
NHLPA Hockey 93 24
Shorthanded Goal
Score a goal while killing off the opposing team's power play
2024-12-06 19:21:23
NHLPA Hockey 93 22
Injury Prone
Injure an opponent in a game
2024-12-06 19:10:05
NHLPA Hockey 93 31
First of Many
Score a goal
2024-12-06 18:48:53
NHLPA Hockey 93 36
Stacking Queen (Obstacle)
Earn a score of 100,000 on Obstacle.
2024-11-30 14:42:59
Tetraminos 28
Classical Sledgehammer
Reach level 20 on Classic (Easy or Normal).
2024-11-30 14:33:20
Tetraminos 30
Stacking King (Classic)
Earn a score of 250,000 on Classic.
2024-11-30 14:33:01
Tetraminos 30
Stacking Queen (Classic)
Earn a score of 100,000 on Classic.
2024-11-30 14:28:05
Tetraminos 36
Triple Play
Clear 3 lines at once.
2024-11-30 14:09:41
Tetraminos 42
Block Chain
Clear 4 lines at once thrice in a row.
2024-11-30 14:03:17
Tetraminos 35
Twin Clear
Clear 2 lines at once.
2024-11-30 13:59:22
Tetraminos 43
Back-to-Back <REDACTED>
Clear 4 lines at once twice in a row.
2024-11-30 13:58:35
Tetraminos 37
Registered trademark of Tetris Holding, LLC
Clear 4 lines at once.
2024-11-30 13:48:26
Tetraminos 40
Roll the Bones
On the Nightmare table, spin the wheel by shooting the left ball trap when SPIN is lit.
2024-11-30 13:20:38
Pinball Dreams 24
Beat Box Wizard Score
On the Beat Box table, score 10,000,000 points
2024-11-30 13:05:11
Pinball Dreams 9
Live at Red Rocks
On the Beat Box table, go on a United States tour by shooting the left ramp when USA TOUR is lit
2024-11-30 12:55:18
Pinball Dreams 14
On the Ignition table, spell I G N I T I O N
2024-11-30 12:46:07
Pinball Dreams 8
On the Ignition table, reach a 4x Multi-Bonus
2024-11-29 22:11:15
Pinball Dreams 5
Live at Wembley
On the Beat Box table, go on a European tour by shooting the left ramp when EUROPE TOUR is lit
2024-11-28 23:06:33
Pinball Dreams 28
Rick Dees Weekly Top 40
On the Beat Box table, make it to #4 on the USA charts
2024-11-28 23:05:37
Pinball Dreams 14
Tubular Bells II
On the Beat Box table, collect the Double Bonus by shooting the left loop when the middle BONUS SCORES red arrow is lit
2024-11-28 23:04:57
Pinball Dreams 20
Human Highway
On the Beat Box table, release a Movie by shooting the right ramp when MOVIE is lit
2024-11-28 23:04:35
Pinball Dreams 18
Here to Go
On the Beat Box table, release a Maxi-Single by shooting the right ramp when Maxi-Single is lit
2024-11-28 22:51:19
Pinball Dreams 11
Perhaps I May Become a Highwayman Again
On the Steel Wheel table, collect an Extra Ball
2024-11-28 22:38:48
Pinball Dreams 10
The Great Train Robbery, 1941
On the Steel Wheel table, collect 2,000,000 points by shooting the middle ramp when the yellow 2000K is lit
2024-11-28 22:32:44
Pinball Dreams 2
The Great Train Robbery, 1903
On the Steel Wheel table, collect at least 250,000 points by shooting the middle ramp when the yellow 250K is lit
2024-11-28 22:32:43
Pinball Dreams 11
True Grit, 1969
On the Steel Wheel table, collect at least 250,000 points by shooting the left ramp when the blue 250K is lit
2024-11-28 22:32:14
Pinball Dreams 17
The Five Man Army
On the Steel Wheel table, reach a 5x Multi-Bonus
2024-11-28 22:31:19
Pinball Dreams 5
Hold Your Horses
On the Steel Wheel table, collect the Bonus Hold
2024-11-28 22:31:13
Pinball Dreams 13
Steel Wheel Wizard Score
On the Steel Wheel table, score 10,000,000 points
2024-11-28 22:31:13
Pinball Dreams 17
On the Ignition table, collect the Score Bonus by shooting the ball trap when SCORE-BONUS is lit
2024-11-28 22:21:50
Pinball Dreams 9
Androgynous Peripheral Attach System
On the Ignition table, collect a 1,000,000 point bonus by shooting the ball trap when 1000K is lit
2024-11-28 21:54:43
Pinball Dreams 14
Third Rock From the Sun
On the Ignition table, travel to Earth by collecting FUEL three times
2024-11-28 21:52:05
Pinball Dreams 11
Ignition Wizard Score
On the Ignition table, score 10,000,000 points
2024-11-28 21:51:17
Pinball Dreams 11
In Girum Imus Nocte et Consumimur Igni
On the Ignition table, spell I G N I
2024-11-28 21:49:21
Pinball Dreams 23
We Number These Missions for a Reason
On the Ignition table, collect an extra ball
2024-11-28 21:49:18
Pinball Dreams 20
Ignition Gold Score
On the Ignition table, score 5,000,000 points
2024-11-28 10:08:54
Pinball Dreams 21
Hold On, It’s a Lot of G’s
On the Ignition table, collect the Bonus Hold by shooting the Sun Run when HOLD BONUS is lit
2024-11-28 10:08:17
Pinball Dreams 30
Ignition Silver Score
On the Ignition table, score 3,000,000 points
2024-11-28 10:08:03
Pinball Dreams 31
On the Ignition table, reach a 2x Multi-Bonus
2024-11-28 10:04:17
Pinball Dreams 48
Friday the 13th Part 2
On the Nightmare table, reach a 2x Multi-Bonus
2024-11-28 09:57:39
Pinball Dreams 30
One-Eyed Jackpot
On the Nightmare table, collect the Super Jackpot by shooting the middle ball trap when SUPER is lit
2024-11-28 09:57:10
Pinball Dreams 3
Thank You, Mr. Jackpots!
On the Nightmare table, collect the Multi-Jackpot by doing the following: Shoot any trap that has a flashing LOCK light, launch another ball, and then shoot the middle ball trap
2024-11-28 09:57:06
Pinball Dreams 7
On the Nightmare table, collect the Jackpot by shooting the middle ball trap when JACK is lit
2024-11-28 09:57:06
Pinball Dreams 7
She's Dead...
On the Nightmare table, spell G R A V E
2024-11-28 09:56:47
Pinball Dreams 19
But Who Is the Dreamer?
On any table, score 25,000,000 points
2024-11-28 09:54:43
Pinball Dreams 12
In Dreams
On the Nightmare table, shoot the right loop while HURRY UP is active
2024-11-28 09:54:31
Pinball Dreams 6
Nightmare Wizard Score
On the Nightmare table, score 10,000,000 points
2024-11-28 09:54:31
Pinball Dreams 16
Nightmare Gold Score
On the Nightmare table, score 5,000,000 points
2024-11-28 09:54:26
Pinball Dreams 29
Now It's Dark
On the Nightmare table, advance the clock to Midnight and activate Hurry Up
2024-11-28 09:54:18
Pinball Dreams 14
Nightmare Silver Score
On the Nightmare table, score 3,000,000 points
2024-11-28 09:54:15
Pinball Dreams 35
Akumajo Dracula X
On the Nightmare table, advance the clock to 10pm
2024-11-28 09:53:58
Pinball Dreams 24
Nightmare Bronze Score
On the Nightmare table, score 1,000,000 points
2024-11-28 09:52:55
Pinball Dreams 38
Beat Box Gold Score
On the Beat Box table, score 5,000,000 points
2024-11-28 09:49:54
Pinball Dreams 20
Eurovision Finalist
On the Beat Box table, make it to #4 on the European charts
2024-11-28 09:49:02
Pinball Dreams 16
Beat Box Silver Score
On the Beat Box table, score 3,000,000 points
2024-11-28 09:48:00
Pinball Dreams 29
Have Another Ball!
On the Beat Box table, collect an Extra Ball
2024-11-28 09:47:50
Pinball Dreams 25
Hold on Tight to Your Dreams
On the Beat Box table, collect the Bonus Hold by shooting the left passage when the bottom BONUS SCORES red arrow is lit
2024-11-28 09:47:50
Pinball Dreams 25
Beat Box Bronze Score
On the Beat Box table, score 1,000,000 points
2024-11-28 09:46:18
Pinball Dreams 39
Jocko Homo
On the Beat Box table, release a Single by shooting the right ramp when Single is lit
2024-11-28 09:45:19
Pinball Dreams 35
Steel Wheel Gold Score
On the Steel Wheel table, score 5,000,000 points
2024-11-28 09:44:13
Pinball Dreams 32
The Three Mesquiteers
On the Steel Wheel table, reach a 3x Multi-Bonus
2024-11-28 09:43:53
Pinball Dreams 15
Spin the Steel Wheel
On the Steel Wheel table, spin the wheel by shooting the left ball trap when SPIN is lit
2024-11-28 09:43:33
Pinball Dreams 26
3:10 to Yuma, 1957
On the Steel Wheel table, collect 1,000,000 points by shooting the right ball trap when the green 1 MILLION is lit
2024-11-28 09:43:16
Pinball Dreams 35
Steel Wheel Silver Score
On the Steel Wheel table, score 3,000,000 points
2024-11-28 09:43:16
Pinball Dreams 39
Steel Wheel Bronze Score
On the Steel Wheel table, score 1,000,000 points
2024-11-28 09:42:13
Pinball Dreams 40
SSVP Docking System
On the Ignition table, collect a 250,000 point bonus by shooting the ball trap when 250K is lit
2024-11-28 09:39:00
Pinball Dreams 25
Ignition Bronze Score
On the Ignition table, score 1,000,000 points
2024-11-28 09:38:30
Pinball Dreams 41
Flawless victory
Beat AI without getting hit
2024-11-23 16:06:59
Mortal Kombat II 388
Achieve 5 victories in row vs. AI
2024-11-23 16:03:43
Mortal Kombat II 274
Achieve 3 victories in row vs. AI
2024-11-23 16:02:00
Mortal Kombat II 418
Heart Wasn't Censored Here
Perform Kano's Fatality on the CPU
2024-11-23 14:22:55
Mortal Kombat 180
Beheaded by a Lightning
Perform Rayden's Fatality on the CPU
2024-11-23 14:12:07
Mortal Kombat 197
Finish the game with Rayden (Medium or higher difficulty)
2024-11-23 10:52:19
Mortal Kombat 295
Defeat Shang Tsung in the tournament
2024-11-23 10:52:19
Mortal Kombat 511
Forgotten Fight
Defeat Goro
2024-11-23 10:50:25
Mortal Kombat 227
Death Kiss
Perform Sonya's Fatality on the CPU
2024-11-23 10:41:07
Mortal Kombat 169