Game for Game Boy
Pokémon Red Version | Pokémon Blue Version
Blazekickn, dude1286
4.68 / 5
Game Rating
4.29 / 5
Achievements Rating
2025-01-02 09:29:17
Last Played
2024-12-31 11:55:53
Last Unlock
2024-12-16 07:22:58
First Unlock & Started
2 weeks 1 day 4 hours 32 minutes
Time Taken
Owners Including hidden & invalid profiles
… Players
… in Progress
… Completed
Completion Average
Completion Median
Player Completion Achievements Last Unlock
KingSplashii 3.23% 3 / 93 2025-02-12 02:14:38
MackKaber 25.81% 24 / 93 2025-02-10 06:19:07
iHead 8.6% 8 / 93 2025-02-06 21:52:43
Nuzzgok 82.8% 77 / 93 2025-02-05 19:05:02
dillard 77.42% 72 / 93 2025-02-04 05:26:44
Jonu 100% 93 2025-01-22 15:50:49
bestrigyn1 4.3% 4 / 93 2025-01-06 21:07:58
Zimtrax 37.63% 35 / 93 2024-12-31 11:55:53
coolscribble 29.03% 27 / 93 2024-12-14 19:59:29
Xelo 100% 93 2024-12-08 23:57:46
Achievement Unlocked Global Unlocks
Survive 20 turns in a battle without switching out or having either Pokemon be harmed. (Must be at Max HP, status is fine)
2024-12-31 11:55:53 2,482
Parting Gift
Obtain 5 Poke Balls from Prof. Oak.
2024-12-30 15:03:17 4,132
Halfway (Solo)
Get the Pokemon in Slot 1 from Level 49 to Level 50.
2024-12-22 08:53:16 3,187
Defeat Blaine
Earn the Volcano Badge at Cinnabar Island.
2024-12-22 08:35:04 3,333
Performance Enhancement Disk
Obtain HM04 Strength from the Safari Zone Warden in Fuchsia City.
2024-12-21 22:03:15 2,934
Too Much Water
Obtain HM03 Surf from the Safari Zone.
2024-12-21 22:00:50 3,027
Defeat Koga
Earn the Soul Badge in Fuchsia City.
2024-12-21 21:49:47 3,670
Obtain all 3 Fishing Rods.
2024-12-21 21:25:52 2,711
Metal Detector
Obtain the Itemfinder from the Aide on Route 11.
2024-12-21 21:13:52 2,849
The Sleeper Awakens
Use the Pokeflute to awaken and catch Snorlax.
2024-12-21 21:12:35 3,670
Save Mr. Fuji and obtain the Poke Flute.
2024-12-21 21:08:11 3,935
Enter the Dragon
Claim your prize from the Saffron City Dojo.
2024-12-21 20:59:00 3,516
Raiding the Vault
Find every Item and defeat every Trainer in the Rocket Hideout.
2024-12-21 20:57:05 2,598
Ghost Buster
Obtain the Silph Scope from the Rocket Hideout.
2024-12-21 20:55:58 3,299
Prepare For Liftoff
Obtain HM02 Fly from the secret house on Route 16.
2024-12-21 20:41:42 3,306
7 Grand
Win a Jackpot at the Celadon City Game Corner.
2024-12-21 20:19:53 2,551
Second Place Isn't Bad
Win a Bar at the Celadon City Game Corner.
2024-12-21 20:09:53 2,633
Defeat Erika
Earn the Rainbow Badge in Celadon City.
2024-12-21 20:07:20 4,120
Pleading Face
Find all the free coins in the Celadon City Game Corner.
2024-12-21 19:51:22 2,813
I Like To Ride It
Obtain the Bicycle from the Bike Shop in Cerulean City.
2024-12-21 17:17:02 3,814
Prevent your Pokemon from evolving.
2024-12-21 17:15:23 2,979
Flashing Lights Warning
Obtain HM05 Flash from the Aide on Route 2.
2024-12-21 17:10:55 3,713
Defeat Lt. Surge
Earn the Thunder Badge in Vermillion City.
2024-12-21 16:45:29 4,714
A Boatload of Fun
Rub the Captain's Back on the S.S. Anne and obtain HM01 Cut.
2024-12-16 21:21:32 4,128
My Heart Will Go On
Collect all optional Items and defeat all optional Trainers on the S.S. Anne.
2024-12-16 21:17:12 3,278
Sleeping Giant
Be told about a legendary Pokemon that sleeps a lot.
2024-12-16 20:48:27 3,967
Defeat Misty
Earn the Cascade Badge in Cerulean City.
2024-12-16 14:55:04 5,312
Only Take One
Choose a Fossil at the end of Mt. Moon.
2024-12-16 14:47:22 5,507
Preparing To Be The Very Best
Assemble a full team of Pokemon.
2024-12-16 14:25:41 6,185
Defeat Brock
Earn the Boulder Badge in Pewter City.
2024-12-16 11:53:01 6,509
Rock Smash
Defeat Brock on Set Mode without using items in battle. (Level 14 Cap)
2024-12-16 11:52:35 4,057
Setting the Forest Ablaze
Find every Item and defeat every Trainer in Viridian Forest.
2024-12-16 09:47:21 4,193
The United Cities of Kanto
Obtain a map of the region.
2024-12-16 07:44:46 6,451
Journey Has Started
Obtain the Pokedex.
2024-12-16 07:44:28 7,286
Free Points
Obtain a free sample courtesy of the Viridian City Pokemon Mart.
2024-12-16 07:22:58 6,697
One Of A Kind
Grab the only Item Ball in the game that is inside of a Gym.
Victory Lap
Find every Item and defeat every Trainer in Victory Road.
No Item Left Behind
Collect all optional Items in the Safari Zone in a single Safari Hunt. (No resetting)
Wario Would Be Proud
Generate over $2000 in a single fight using Pay Day.
Defeat Sabrina
Earn the Marsh Badge in Saffron City.
Target Acquired
Land 5 One-Hit KO moves in a row in a single battle.
I Was Frozen Today
Be cured of being Frozen in battle without using an item in that battle.
A Fair Fight
Catch Mewtwo without using the Master Ball.
Pokemon Master!
Beat the Elite Four and the Champion of the Pokemon League.
Ekans Dilos
Reach the Rival in Silph Co. without defeating more than 1 trainer.
Sharing is Caring
Obtain an Exp. All from the Aide in Fuchsia City.
Defeat the Pokemon League using Set Mode without using items in Battle. (Level 50 Cap, No resetting starting from entering door)
Anybody Home?
Go from one entrance of Viridian Forest to the other without initiating any wild encounters. (No resetting, no Repel or Cut)
I Found You, Faker!
As Ditto, use Transform on an Enemy Ditto.
Genocide Route
Defeat all not missable Trainers in the Kanto region.
Uno, Dos, Tres!
Catch the three legendary birds.
Living Itemfinder
Find all not missable items (including hidden items) on the overworld.
Biggest Balls In Kanto
Obtain the Master Ball from the President of Silph Co.
Spin to Not Win
Navigate through the Viridian City Gym without using the Spin Tiles. (Start from Gym Entrance)
Ace of the Maze
Navigate through the Fuchsia City Gym without bonking. (Start from Gym Entrance)
Kicking Some Grass
Defeat Erika on Set Mode without using items in battle. (Level 29 Cap)
Fire Fighter
Defeat Blaine on Set Mode without using items in battle. (Level 47 Cap)
Prof. Perfect
Defeat the Pokemon League without having any Pokemon faint. (Level 60 Cap, No resetting starting from entering door)
GB Bungaku Zenshuu
Read all Journals in the Cinnabar Mansion without leaving. (No resetting)
Dearly Beloved
Gift the forced Ghost encounter at the top of Lavender Tower a Poke Doll to calm it without using the Silph Scope.
Where's My Ribbon?
Max out a Pokemon's Stat Experience. (Hint: Try Cerulean Cave!)
Lawn Mower
Cut the grass.
Disk Collector I
Find all 50 not missable TMs and HMs on the overworld.
Getting Your Money's Worth
Catch 10 Pokemon in a single Safari Hunt. (No resetting)
Area Unknown
Catch every Normal Wild Encounter Pokemon in Cerulean Cave without leaving the area. (No Reseting, No Master Ball)
Have Fun
Catch Chansey, Scyther or Pinsir, Tauros and Kanghaskan in the Safari Zone in one emulator session. (Multiple Safari Hunts are fine)
2000 IQ Super Quiz
Complete all of the Quizzes in the Cinnabar Island Gym without leaving the building, fighting any trainers, or resetting.
Disk Collector II
Buy 1 of every TM you can buy from the Department Store and the Game Corner in one emulator session without resetting.
Hostage Situation
Find every Item, defeat every Trainer, and open all Doors in Silph Co.
Grave Robbing
Find every Item and defeat every Trainer in the Pokemon Tower.
Now It Is 100 Percent Safe
Find and clear all of the stationary Pokemon in Kanto.
Ninja Gaiden
Defeat Koga on Set Mode without using items in battle. (Level 43 Cap)
Pool's Closed
Defeat Misty on Set Mode without using items in battle. (Level 21 Cap)
Blasting Off Again
Defeat Giovanni on Set Mode without using items in battle. (Level 50 Cap)
Unidentified Flying Object
Glance at a mysterious bird in the distance using the binoculars.
Gambling Addict
Win 3000 Credits from Slots without leaving the Game Corner.
This Is Illegal, You Know
Buy all of the Game Corner Pokemon in one emulator session without resetting.
The Strongest Pokemon Ever!
Catch the fabled Mewtwo.
Halfway (Party)
Level a Pokemon from Lvl 49 to Lvl 50 in a party of Lvl 50+ Pokemon.
Surprise Mechanics
Use Metronome to go out with a bang.
No ~Multi~ Set Required
Complete all 9 in-game trades.
Elite Stomp
Beat the Pokemon League with only one Pokemon in your party. (No resetting starting from entering door, No Mew or Mewtwo)
Defeat Giovanni
Earn the Earth Badge in Viridian City.
Brawn Over Brains
Defeat Sabrina on Set Mode without using items in battle. (Level 43 Cap)
One Man Army
Defeat Lt. Surge on Set Mode without using items in battle. (Level 24 Cap)
Brand Loyalty
Defeat the Pokemon League using a full party of version exclusive Pokemon. (No resetting starting from entering door)
Gone Critical!
Land a Critical Hit 5 turns in a row in a single battle.
Monkey's Tounge
Navigate through the Saffron City Gym using the fewest amount of warps. (Start from Gym Entrance)
Gotta Catch 'em All
Catch all 124 Pokemon possible in either game without outside trading.
cOmPlEtElY dIfFeReNt GaMeS
Catch all of your version's exclusive Pokemon.
So, rich...
Have 9999 Coins at once.
It's Present
Claim all 6 Gift Pokemon. (Including Revived Fossils and Magikarp)
Shoot for the Moon
Find every Item and defeat every Trainer in Mt. Moon.