Nintendo 64
~Hack~ Mario in the Multiverse

Updated 4 days ago

Game for Nintendo 64
~Hack~ Mario in the Multiverse
2025-02-10 19:31:06
Last Played
2025-02-10 19:10:18
Last Unlock
2025-02-01 15:26:15
First Unlock & Started
1 week 2 days 3 hours 44 minutes
Time Taken
Owners Including hidden & invalid profiles
… Players
… in Progress
Completion Average
Completion Median
Player Completion Achievements Last Unlock
Zouiguipopo 98.21% 55 / 56 2025-02-10 19:10:18
StarrlightSims 100% 56 2025-02-03 17:06:54
FSP95 0/ 56
Achievement Unlocked Global Unlocks
Hamster's Speedslide
Finish The Princess's Secret Slide in 32 seconds or less using only the Hamsterball
2025-02-10 19:10:18 3
It's-a Me... Yoshi?
Find and talk to Yoshi
2025-02-10 19:07:26 3
Cavern of the What?
Collect every red coin in Cavern of the Metal Cap
2025-02-10 19:06:45 3
Memory of the Power Crystals
Find the secret room in New N-Sanity Island
2025-02-10 19:04:25 2
Collaborative Track
Unlock every music track
2025-02-10 18:59:24 1
Fancy Meeting You up Here...
Find a hidden face in DOOM
2025-02-10 18:57:57 2
Say Hello to My Bigger Friend
Obtain an upgrade for the Doom Shotgun
2025-02-09 22:32:16 1
Wish Granted
Complete the game
2025-02-09 22:32:16 2
Reality Restored
Obtain 123 Power Stars
2025-02-09 22:05:35 1
Universal Circuit
Collect the star in Centrum Omnium
2025-02-09 22:05:35 2
Prized Collection
Collect every painting
2025-02-09 21:49:11 1
Infested Neighborhood
Collect every star in Saints, Sinners, & Mario
2025-02-09 21:20:21 2
Mass Decapitation
Obtain the Esteemed Mortal ability
2025-02-09 20:58:59 6
Rodent Rumble
Collect every star in Mario in Hamsterball
2025-02-09 20:48:49 6
It's a Long Shot
Reach the goal on the brown course in Mario in Hamsterball using only the Hamsterball
2025-02-09 20:48:07 6
Round and Round
Collect the star on the red course in Mario in Hamsterball using only the Hamsterball in 50 seconds or less
2025-02-09 01:54:38 6
Warming Up
Collect the star on the pink course in Mario in Hamsterball using only the Hamsterball in 60 seconds or less
2025-02-09 01:51:31 6
Tower Racer
Collect the star on the yellow course in Mario in Hamsterball using only the Hamsterball in 50 seconds or less
2025-02-09 01:47:23 5
Simple Shortcut
Collect the star on the blue course in Mario in Hamsterball using only the Hamsterball in 20 seconds or less
2025-02-09 00:58:52 6
Twisty Turns
Collect the star on the orange course in Mario in Hamsterball using only the Hamsterball in 40 seconds or less
2025-02-09 00:56:55 6
Zany Zone
Collect the star on the green course in Mario in Hamsterball using only the Hamsterball in 35 seconds or less
2025-02-09 00:54:21 6
Road Warrior
Obtain the Hamster Ball ability
2025-02-09 00:53:38 6
Fabric of Universes
Purchase the Atreus' Artifact
2025-02-09 00:34:05 15
It's Pizza Time!
Collect every star in Beyond the Cursed Pizza
2025-02-09 00:32:24 3
Abandoned Station
Collect every star in Environmental Station M
2025-02-06 20:33:04 3
Harmonic Roost
Collect every star in Ecruteak City
2025-02-06 19:44:13 2
Hoodlum Headquarters
Collect every star in Mushroom Havoc
2025-02-06 19:28:51 5
Tropical Paradise
Collect every star in New N-Sanity Island
2025-02-05 21:17:31 4
Spirit Inside
Obtain the Aku Aku ability
2025-02-05 20:34:17 9
Real Labour of Love
Collect every star in From Russia With Love
2025-02-05 20:32:33 7
Trapped in the Multiverse
Collect both stars in Metaxy Isles
2025-02-05 20:02:37 8
Machine Malfunctions
Obtain 80 Power Stars
2025-02-05 19:58:50 6
Unravelling Past
Collect every star in Katana Mario New Mecca
2025-02-05 19:58:50 5
Hazardous Dasher
Obtain the Dash Booster ability
2025-02-03 19:37:32 6
Submerged Metropolis
Collect every star in Bioshock Rapture
2025-02-03 19:29:29 13
It's Yours My Friend
Purchase the Compass, Magic Mirror, and Milk
2025-02-03 19:26:54 11
City of the Future
Collect every star in Opportunity
2025-02-03 19:21:32 6
Jellyfish Jam
Collect every star in Mario in Bikini Bottom
2025-02-03 19:10:21 7
Splat Zone
Collect every star in Piranha Pit
2025-02-03 18:49:24 9
Great Cave Offensive
Collect every star in Mario Super Star Ultra
2025-02-03 18:44:03 6
Valiant Knight
Obtain the Pizza Knight ability
2025-02-02 22:09:58 23
Torpedo Fist
Obtain the Shock Rocket ability
2025-02-02 21:23:37 37
Russian Clocks Are Always...
Obtain the Gadget Watch ability
2025-02-02 21:08:10 10
Soaring Dragon
Obtain the HM Fly ability
2025-02-02 02:02:25 10
The Demons... They Are Everywhere
Collect every star in DOOM
2025-02-02 01:47:48 12
Demonic Access
Collect both skull keys in DOOM
2025-02-02 01:20:13 13
Super Shotgun
Obtain the Doom Shotgun ability
2025-02-02 01:00:48 16
Do You Wanna Dance?
Dance in Club Multiverse
2025-02-02 00:28:51 13
Eternal Agony
Obtain the Chronos ability
2025-02-02 00:13:17 26
Foul Reinforcement
Obtain the Helmet & Drill ability
2025-02-01 23:48:17 24
Siren's Power
Obtain the Phasewalk ability
2025-02-01 23:09:35 34
Scattered Fragments
Obtain 10 Power Stars
2025-02-01 20:51:32 42
You're a Squid Now
Obtain the Inkling ability
2025-02-01 20:50:37 43
Ol' Reliable
Obtain the Bubble Hat & Net ability
2025-02-01 20:26:12 39
Sharp Cutter
Obtain the Cutter ability
2025-02-01 15:26:15 64
Mighty and Brutal
Complete the True P Rank Challenge