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Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
All Grown Up
Collect each pet's adult form.
2017-10-21 03:05:02 6.7%
Hatch 'em All
Collect the baby form of each pet.
2013-10-06 12:54:50 7.6%
Play a total of 10,000 cards.
2012-06-13 02:15:29 19.6%
Earn $1,000,000.
2012-06-08 03:16:42 13.4%
Elite Skills
Complete all challenges.
2012-06-07 22:33:28 10.1%
Super Powers
Buy all of the Faerie Land powerups.
2012-06-07 01:45:34 17.7%
You Win!
You have completed the game’s adventure mode!
2012-06-07 00:46:25 18.8%
Stage 8 Clear
You have completed the eighth stage!
2012-06-07 00:46:19 18.8%
World Traveler
Play a hand on every stage.
2012-06-06 23:21:14 19.5%
Stage 7 Clear
You have completed the seventh stage!
2012-06-06 23:19:26 19.5%
Cash Cow
Earn $500,000.
2012-06-06 00:43:39 22.2%
Stage 6 Clear
You have completed the sixth stage!
2012-06-05 23:23:29 20.9%
Gold Star
Get 100 perfects.
2012-06-05 23:03:25 23.8%
Stage 5 Clear
You have completed the fifth stage!
2012-06-05 16:04:56 22.3%
Aura Blast
Destroy ten cards using the Aura Ring.
2012-06-05 15:51:14 23.6%
Quick Draw
Complete a perfect hand in under one minute.
2012-06-05 00:33:07 39.1%
Stage 4 Clear
You have completed the fourth stage!
2012-06-05 00:11:57 24.8%
Destroy 20 thorn plants.
2012-06-04 23:10:30 29.0%
Stage 3 Clear
You have completed the third stage!
2012-06-04 21:04:10 28.8%
Power Trip
Buy half of the Faerie Land powerups.
2012-06-04 20:29:16 29.1%
Stage 2 Clear
You have completed the second stage!
2012-05-09 07:32:18 34.8%
My First Pet
Hatch your first pet.
2012-05-08 14:53:51 52.7%
Money Bags
Earn $100,000.
2012-05-08 14:43:57 41.1%
Get twenty perfects.
2012-05-08 07:42:05 47.7%
Melt 20 ice walls.
2012-03-08 18:33:33 41.9%
Get a 20 card combo.
2012-01-11 12:44:28 30.0%
Stage 1 Clear
You have completed the first stage!
2012-01-11 12:41:56 45.2%
Get a 10 card combo.
2011-12-26 03:33:17 58.9%
Complete the last nine hands in less than nine minutes.
2011-12-26 03:22:54 61.8%
Complete the last three hands in less than three minutes.
2011-12-26 03:09:39 65.9%