Free Game for
Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms
Indie, Action, Strategy, Free To Play, Adventure
Remote Play on Tablet
Released March 25, 2020
Game Rating
Steam Review Score
168h 6m
Last Unlock Playtime
991h 6m
1h 46m
2023-03-04 07:59:03
Last Played
2024-08-13 00:37:29
Last Unlock
2021-09-06 20:02:52
First Unlock & Started
2 years 11 months 3 weeks 4 hours 34 minutes
Time Taken
Owners Including hidden & invalid profiles
… Players
… Expired
… in Progress
524h 58m
Playtime Average
4h 52m
Playtime Median
Completion Average
Completion Median
Player Completion Achievements Completion Time Playtime Last Unlock
ajharvey 97.87% 643 / 657 1,808h 2025-02-10 00:52:24
Rhy 98.33% 646 / 657 9,838h 2025-02-09 23:16:04
MISTA 6.24% 41 / 657 46h 4m 2025-02-09 22:40:57
CallMeRicardo 94.37% 620 / 657 5,021h 2025-02-09 20:49:15
Wanderbild 6.09% 40 / 657 76h 7m 2025-02-09 19:59:31
Vichan 36.07% 237 / 657 219h 34m 2025-02-09 19:28:03
iG.r0man 52.82% 347 / 657 882h 45m 2025-02-09 18:59:12
Markax 90.41% 594 / 657 12,231h 2025-02-09 13:21:16
Misthios 51.45% 338 / 657 1,883h 2025-02-09 13:04:24
NavetS 99.39% 653 / 657 741h 2m 2025-02-08 19:50:15
Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
Home Not So Alone
An annoying goblin has taken up residence in Trollskull Manor and put up defenses!
2024-08-13 00:37:29 1.5%
Spined Nuisances
Chase the Nimblewright through the streets of Waterdeep while getting harassed by devils.
2024-08-12 00:05:47 2.0%
Stumbling Escape
Clumsily search Gralhund Villa for the Nimblewright.
2024-08-11 12:56:05 1.9%
Review by the Blackstaff
Investigate a heinous attack just outside your new manor under the watchful eye of the Blackstaff
2024-08-09 13:19:36 1.4%
Our Time To Shine
Investigate a heinous attack just outside your new manor with a not-so-famous group.
2024-08-05 06:21:29 2.2%
From The Shadows
Chase the Nimblewright through the streets of Waterdeep from a safe distance.
2024-08-03 23:14:40 2.1%
Nimblest Escape
Deftly search Gralhund Villa for the Nimblewright.
2024-08-02 21:39:16 2.2%
The Trepidatious Trio
Investigate a heinous attack just outside your new manor with help from some urchins.
2024-08-01 23:30:32 2.6%
Once More Into The Breach
Head into Undermountain in search of your friend Ulkoria.
2024-07-31 22:26:57 2.4%
Champions of Waterdeep
Head home after a job well done. What can possibly go wrong?
2024-07-30 16:12:31 2.5%
Vault of Dragons
Stop the Xanathar from raiding the Vault of Dragons!
2024-07-29 09:54:37 2.6%
This Quest Stinks!
Help Volothamp Geddarm with a small task while dealing with a stinky foe.
2024-07-27 01:45:14 1.5%
House of Darkness
Clear out what you can see of your new Waterdeep digs.
2024-06-27 07:26:47 2.3%
The Gargoyle's Apprentice
Clear out your new Waterdeep digs' awakened cleaning supplies.
2024-06-26 02:03:48 3.0%
Domesticated Owlbears
Help Volothamp Geddarm with a small task while being distracted by crazed creatures.
2024-06-24 23:29:26 2.7%
Struggling Toward Omu
Journey through the Aldani Basin to Kir Sabal with low Charisma.
2024-04-12 10:37:17 1.9%
No Good at All
Explore the mysterious lost city of Omu without any good in your heart.
2024-04-11 14:21:07 1.7%
Periodic Petrification
Explore the mysterious lost city of Omu while slowly turning to stone.
2024-04-09 23:10:54 2.2%
Lobsterfolk Assault
Find and rescue the Heir of Omu from some brazen pirates and crazed lobsterfolk.
2024-04-09 10:19:13 2.4%
Anti-Dexterous Explorers
Journey through the Aldani Basin to Kir Sabal while trying not to trip on everything.
2024-04-08 18:02:07 2.3%
Not Very Charming
Find and rescue the Heir of Omu from some brazen pirates without being too awkward.
2024-04-06 11:28:11 2.2%
A Grand Puzzle
Find the remaining puzzle cubes and gain entry to the Tomb of the Nine Gods.
2024-04-04 09:44:15 3.4%
Double Vision
Escape from twice as many yuan-ti in the Fane of the Night Serpent.
2024-04-03 15:51:03 2.1%
Home Field Advantage
Escape from overpowered yuan-ti in the Fane of the Night Serpent.
2024-04-02 23:01:36 2.6%
Escape from the yuan-ti in the Fane of the Night Serpent.
2024-04-01 00:10:32 3.6%
The Forbidden City
Explore the mysterious lost city of Omu.
2024-03-31 14:50:43 3.7%
The Lost Heir of Omu
Find and rescue the Heir of Omu from some brazen pirates.
2024-03-30 22:25:45 3.9%
Journey through the Aldani Basin to Kir Sabal.
2024-03-30 09:13:08 4.2%
Market Fluctuations
Battle against a steady flow of dinosaurs as you prepare for a trek into the jungle in a world where everything costs more.
2024-03-29 10:47:02 3.2%
Upholding the Law
Rescue a missing templar of the Order of the Gauntlet with only your most lawful Champions.
2024-03-27 22:01:14 2.3%
Pros and CONs
Rescue a missing templar of the Order of the Gauntlet with only your hardiest Champions.
2024-03-25 23:29:21 3.6%
Rescue in the Jungle
Rescue a missing templar of the Order of the Gauntlet.
2024-03-24 13:45:24 5.3%
Poor Guidance
Make your way into the jungles of Chult with the help of an ill-informed guide.
2024-03-24 04:13:22 2.6%
The Haunted Jungle
Make your way into the spooky jungles of Chult with the help of your guide.
2024-03-22 23:06:15 3.7%
Crowded Streets
Explore Port Nyanzaru while trying not to get swept up in local intrigue by a crowd of citizens.
2024-03-21 23:45:24 3.0%
Flying Monkey Skulls of Doom
Explore Port Nyanzaru while trying not to get conked on the head by too many monkey skulls.
2024-03-20 03:09:17 5.0%
The Templar's Camp
Make your way into the jungles of Chult with the help of your guide.
2024-03-18 06:31:27 5.8%
Cramped Quarters
Attempt to get on the good side of some academic wizards while short of stature.
2024-03-17 09:09:27 2.4%
Supply Run
Help a local merchant deliver supplies to his hunting camps.
2024-03-14 23:23:18 4.9%
The Silken Swamp
Rescue a band of foolish adventurers from the Mere of Dead Men.
2024-03-13 13:00:33 5.2%
Lost in the Deep
Find your way to the Inn where you are meeting with Drizzt while trying not to get lost.
2024-03-12 21:08:11 3.9%
Overdue Rendezvous
Investigate a flood of monsters coming from underneath Waterdeep with Drizzt!
2024-03-10 15:49:30 5.5%
March of the Undead
Every night, the exact same zombies are attacking a village
2024-03-01 20:25:07 5.1%
The Long Haul
It's finally time to make your way to Waterdeep to meet Drizzt with only strong Champions.
2024-02-29 09:12:55 3.8%
Invisible Shadows
A local mine needs your help to solve a goblin problem and a shadow problem
2024-02-27 08:38:01 4.7%
Treasure Hunters
Explore a strange temple with some pilfering allies while trying to save a dying noble.
2023-12-27 00:15:56 3.0%
Premature Betrayal
Attempt to get on the good side of some evil academic wizards.
2023-08-17 18:38:13 4.9%
The Death Curse
Explore a strange temple while trying to save a dying noble, while not dying yourselves.
2023-08-17 12:03:45 5.1%
Constant Banditry
It's finally time to make your way to Waterdeep to meet Drizzt while constantly under attack.
2023-08-09 19:20:19 5.1%
Waterdeep Under Siege
Race the Xanathar to the Vault of Dragons!
2023-08-04 13:04:05 2.9%
Lair of the Xanathar
Track down the Stone of Golorr and face down the Xanathar.
2023-08-04 06:05:46 3.1%
The Dead Three
Patrol the streets of Baldur's Gate and survive its seedy underbelly.
2023-08-03 17:17:42 3.8%
Tall Tales
Learn about the history of the Champions & their urchin friends around the campfire.
2023-07-29 20:45:35 2.8%
Running of the Saurs
Battle against a steady flow of dinosaurs as you prepare for a trek into the jungle.
2023-07-20 20:31:10 6.9%
Close Escort
It's finally time to make your way to Waterdeep to meet Drizzt, with so many wagons..
2023-07-20 07:44:26 5.0%
Enter the Sargauth
Head deeper into the Undermountain, if you dare.
2023-07-15 10:41:27 3.4%
Hopelessly Lost
Lost in the Undermountain, it's time to find your way home!
2023-07-14 19:46:22 3.5%
Chase the Nimblewright through the streets of Waterdeep.
2023-07-05 21:38:17 3.8%
Chatty Nobles
Protect the hidden lords of Waterdeep while avoiding the Waterdeep elites.
2023-07-05 18:12:42 3.1%
Nimble Escape
Search Gralhund Villa for the Nimblewright.
2023-07-05 11:44:47 4.0%
Haaave You Met Asmodeus?
Help Volothamp Geddarm with a small task while some cultists tag along.
2023-07-05 07:58:07 3.0%
Wisdom Check
Escort a mysterious noble wisely through a dangerous night out in Waterdeep.
2023-07-05 00:00:20 4.3%
Attack on the Manor
Investigate a heinous attack just outside your new manor.
2023-07-04 19:29:23 4.5%
Trollskull Manor
Clear out your new Waterdeep digs.
2023-07-04 16:53:14 4.8%
Street War
Patrol the streets of Waterdeep at the request of an old friend during a street war.
2023-07-04 14:34:54 4.9%
The Botched Kidnapping
Help Volothamp Geddarm with a small task.
2023-07-04 12:27:39 5.4%
The Dinner Party
Protect the hidden lords of Waterdeep.
2023-07-04 11:03:25 5.9%
Building Trust
Escort a mysterious noble through a dangerous night out in Waterdeep.
2023-07-04 08:52:25 7.3%
A Mysterious Summons
Patrol the streets of Waterdeep at the request of an old friend.
2023-07-04 07:38:58 8.3%
Underdeep Cartography
Investigate a flood of monsters coming from underneath Waterdeep.
2023-07-03 21:18:37 6.7%
Waterdeep Detours
Find your way to the Inn where you are meeting with Drizzt.
2023-07-03 19:00:40 7.2%
Escort to Waterdeep
It's finally time to make your way to Waterdeep to meet Drizzt.
2023-07-03 12:27:06 7.9%
No Time To Rest
A local mine needs your help to solve a neverending goblin problem
2023-07-02 23:49:35 6.4%
Low Initiative
Every night, speedy zombies are attacking a village and you're quite slow
2023-07-02 21:49:04 6.6%
Beast Mode
Horrible beasts are carrying off villagers and must be stopped by your massive damage
2023-07-02 19:21:18 7.8%
Investigate the odd imp-infested tower you passed earlier while you go slowly mad
2023-07-02 16:45:07 7.8%
The Contagious Curse
Investigate the cursed farm you passed earlier before you get sick
2023-07-02 14:11:58 8.1%
Unearthed Evil
A local mine needs your help to solve a goblin problem
2023-07-02 11:54:41 9.9%
Terror in the Dark
Every night, zombies are attacking a village
2023-07-02 08:18:10 10.4%
Pure Energy
Investigate the odd imp-infested tower you passed earlier without getting overwhelmed
2023-07-01 23:04:38 12.2%
Friendly Imps
Investigate the odd imp-infested tower you passed earlier with some friendly imps
2023-07-01 21:27:09 14.1%
The Mad Wizard
Investigate the odd imp-infested tower you passed earlier
2023-07-01 20:13:03 26.6%
A Persistent Buzzing
Horrible beasts are carrying off villagers and must be stopped before you go mad from the flies
2023-07-01 18:09:29 12.0%
Mad Cow Disease
Investigate the cursed farm you passed earlier while dodging mad cow spit
2023-07-01 16:34:08 13.2%
Even more powerful beasts are carrying off villagers and must be stopped
2023-07-01 10:30:30 15.7%
Beast Intentions
Horrible beasts are carrying off villagers and must be stopped
2023-07-01 09:07:01 25.4%
Are Ya Chicken?
Investigate the cursed farm you passed earlier with some chicken buddies
2023-07-01 08:25:52 16.0%
A Tale of Two Cities
Head south to confront the evil growing there.
2023-06-30 23:51:04 4.5%
Exploring Port Nyanzaru
Explore Port Nyanzaru while trying not to get swept up in local intrigue.
2023-05-16 13:05:49 8.0%
Useless Allies
Attempt to get on the good side of some academic wizards, with the aid of some useless inexperienced adventurers.
2023-05-16 09:21:29 7.7%
The Crumbling Temple
Explore a strange temple that is falling apart while trying to save a dying noble.
2023-05-16 08:15:11 9.2%
Seeking Allies
Attempt to get on the good side of some academic wizards.
2023-05-16 05:10:04 14.0%
The Ring of Regeneration
Explore a strange temple while trying to save a dying noble.
2023-05-15 18:37:23 17.6%
The Cursed Farmer
Investigate the cursed farm you passed earlier
2021-09-14 01:14:08 33.5%
A Brief Tour of the Realms
Take a journey down the Sword Coast
2021-09-06 23:08:47 60.5%
A Brief Escort through the Realms
Take a journey down the Sword Coast with a wagon
2021-09-06 20:02:52 58.3%
Dinosaur Racing
Race against a steady flow of dinosaurs as you prepare for a trek into the jungle, quickly.
The Mists of Ravenloft
Help the Harpells track down a missing Owlbear.
Easily Distracted
Find your way to the Inn where you are meeting with Drizzt without getting distracted.
Family Entanglements
Search Barovia for "Evil's Bride."
Tower on the Lake
Search for the hidden tower on the lake.
Wet Feet
Rescue a band of foolish adventurers from the Mere of Dead Men while stepping in puddles.
Seeds of Deceit
Protect the Martikov family winery from destruction.
Rude Welcome
Find your way to the Inn where you are meeting with Drizzt while the citizens revolt.
The Darkness Runs Deeper
Learn more about the events in Baldur's Gate.
Durable Deep
Investigate a flood of very durable monsters coming from underneath Waterdeep.
Sleuth It Out
Escort a mysterious noble smartly through a dangerous night out in Waterdeep.
Flies on the Wall
Head to the Amber Temple to help Kasimir.
The Giant's Bane Tavern
Enter Icewind Dale and get lost in the storm.
Tomb of the Nine Gods
Destroy the Soulmonger and save the world!
Difficult Terrain
Head to Candlekeep, but watch your step!
Hatchlings Underfoot
Rescue a band of foolish adventurers from the Mere of Dead Men while spiders fall from above.
Force Grey Unleashed
Force Grey characters must patrol the streets of Waterdeep at the request of an old friend.
The Immortal Warrior
You've saved the world, but there's still plenty to do.
Backtracking Through Barovia
Revisit highlights of Barovia while preparing to face down Strahd.
The Wyrmheart Mine
Help a dwarf reclaim a mine from a dangerous red dragon.
The Guardian of Orolunga
Help Artus find clues to the lost city of Mezro.
Heavy Burden
Help a local merchant deliver very heavy supplies to his hunting camps.
Expert Opinion
Investigate a flood of monsters coming from underneath Waterdeep with the help of an "expert".
Elturel Has Fallen
Discover the secrets of Elturel, before the city falls into the River Styx.
Don't Look Up!
Rescue a band of foolish adventurers from the Mere of Dead Men spiders fall from above.
Excavating History
Enter Castle Ravenloft to find the Tome & Holy Symbol!
Werewolves in the Mist
Help the Harpells track down a missing Owlbear while dodging werewolves.
Modron Assistance
Protect the hidden lords of Waterdeep with a special guest helping.
The Everlasting Rime
Continue to Ten-Towns while trying not to get lost.
Friends of the Forest
Help a local merchant deliver supplies to his hunting camps while dealing with deadly critters.
Vecna Lives!
Explore the emergency in Candlekeep and discover a new threat to Faerûn.
The Hunt for Owl-y
Help two particular Harpells track down their particular baby Owlbear.
Resolve Amongst Chaos
Search for Ulder Ravengard to gain a grasp on the city's next steps.
The Lost Love
Race Valindra to Mezro and protect it from the Red Wizards.
Towering Expectations
It's a nice day to stop a wedding!
Into The Fire
Head into the wasteland of Avernus, but you have to get off the floating city first!
Slow and Steady
Slowly and deliberately patrol the streets of Baldur's Gate and survive its seedy underbelly.
Moose Tracks
Enter Ten-Towns and help chase down some local wildlife.
Vajra's Guards
Patrol the streets of Waterdeep at the request of an old friend while accompanied by some golems.
A Tale of Two Fiends
Head south to confront the evil growing there while ignoring the evil growing in your party.
Head into Lulu's memories to discern the location of the Sword of Zariel!
The Witchlight Carnival
Uncover the mysteries of the Witchlight Carnival while searching for Squiddly & Jenks.
Vecna Loots!
Stop the assault on Candlekeep before Vecna can achieve his goal!
We're not in Faerûn Anymore
Help the Harpells track down a missing Owlbear while battling dangerous Flameskulls.
Who Lurks in Lurkwood
Help Volothamp Geddarm track down an abyssal chicken.
Azaka's Procession - Part 2
Destroy the Soulmonger and save the world (and Azaka).
The Path of Dreams
Follow Lulu's dream across Avernus as you search for the sword!
Azaka's Procession - Part 1
Find the remaining puzzle cubes while escorting Azaka('s corpse).
Convince the lady of Wyllowwood to guide you through the Undermountain.
Head to Termalaine and help with an overrun gem mine!
An Illithid Undertaking
Head deeper into the Illithid infested Undermountain in search of Ulkoria.
The Wandering Emporium
Call in a favor from Mahadi while trying to help Red Ruth.
The Lost Hollyphant
Follow Lulu's cries across Avernus as you race to rescue her!
Haunted Fortunes
Search Barovia for "Evil's Bride" while being haunted by Eva's fortunes.
Clear off your quest to do list while you travel across Avernus.
Troublesome Prisoner
Learn more about the events in Baldur's Gate while escorting an unwilling participant.
Tiamat's Army
Deal with an abyssal mutiny while you travel to the monument to Tiamat.
Déjà Vu
Defeat the Mind Flayers and then... deal with an Attack on your Manor.
Orcs Are Wild
Aid an Orc in taking back control of his tribe.
On the Hunt
Help a local merchant deliver supplies to his hunting camps with aid from his hunters.
Thieves of the Coven
Dive deeper into the mysteries of the Witchlight Carnival while you continue to look for Jenks & Squiddly.
Find your way out of Extremiton's nefarious trap.
Dwarven Rumors
Explore a rumor about invisible dwarves in Caer-Konig.
Learn what you can about the duergar fortress.
Bel's Forge
Begin to unravel Bel's intentions as you enter an active volcano!
Poor Fortune
Search Barovia for "Evil's Bride" while collecting unlucky gold.
The Sibriex
Follow Bel's instructions and find the Sibriex before it's too late for Elturel.
Seeds of Destruction
Help Laeral Silverhand understand a new threat to Waterdeep, before it's too late.
Patience is Key
Slowly and deliberately explore Port Nyanzaru while trying not to get swept up in local intrigue.
The Radiant Nightmare
Chase down Xardorok's Chardalyn Dragon before it destroys Caer-Konig!
Hold for the Red Wizards
You've saved the world, but you still need to deal with Red Wizard attacks.
Only the Strong Survive
Search for the tower on the lake with your strongest Champions.
Return to the Tomb
Return to the Tomb of Annihilation in search of the Eye of Vecna.
The Bleeding Citadel
Climb the stinking scab and enter the Bleeding Citadel.
Relentless Misfortune
Search Barovia for "Evil's Bride" while battling relentless undead.
Relive history as the demon lord Yeenoghu assaults a town that Zariel swore to protect.
Wrecked Flying Fortress
Explore the flying fortress to find the adamantine rods for Bel.
The Newcomers of Notoriety
Escort a mysterious noble while Baeloth summons some fancy friends to entertain us!
The Sunless Citadel
Split the party and follow the trail of goblins!
Elder Rune Madness
Head deeper into the Undermountain through some creepy gates, if you dare.
Waiting on Sunrise
Race to save Termalaine before it suffers the same fate as Caer-Konig!
Bazaar Exploits
Lost in the Undermountain, it's time to find your way home with some goblins!
Collect the Hand of Vecna from Bel, the Archduke of Avernus.
Thine Bounty is Mine!
Protect the hidden lords of waterdeep while protecting your panda from a pirate!
Hither of the Feywild
Venture into the Feywild, learning about this mysterious plane while you search for your lost friends.
Dark Doppelgangers
Learn more about the events in Baldur's Gate while being hunted by some dangerous doppelgangers.
The Battle of High Hall Tower
Return to Elturel for the final battle, facing the worst Avernus has to offer.
A Saurial's Lament
Race Valindra to Mezro and protect it from the Red Wizards while Dragonbait mourns.
Shorty's Day Off
Search for the hidden tower on the lake with your tallest Champions.
A Saurial's Resolve
Race Valindra to Mezro and defeat her over and over and over and over and over.
Rime Bandits
Enter Icewind Dale with some well-dressed bandits on your tail!
Screams of the Dead
Enter Castle Ravenloft while bosses from your past haunt your steps.
Overwhelming Force
Make your way into the deadly jungles of Chult with the help of your guide.
A Hero's Entourage
Patrol the streets of Baldur's Gate with its hometown hero and survive its seedy underbelly.
Cold & Wet
Head to Candlekeep, but watch your step and take an umbrella!
Elturel's Last Stand
Face off against Archduke Zariel of Avernus, and deal with the consequences of your actions.
Deekin's Mission
Escort the survivors to Bryn Shander, as you debate how best to move forward.
Lost in the Goblin Halls
Search through the citadel to find the Twilight Grove!
The Evacuation of Waterdeep
Get to the Dock Ward before the city is overrun!
The Killer Mists
Head to the Amber Temple to help Kasimir while getting eaten alive.
Meepo's Quest
Split the party and reveal the kobold threat!
All You Know Is Wrong
Search for Ulder Ravengard to gain a grasp on the city's next steps while the dead don't die.
Seeds of Corruption
Protect the Martikov family winery from destruction slowly and steadily.
Flame(skull) War
Lost in the Undermountain, it's time to find your way home, if you can get past Trenzia's Flameskull!
Never Split the Party
Find the remaining puzzle cubes with a limited selection of Champions available.
Visions of Strahd
Protect the Martikov family winery from destruction while in a dreamscape created by Strahd.
Everything is Awful
Discover the secrets of Elturel, before the city falls into the River Styx while struggling to survive.
Madcap Adventures
Head to Candlekeep, but watch our for Madcaps!
Nightmare Rats!
Learn about the history of the Champions with Jenks & Squiddly at your side!
Starving in the Jungle
Rescue a missing templar of the Order of the Gauntlet before you starve to death.
Frozen Vengeance
Return to Sunblight fortress, to make sure Xardorok pays for his crimes.
The Twilight Grove
Enter the Twilight Grove and the terrors within.
The Gargoyle
Find your way out of Extremiton's nefarious trap to recruit a new Champion.
A Demi-god's Defender
Explore the emergency in Candlekeep against undead monstrosities that deflect blows from swords and arrows
An Abyssal Situation
Aid an Orc in taking back control of his tribe while being overrun by abyssal chickens.
Bullywugs in the Bog
Help Volothamp Geddarm and some bullywugs track down an abyssal chicken.
The Soulmonger Calls
Destroy the Soulmonger and save the world before your party is destroyed.
Diversity Day-Trip
Revisit highlights of Barovia while preparing to face down Strahd with a diverse group of Champions.
The Prince of a Thousand Enemies
Head further into Hither, as you hunt down the first of the Hourglass Coven.
Dreams of Beholders
Track down the Stone of Golorr and face down the Xanathar while he dreams.
Intelligence Hunt
Search for the hidden tower on the lake with your smartest Champions.
Relay Race
Battle against a steady flow of dinosaurs, but don't blow your strongest team too early.
They Who Smelt It
Help a dwarf reclaim a mine from a dangerous red dragon with some smelly friends.
Bregan D'aerthe Comes to Call
Race the Xanathar to the Vault of Dragons with some mercenary escorts!
Form Ranks
You've saved the world, but there's still plenty to do in an orderly fashion.
The Dread Domain of Tovag
Race across the dread domain to reach Kas the Bloody-Handed!
Overwhelmed with Knowledge
Explore the emergency in Candlekeep with Champions that are amazed by the library.
Slack-jawed Lorna
Face off against the first hag of the Hourglass Coven with a new Bullywug friend in tow.
Vault of Pixies
Stop the Xanathar from raiding the Vault of Dragons with the "aid" of some pixies.
The Path of Redcaps
Follow Lulu's dream across Avernus as you are inundated by redcaps!
Class Vacation
Head to the Amber Temple to help Kasimir without certain classes.
Learn the lay of the land in Downfall, as you maneuver your way through their courtly ways.
Enemy Summit
Continue to Ten-Towns while some enemies from your past join the fun!
Frantic Excavation
Quickly enter Castle Ravenloft to find the Tome & Holy Symbol!
The Prison of Velkynvelve
You awake in the underdark and try to figure out how to escape.
An Awakened Axe
Enter Ten-Towns and help chase down some local wildlife while being chased by an Awakened Axe Beak!
Ending the Rime - Part 1
Head off in the nautiloid to try and stop the Rime.
Ending the Rime - Part 2
Continue to hunt for The Codicil of White, while Auril prepares to end your advances.
Late Game
Revisit highlights of Barovia while preparing to face down Strahd without your starters.
Into the Unknown
Help some farmers deal with a crazed derro before they cause a rockslide!
Think Your Way Out Of It
Help Artus smartly find clues to the lost city of Mezro.
An Illithid Ambush
Head deeper into the powered-up Illithid infested Undermountain in search of Ulkoria.
The Castle of a Thousand Vecnas
Join the troops of Kas and learn that Vecna could be around ANY corner.
Dino Nightmare
Aid an Orc in taking back control of his tribe while some spooky dinosaurs attack.
Madcap Adventures Redux
Call in a favor from Mahadi while Madcaps relentlessly attack!
Careful Consideration
It's a nice day to stop a wedding, but wisely and subtly.
Displaced Anger
Convince the lady of Wyllowwood to guide you through the Undermountain while dealing with her Displacer Beast!
Feigned Weakness
Track down the Stone of Golorr and face down the Xanathar with your "weak" Champions.
Elder Rune Attack
Find your way out of Extremiton's nefarious trap while dealing with random Elder Runes.
Well Equipped
Stop the assault on Candlekeep with your best equipped Champions!
The Fairy Rings of Thither
Enter the forests of Thither and continue to unravel the mysteries of Prismeer.
Guests of the Groom
It's a nice day to stop a wedding while some chatty guests randomly distract or inspire your Champions!
On The Job Learning
Head home with Chadwick after a job well done. What can possibly go wrong?
The Madness Grows
Head deeper into the Undermountain with some of your companions mysteriously absent.