Achievement Unlocked Game Visibility Global Unlocks
Worse Than One
Complete Chapter 4
2025-02-09 04:21:34
Crayon Computer 7.0%
Not A Bug
World 1 cleared
2025-02-08 05:12:22
Yet Another Pushing Puzzler 14.7%
All of the pieces are in place. What will you see on the gameboard?
2025-02-08 03:01:26
Umineko When They Cry - Question Arcs 51.5%
Complete Chapter 3
2025-02-08 01:59:00
Understand 30.5%
Circle, Square and Everything
Complete Chapter 3
2025-02-07 21:23:33
Crayon Computer 9.7%
Perfect 10 levels in [S]8x8
2025-02-06 21:41:14
14 Minesweeper Variants 8.5%
Lever VS Level
Complete Chapter 2
2025-02-05 07:48:43
Crayon Computer 23.2%
Miles Edgeworth: Ace Investigator
For being awarded all other accolades
2025-02-04 06:25:19
Ace Attorney Investigations Collection 10.4%
A Well-Worn Organizer
For unlocking everything in the Gallery
2025-02-04 06:25:18
Ace Attorney Investigations Collection 24.2%
Turnabout for the Ages
For completing Episode 5 of AAI2: PG without using Story Mode
2025-02-04 06:25:08
Ace Attorney Investigations Collection 29.2%
Complete Chapter 2
2025-02-03 23:31:44
Understand 45.9%
Complete Chapter 1
2025-02-03 23:20:27
Understand 72.1%
Complete 10 levels in [#]
2025-02-03 06:15:07
14 Minesweeper Variants 23.6%
Perilous Portal
As Doctor Strange, land 1 terrain KO with the portal.
2025-02-02 21:28:07
Marvel Rivals 3.0%
Unlock 5x5 gallery
2025-02-02 20:12:29
14 Minesweeper Variants 22.4%
Complete 10 levels in [+]
2025-02-02 19:59:48
14 Minesweeper Variants 25.3%
Lang Zi Says!
For examining both the sword and the shield on the Primidux Statue with Agent Lang in AAI: ME, Episode 5
2025-02-02 08:58:42
Ace Attorney Investigations Collection 19.2%
How Could You, Sir!?
For saying the worst thing possible to Eustace during his Mind Chess match in AAI2: PG, Episode 5
2025-02-02 07:33:56
Ace Attorney Investigations Collection 15.2%
You Call This Programming? (Season 2)
Complete Chapter 1
2025-02-02 01:35:44
Crayon Computer 47.7%
Complete 5 levels in [E]
2025-02-02 00:31:57
14 Minesweeper Variants 33.4%
Homo Superior
As Magneto, assist Mutant allies 10 times.
2025-02-01 21:20:33
Marvel Rivals 3.7%
Complete 5 levels in [P]
2025-02-01 19:33:40
14 Minesweeper Variants 35.9%
Complete 5 levels in [X]
2025-02-01 19:15:24
14 Minesweeper Variants 37.8%
Complete 5 levels in [N]
2025-02-01 19:04:44
14 Minesweeper Variants 39.4%
Complete 5 levels in [B]
2025-02-01 07:51:52
14 Minesweeper Variants 35.5%
Complete 5 levels in [W]
2025-02-01 00:23:38
14 Minesweeper Variants 45.9%
Complete 5 levels in [L]
2025-01-31 23:24:07
14 Minesweeper Variants 50.9%
Go Get 'Em, Guardians! 
As Rocket Raccoon, revive the Guardians of the Galaxy members 5 times.
2025-01-31 20:29:40
Marvel Rivals 7.6%
A Star
Collect 1 Star
2025-01-31 00:58:00
YAPP: Yet Another Puzzle Platformer 47.8%
Family Ties
As Adam Warlock, forge a soul bond with 3 allies from the Guardians of the Galaxy.
2025-01-31 00:22:33
Marvel Rivals 4.6%
Complete 5 levels in [M]
2025-01-30 22:45:57
14 Minesweeper Variants 59.0%
Wright Over There!
For examining the side gate twice to see a familiar face in AAI2: PG, Episode 5
2025-01-30 02:11:36
Ace Attorney Investigations Collection 17.8%
Smoke Screen
As the Punisher, land 3 KOs amidst the smoke of Scourge Grenade in a single game.
2025-01-29 23:12:06
Marvel Rivals 1.5%
Complete 5 levels in [S]
2025-01-29 20:46:46
14 Minesweeper Variants 37.7%
Complete 5 levels in [D]
2025-01-29 20:31:47
14 Minesweeper Variants 39.2%
Complete 5 levels in [O]
2025-01-29 20:00:48
14 Minesweeper Variants 42.4%
Complete 5 levels in [T]
2025-01-29 19:04:36
14 Minesweeper Variants 51.3%
The Hermit
Clear World 1
2025-01-29 02:50:41
YAPP: Yet Another Puzzle Platformer 75.4%
The First of Many
Die / Restart once
2025-01-29 02:44:28
YAPP: Yet Another Puzzle Platformer 94.7%
Complete 5 levels in [C]
2025-01-28 21:48:32
14 Minesweeper Variants 58.4%
Complete 5 levels in [Q]
2025-01-28 20:53:48
14 Minesweeper Variants 65.4%
Victory in Bloom
As Mantis, assist allies in achieving a team wipe.
2025-01-28 19:17:54
Marvel Rivals 8.6%
Team up with a friend for a match.
2025-01-28 19:17:54
Marvel Rivals 58.6%
"Ahhh, those tiny claws!"
As Squirrel Girl, land 3 KOs with a single use of Unbeatable Squirrel Tsunami.
2025-01-28 06:51:17
Marvel Rivals 8.1%
God of Treachery
As Loki, land one KO by stabbing from behind.
2025-01-28 06:44:02
Marvel Rivals 3.2%
A late submission
Complete Chapter 1 challenges
2025-01-28 05:58:03
A=B 53.9%
Complete Chapter 1
2025-01-28 05:55:03
A=B 72.1%
Complete 5 levels in [V]
2025-01-28 03:24:42
14 Minesweeper Variants 81.1%
The demon of piston
Clear all levels of world 4.
2025-01-27 20:13:01
Maxwell's puzzling demon 3.1%
A Turnabout Forsaken
For completing Episode 4 of AAI2: PG without using Story Mode
2025-01-27 07:20:40
Ace Attorney Investigations Collection 31.2%
Might of Fuxi
As Iron Fist, land 3 KOs with a single use of Living Chi.
2025-01-27 00:36:42
Marvel Rivals 9.4%
To Me, My X-Men!
As Storm, assist X-Men members 10 times.
2025-01-26 18:59:23
Marvel Rivals 7.5%
Demon's Roar
As Magik, land 3 KOs within a single transformation into Darkchild.
2025-01-25 19:16:22
Marvel Rivals 7.7%
Divine Justice
As Thor, strike down 4 enemies with a single use of God of Thunder.
2025-01-24 19:45:22
Marvel Rivals 9.9%
Arm Race
As Winter Soldier, land 3 KOs with a single use of Kraken Impact.
2025-01-24 06:26:03
Marvel Rivals 11.5%
Down Pat
Master a weapon technique.
2025-01-24 03:33:41
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 25.6%
Multiverse Tour
As Luna Snow, complete a match on 5 maps with different themes.
2025-01-23 03:34:01
Marvel Rivals 14.0%
Borrow 10 books.
2025-01-22 23:18:00
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 26.8%
Jump kick 10 times without touching the ground.
2025-01-22 23:06:01
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 21.1%
Survive for 45s in "Reppaws"
2025-01-22 21:33:55
Open Hexagon 3.0%
Vicious Vines
As Groot, imprison 4 enemies with a single use of Strangling Prison.
2025-01-22 21:00:04
Marvel Rivals 10.6%
Win 100 matches.
2025-01-22 07:07:26
Marvel Rivals 13.9%
You Do You
Use the customizable wheel once.
2025-01-21 21:36:09
Marvel Rivals 36.6%
All Bets Are Off
Eradicate the duke of high rollers.
2025-01-20 21:02:22
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Way of the Butterfly
As Psylocke, contest the mission area for 60 seconds in a single match.
2025-01-20 18:48:26
Marvel Rivals 11.3%
Aquatic Assault
As Namor, summon Monstro Spawn to land 10 KOs in a single game.
2025-01-20 05:15:23
Marvel Rivals 11.4%
Observe the rise of the castle's new master.
2025-01-20 03:06:29
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
His Blade
Inherit the blade that demons fear.
2025-01-20 02:57:07
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Watch Your Step!
As Peni Parker, blast 3 enemies with a single use of Arachno-Mine.
2025-01-19 20:50:22
Marvel Rivals 11.3%
True Haggler
Earn at least 100,000G in total item sales.
2025-01-19 19:59:02
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 38.2%
Demon Hunter
Slay 1,000 demons.
2025-01-19 06:55:38
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 54.2%
Glasses Battle
For listening to Ema Skye talk in the Storeroom about how her studies abroad are going in AAI2: PG, Episode 4
2025-01-19 04:59:14
Ace Attorney Investigations Collection 19.5%
Spider-Sense Tingling!
As Spider-Man, detect an enemy with Spider-Sense and land a winning counterattack.
2025-01-18 19:03:33
Marvel Rivals 10.8%
Vengeance for the Milano!
As Star-Lord, land 10 KOs with assists from the Guardians of the Galaxy.
2025-01-17 18:57:29
Marvel Rivals 18.8%
Punishment of the Moon
As Moon Knight, hit 4 enemies with a single use of Hand of Khonshu.
2025-01-16 20:31:40
Marvel Rivals 16.9%
Deadly Bites
As Black Widow, land 3 KOs with critical hits in a single match.
2025-01-15 20:26:52
Marvel Rivals 9.3%
Rising Star
Reach level 20.
2025-01-14 20:31:12
Marvel Rivals 21.9%
Terror of the Ten Realms
As Hela, land a 3-player KO streak in Yggsgard: Yggdrasill Path.
2025-01-13 20:45:03
Marvel Rivals 8.0%
Thumbs Up
Upvote 1 player.
2025-01-12 00:34:03
Marvel Rivals 63.4%
No More Mutants
As Scarlet Witch, take down Mutant enemies 10 times.
2025-01-10 20:43:54
Marvel Rivals 11.0%
The demon of entropy
Clear all levels of world 5.
2025-01-10 04:50:46
Maxwell's puzzling demon 3.2%
Grip of Hunger
As Venom, snare 4 enemies with a single use of Cellular Corrosion.
2025-01-09 07:25:28
Marvel Rivals 19.7%
Flawless Design
As Iron Man, hit 4 enemies with a single use of Invincible Pulse Cannon.
2025-01-08 20:22:18
Marvel Rivals 16.4%
Snack Attack!
As Jeff the Land Shark, swallow 4 enemies with a single use of It's Jeff!
2025-01-07 08:06:55
Marvel Rivals 20.9%
West Coast, Best Coast
As Hawkeye, partner with the Avengers to land 10 KOs.
2025-01-06 03:03:35
Marvel Rivals 16.1%
Apex Aesthete
Purchase 10 trombones
2025-01-05 23:28:58
Trombone Champ: Unflattened 11.4%
Rodeo Star
Eradicate the skeletal demihorse.
2025-01-04 05:25:24
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Triumph over yourself.
2025-01-04 05:08:50
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Turnabout Legacy
For completing Episode 3 of AAI2: PG without using Story Mode
2025-01-03 07:54:07
Ace Attorney Investigations Collection 32.9%
Hermetically Sealed
Subdue the alchemist.
2025-01-02 08:09:40
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Smart Is New Smash
As Bruce Banner, land 1 KO within 3 seconds of calming down from the Hulk to Banner.
2025-01-01 21:37:20
Marvel Rivals 10.9%
Master of Modes
Complete 1 Arcade match.
2025-01-01 20:55:34
Marvel Rivals 32.3%
Travel 42.195 kilometers.
2025-01-01 19:59:48
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 56.0%
Treasure Hunter
Open 100 chests.
2025-01-01 19:39:38
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 54.6%
Eradicate the bloodthirsty maiden.
2025-01-01 19:33:12
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Land a 3-player KO streak.
2025-01-01 06:05:46
Marvel Rivals 67.6%
Able Alchemist
Transmute items 10 times.
2025-01-01 04:12:32
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 63.6%
Just a Flicker
Fulfill your promise to a friend.
2024-12-31 20:24:37
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Eradicate the netherdrake.
2024-12-30 04:31:06
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
A New You
Change your hairstyle.
2024-12-29 12:09:42
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 54.4%
Speed Demon
Eradicate the hypersonic hellraiser.
2024-12-28 06:58:06
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Loco Motive
Eradicate the runaway train.
2024-12-27 06:33:25
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Like Father, Like Son
For examining the teapot as both Miles and Gregory in AAI2: PG, Episode 3
2024-12-26 06:27:38
Ace Attorney Investigations Collection 18.6%
Snake Charmer
Eradicate the twin-headed dragon.
2024-12-26 04:22:06
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Wing Clipper
Eradicate the iron marquess.
2024-12-25 06:38:01
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
The Champ is Amped
Champ Meter activated 10 times
2024-12-24 05:46:50
Trombone Champ: Unflattened 49.9%
Show of Hands
Eradicate the wrathful work of art.
2024-12-23 04:28:15
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Backstep, backstep, backstep. A lot.
2024-12-22 04:36:07
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 55.9%
Might've Known
Discovered a hidden breakable wall.
2024-12-21 05:33:50
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 77.6%
Samurai Showdown
Drive back the samurai.
2024-12-20 22:17:07
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Storm Abolisher
Eradicate the cause of the maelstrom.
2024-12-19 19:11:42
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Absorb your first shard.
2024-12-18 19:33:59
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 94.2%
Inspect Veggmaxxus.
2024-12-17 02:27:01
Veggie Quest: The Puzzle Game 5.0%
Skull Lover
Don't kill a skull while fighting the final boss
2024-12-16 20:39:14
Lorera 43.9%
Peaceful Flower
Beat the game
2024-12-16 20:39:14
Lorera 53.4%
Full of Helium
Collect all balloons
2024-12-15 20:39:31
Lorera 47.6%
Balloon Hoarder
Carry more than one balloon
2024-12-14 18:44:30
Lorera 48.8%
Ghost Hunter
Kill the ghost in Lurid
2024-12-13 18:42:55
Lorera 58.1%
Get all abilities
2024-12-12 20:54:27
Lorera 59.6%
Oh Yeah!
Beat the hero level.
2024-12-12 03:25:38
Veggie Quest: The Puzzle Game 7.8%
Complete World 03
2024-12-11 21:03:33
HoPiKo 2.1%
You da boss!
Beat boss' boss level.
2024-12-10 21:44:43
Veggie Quest: The Puzzle Game 2.9%
Finish the game.
2024-12-10 06:24:34
Veggie Quest: The Puzzle Game 7.5%
Change your death mark
2024-12-09 22:08:55
Super High Ball: Pinball Platformer 6.3%
Use respawn 1000 times
2024-12-08 20:29:53
Super High Ball: Pinball Platformer 7.5%
Die 5000 times
2024-12-08 20:26:57
Super High Ball: Pinball Platformer 5.7%
Diamond Roll 10
Beat 10 diamond times
2024-12-07 20:19:50
Super High Ball: Pinball Platformer 6.0%
Drums Hero
Complete the Campaign Mode.
2024-12-06 06:50:19
Drums Rock 3.5%
Nice work!
Get your first ruby cube
2024-12-05 21:22:05
Super High Ball: Pinball Platformer 7.1%
Welcome to Rokkenjima
We do hope you enjoy your stay and this experience of a lifetime.
2024-12-04 05:44:08
Umineko When They Cry - Question Arcs 66.7%
A Winner's Education
For pressing every single one of Eustace's statements and forcing him to correct them all in AAI2: PG, Episode 2
2024-12-03 20:41:37
Ace Attorney Investigations Collection 21.3%
Evil God loves you, veggie
Inspect pure evil.
2024-12-02 19:59:45
Veggie Quest: The Puzzle Game 7.9%
Inspect a flying carrot.
2024-12-01 20:12:31
Veggie Quest: The Puzzle Game 6.8%
Adept Aesthete
Purchase 5 Trombones
2024-11-30 19:38:08
Trombone Champ: Unflattened 19.4%
Activate main menu staff.
2024-11-29 22:15:08
Veggie Quest: The Puzzle Game 60.4%
Beat the edgy level.
2024-11-29 22:14:01
Veggie Quest: The Puzzle Game 20.3%
Ladders and Step-Ladders
For looking into the true nature of ladders and step-ladders
2024-11-29 07:03:46
Ace Attorney Investigations Collection 24.1%
Finished all there is to do in ANONYMOUS;CODE.
2024-11-29 04:29:27
Failure After Failure
Witnessed every Game Over.
2024-11-29 04:29:27
The Exemplary Solution to the Nakano Chase
Negotiated with Graham to have him let you go.
2024-11-29 03:44:46
Pollon the Savior
Dealt with the Hihack without a single failure.
2024-11-29 03:43:14
A Second Christmas
Spent a second Christmas with Momo.
2024-11-29 03:41:06
Felino's End
Eliminated Felino Arcana.
2024-11-29 03:39:27
Miori Soga's Survival
Successfully rescued Miori Soga.
2024-11-29 03:38:21
Smart, eh?
Beat any hard level.
2024-11-28 19:40:50
Veggie Quest: The Puzzle Game 36.6%
CG Completion 100%
Filled 100% of the album.
2024-11-28 08:09:46
Failed to fix your Graper and got into a traffic accident.
2024-11-28 08:01:42
Lost control over your BMI during the Poolhack.
2024-11-28 07:30:58
To infinity and beyond!
Build a dungeon longer than is required for three carrots.
2024-11-27 20:35:26
Veggie Quest: The Puzzle Game 38.5%
Only 27 more worlds left
Gather all carrots in the first world.
2024-11-27 19:39:06
Veggie Quest: The Puzzle Game 73.4%
Pulled a PaoPa for Nonno.
2024-11-27 07:57:06
CG Completion 75%
Filled 75% of the album.
2024-11-27 07:39:58
CG Completion 50%
Filled 50% of the album.
2024-11-27 07:39:58
CG Completion 25%
Filled 25% of the album.
2024-11-27 07:39:58
Hacking into God
Cleared Chapter 11.
2024-11-27 07:39:14
Installed Momo's data.
2024-11-27 07:37:53
Game of Life
Played the Game of Life.
2024-11-27 07:30:20
Purchase a trombone
2024-11-26 18:26:50
Trombone Champ: Unflattened 40.7%
The Decision
Resolved to start all over again.
2024-11-26 07:14:05
Beyond the End
Cleared Chapter 10.
2024-11-26 07:12:49
Hackers are Wizards!
Cleared Chapter 9.
2024-11-25 06:54:41
The Tootmaster
2024-11-25 03:03:40
Trombone Champ: Unflattened
S Associate
Receive an "S" score on five tracks
2024-11-25 02:58:10
Trombone Champ: Unflattened 31.2%
The Music Enjoyer 2
Play at least 20 tracks
2024-11-25 02:32:49
Trombone Champ: Unflattened 19.7%
Mozart Possessor
2024-11-24 20:48:05
Trombone Champ: Unflattened
Yo! I Got a Sack
Get a sack
2024-11-24 20:46:13
Trombone Champ: Unflattened 52.0%
Nasty Note Collector
Amass 50 Nasty Notes in a Song
2024-11-24 20:33:38
Trombone Champ: Unflattened 53.9%
S Apprentice
Receive an "S" score on one track
2024-11-23 21:39:20
Trombone Champ: Unflattened 71.6%
New Friend
2024-11-23 21:18:52
Trombone Champ: Unflattened
Album Completionist
Play every song in a campaign album
2024-11-22 20:33:29
Trombone Champ: Unflattened 70.3%
Iron Lungs
Play a note until you run out of breath
2024-11-22 20:30:37
Trombone Champ: Unflattened 72.1%
Trombone Disaster
Fail a song spectacularly with less than 30% Perfectos
2024-11-22 20:28:24
Trombone Champ: Unflattened 81.8%
The Music Enjoyer 1
Play first track in VR
2024-11-22 20:28:24
Trombone Champ: Unflattened 92.2%
Collapsing Laws
Cleared Chapter 8.
2024-11-21 07:41:11
Finish any scene without taking damage ("Classic" style only)
2024-11-20 19:48:38
Pistol Whip 31.5%
Thinkin' I'm Back
Kill a total of 1000 enemies on beat
2024-11-19 22:05:32
Pistol Whip 48.6%
Cicada 3301's Chosen
Cleared Chapter 7.
2024-11-18 05:44:25
Merry Christmas
Cleared Chapter 6.
2024-11-17 07:57:38
Gnome Alone
If you are reading this achievement, Gabe Newell has successfully launched Gnome Chompski into space. If you did not also receive the achievement 'Manufacturing Ascent', Newell has abandoned his plans to shoot Noam Chomsky into space.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 5.8%
Piñata Party
Find and break every web cache in Episode Two.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 0.9%
Get Some Grub
Squish every antlion grub in Episode Two.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 0.6%
Acid Reflex
Kill an acid antlion worker.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 3.7%
Use flares to light 15 zombies on fire.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 0.8%
Think Fast!
Kill an Elite Soldier with his own energy ball.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 1.8%
Kill five enemies with the same energy ball.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 0.9%
The One Free Bullet
Finish the game firing exactly one bullet. Grenade, crowbar, rocket, and Gravity Gun kills are okay!
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 0.8%
Into the Breach
Help Griggs and Sheckley hold off the antlion invasion inside the mine shaft.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 3.4%
Escape From City 17
Escape City 17 with Alyx.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 3.2%
Destroy the gunship in the hospital attic.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 3.4%
Live Bait
Help Alyx snipe 30 enemies in Episode One.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 1.7%
Elevator Action
Survive long enough to get on the parking garage elevator.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 3.6%
Car Crusher
Use the cars to squash 15 antlions in Episode One.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 1.3%
Contain the Citadel core without killing any stalkers.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 1.0%
Watch Your Head!
Make it to the bottom of the Citadel's main elevator shaft in one piece.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 4.2%
Citizen Escort
Don't let any citizens die when escorting them to the escape train.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 2.3%
Defeat both antlion guards outside the White Forest.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 3.2%
Contain the Citadel core.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 4.0%
Meet the Hunters
Survive the Hunter ambush with Alyx.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 3.1%
Hit and Run
Run over 20 enemies with the car in Episode Two.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 1.6%
Hot Potat0wned
Kill a Combine soldier with his own grenade.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 0.8%
Deadly Harvest
Kill an enemy by planting a hopper mine.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 3.1%
Bone Breaker
Kill 30 enemies with thrown physics objects.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 1.3%
Kill a Hunter with its own flechettes.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 1.1%
Defense of the Armament
Save the missile silo from the Combine offensive.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 2.6%
Neighborhood Watch
Save all buildings outside the missile silo from destruction.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 0.7%
Secondary Silo Secured
Secure the launch doors on missile silo 2.
2024-11-16 18:42:01
Half-Life 2 2.9%