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Batman: Arkham City GOTY
8 / 64 3h 6m 12.5%
12.5% Complete
XCOM: Enemy Unknown 11
8 / 85 3h 32m 9.41%
9.41% Complete
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 52
78 172h 7m 100%
100% Complete
Portal 2 118
25 / 51 15h 46m 49.02%
49.02% Complete
Batman™: Arkham Origins 392
23 / 60 42h 12m 38.33%
38.33% Complete
This War of Mine
8 / 55 2h 19m 14.55%
14.55% Complete
Batman™: Arkham Knight
81 / 113 56h 45m 71.68%
71.68% Complete
Dungeons 2 3
6 / 25 6h 35m 24%
24% Complete
Warframe 7
12 / 193 3h 14m 6.22%
6.22% Complete