Achievement Game Visibility Global Unlocks
First One's Free
Completed the mission "My First Gun".
Borderlands 2
Now you're a driver!
Create your own customised driver
Not Quite Dead
Reached level 5
Borderlands 2 RU 83.4%
Perform 5 unique environmental kills.
Sleeping Dogs™ 80.2%
Submit a score from a system with 12 or more logical CPU cores.
3DMark 80.1%
Auras and Tricks can come in handy in many situations. Learn an Aura or Trick.
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 78.9%
Recover one Intel Item.
Spec Ops: The Line 77.0%
Dragon Slayer
Completed the mission "Best Minion Ever"
Borderlands 2 RU
It's got to stay in the family
Acquire Arbiter
DmC Devil May Cry 74.9%
Flawless Victory
Earn at least one gold medal.
Defense Grid: The Awakening 74.6%
Dragon Slayer
Completed the mission "Best Minion Ever".
Borderlands 2
Use speed up controls for a total of 30 seconds in any one mission.
Defense Grid: The Awakening 74.4%
Hire someone famous.
Game Dev Tycoon 74.1%
Eliminate High Overseer Campbell
Dishonored RHCP 73.6%
Treacherous Ground
Look out below.
Spec Ops: The Line 73.5%
Take steroids in SP
Duke Nukem Forever 73.4%
Slay 100 Demons
DmC Devil May Cry 72.8%
Thing drives me crazy
Acquire Osiris
DmC Devil May Cry 72.5%
Have another Civ beat you to completing a Wonder 10 times.
Sid Meier's Civilization V 72.2%
First Hack
Perform your first Hack successfully.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut 71.4%
Sell half a million copies of a game without the help of a publisher.
Game Dev Tycoon 71.3%
Nobody Likes a Whiner
Knock out the talent at the talk show
Duke Nukem Forever 70.6%
A Road Less Traveled
Completed the mission "The Road To Sanctuary"
Borderlands 2 RU
Strike Gold
Achieve 1 Gold Stat Award.
Sleeping Dogs™ 70.3%
The dawn of civilization
Pass the \Ancient\" epoch"
while True: learn() 70.2%
Have male and female staff.
Game Dev Tycoon 70.0%
Stiff Upper Lip
Kill 20 enemies while on low health
Strange Brigade 69.6%
Find a bone
The Cursed Forest 69.2%
A Road Less Traveled
Completed the mission "The Road To Sanctuary".
Borderlands 2
Matching Attire
Equip armor in all three armor slots: head, chest, and feet.
Terraria 68.8%
Better Than You Were
Reached level 10
Borderlands 2 RU 68.4%
New In Town
Completed the mission "Plan B"
Borderlands 2 RU
Map I
To find a map in the first section
The Cursed Forest 66.9%
One per sec.
Kill 5 zombies in less than 5 seconds.
How to Survive 66.8%
New In Town
Completed the mission "Plan B".
Borderlands 2
The Lost Battalion
We have contact.
Spec Ops: The Line 66.7%
Kill a Spitter before she is able to spit.
Left 4 Dead 2 66.6%
Discoverer I
Enter La Vendida Island
How to Survive 66.2%
Better Than You Were
Reached level 10.
Borderlands 2 66.2%
First line
Create a line with at least two stops.
Transport Fever 66.0%
Only kind of gift worth giving
Acquire the Angel Boost ability
DmC Devil May Cry 65.7%
I Am Loot!
Discover a golden chest underground and take a peek at its contents.
Terraria 65.7%
Wonderful Things
Open the Sarcophagus Room in Harbin's Dig Site
Strange Brigade
Sell 5 towers.
Defense Grid: The Awakening 65.2%
Killing lots of Mythical creatures will make you famous among the populace and infamous among the Mythical creatures. Kill 50 Mythical creatures.
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 64.9%
More FPS for the FPS god!
Buy a PC upgrade
while True: learn() 64.9%
Child Care
Find Emily Kaldwin
Dishonored RHCP 64.9%
Casino Bust
Complete story mission 2.
Just Cause 2 64.8%
If you are reading this achievement, Gabe Newell has successfully launched Gnome Chompski into space.
Left 4 Dead 2 64.3%
Feed an animal
The Cursed Forest 64.2%
Family Guy
Get on track with your family
Beholder 64.2%
NOG It Off
Complete mission “Hostile Takeover”.
Borderlands 3
An Old Flame
Completed the mission "Hunting The Firehawk"
Borderlands 2 RU
Hey, Bud
Complete chapter 6 of episode 1.
The Walking Dead 63.2%
Two Enter, One Leaves
Complete chapter 7 of episode 1.
The Walking Dead 62.9%
First bus stop
Build a bus stop.
Transport Fever 62.5%
Get burnt
The Cursed Forest 62.2%
An Old Flame
Completed the mission "Hunting The Firehawk".
Borderlands 2
Everything's Going to be Okay
Complete Episode 1: A New Day.
The Walking Dead 61.9%
Filthy Rich
Win with 10,000 resources remaining.
Defense Grid: The Awakening 61.8%
Desert Storm
Engineer an exit strategy.
Spec Ops: The Line 61.8%
500K Engine
Invest over 500K in a new game engine.
Game Dev Tycoon 61.8%
Slight Silver
Achieve 5 Silver Stat Awards.
Sleeping Dogs™ 61.5%
First day at work
Enter your Headquarters in career mode
You protected Callista's uncle, Captain Geoff Curnow
Dishonored RHCP
You've discovered a car!
Junkyard Simulator 61.5%
Friendship Rules
Revived someone from "Fight for Your Life!" that is on your friends list
Borderlands 2 RU 61.4%
Craft your first work bench.
Terraria 61.1%
Complete 10% of all missions, cases, favors, events, jobs and races.
Sleeping Dogs™ 61.1%
Ten plus foot-mobiles
Kill at least 10 enemies with one Predator missile in Single Player or Special Ops.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009) 60.9%
Collect 10 bone charms
Dishonored RHCP 60.9%
Killing lots of Mythical creatures will make you famous among the populace and infamous among the Mythical creatures. Kill 100 Mythical creatures.
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 60.5%
Destruction Frenzy
Destroy 30 objects in 60 seconds.
Just Cause 2 60.5%
Take A Bite Out Of Crime
Complete a Case.
Sleeping Dogs™ 60.4%
Hard Hat Area
Kill an enemy troop by collapsing his own castle on him in any game mode.
CastleStorm 60.4%
Killing lots of monsters will make you famous among the populace and infamous among the monsters. Kill 500 enemies.
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 60.4%
You've discovered a car!
Junkyard Simulator 60.4%
Heart Breaker
Discover and smash your first heart crystal underground.
Terraria 60.3%
Flock off, feather-face!
Survive the encounter with the Tyrant
DmC Devil May Cry 60.3%
Win 1
Win 1 Multiplayer Match
Killing Floor 2 60.3%
Year 1900
Reach the year 1900 without going bankrupt.
Transport Fever 60.2%
Beauty and harmony
Buy an interior
while True: learn() 60.1%
Ben 190
You've discovered a car!
Junkyard Simulator 59.9%
Feelin' A Little Stabby
Kill an enemy, knifing them with a gun blade.
Borderlands 3 59.7%
Star Power
Craft a mana crystal out of fallen stars, and consume it.
Terraria 59.6%
Successfully perform an action hijack.
Sleeping Dogs™ 59.6%
Florida Man
Down yourself by grenade or explosion.
Borderlands 3
First train station
Build a train station.
Transport Fever 59.5%
Capturing Genius and Madness
Complete the Bridge mission
Dishonored RHCP 59.5%
Ink Walker
The Ink is a mysterious interesting place. Explore as much of it as you can! (Visit an Ink location.)
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
Survive the boat ride
Quern - Undying Thoughts 59.2%
Diary: Traces of lives
Every building we visit has a story to tell. I'm wondering sometimes what kind of story we'll leave behind...
This War of Mine
Watch Your Step!
Become a victim to a nasty underground trap.
Terraria 59.1%
First bus arrived
Buy a bus and run a line.
Transport Fever 58.8%
Sell one million copies of a game without the help of a publisher.
Game Dev Tycoon 58.7%
Royale with Cheese
Defend Burger Town.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009) 58.6%
Press this one more time!
One more!
while True: learn()
First satisfactions
Win a special stage in any offline mode
Bob Miner
Use the multitool to mine 100 resource pieces.
Planet Nomads 58.4%
Going Hungry
Complete chapter 1 of episode 2.
The Walking Dead 57.8%
Make It So
Settle Executives in one of your cities.
Anno 2205 57.7%
First passenger waiting
Setup a line so that town residents use your vehicles.
Transport Fever 57.7%
City of Science
Develop a city to produce more than 100 science per turn.
Sid Meier's Civilization V 57.6%
Through the fire pipe
The first secret area in the game
Supraland 57.5%
The Survivor
Complete the Hanging Gardens and speak with the Survivor in the Bastion
Novice Treasure Hunter
Let's be honest here. The most important part of a game like Van Helsing is the LOOT! So go out there and gather as much as you can! From chests. Loot 50 chests.
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 57.4%
First cargo item waiting
Connect industries.
Transport Fever 57.4%
No Man Left Behind
Completed the mission "A Dam Fine Rescue"
Borderlands 2 RU
Assassinate 10 unaware enemies
Dishonored RHCP 57.0%
A single merc received over 100 damage in a single encounter without dying
Jagged Alliance - Back in Action 56.9%
Army of One
Kill 3 enemies with a single grenade. (campaign only)
Spec Ops: The Line 56.9%
You made it through an entire hostile area without making so much as a squeak.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut
Conversation Killer
Complete chapter 2 of episode 2.
The Walking Dead 56.7%
Power's On!
Checked in with CW after turning on the power.
First passenger transported
Run a line and transport a passenger.
Transport Fever 56.5%
Pimp My Bride
Find a woman for Shpak
Beholder 56.4%
First cargo item transported
Connect industries and transport a cargo item.
Transport Fever 56.3%
Expert Monster Hunter
Killing lots of Beasts will make you famous among the populace and infamous among the Beasts. Kill 500 Beasts.
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 55.7%
Better Than Money
Purchased 5 items from the black market
Borderlands 2 RU 55.7%
Kill 50 zombies by smashing, decapitating or shooting them in the head
Dead Island Riptide 55.6%
Neighborhood Bully
Annex a previously puppetted City-State.
Sid Meier's Civilization V 55.4%
It's Over 9000, Again!
Time Spy over 9000? There's (still) no way that could be right.
3DMark 55.4%
How Do I Look?
Unlocked 10 customization items
Borderlands 2 RU 55.4%
No Man Left Behind
Completed the mission "A Dam Fine Rescue".
Borderlands 2
Get attacked by a giant "fish"
The Cursed Forest
Preventive Diplomacy
Kill an enemy just as they are throwing a grenade. (campaign only)
Spec Ops: The Line 55.0%
Not Out
Kill 501 Enemies
Strange Brigade 55.0%
Heavy Metal
Obtain an anvil made from iron or lead.
Terraria 54.9%
True holy spirit
Infiltrated the unholy spirit
Supraland 54.8%
The Horror
Face the horrors of war.
Spec Ops: The Line 54.8%
Ride the Wind
Use the Skyway in the Wharf District.
Bastion 54.8%
With Liberty and Justice for All
Fully Explore the Liberty Policy Track.
Sid Meier's Civilization V 54.7%
That'll Show 'em
Complete Payback.
Sleeping Dogs™
Bane of Life
Deal a total of 100,000 damage points
King's Bounty: Dark Side 54.5%
Unforeseen Consequence
You convinced Zeke Sanders to let his hostage go.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut
Plenty of Pennies
Collect 15,000 money
Cities in Motion 54.4%
Gold Star
Earn 1 star in Special Ops.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009) 54.3%
Death From Above
Fire the orbital laser.
Defense Grid: The Awakening 54.1%
Chief Economist
Have a credit balance of +10,000.
Anno 2205 54.1%
I've Got Your Back
Complete 1 quest in a co-op game
Dying Light 54.0%
Gold Rush
Achieve 5 Gold Stat Awards.
Sleeping Dogs™ 54.0%
Elevator Action
Survive long enough to get on the parking garage elevator.
Half-Life 2: Episode One 54.0%
The Second Wave
Complete Phase 2 of the Lunar Licensing Program.
Anno 2205 53.8%
Communication Breakdown
Clear the airwaves
Batman: Arkham City GOTY 53.6%
City of Gold
Develop a city to produce more than 100 gold per turn.
Sid Meier's Civilization V 53.6%
Thank you for shopping at Save Lots!
Complete chapter 3 of episode 2.
The Walking Dead 53.5%
This Is Mine
Recover your belongings
Dishonored RHCP 53.4%
That's how electronics work obviously
1337 Hacker
Supraland 53.4%
First steam train arrived
Buy a steam train and run a line.
Transport Fever 53.3%
Angel Goat
Do no evil.
Goat Simulator 53.2%
Vanquished 250 Titans
Revenge of the Titans 53.1%
Save Our Souls
Destroy a Soul Cage
Strange Brigade 53.1%
Management by Fear
Use Team Management
Krater 53.0%
Wave Rider
Found a lunar settlement.
Anno 2205 52.9%
How Do I Look?
Unlocked 10 customization items.
Borderlands 2 52.9%
You'll Take Someone's Eye Out With That
Achieve a Suck My Parts or Collateral Damage Bonus
Carmageddon: Max Damage 52.8%
I Mustache You A Question
Complete mission “Atlas, At Last”.
Borderlands 3
This baby sure can pack a punch
Acquire Eryx
DmC Devil May Cry 52.6%
Like a Boss
Obtain a boss-summoning item.
Terraria 52.6%
Eye on You
Defeat the Eye of Cthulhu, an ocular menace who only appears at night.
Terraria 52.6%
Naval Power
Have a fleet with the maximum number of ships.
Anno 2205 52.6%
My First Million
Attain a credit balance of +1,000,000.
Anno 2205 52.6%
Democracy, Ho!
Vote for the first time.
Anno 2205 52.6%
Better Than Money
Purchased 5 items from the black market.
Borderlands 2 52.6%
Fun in the Bungalow Basin Sun
Complete every level in Summer
KeyWe 52.5%
Hold on Tight!
Equip your first grappling hook.
Terraria 52.4%
Survive a blood moon, a nocturnal event where the rivers run red and monsters swarm aplenty.
Terraria 52.4%
Token Gesture
Redeemed 25 tokens
Borderlands 2 RU 52.3%
...and don’t forget to water the plants!
Revive the plants in the Gardens
Quern - Undying Thoughts 52.3%
Head in the Clouds
Equip a pair of wings.
Terraria 52.2%
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Complete chapter 4 of episode 2.
The Walking Dead 52.1%
Use of Weapons
Attain ‘Novice’ status in Ships Destroyed
No Man's Sky 52.0%
Too Much Salt Will Kill You
Complete chapter 5 of episode 2.
The Walking Dead 52.0%
I kick arse for the Lord!
Pick up the Preacher
Zombie Army Trilogy 52.0%
Last man standing
Batman: Arkham City GOTY 52.0%
Taking Charlotte
Complete chapter 6 of episode 2.
The Walking Dead 51.8%
Force Cube Catapult
Opened the way to the blue crystal
Supraland 51.8%
Smashing, Poppet!
Using explosives or your trusty hammer, smash a Shadow Orb or Crimson Heart in the evil parts of your world.
Terraria 51.6%
Heart of Darkness
Find a boat to travel through the jungle
Dead Island Riptide
Build Buster
Killed a Constructor without it ever building another bot
Borderlands 2 RU 51.6%
You Fight Like A Dairy Farmer
Complete chapter 7 of episode 2.
The Walking Dead 51.5%
Stand by for Goatfall
Finish all wallrun quest
Goat Simulator 51.5%
Complete the game
Dishonored RHCP 51.5%
Wilhelm Screamed
Completed the mission "A Train To Catch"
Borderlands 2 RU
Upper-Upper Class
Built your first two-tier mansion using four or more houses
Triple Town 51.4%
It's Not Stealing If You Need It
Complete Episode 2: "Starved For Help"
The Walking Dead 51.4%
Crowd Control
Score a x5 or higher multikill.
CastleStorm 51.3%
Install drillship segment upgrade
Volcanoids 51.3%
Destroy the gunship in the hospital attic.
Half-Life 2: Episode One 51.3%
Deploy an ammo upgrade and have your team use it.
Left 4 Dead 2 51.3%
Under a Thin Layer of Skin
Defy the park ranger.
Alan Wake 50.9%
The Space Merchants
Attain ‘Trader’ status in Most Units Accrued
No Man's Sky 50.9%
Power Builder
Build 6 towers within 10 seconds.
Defense Grid: The Awakening 50.9%
Long Live the Empress
You saved Empress Emily Kaldwin
Dishonored RHCP
First industry upgraded
Let an industry upgrade.
Transport Fever 50.9%
Year 1950
Reach the year 1950 without going bankrupt.
Transport Fever 50.8%
Friendship Rules
Revived someone from "Fight for Your Life!" that is on your friends list.
Borderlands 2 50.8%
Bully For You!
Defeat The Champion in Hidden Valley
Strange Brigade
1M Engine
Invest over one million in a new game engine.
Game Dev Tycoon 50.8%
Finish Episode 1: Chrysalis
Life is Strange™ 50.7%
It's Getting Hot in Here
Spelunk deep enough to reach the molten underworld.
Terraria 50.6%
Sky's The Limit
Completed the mission "Rising Action"
Borderlands 2 RU
In search of the setup
Open the car setup screen in the Service Park
Gone From My Sight
Complete mission “Beneath the Meridian”.
Borderlands 3
You'll Take Someone's Eye Out With That
Achieve a Suck My Parts or Collateral Damage Bonus
Carmageddon: Reincarnation 50.3%
Up the Ante!
Upgrade your first weapon of choice.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut 50.3%
This Is... Luna!
Have a workforce of 300 on the Moon.
Anno 2205 50.2%
Pretty in Pink
Kill pinky.
Terraria 50.2%
Complete 25% of all missions, cases, favors, events, jobs and races.
Sleeping Dogs™ 50.0%
Mining apprentice
Mine 50 coal with pickaxe
Volcanoids 49.9%
The Harder They Fall
Kill 2 rappelling enemies in a row before they land on their feet in Single Player or Special Ops.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009) 49.8%
Perform a Fatality!
Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition 49.8%
Wrecking Ball
Stop the unstoppable
Batman: Arkham City GOTY 49.7%
Where there's a will
Use explosives to blast a hole into a wall
Jagged Alliance - Back in Action 49.7%
Have 10 gas cannisters explode at the same time
Goat Simulator 49.7%
Build Buster
Killed a Constructor without it ever building another bot.
Borderlands 2 49.7%
Wilhelm Screamed
Completed the mission "A Train To Catch".
Borderlands 2
Mountain goat
Travel through an alternate passage
The Cursed Forest 49.6%
Goodbye, She Quietly Says
Completed chapter 1 of episode 3.
The Walking Dead 49.5%
Release a successful game in each of the five main genres.
Game Dev Tycoon 49.4%
Token Gesture
Redeemed 25 tokens.
Borderlands 2 49.4%
Pick a lock, plant a bug, trace a phone, crack a safe, and take over a spy camera.
Sleeping Dogs™ 49.4%
Full House
Have the maximum number of employees.
Game Dev Tycoon 49.4%
Cave Diver
Complete 5 caves.
SteamWorld Dig 2 49.4%
Bad Blood
Completed chapter 2 of episode 3.
The Walking Dead 49.4%
Soap on a Rope
Storm the gulag.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009) 49.3%
Symphony For A Lost Traveler
Attain ‘Nomad’ status in On-foot Exploration
No Man's Sky 49.2%
Stomp Harder
Destroy 5 Slimy Spores before they explode
Book of Demons 49.1%
Jeepers Creepers
Stumble into a spider cavern in the underground.
Terraria 49.1%
Master of the House
Fully Explore the Tradition Policy Track.
Sid Meier's Civilization V 49.1%
Trophy: The Wingless Messiah
Defeat the Wingless Messiah.
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
Hobbyist Tinker
Craft 50 items in survival.
Planet Nomads 49.0%
You've met a new client!
Junkyard Simulator 49.0%
Vehicular Manslaughter
Defeat an enemy by running it over with a minecart.
Terraria 48.9%
Vaulting Your Way To The Top
Reach level 25.
Borderlands 3 48.9%
He's a demon too
Help Phineas retrieve his eye
DmC Devil May Cry 48.9%
Bounty Hunter
Completed 20 side missions
Borderlands 2 RU 48.9%
Unlock 10 Character Heads or Skins.
Borderlands 3 48.9%
What have you got against pottery?
Destroy 100 pots
Strange Brigade 48.8%
Sky's The Limit
Completed the mission "Rising Action".
Borderlands 2
Hauling At The Moon
Create a Transfer Route from or to a lunar sector.
Anno 2205 48.8%
Hit the Road
Completed chapter 3 of episode 3.
The Walking Dead 48.6%
For the Record
Complete the Single Player campaign on any difficulty.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009) 48.6%
Family drama
Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father!
Chaos on Deponia 48.6%
Damn Close
Kill an Edged Weapon Expert while he is up to 5 meters away. (campaign only)
Spec Ops: The Line 48.6%
Food for the masses
Upgrade the population on an earth-like planet
Sid Meier's Starships 48.5%
Escape From City 17
Escape City 17 with Alyx.
Half-Life 2: Episode One 48.5%
What now?
Completed chapter 4 of episode 3.
The Walking Dead 48.4%
Thoughtful warrior
Rescue Magnus from the Nova cultists.
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden
Killing lots of Mythical creatures will make you famous among the populace and infamous among the Mythical creatures. Kill 500 Mythical creatures.
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 48.4%