Achievement Game Visibility Global Unlocks
Expert Fire Alarmist
Pull enough fire alarms
Superliminal 59.5%
Wake Up
Beat the game
Superliminal 50.7%
Brilliant Position
Earn 50 points from one building.
Explore 10 islands.
I play my own way!
Purchase and equip your first Special Attack.
Hi-Fi RUSH 47.6%
Have at least 12 buildings in your inventory at once.
This will cost you big time
Drain development's budget, removing creative control.
Add a friend
Torchlight II 44.0%
Uh, they were broken when I got here
Destroy 200 Vandelay security robots.
Hi-Fi RUSH 43.6%
Double trouble
Buy the second workbench.
PC Building Simulator 43.2%
Trade an item with another player
Torchlight II 42.9%
Sugar Crash
Break a soda can
Superliminal 42.5%
Z-shielding's got nothing on us!
Shatter 10 enemy shields by calling in Macaron.
Hi-Fi RUSH 42.1%
Please Use Other Door
Find the nook in Optical
Superliminal 42.1%
Didn't Need to See Him Naked
Complete 'Matt's Back'.
Saints Row IV 41.4%
Kissing the sky!
Perform 50 Aerial Raves.
Hi-Fi RUSH 41.3%
Microshot Noob
Played Microshot 1 Time
Aimlabs 40.9%
Small factory
Reach a total power generation of 20MW.
Dyson Sphere Program 40.2%
Perfectly Placed
Earn 75 points from one building.
Build 500 buildings.
Well Dressed
Wear a completed armor set
Torchlight II 38.0%
Strafetrack Noob
Played Strafetrack 1 Time
Aimlabs 37.8%
The Negotiator
Remove the head of Security from the equation.
Ow My Balls!
Do your first nutshot AND testicle assault.
Saints Row: The Third 36.8%
Seasoned Pal Tamer
Caught 90 kinds of Pals
Palworld 36.7%
Achieve a good score for your hardware.
3DMark 36.7%
Son of Man
An apple for a head
Superliminal 36.3%
Snowfall Sovereign
Why Are You Like This?
Clone an object way too many times
Superliminal 33.1%
Earn 10,000 points.
Out in a puff of smoke
Put out 10 fires in battle with Korsica. (Enemies included.)
Be the showstopper for the head of Marketing.
Blade Proficiency I
Reach Rank 10 with any Longsword or Dual Short Blades weapon.
Warframe 32.4%
Tailor Made
Customize the color of a Warframe.
Warframe 32.0%
Blast from the Past
Complete 'A Game of Clones'.
Saints Row IV 31.8%
You must like calling me in, Chai
Destroy 50 barriers by calling in Peppermint.
Hi-Fi RUSH 31.6%
All for One
Revive an ally.
Warframe 31.4%
Time to pay up!
Settle the bill with the head of Finance.
Infinite Factory II
Exceed a total energy consumption of 1TJ.
Dyson Sphere Program 31.1%
Rifle Proficiency I
Reach Rank 10 with any Rifle or Machine Gun weapon.
Warframe 30.6%
Perfecter Parry-er!
Sucessfully parry with perfect timing 200 times.
Hi-Fi RUSH 30.4%
Who's the boss now?
Take it up with the CEO, and come out on top.
About Time!
Complete 'Welcome Back'.
Saints Row IV 29.8%
Low battery
Have Icarus’ energy below 5% for more than 3 minutes when on the ground.
Dyson Sphere Program 29.6%
Explore 20 islands.
Please Recycle
Put a soda can in the wrong place instead of recycling
Medium factory
Reach a total power generation of 100MW.
Dyson Sphere Program 28.9%
I have to read these things?
Find and read half of the Vandelay Vlogs on the campus.
Hi-Fi RUSH 28.8%
Silver Initiate
Achieve the rank of Silver Initiate.
Warframe 28.2%
Night Owl
Run a benchmark between 00:00 and 06:00.
3DMark 28.2%
Where Credit is Due
Earn 100,000 Credits.
Warframe 28.2%
Build 1000 buildings.
Decisionshot Noob
Played Decisionshot 1 Time
Aimlabs 27.7%
Complete 'All Hands On Deck'.
Saints Row IV 27.7%
Win a game by killing all crewmates as Impostor.
Among Us 27.6%
Defeat Zote in the Colosseum of Fools
Hollow Knight
Awarded for taming 20 different species.
Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch™ Remastered 27.2%
Anchors Aweigh
Awarded for obtaining the Sea Cow.
Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch™ Remastered
Puzzle Solver
Have exactly 100 points after placing a building.
Poodle Skirt
Complete 'Hello Teacup'.
Saints Row IV 26.6%
Maximum Stopping Power
Upgrade one weapon to the max.
Saints Row IV 26.6%
Kuh, Boom.
Complete Act 1 in another way.
Saints Row: The Third 26.5%
Boy Scout
Awarded for running 15 different errands.
Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch™ Remastered 26.4%
No Worries
Pass a DirectX 12 stress test.
3DMark 26.4%
It Keeps Getting Better
Play for 10 hours.
Warframe 26.3%
Get 5 total kills
Among Us 26.1%
Complete 'Batteries Not Included'.
Saints Row IV 25.4%
Find 100 Mods.
Warframe 25.4%
Tickets please!
Establish an Interstellar Logistics Transportation line.
Dyson Sphere Program 25.4%
Blade Proficiency II
Reach Rank 20 with any Longsword or Dual Short Blades weapon.
Warframe 25.3%
Build a building at least 7 stories tall.
Dyson Sphere Program 25.1%
Complete 'Grand Finale'.
Saints Row IV 23.5%
Solve 100 Ciphers.
Warframe 23.4%
Nice Surprise 1
Obtain at least 100 Titanium Ore by collecting Stone.
Dyson Sphere Program 23.4%
Rifle Proficiency II
Reach Rank 20 with any Rifle or Machine Gun weapon.
Warframe 23.3%
Win a game without using vents as Impostor.
Among Us
You Chose... Poorly
Surrender when given the chance.
Saints Row IV
Fix a sabotage that you called
Among Us
Shuriken Proficiency I
Reach Rank 10 with any Boomerang, Throwing Discs or Throwing Daggers weapon.
Warframe 22.9%
Gold Initiate
Achieve the rank of Gold Initiate.
Warframe 22.9%
A Watchful Eye
Obtain a Sentinel.
Warframe 22.9%
Pistol Proficiency II
Reach Rank 20 with any Pistol or Akimbo Pistols weapon.
Warframe 22.7%
Build 10 items in the Foundry.
Warframe 22.7%
Sell an item in the market.
Warframe 22.7%
No Witnesses
Successfully perform 100 stealth kills.
Warframe 22.6%
Earn 20,000 points.
Saviour of Venus
Kill the boss in the Venus region and get to extraction.
Warframe 22.3%
Volcano Sovereign
Sentinel Proficiency I
Reach Rank 10 with any Sentinel.
Warframe 22.1%
Get a brick count of 20 or higher in a puzzle match.
Tricky Towers 22.1%
There's such a thing as TOO helpful
Find and engage with every Smidge, while completing all of his practice tips.
Hi-Fi RUSH 22.0%
Like a diamond in the sky
Light a star that belongs to you in the Milky Way View.
Dyson Sphere Program 21.9%
Unlock upgrade to make mecha reach 12m/s movement speed.
Dyson Sphere Program 21.5%
Building a Stable
Obtain 2 Warframes.
Warframe 21.4%
Blade Proficiency III
Reach Rank 30 with any Longsword or Dual Short Blades weapon.
Warframe 21.3%
Rock Solid
Score 99% or more in the Time Spy Stress Test.
3DMark 21.2%
4K Forever
Run Time Spy Extreme or Fire Strike Ultra.
3DMark 21.0%
Achieve a great score for your hardware.
3DMark 20.9%
All Too Easy
Kill Zinyak in less than 5 minutes in 'Save the Planet'.
Saints Row IV 20.8%
The sun rises in the...West?
Find and land on a planet rotating on a reverse axis.
Dyson Sphere Program 20.7%
Explore 30 islands.
Viva the Evolution!
Awarded for managing 10 metamorphoses.
Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch™ Remastered 20.4%
Sentinel Proficiency II
Reach Rank 20 with any Sentinel.
Warframe 20.3%
Slip 'n' slide
Fill 10 tanks of fluid in a game.
Dyson Sphere Program 20.2%
Dark Romance
Defeat Grey Prince Zote
Hollow Knight
New Sheriff in Town
Awarded for completing 10 different bounty hunts.
Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch™ Remastered 20.2%
That's a lot of junk metal…
Destroy 500 Vandelay security robots.
Hi-Fi RUSH 20.1%
Machine Man
Do everything you can for CID -- Quests and... everything.
Saints Row IV 20.0%
Revive 10 allies.
Warframe 20.0%
Sell 10,000 credits' worth of items.
Warframe 19.8%
Beat-hit mania
Land 500 beat-hit attacks on enemies.
Hi-Fi RUSH 19.8%
Take Your Trash Elsewhere
Fail at throwing away trash
Superliminal 19.8%
Win a game by vote as Impostor
Among Us 19.7%
Rifle Proficiency III
Reach Rank 30 with any Rifle or Machine Gun weapon.
Warframe 19.6%
Bow Proficiency II
Reach Rank 20 with any Bow weapon.
Warframe 19.4%
Build 20 items in the Foundry.
Warframe 19.3%
Pistol Proficiency III
Reach Rank 30 with any Pistol or Akimbo Pistols weapon.
Warframe 19.2%
Achieve the rank of Novice.
Warframe 19.2%
Pole Weapon Proficiency II
Reach Rank 20 with any Scythe, Polearm or Staff weapon.
Warframe 19.1%
I'm gonna need more drones!
Control 10 or more Construction Drones.
Dyson Sphere Program 18.9%
Hats off to you!
Destroy 200 Corpus Crewman helmets.
Warframe 18.8%
Fly the Friendlier Skies
Awarded for befriending Tengri.
Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch™ Remastered
Bromance in the Row
Play SR3 Co-op for 5 hours.
Saints Row: The Third 18.8%
The Full Kinzie
Do everything you can for Kinzie -- Quests, Loyalty Missions... everything.
Saints Row IV 18.7%
Gem Preservation
Recover 10 gems from items
Torchlight II 18.6%
Desert Sovereign
Only impossible until it's not
Start warp engine.
Dyson Sphere Program 18.4%
Now Boarding
Have at least 100 Logistics Drones for a planet in transit.
Dyson Sphere Program 18.4%
Sentinel Proficiency III
Reach Rank 30 with any Sentinel.
Warframe 18.3%
Take 100,000 steps
Torchlight II 18.3%
Half Way Home
Complete all open world gameplay in two districts of the Simulated city of Steelport.
Saints Row IV 18.1%
Control Freak
Complete an Interception node and extract with the enemy capturing 40% or less territory.
Warframe 18.1%
Planet Explorer I
Land on 5 different planets!
Dyson Sphere Program 18.0%
I'm not tilted
Find and land on a planet rotating on a horizontal axis.
Dyson Sphere Program 18.0%
Saya's Vigil
Complete "Saya's Vigil" quest.
Warframe 17.9%
Word on the Street
Finish the rumor narrative quest.
Have a Nice Death 17.8%
Sail away with me
Unlock upgrade to make the Solar Sail last 2 hours.
Dyson Sphere Program 17.8%
Journeyman Fisher
Fish 100 times
Torchlight II 17.8%
CentreBrain needs more energy I
Total power generation of the Dyson Sphere reaches 200MW.
Dyson Sphere Program 17.8%
Employee of the month
Unlock upgrade to allow Pile Sorters to load and unload cargos simultaneously.
Dyson Sphere Program 17.6%
Slay the Nailsmith with the Pure Nail
Hollow Knight
I told you I'd be fine, Peppermint!
Complete the ride through production on the transit rail without taking damage.
Hi-Fi RUSH 17.5%
The Two Shaundis
Do everything you can for Shaundi -- Quests, Loyalty Missions... everything.
Saints Row IV 17.4%
Shuriken Proficiency II
Reach Rank 20 with any Boomerang, Throwing Discs or Throwing Daggers weapon.
Warframe 17.4%
And I Ran...
Super Sprint for 250,000 meters.
Saints Row IV 17.4%
Space invaders
Use the mineral burial function to bury at least 20 Veins.
Dyson Sphere Program 17.4%
Environment Saved!
Place a soda can in a recycling bin
Egg Timer
Begin Genetic Lab Incubation for a Kubrow.
Warframe 17.3%
On Her Saint's Secret Service
Do everything you can for Asha -- Quests, Loyalty Missions... everything.
Saints Row IV 17.2%
Soda Connaisseur
Drink all sodas
Superliminal 17.1%
How It Should Be
Complete all open world gameplay in the entire Simulated city of Steelport.
Saints Row IV 17.0%
Saints & Sensibility
Complete 'Grand Finale' after completing all Homie missions.
Saints Row IV 16.9%
Complete 'Meet the Dominatrix' without dying.
Saints Row IV 16.9%
Well that was a rush!
Finish the game and complete every level on the Normal difficulty.
Hi-Fi RUSH 16.8%
Rifle Mastery I
Reach Rank 10 with any five Rifle or Machine Gun weapons.
Warframe 16.8%
Paranormal Bromance
Do everything you can for Matt -- Quests, Loyalty Missions... everything.
Saints Row IV 16.7%
Money is Power
Earn 1,000,000 Credits.
Warframe 16.7%
Blade Mastery I
Reach Rank 10 with any five Longsword or Dual Short Blades weapons.
Warframe 16.7%
Inhuman Act
Caught a Human
Palworld 16.7%
Shoot down a helicopter with a Saints Flow fireball.
Saints Row: The Third 16.6%
Pole Weapon Proficiency III
Reach Rank 30 with any Scythe, Polearm or Staff weapon.
Warframe 16.6%
Silver Novice
Achieve the rank of Silver Novice.
Warframe 16.5%
Large factory
Reach a total power generation of 1GW.
Dyson Sphere Program 16.5%
Sharp Shooter
Kill an enemy from over 100 metres away across the Plains of Eidolon.
Warframe 16.3%
Chill Out
Freeze and Shatter Kill 100 Aliens with the Freeze Blast Super Power.
Saints Row IV 16.3%
Shotgun Proficiency I
Reach Rank 10 with any Shotgun weapon.
Warframe 16.2%
Bow Proficiency III
Reach Rank 30 with any Bow weapon.
Warframe 16.2%
Pistol Mastery I
Reach Rank 10 with any five Pistol or Akimbo Pistols weapons.
Warframe 16.1%
Ding Dong
Defeat Cacklespit
Torchlight II
Bow Mastery I
Reach Rank 10 with any two Bow weapons.
Warframe 16.1%
Wonder Wand
Awarded for restoring the legendary wand Mornstar to its former glory.
Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch™ Remastered
Double Team
Play Saints Row IV Co-op for 5 hours.
Saints Row IV 16.0%
Bow to the Boss!
Kill the Dominatrix in 'Escape the Dominatrix'.
Saints Row IV 16.0%
Friend of the Raptors
Complete all five missions.
Saints Row IV 15.9%
Reflexshot Noob
Played Reflexshot 1 Time
Aimlabs 15.8%
Heavy Weapon Proficiency I
Reach Rank 10 with any Heavy Axe, Heavy Hammer, or Heavy Sword weapon.
Warframe 15.7%
What's the Rush?
If your Time Spy frame rate is less than 5 FPS, just relax and enjoy the details.
3DMark 15.5%
Intergalactic logistics
Establish 5 Interstellar Logistics Transportation lines between different planetary systems.
Dyson Sphere Program 15.5%
Build it and they will come
Build 10 Orbital Collectors.
Dyson Sphere Program 15.4%
Dark Sectors
Complete 5 missions for a Clan that then wins a contested Dark Sector.
Warframe 15.3%
Shuriken Proficiency III
Reach Rank 30 with any Boomerang, Throwing Discs or Throwing Daggers weapon.
Warframe 15.0%
Mode master
Win an online game of every mode in every difficulty at least once.
Tricky Towers 15.0%
Shotgun Proficiency II
Reach Rank 20 with any Shotgun weapon.
Warframe 14.9%
Rifle Mastery II
Reach Rank 20 with any five Rifle or Machine Gun weapons.
Warframe 14.9%
Too Close to the Son
Complete Act 3 in one way.
Saints Row: The Third 14.9%
Blade Mastery II
Reach Rank 20 with any five Longsword or Dual Short Blades weapons.
Warframe 14.8%
A Tonic for the Djinn
Awarded for defeating the Dark Djinn.
Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch™ Remastered
Heavy Weapon Proficiency II
Reach Rank 20 with any Heavy Axe, Heavy Hammer, or Heavy Sword weapon.
Warframe 14.8%
Saviour of Mercury
Kill the boss in the Mercury region and get to extraction.
Warframe 14.7%
Detection Noob
Played Detection 1 Time
Aimlabs 14.7%
Strafeshot Noob
Played Strafeshot 1 Time
Aimlabs 14.6%
Gold Novice
Achieve the rank of Gold Novice.
Warframe 14.6%
Shield Saver
Deflect 1,000 projectiles with your melee weapon.
Warframe 14.5%
Pistol Mastery II
Reach Rank 20 with any five Pistol or Akimbo Pistols weapons.
Warframe 14.5%
Better This Way
Customize the style of all the weapons on your radial.
Saints Row IV 14.5%
CentreBrain needs more energy II
Total power generation of the Dyson Sphere reaches 1GW.
Dyson Sphere Program 14.4%
Launch a total of 100K Solar Sails.
Dyson Sphere Program 14.3%
Sentinel Mastery I
Reach Rank 10 with any three Sentinels.
Warframe 14.2%
Check out my moves!
Purchase every combo and partner attack.
Who approved this?
Unlock technology to make the construction latitude of the Dyson Sphere node reach 45 degrees.
Dyson Sphere Program 14.1%
Ride the Wave
Complete 20 waves of Defense and successfully extract.
Warframe 14.1%
Kill 10 or more enemies with a single explosion (Tonkor, etc).
Warframe 14.1%
Pole Weapon Mastery I
Reach Rank 10 with any three Scythe, Polearm or Staff weapons.
Warframe 14.0%
Heavy Weapon Proficiency III
Reach Rank 30 with any Heavy Axe, Heavy Hammer, or Heavy Sword weapon.
Warframe 14.0%
Astral Sovereign
So Many Choices
Find 1,000 Mods.
Warframe 13.9%
Shotgun Proficiency III
Reach Rank 30 with any Shotgun weapon.
Warframe 13.9%
Increase your chip slots to the maximum capacity.
Hi-Fi RUSH 13.9%
Third and 30
Spend over 30 hours in Steelport.
Saints Row: The Third 13.9%
Get exactly the requested 3DMark score.
PC Building Simulator 13.9%
Bow Mastery II
Reach Rank 20 with any two Bow weapons.
Warframe 13.8%
Into the Void
Complete 10 Void Fissure missions.
Warframe 13.7%
Recommendation Engine
Send a song challenge to your friends.
Audiosurf 2 13.5%
Dagger Proficiency I
Reach Rank 10 with any Dagger or Dual Daggers weapon.
Warframe 13.5%
Tenno and Hooch
Complete any 10 missions with a Kubrow equipped.
Warframe 13.4%
Shotgun Mastery I
Reach Rank 10 with any two Shotgun weapons.
Warframe 13.4%
The Face of the Saints
Do everything you can for Pierce -- Quests, Loyalty Missions... everything.
Saints Row IV 13.3%
Sentinel Mastery II
Reach Rank 20 with any three Sentinels.
Warframe 13.3%
Bouncin' with an Old Friend
Do everything you can for an old friend -- Quests, Loyalty Missions... everything.
Saints Row IV
Achieve the rank of Disciple.
Warframe 13.2%
Achieve an excellent score for your hardware.
3DMark 13.2%
The Right Tool for the Job
Obtain 5 Warframes.
Warframe 13.1%
Complete 100 total tasks
Among Us 13.1%
Hang Tenno
Make a 50 meter jump on a K-Drive
Warframe 13.1%
Dagger Proficiency II
Reach Rank 20 with any Dagger or Dual Daggers weapon.
Warframe 13.1%
Customize It
Run a DirectX 12 benchmark with custom settings.
3DMark 13.1%
Interstellar convoy
Have at least 50 Interstellar Logistics Vessels in space.
Dyson Sphere Program 12.9%
Win 3 games on Polus
Among Us 12.8%
Pride of The Lotus
Play for 100 hours.
Warframe 12.8%
Shotgun Mastery II
Reach Rank 20 with any two Shotgun weapons.
Warframe 12.7%
Pole Weapon Mastery II
Reach Rank 20 with any three Scythe, Polearm or Staff weapons.
Warframe 12.7%
Benjamin [CENSORED] King
Do everything you can for Ben -- Quests, Loyalty Missions... everything.
Saints Row IV 12.7%
Cup winner!
Win an online cup.
Tricky Towers 12.7%
Dagger Proficiency III
Reach Rank 30 with any Dagger or Dual Daggers weapon.
Warframe 12.6%
Without a Hitch
Complete a Hijack mission without allowing the payload to travel backwards.
Warframe 12.5%
Send in the Clones
Kill a Brute using only melee damage while under the influence of Saints Flow.
Saints Row: The Third 12.5%
Brawler Proficiency I
Reach Rank 10 with any Gauntlets or Hand-to-Hand weapon.
Warframe 12.5%
Where no coal has gone before
Use coal as the only fuel to move from one planet to another.
Dyson Sphere Program 12.3%
Heavy Weapon Mastery I
Reach Rank 10 with any two Heavy Axe, Heavy Hammer, or Heavy Sword weapons.
Warframe 12.3%
Council Trouncer
Awarded for freeing the other world from the clutches of the Zodiarchy.
Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch™ Remastered
Rifle Mastery III
Reach Rank 30 with any five Rifle or Machine Gun weapons.
Warframe 12.2%
Humanitarian of the Year
Awarded for running 60 different errands.
Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch™ Remastered
The Twin Saints
Complete ten Quests together in Co-op.
Saints Row IV 12.1%
Saviour of Uranus
Kill the boss in the Uranus region and get to extraction.
Warframe 12.1%
Pistol Mastery III
Reach Rank 30 with any five Pistol or Akimbo Pistols weapons.
Warframe 12.1%
Field Medic
Revive 100 allies.
Warframe 12.1%
Silver Disciple
Achieve the rank of Silver Disciple.
Warframe 12.0%
Nice Surprise 3
Obtain at least 100 Organic Crystals by collecting plants.
Dyson Sphere Program 12.0%
Master Angler
Catch 10 fish.
Warframe 12.0%
Complete all three missions.
Saints Row IV