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Achievement Unlocked Game Visibility Global Unlocks
Race for the Pennant
Run 25 kilometers.
2017-10-05 11:48:59
Team Fortress 2 51.4%
Powerhouse Offense
Win 2Fort with a shutout.
2017-10-05 11:39:25
Team Fortress 2 20.4%
Socket to Him
Headshot an enemy Demoman.
2017-09-17 09:35:29
Team Fortress 2 25.3%
Enemy at the Gate
Kill an opponent within the first second of a round.
2017-09-01 16:00:45
Team Fortress 2 18.8%
Dropped Dead
Kill a Scout in midair with your Sniper Rifle or the Huntsman.
2017-09-01 15:13:01
Team Fortress 2 27.4%