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Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
Good Samaritan
You didn't take anything from the train station that didn't belong to you (except the ticket)!
2018-04-29 10:23:35
Insightful Listener, Observant Eavesdropper
You listened to every piece of dialog in the game.
2018-04-29 10:16:56 5.2%
Record Collector
You lifted all the records.
2018-04-29 10:06:56
Pizza Connoisseur
You ate all the pizza.
2018-04-29 10:05:28
Sheet Music Librarian
You yoinked all the sheet music.
2018-04-29 09:59:49
The Cookie Crumbles
You ingested all the cookies.
2018-04-29 09:50:41