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Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
Malicious Virus
You didn't die once, the system can't get rid of you at all! (Turns off if you load from a save)
2018-04-29 15:56:43 2.8%
Master Virus!
You completed the game in under 10 minutes in Speedrun Mode
2018-04-29 15:38:20 4.0%
Red Trigger Virus Uploaded
You uploaded the Red Trigger Virus and escaped the system!
2018-04-29 15:26:45 11.2%
Easter Egg
You found the easter egg. A wink to a great game and inspiration!
2018-04-28 19:37:09
Active Listener
You found all the audio logs!
Scans Galore
You scanned all the scannables!