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At your service ma-am!
Ask the Robot Butler to fix the electric box for you
2018-04-22 07:44:11 46.3%
What will be next?
Finish the demo of Reality Incognita
2018-04-22 07:42:52 45.8%
With light and the crossbow
Prepare everything to go into the dark kitchen storage
2018-04-22 07:42:02 45.7%
I just can't stand blood
Wipe the blood from the floor
2018-04-22 07:40:52
Wannabe electrician
Fix the electric box by yourself
2018-04-22 07:39:03 45.1%
Shocking Death
Die when attempting to fix the electric box
2018-04-22 07:37:38 44.8%
Ostap is dead, but his business lives on
Slice the chairs
2018-04-22 07:27:46
Escape Room
Get out of Hibernation Room
2018-04-22 07:27:26 49.8%
A sound mind in a clean body
Bathe in the shower room
2018-04-22 07:16:13