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Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
Earn 75,000 points in a single round
2017-10-19 05:35:02 4.9%
1.5 Million
Earn a total of 1,500,000 points over all rounds
2017-10-19 05:35:02 5.1%
Earn 50,000 points in a single round
2017-10-19 05:35:02 6.1%
Bit Blaster V8
Unlock Bit Blaster V8
2017-07-17 18:14:43 7.3%
Earn a total of 500,000 points over all rounds
2017-07-17 13:56:52 9.0%
Bit Blaster V7
Unlock Bit Blaster V7
2017-07-17 13:56:52 9.3%
Earn 25,000 points in a single round
2017-07-17 13:39:35 12.1%
Bit Blaster V6
Unlock Bit Blaster V6
2017-07-15 04:16:48 10.9%
Earn 15,000 points in a single round
2017-07-15 04:16:14 19.4%
Bit Blaster V5
Unlock Bit Blaster V5
2017-07-15 03:19:11 15.1%
Bit Blaster V4
Unlock Bit Blaster V4
2017-07-15 02:58:04 20.4%
Earn 10,000 points in a single round
2017-07-15 02:57:40 27.0%
Bit Blaster V3
Unlock Bit Blaster V3
2017-06-25 18:25:08 28.8%
Earn 5,000 points in a single round
2017-06-24 22:19:38 43.4%
Bit Blaster V2
Unlock Bit Blaster V2
2017-06-24 22:17:14 41.4%
Earn 2,500 points in a single round
2017-06-24 22:15:56 56.4%
Earn 1,000 points in a single round
2017-06-24 22:14:20 61.4%