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Profile Level Friends Recent Game Playtime Games Achievements Avg. Completion Perfect Games Friends Since Updated
migs 10 104 334
5,169h +26h 53m 259 1,956 32.29% 6 2015-06-17 14:15:24 2023-12-15 08:00:21
The Unknown Corner 13 57 425
18,161h +218h 27m 766 2,108 20.72% 2 2017-06-26 15:25:36 2023-11-13 05:50:22
۩ mage 8 104 127
4,791h +11h 18m 292 3,409 30.83% 4 2018-05-18 16:08:05 2023-11-09 04:10:15
✔W4ny ♥ 9 62 369
8,357h + 0m 630 2,469 38.36% 5 2022-12-20 04:30:27