Achievement Unlocked Game Visibility Global Unlocks
EXTRA: Retired Poe Ratcho
Complete once the adventure A Garlic Paradise.
2025-02-02 10:48:50
Vampire Survivors 2.4%
TalentCollect 30
You have scouted 30 Talents!
2025-02-02 04:54:19
HoloParade 34.2%
RunMikochiScore 200
Your HurryUp!Mikochi! score has reached 200!
2025-02-02 04:53:19
HoloParade 24.1%
RunMikochiScore 150
Your HurryUp!Mikochi! score has reached 150!
2025-02-02 04:53:19
HoloParade 32.5%
RunMikochiScore 100
Your HurryUp!Mikochi! score has reached 100!
2025-02-02 04:49:44
HoloParade 36.3%
TalentCollect 25
You have scouted 25 Talents!
2025-02-02 04:37:38
HoloParade 35.8%
StageTrophyCount 20
You have reached 20 Stage Trophies!
2025-02-02 04:35:41
HoloParade 35.1%
Hands free
Beat the "Drones only" game mode.
2025-02-02 03:23:58
Astrodle 27.4%
What do you want, a medal?
Complete all 50 missions.
2025-02-01 21:38:09
Astrodle 26.8%
Oh my zod
Become a god.
2025-02-01 12:41:42
Astrodle 63.0%
Millionaire by the dozen
Have at least 1,000,000 of each essence.
2025-02-01 12:41:42
Astrodle 71.3%
Divine intervention
Reach a Zodiac star with 8 stellar bonuses.
2025-02-01 11:26:34
Astrodle 72.8%
God as new
Restore the generator's power.
2025-02-01 10:57:51
Astrodle 76.9%
Pure Evil
Reach the minimum reputation level
2025-02-01 09:47:49
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 6.0%
Let it flow
Generate at least 100 points per second.
2025-01-31 13:32:29
Astrodle 84.2%
Don't think about it
Destroy 10,000 blobs.
2025-01-31 12:55:35
Astrodle 89.9%
Personality check
Travel to another Zodiac star.
2025-01-31 12:41:06
Astrodle 89.1%
Mere mortal
Meet the three Signs assigned to your quest.
2025-01-31 12:21:11
Astrodle 91.0%
The answer
Install 42 upgrades.
2025-01-31 12:13:11
Astrodle 92.3%
Really cool space arrows
Reach a rate of fire of 1 shot per second.
2025-01-31 12:07:13
Astrodle 92.0%
A job well done
Complete your first mission.
2025-01-31 11:52:15
Astrodle 94.0%
Something's wrong
Destroy an Aquarius blob worth zero essences.
2025-01-31 11:51:07
Astrodle 94.2%
Unlock your first drone.
2025-01-31 11:44:11
Astrodle 95.1%
PlayerLevel 10
You have reached Player Level 10!
2025-01-31 06:56:28
HoloParade 36.8%
TalentCollect 20
You have scouted 20 Talents!
2025-01-31 06:38:12
HoloParade 37.8%
StageTrophyCount 15
You have reached 15 Stage Trophies!
2025-01-31 06:36:45
HoloParade 37.1%
TalentCollect 15
You have scouted 15 Talents!
2025-01-31 06:10:31
HoloParade 39.9%
Hololive Parade Start
2025-01-31 05:50:59
StageTrophyCount 10
You have reached 10 Stage Trophies!
2025-01-31 05:48:22
HoloParade 40.4%
PlayerLevel 5
You have reached Player Level 5!
2025-01-31 05:48:22
HoloParade 41.4%
TalentCollect 10
You have scouted 10 Talents!
2025-01-31 05:45:45
HoloParade 41.3%
StageTrophyCount 5
You have reached 5 Stage Trophies!
2025-01-31 05:37:34
HoloParade 42.6%
TalentCollect 6
You have scouted 6 Talents!
2025-01-31 05:34:22
HoloParade 42.4%
TalentCollect 3
You have scouted 3 Talents!
2025-01-31 05:33:41
HoloParade 42.8%
Banish 40 or more weapons in a single run.
2025-01-31 01:03:48
Vampire Survivors 3.3%
EXTRA: Brave Story
Find the Brave Story at minute 18 in Space 54.
2025-01-31 00:29:35
Vampire Survivors 5.9%
EXTRA: Space Dude
Survive 20 minutes in Space 54.
2025-01-31 00:29:35
Vampire Survivors 6.2%
EXTRA: Photonstorm
Evolve the Phas3r.
2025-01-31 00:29:35
Vampire Survivors 5.9%
EXTRA: Phas3r
Get Phas3r to level 7.
2025-01-31 00:29:35
Vampire Survivors 6.3%
EXTRA: Space 54
Find 5 Gold Fingers.
2025-01-31 00:11:08
Vampire Survivors 7.0%
EXTRA: VI - Moonlight Bolero
2025-01-30 11:14:30
Vampire Survivors
EXTRA: Darkasso
2025-01-30 11:14:30
Vampire Survivors
EXTRA: Room 1665
2025-01-30 11:14:30
Vampire Survivors
EXTRA: Santa Ladonna
Survive 20 minutes in Laborratory.
2025-01-30 11:14:30
Vampire Survivors 8.2%
EXTRA: Seraphic Cry
Evolve the Santa Javelin.
2025-01-30 11:14:30
Vampire Survivors 7.3%
EXTRA: Santa Javelin
Get Santa Javelin to level 7.
2025-01-30 11:14:30
Vampire Survivors 7.9%
EXTRA: Bat Robbert
Evolve the Pako Battiliar.
2025-01-30 11:14:30
Vampire Survivors 6.4%
EXTRA: Arma Dio
Find an Arma Dio in Laborratory.
2025-01-30 09:04:33
Vampire Survivors 10.5%
EXTRA: Laborratory
Find 33 Rosaries.
2025-01-30 09:04:33
Vampire Survivors 15.5%
Philosopher's Salt
Create Philosopher's Salt
2025-01-29 10:51:24
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 3.2%
Alchemist's Path: Chapter X
Complete Chapter X of the Alchemist's Path
2025-01-29 10:51:23
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 2.9%
Legendary Alchemist
Reach a popularity level of 15
2025-01-28 13:05:50
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 4.9%
Life Salt
Create Life Salt
2025-01-28 12:43:41
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 4.9%
Magnum Opus
Create the Philosopher’s Stone
2025-01-28 11:33:16
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 5.2%
Alchemist's Path: Chapter IX
Complete Chapter IX of the Alchemist's Path
2025-01-27 13:20:16
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 6.7%
Sun Salt
Create Sun Salt
2025-01-27 13:20:16
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 7.4%
Create Rubedo
2025-01-27 11:38:25
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 8.3%
Create Citrinitas
2025-01-27 10:43:00
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 11.1%
Alchemist's Path: Chapter VIII
Complete Chapter VIII of the Alchemist's Path
2025-01-27 10:42:59
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 9.7%
Alchemist's Path: Chapter VII
Complete Chapter VII of the Alchemist's Path
2025-01-27 08:21:28
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 11.5%
Moon Salt
Create Moon Salt
2025-01-27 08:21:28
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 11.9%
Oh, it's all sticky...
Create an Unknown Substance
2025-01-27 06:53:59
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 13.5%
Now we're cooking
Fully upgrade the Alchemy Machine
2025-01-27 06:52:24
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 14.9%
Alchemist's Path: Chapter VI
Complete Chapter VI of the Alchemist's Path
2025-01-26 13:53:20
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 14.7%
Slippery Business
Buy potion base: Oil
2025-01-26 13:17:11
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 21.6%
Alchemist's Path: Chapter V
Complete Chapter V of the Alchemist's Path
2025-01-26 12:32:45
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 18.9%
Void Salt
Create Void Salt
2025-01-26 12:32:45
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 20.2%
You Saved Science
Complete all test chambers in all courses of co-op
2025-01-25 05:20:18
Portal 2 21.2%
Asking for Trouble
Taunt GLaDOS in front of a camera in each of the five co-op courses
2025-01-25 04:20:57
Portal 2 9.0%
Obstacle Building
Complete all test chambers in the Excursion Funnels co-op course
2025-01-25 04:16:50
Portal 2 26.3%
Use an Aerial Faith Plate to launch a turret
2025-01-25 04:09:38
Portal 2 8.9%
Perform all 8 gestures of your own volition in co-op
2025-01-25 03:22:17
Portal 2 27.1%
Rock Portal Scissors
Win 3 co-op games of rock-paper-scissors in a row
2025-01-25 03:05:03
Portal 2 9.9%
Bridge Building
Complete all test chambers in the Hard-Light Surfaces co-op course
2025-01-25 02:55:46
Portal 2 32.1%
Can't Touch This
Dance in front of a turret blocked by a hard light bridge in co-op
2025-01-25 02:42:57
Portal 2 9.9%
Confidence Building
Complete all test chambers in the Mass and Velocity co-op course
2025-01-25 02:14:17
Portal 2 40.9%
Reach the maximum reputation level
2025-01-25 00:20:15
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 24.1%
Create Albedo
2025-01-25 00:15:51
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 18.8%
We require more vessels
Buy an Alchemy Machine upgrade
2025-01-25 00:13:12
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 27.3%
Alchemist's Path: Chapter IV
Complete Chapter IV of the Alchemist's Path
2025-01-24 11:51:10
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 27.4%
Create Nigredo
2025-01-24 11:30:29
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 35.9%
Alchemist's Path: Chapter III
Complete Chapter III of the Alchemist's Path
2025-01-24 11:24:19
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 38.4%
Breaking Bad
Repair the Alchemy Machine
2025-01-24 11:24:19
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 46.6%
Alchemist's Path: Chapter II
Complete Chapter II of the Alchemist's Path
2025-01-23 13:17:47
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 52.3%
Alchemist's Path: Chapter I
Complete Chapter I of the Alchemist's Path
2025-01-23 12:00:31
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 68.5%
I need only your strongest potions!
Create a tier 3 potion
2025-01-23 11:46:46
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator 61.3%
Level ! (Purgatory)
Escape Level ! in Purgatory difficulty.
2025-01-22 02:19:50
Backrooms: Escape Together 0.9%
Level 37 (Purgatory)
Escape Level 37 in Purgatory difficulty.
2025-01-22 02:16:15
Backrooms: Escape Together 1.4%
Level 6 (Purgatory)
Escape Level 6 in Purgatory difficulty.
2025-01-22 02:06:38
Backrooms: Escape Together 1.5%
Level 4 (Purgatory)
Escape Level 4 in Purgatory difficulty.
2025-01-22 01:48:23
Backrooms: Escape Together 2.1%
Level 2 (Purgatory)
Escape Level 2 in Purgatory difficulty.
2025-01-22 01:39:07
Backrooms: Escape Together 2.2%
Level 1 (Purgatory)
Escape Level 1 in Purgatory difficulty.
2025-01-22 01:14:28
Backrooms: Escape Together 3.9%
The Commencement
Escape Level 0 in Purgatory difficulty.
2025-01-22 01:05:29
Backrooms: Escape Together 4.9%
Happy memories
Unlock all photos
2025-01-21 23:42:38
Feed All Monsters 18.0%
Snowy Mountains
Solve Island 6
2025-01-21 23:42:38
Feed All Monsters 18.0%
Travel with the food bus from the Grasslands to the Snowy Mountains
2025-01-21 12:37:31
Feed All Monsters 17.0%
How many Slimes we at?
Unlock 35 photos
2025-01-21 12:37:04
Feed All Monsters 18.7%
Autumn Fields
Solve Island 5
2025-01-21 12:37:04
Feed All Monsters 18.7%
Do I have to glue in all the photos?
Unlock 30 photos
2025-01-21 12:10:21
Feed All Monsters 20.2%
Thank you!
Watch the credits
2025-01-21 11:59:36
Feed All Monsters 21.1%
Solve Island 4
2025-01-21 11:58:47
Feed All Monsters 21.0%
2025-01-21 11:30:06
SiNKR 28.2%
2025-01-21 10:51:58
SiNKR 31.8%
2025-01-21 10:43:11
SiNKR 34.5%
2025-01-21 10:38:28
SiNKR 36.6%
2025-01-21 10:29:38
SiNKR 39.5%
Ping Pong
Ping Pong
2025-01-21 10:26:38
2025-01-21 10:18:27
SiNKR 45.5%
2025-01-21 10:14:11
SiNKR 55.0%
2025-01-21 10:08:14
SiNKR 79.0%
2025-01-21 10:06:59
SiNKR 83.2%
2025-01-20 12:34:06
Bit Lord
Earn a total of 10,000,000 Bits
2025-01-20 12:25:44
Nodebuster 77.5%
The Lab
2025-01-20 12:23:20
SP Seeker
Earn a total of 25 SP
2025-01-20 12:17:17
Nodebuster 78.8%
Node Buster
Earn a total of 10,000 Nodes
2025-01-20 11:56:51
Nodebuster 80.9%
Bit Collector
Earn a total of 1,000,000 Bits
2025-01-20 11:56:51
Nodebuster 80.9%
Node Hunter
Earn a total of 1,000 Nodes
2025-01-20 11:02:15
Nodebuster 84.9%
Initiate 50 total sessions
2025-01-20 10:50:59
Nodebuster 85.9%
Crypto Mine
2025-01-20 10:50:13
Bit Getter
Earn a total of 100,000 Bits
2025-01-20 10:50:07
Nodebuster 85.4%
Bit Guy
Earn a total of 10,000 Bits
2025-01-20 10:06:12
Nodebuster 90.3%
Unlock Milestones
2025-01-20 09:54:16
Nodebuster 91.3%
Initiate your first session
2025-01-20 09:24:53
Nodebuster 99.3%
Hatsune Miku Logic Paint Fan
Clear all Lv 1 puzzles
2025-01-19 11:16:24
Hatsune Miku Logic Paint S 51.9%
Music Fan
Purchase songs
2025-01-18 13:09:12
Hatsune Miku Logic Paint S 63.5%
Have Fun!
Clear a puzzle
2025-01-18 13:09:12
Hatsune Miku Logic Paint S 95.5%
Welcome to Hatsune Miku Logic Paint S!
Take on your first puzzle
2025-01-18 13:09:12
Hatsune Miku Logic Paint S 96.8%
Customized to Your Liking
Change settings
2025-01-18 11:27:52
Hatsune Miku Logic Paint S 82.5%
2025-01-18 10:19:19
Final Destination
2025-01-18 10:16:01
Earn 1e27 G
2025-01-18 10:10:06
Digseum 81.1%
Level 1000
Level up a relic to level 1,000
2025-01-18 10:08:20
Digseum 79.3%
Level 100
Level up a relic to level 100
2025-01-18 10:01:20
Digseum 83.4%
Sleep Cycles
Prestige 5 times
2025-01-18 09:49:23
Digseum 86.3%
Prestige for the first time
2025-01-18 08:06:00
Digseum 96.0%
Earn 1,000,000 G
2025-01-18 07:37:32
Digseum 96.8%
Mysterious Fragment
Obtain your first Dream Fragment
2025-01-18 07:31:48
Digseum 98.7%
My First Relic
Discover your first relic
2025-01-18 07:21:13
Digseum 99.6%
The Mysterious Cave
Reach The Mysterious Cave
2025-01-16 23:27:19
Chained Together 73.6%
Cecilia Immergreen
Set Cecilia Immergreen as the biggest treasure and create it 1 time
2025-01-16 22:39:36
hololive Treasure Mountain 2.0%
Gigi Murin
Set Gigi Murin as the biggest treasure and create it 1 time
2025-01-16 22:28:27
hololive Treasure Mountain 2.0%
Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame
Set Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame as the biggest treasure and create it 1 time
2025-01-16 22:16:59
hololive Treasure Mountain 1.9%
Raora Panthera
Set Raora Panthera as the biggest treasure and create it 1 time
2025-01-16 22:04:03
hololive Treasure Mountain 1.9%
Xtra Worlds Speed Trial
Beat all speed trial challenges of the Xtra Island
2025-01-15 12:25:05
A Dance of Fire and Ice
Footsteps in Limbo
Find an escape in Level !.
2025-01-12 10:11:41
Backrooms: Escape Together 58.2%
A Tranquil Sojourn
Find an escape in Level 37.
2025-01-12 10:02:05
Backrooms: Escape Together 60.3%
Abyssal Echoes
Find an escape in Level 6.
2025-01-12 09:39:45
Backrooms: Escape Together 61.8%
Clerical Desolation
Find an escape in Level 4.
2025-01-12 08:57:52
Backrooms: Escape Together 70.8%
Rust and Rend
Find an escape in Level 2.
2025-01-12 08:48:45
Backrooms: Escape Together 70.9%
Covenant of Thieves
Find an escape in Level 1.
2025-01-12 08:28:16
Backrooms: Escape Together 78.3%
The Beginning
Find an escape in Level 0.
2025-01-12 08:14:47
Backrooms: Escape Together 81.9%
EX Worlds Complete
Finish all EX Worlds of Neo Cosmos
2025-01-12 01:55:05
A Dance of Fire and Ice 1.3%
World T5 Complete
Finish World T5 of Neo Cosmos
2025-01-08 11:35:10
A Dance of Fire and Ice 2.8%
Xtra Worlds Complete
Finish all worlds of the Xtra Island
2025-01-02 02:12:46
A Dance of Fire and Ice 2.8%
Reach level 10 grandmas.
2024-12-31 12:53:52
Cookie Clicker 23.9%
Getting into it
Play one savegame for more than 1 hour
2024-12-30 07:48:53
shapez 60.2%
Paint a shape
2024-12-30 01:01:20
shapez 70.9%
Pro Gamer
Checked just about everywhere.
2024-12-29 00:40:36
MiSide 10.6%
Caught Them All
Now, who's next?
2024-12-29 00:36:04
MiSide 12.2%
Hi, Mita
They're all unique.
2024-12-27 14:47:53
MiSide 14.4%
Reach level 10 mines.
2024-12-26 10:40:25
Cookie Clicker 17.8%
Phase 2 Logs
Error fixed.
2024-12-25 16:55:54
MiSide 12.5%
The fly's victory
2024-12-25 16:47:03
MiSide 16.9%
Without Taking Damage?!
As accurate as can be.
2024-12-25 16:47:03
MiSide 12.9%
Beaten and sour.
2024-12-25 15:17:02
MiSide 57.4%
Conditions Met
Can I stay with you?
2024-12-25 03:57:56
MiSide 44.0%
Safe of life
Keep safe and sound.
2024-12-25 02:56:52
MiSide 43.5%
Is This the end?
Of course it's the end!
2024-12-25 02:50:35
MiSide 64.6%
A Long Long Tail
Apple, again?
2024-12-25 02:29:40
MiSide 21.0%
Phase 1 Logs
Undiscovered error.
2024-12-25 02:06:20
MiSide 17.0%
Some Achievement?
And some desciption?
2024-12-25 01:35:16
MiSide 56.2%
Found you!
OK, I'm looking right at you!
2024-12-25 01:15:39
MiSide 24.2%
Don't look at me!
2024-12-25 01:06:00
MiSide 16.0%
Helluvah Win!
I'm not here.
2024-12-24 13:12:03
MiSide 59.7%
You shall not pass!
Repair the fence.
2024-12-24 13:05:32
MiSide 36.1%
O, Great Mita!
Remember us.
2024-12-24 13:05:32
MiSide 52.6%
Pat on the head!
Hey, you're messing up my hair!
2024-12-24 12:12:37
MiSide 57.4%
The Great Dance
Left, right, center!
2024-12-24 12:05:21
MiSide 25.4%
Going at Maximum Speed!
2024-12-24 11:47:01
MiSide 17.4%
2024-12-24 11:47:01
MiSide 51.1%
Creak in the Dark
So very dark…
2024-12-24 11:06:36
MiSide 86.6%
Penguin Conundrum!
Have a snowball!
2024-12-24 10:57:41
MiSide 35.5%
Delicious Love
What flour tastes like?
2024-12-24 10:50:54
MiSide 85.2%
Dead juice
Made from the juice shown in the ad.
2024-12-24 10:38:41
MiSide 70.9%
Been there done that
Reach level 10 shipments.
2024-12-23 23:17:41
Cookie Clicker 16.4%
Get rid of them
Have 1000 shapes trashed
2024-12-22 11:10:58
shapez 63.6%
Vestia Zeta
Set Vestia Zeta as the biggest treasure and create it 1 time
2024-12-21 13:35:03
hololive Treasure Mountain 2.4%
Koseki Bijou
Set Koseki Bijou as the biggest treasure and create it 1 time
2024-12-20 12:53:18
hololive Treasure Mountain 3.0%
Bonus Level Complete
Thank you for playing my game
2024-12-19 04:39:23
A Dance of Fire and Ice
Game 100% Complete
2024-12-19 04:39:23
A Dance of Fire and Ice
Shiori Novella
Set Shiori Novella as the biggest treasure and create it 1 time
2024-12-18 08:58:41
hololive Treasure Mountain 2.5%
I need trains
Have a belt with a length of 500 tiles
2024-12-17 13:34:51
Mococo Abyssgard
Set Mococo Abyssgard as the biggest treasure and create it 1 time
2024-12-16 05:37:50
hololive Treasure Mountain 2.8%
Rotate a shape
2024-12-15 13:31:15
shapez 79.7%
Fuwawa Abyssgard
Set Fuwawa Abyssgard as the biggest treasure and create it 1 time
2024-12-14 22:43:58
hololive Treasure Mountain 3.1%
Kobo Kanaeru
Set Kobo Kanaeru as the biggest treasure and create it 1 time
2024-12-13 10:26:48
hololive Treasure Mountain 5.7%
Kaela Kovalskia
Set Kaela Kovalskia as the biggest treasure and create it 1 time
2024-12-13 10:17:50
hololive Treasure Mountain 2.7%
Nerissa Ravencroft
Set Nerissa Ravencroft as the biggest treasure and create it 1 time
2024-12-13 10:07:05
hololive Treasure Mountain 2.7%
Deliver a shape which is not the goal, nor relevant for any upgrade to the hub
2024-12-12 12:48:21
Cut a shape
2024-12-11 12:40:39
shapez 88.2%
My eyes no longer hurt
Activate the dark mode
2024-12-10 21:18:45
Isaki Riona
Set Isaki Riona as the biggest treasure and create it 1 time
2024-12-09 11:13:52
hololive Treasure Mountain 3.6%
World 8 Speed Trial
Beat 8-X at 1.3x speed
2024-12-08 10:45:31
A Dance of Fire and Ice
Reach level 10 prisms.
2024-12-07 20:04:46
Cookie Clicker 13.4%
Complete all of the levels
2024-12-06 12:38:22
Sokobond Express 26.2%
So much to do so much to see
Manage a cookie legacy for at least a year.
2024-12-06 09:57:45