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Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
Escape on the helicopter
2019-04-14 16:36:11 22.7%
2019-04-14 16:36:11 15.1%
Married the princess
2019-04-14 16:36:11 9.1%
Captured the castle
2019-04-14 16:36:11 12.6%
Kill Moby-Dick
2019-04-14 16:36:11 12.6%
2019-04-14 16:36:11 14.6%
Broke the snowman 2
2019-04-14 16:36:11 22.4%
Forward with the wind
2019-04-14 16:36:11 15.9%
Meeting with Santa 2
2019-04-14 16:36:11 18.5%
Drove through the window
2019-04-14 16:36:11 24.5%
Fought with the dragon
2019-04-14 16:36:11 12.3%
100 attempts
2017-06-17 17:13:05
Cart Racer
2017-06-17 17:05:13 34.2%