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Diary: Back from the brink
With just kind words and deeds, we helped one of us survive the darkest depression that can kill just as dead as a bullet.
2019-12-15 16:41:19
This War of Mine
Diary: Effing Snow
Fucking snow. It buried half of the city so deep that we can't get there. No point waiting for the snow plows...
2019-11-20 06:30:44
This War of Mine
Bronze Rank
Reach Bronze Rank
2017-09-08 06:50:35
Robocraft 15.8%
Hurt Locker
Beat any campaign for the first time
2017-09-08 06:49:31
Robocraft 7.0%
Diary: We Made A Stand
The bandits came in packs like dogs driven mad with hunger. We beat them back every night. And everyone survived. A miracle.
2017-01-01 07:10:20
This War of Mine
Diary: Traces of lives
Every building we visit has a story to tell. I'm wondering sometimes what kind of story we'll leave behind...
2016-12-10 06:53:48
This War of Mine
Note: A bit of indulgence
For the first time we all indulged our addictions. It keeps the spirits up, and damn the health issues, we can die tonight anyway.
2016-12-10 06:30:12
This War of Mine
Diary: Shooting for five stars
For the first time since we wound up here all of us ate a hot meal. Let's not get accustomed yet.
2016-12-10 06:19:29
This War of Mine
Note: Bless the radio
The radio is useful beyond expectations. We get the news and it's so good to be reminded of normal life and the wide world.
2016-11-30 05:05:25
This War of Mine
Note: Doubled the watch
It's crucial to secure our place against night intruders. Two persons watching out for thieves can also watch out for each other.
2016-11-30 04:27:03
This War of Mine
Note: Creature comforts
Our place is starting to resemble a proper home. Let's furnish it so we can live in a relative comfort, it keeps the spirits up.
2016-11-30 04:23:51
This War of Mine
Diary: Day 7
It's been seven days since we holed up here. Death is all around, but we've been lucky to keep everyone alive - so far...
2016-11-30 04:14:32
This War of Mine
Diary: First blood
One of us survived our first brush with violent death. We hope against all odds there will be no more encounters like that.
2016-11-30 03:59:21
This War of Mine
Diary: Finished ransacking
We've explored every nook and cranny of our abode and there's nothing useful left to find. We must venture outside.
2016-11-30 03:48:40
This War of Mine