Achievement Unlocked Game Global Unlocks
Leave Zone I
Reach 3k points (game type 1)
2022-07-09 12:18:58
Asteroids 983
Out of Fuel
Blast 20 asteroids without moving
2022-07-09 12:18:42
Asteroids 905
RNG Hell
Complete Adventure on difficulty 3.
2022-07-09 12:01:42
Adventure 355
Pretty Adventerous
Complete Adventure on difficulty 2 or higher.
2022-07-09 12:01:42
Adventure 391
Ooh, What's This?
Find the secret Warren Robinett room.
2022-07-09 11:12:18
Adventure 311
Touch the difficulty selection number with your square.
2022-07-09 11:00:09
Adventure 482
Baby's First Adventure
Complete Adventure on difficulty 1 or higher.
2022-07-09 10:18:14
Adventure 987
Rhindled And Swindled
Slay the Red Dragon, Rhindle.
2022-07-09 10:01:43
Adventure 401
Thanks For The Help!
Have the bat kill one of the dragons for you.
2022-07-09 09:56:30
Adventure 547
Stop Taking My Stuff!
Catch the bat.
2022-07-09 09:56:27
Adventure 839
Attracted To Items
Find and pick up a magnet.
2022-07-09 09:38:07
Adventure 1,138
Bridging the Gap
Find and pick up a bridge.
2022-07-09 09:35:50
Adventure 1,433
Grundealt With
Slay the Green Dragon, Grundle.
2022-07-09 09:34:12
Adventure 1,213
Slay the Yellow Dragon, Yorgle.
2022-07-09 09:33:58
Adventure 1,416
Rock Slide
Beat the Avalanche stage
2022-07-05 12:55:19
Jungle Hunt 235
Beat the Swimming stage deathless
2022-07-05 12:54:16
Jungle Hunt 248
Cardio Training
Beat the Swimming stage
2022-07-05 12:54:16
Jungle Hunt 345
Tarzan & Jane
Beat the Swing stage deathless
2022-07-05 12:53:09
Jungle Hunt 356
In The Jungle, The Mighty Jungle
Beat the Swing stage
2022-07-05 12:53:09
Jungle Hunt 369
Smoky Jungle Frog
Beat stage 1. (GAMEMODE 1)
2022-07-03 11:05:36
Frogger 483
Time for a Snack
Collect a fly. (1-PLAYER MODE)
2022-07-03 11:00:55
Frogger 406