Achievement Game Visibility Global Unlocks
Brennus' Revenge
As a Gallic Tribe, desecrate all Hellenic Holy Sites in Greece before 480 AUC.
Imperator: Rome 0.3%
Back with Your X
Get the “good ending” to the Solarpunk quest chain, with Sol as your capital system.
Stellaris 0.3%
Starting as an Australian tribe unite Australia and subjugate Hungary.
Europa Universalis IV 0.3%
Win War Machine as Germany
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
An Unexpected Turn
As Grania, Raumaricia, Suionia, Leuonia, Guthonia, Dania or Burgundia, build an Ivory Tower in Uppakra with all effects upgraded to Tier 4.
Imperator: Rome 0.3%
Win a custom game with the highest possible difficulty settings.
Anno 1800
All In
Have at least ₡1 000 000 in cash. Put all of your available cash into investments, then don't sell any investments for one month.
Cities: Skylines 0.3%
With Interest
As a Payback empire, finish what you started. Gain victory over MSI using the special Payback CB.
Stellaris 0.2%
With Great Power
As Necrophages do not invade any pre-ftls and defeat the crisis OR have 10 observation stations
Stellaris 0.2%
Very Focused
Have one pedestrian area focused on residential, one in commercial, and one in workplace zones.
Cities: Skylines 0.2%
Be communist and own all of South America
Hearts of Iron IV 0.2%
Construct a Transport Ship with a Varangian Guard and garrison it to maximum capacity as the Byzantines.
Age of Empires IV: Anniversary Edition 0.2%
Unity is Power
Complete the Empire Divided campaign as Armenia.
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition 0.2%
Unite the Tribes
Complete the Empire Divided campaign as the Marcomanni.
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition 0.2%
Unitas in Varitete
Upgrade all three cults to their maximum level in a single region during the Empire Divided campaign.
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition 0.2%
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Keep Icarus' energy shield's power consumption at 1GW while resisting damage for over 1 minute.
Dyson Sphere Program 0.2%
Two Arms Against Tyranny.
As Finland, capitulate the Soviet Union while having a 2 country faction with another Nordic
Hearts of Iron IV 0.2%
Triple the Rome
As Russia, be the Emperor of China and the HRE.
Europa Universalis IV 0.2%
The Ummayad Strikes Back
Starting as a member of the Umayyad Dynasty, hold the Empire of Arabia and the Sunni Caliphate
Crusader Kings III 0.2%
The Tower of Power
Complete the Rise of the Republic campaign as the Iolei.
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition 0.2%
There be Dragons
Own 13 dragons and have them in your capital system.
Stellaris 0.2%
The Pharaoh Islands
As a Scottish character, complete a Legend claiming your descent from Ancient Egypt
Crusader Kings III 0.2%
The Path Not Taken
Have 10 colonies without ever discovering Hyperdrives.
Stellaris 0.2%
The Magic School Bus
With the Per Albin Bus, drive to Cape Town.
Hearts of Iron IV 0.2%
The Great Destroyer
Playing as any nation from the Veneti, Germanic, Pretani, Gaelic, Gallic, Celt-Iberian, Iberian or Pre-Indo-European culture groups, conquer and destroy 10 Great Wonders.
Imperator: Rome 0.2%
The Freest Man in the World
Ensure that no colonized province in the world produces slaves while having the War Against the World Doctrine government reform enacted.
Europa Universalis IV 0.2%
The accursed share
Use a max-promotions Soothsayer to sacrifice a max-promotions GDR.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.2%
The Abbasid Restoration
Take the Strenghten the Caliphate ending in the Iranian Intermezzo Struggle
Crusader Kings III 0.2%
Tend the Garden
As custodian of Wenkwort Artem, make it a resort world with a Ranger Lodge and original blockers.
Stellaris 0.2%
Snow Way
Try to cover up the DrillZero site
Plague Inc: Evolved 0.2%
Scythian Legend
Acquire the "Plough and Yoke", "Axe", and "Bowl" skills with a single character.
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition 0.2%
Royal Flush
As a character of a faith with the Fadaeyeen Doctrine, dispose of a Lowborn, a King and an Emperor
Crusader Kings III 0.2%
Room for Desert
Consume another empire’s desert homeworld.
Stellaris 0.2%
Romanus Maximus
Complete the Empire Divided campaign as the Gothi.
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition 0.2%
Rock Beats Paper
As a Lithoid empire, show the Galactic Community what you think of that strongly worded letter.
Stellaris 0.2%
Proactive Defense
As any communist South or Central American country, occupy Washington D.C
Hearts of Iron IV 0.2%
Peak Season
Organize three hotel events.
Cities: Skylines 0.2%
Norway Jose
As Norway, own and control every Mexican core.
Hearts of Iron IV 0.2%
No risk, no fun!
Take a loan in order to make an investment.
Cities: Skylines 0.2%
My name is Ozymandias
Claim the Eternal Throne.
Stellaris 0.2%
My Kingdom for a Horse
Complete the Rise of the Republic campaign as the Veneti.
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition 0.2%
Mother’s Day
Win a regular game as Wu Zetian
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.2%
Mets Hayk
Starting as Karabakh, own, core, and convert to Coptic the borders of Great Armenia.
Europa Universalis IV 0.2%
Mehmet's Ambition
Starting as The Ottomans, own or have Core Eyalets own all the provinces required to form the Roman Empire before 1500.
Europa Universalis IV 0.2%
Meet the New Boss
Same as the old boss.
Stellaris 0.2%
Complete the heroic event chains for all five heroic factions (Rome, Gallic Rome, Palmyra, the Gothi and the Sassanids).
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition 0.2%
Linen Legionnaire
Complete the Rise of the Republic campaign as the Samnites.
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition 0.2%
It's a Wind-up
Collect 20 patients in one trip with a Pantomobile.
Two Point Hospital 0.2%
It's a Trap!!!
Deal 50 or more damage to a single unit from trap damage on a single tile in one turn.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.2%
Complete the Rise of the Republic campaign as the Insubres.
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition 0.2%
I'm Home!
As Brazil occupy every core of Portugal
Hearts of Iron IV 0.2%
Ice Find
Study the DrillZero site
Plague Inc: Evolved 0.2%
Horse Called 'War'
Complete the Empire Divided campaign as the Alani.
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition 0.2%
Holy Water
Drench a Fallen Empire’s holy world.
Stellaris 0.2%
Hanukkah Mutapa
Starting as Mutapa, convert to Judaism and celebrate a festival.
Europa Universalis IV 0.2%
Growing Like Weeds
Have 10 organic pop assembly on your capital, as a budding species without the Clone Army origin.
Stellaris 0.2%
Gallia Italiana
Complete the Rise of the Republic campaign as the Senones.
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition 0.2%
Fully Booked!
Have the maximum possible number of guests stay at any 5 star hotel with at least 100 rooms.
Cities: Skylines 0.2%
Fishing for Trouble
As an angler empire, provoke a Fallen Empire into declaring war on you and win.
Stellaris 0.2%
Estado Novo
As Brazil, make Getulio Vargas the ruler of your nation, and complete the New Republic Journal Entry
Victoria 3 0.2%
DLC: Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
Have 20+ flak monitors and 20+ flak emplacements in the same region (Empire of the Skies).
Anno 1800
Diversified Portaloo
Have at least one of each type of ambulance fully upgraded in the same hospital.
Two Point Hospital 0.2%
Dawn Of A Million Souls
Terraform 3 planets with Azaryn.
Stellaris 0.2%
Crossing the Finnish Line
Release and play as Finland in 1444 and have a direct land connection to the Cape while your capital is in Nyland/Uusimaa.
Europa Universalis IV 0.2%
Crom Laughs at Your Tanks
As Gaul, kill a Tank with a Gaesatae.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.2%
Could be Worse
Colonize a planet that started the game as a Toxic world, then turn it into a Tomb World.
Stellaris 0.2%
Cod wars
As Iceland capitulate the UK
Hearts of Iron IV 0.2%
Claimants of the Peacock Throne
Win a regular game as Nader Shah
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.2%
Cisplatine War 2, Electric Boogaloo
As either Brazil or Argentina, be in a faction with Uruguay while at war with Brazil/Argentina
Hearts of Iron IV 0.2%
Cheese your fighter.
As Norway, with Peder Jarlsberg as coutnry leader, own Telemark, Glouchestershire, Normandy, Lombardia and Holland.
Hearts of Iron IV 0.2%
Bloody Murder
Kill or wound 300 characters with Champion actions.
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition 0.2%
Battle of Adwa
Defeat an Infantry unit whose capital is on another continent with an Oromo Cavalry.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.2%
A Tad Too Late
Discover Keides' Origin.
Stellaris 0.2%
All Your Caliphate Are Belong To Us
Take the 'Dominate the Caliph' foundation as part of the Abbasid Humiliation ending in the Iranian Intermezzo Struggle
Crusader Kings III 0.2%
All Blue
As Portugal, all of Europe is owned by you or blue European countries that exist in 1444.
Europa Universalis IV 0.2%
A Land of Fire
Tierra del Fuego means "The Land of Fire"
Hearts of Iron IV 0.2%
A Knight's Tale
Have one of your Lowborn Knights win a Grand Tournament Joust, then land them
Crusader Kings III 0.2%
Won't Lie Low
Attract an attack from a space unit within 1 hour at Difficulty 1.0 or above.
Dyson Sphere Program 0.1%
We’ll Make Great Pets
Have at least 10 pops of your primary species on display in Alien Zoos within your empire.
Stellaris 0.1%
We Bring Peace
Liberate 3 different empires while having Crusader Spirit Civic.
Stellaris 0.1%
As a Broken Shackles empire, eradicate slavery in the galaxy, including on Pre-FTL worlds.
Stellaris 0.1%
True Condor Legion
As CHL, BOL, PRU, ECU, VEN, COL - sent volunteers to Germany
Hearts of Iron IV 0.1%
Toxic Workplace
As a Toxoid Galactic Custodian or Emperor, insult all other members of the Community. (Min 3)
Stellaris 0.1%
The Zoro-Austrians
Starting as Austria, convert to Zoroastrianism, and complete the Persian Zoroastrian missions.
Europa Universalis IV 0.1%
The Sweetest City
Build 10 ice cream stand plazas in one pedestrian area.
Cities: Skylines 0.1%
The Merry Band
As communist brazil ruled by Lampião, occupy Nottingham
Hearts of Iron IV 0.1%
The Dragon Rises
As "Welsh Argentina", control Wales
Hearts of Iron IV 0.1%
Shoot Oneself in the Foot
Lure Lancers to destroy a Planetary Base.
Dyson Sphere Program 0.1%
Shinobi Mastermind
Use Sabotage to disable 50 buildings with Shinobi units as the Japanese.
Age of Empires IV: Anniversary Edition 0.1%
Saving the Day Early
Eliminate all 3 enemy leaders within 30 seconds of each other during the Battle of Mansurah.
Age of Empires IV: Anniversary Edition 0.1%
Revenge for the triple alliance
As Paraguay, declare war on Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay within the same month
Hearts of Iron IV 0.1%
Returned to Form
make friends...
Stellaris 0.1%
Red Hot Chile Peppers
As Communist Chile, control California
Hearts of Iron IV 0.1%
As Argentina or Chile, have a Conquistadors national spirit active while holding all Spanish cores
Hearts of Iron IV 0.1%
Recent History
As a Memorialist empire have Galactic Memorials on 5 tomb worlds created during the game
Stellaris 0.1%
Not Today
Contract, and recover from, the Bubonic Plague
Crusader Kings III 0.1%
No Good Deed…
Intervene to save a Pre-FTL experiment from catastrophic failure, even though it puts you in breach of Galactic Law.
Stellaris 0.1%
Mulct Them Dry
Loot four Illustrious-Tier Vizier Extravagance Modifiers from your Vizier
Crusader Kings III 0.1%
Machine Supremacy
Win the game as a machine uprising.
Stellaris 0.1%
Local Legend
As a Count, complete a Mythical Legend
Crusader Kings III 0.1%
Legacy of Saint George
As Georgia, have as vassals Genoa, Aragon, England and Trier or their successors, and control Wales.
Europa Universalis IV 0.1%
Lamento Boliviano
As Argentina, own all of Latin America except Bolivia
Hearts of Iron IV 0.1%
King of What?
Have Jaque Antoine Bernard as King of Chile and control Paris
Hearts of Iron IV 0.1%
Hispanics of the world unite!
As Chile, form the Hispanic Alliance and have at least 8 "Hispanic" nations in your faction
Hearts of Iron IV 0.1%
Garbage Collection Issues
Have 5 garbage service points reach their capacity limit.
Cities: Skylines 0.1%
From Frankfurt to the Andes
Starting as Frankfurt, form Jerusalem, and then form the Inca while owning Mallorca.
Europa Universalis IV 0.1%
Fixer Upper
As an Idyllic Bloom empire, convert the junk worlds of the Ketling Star Pack into Gaia Worlds.
Stellaris 0.1%
Ethical Dilemmas
Have 6 different Ethics on the Council.
Stellaris 0.1%
Equality! Democracy! Freedom!
Overthrow the Ruler in a Civil War during the Under One Rule Origin.
Stellaris 0.1%
DLC: Lawgiver
Have every hacienda edict employed simultaneously across your islands (Seeds of Change).
Anno 1800
DLC: Aerial Armada
Build 5 of each of the new rigid airships (Empire of the Skies).
Anno 1800
Directive 67
As a Clone Army empire, denounce the Spiritualist fallen empire then destroy them.
Stellaris 0.1%
Destroy the People of Earth!
As the Commonwealth of Man, destroy the United Nations of Earth while ruled by symbiotic brainslugs.
Stellaris 0.1%
Desert Power
Starting as an Arabian Tribe, have the Oasis privilege enacted, and more than 1000 development in the Arabian Region.
Europa Universalis IV 0.1%
Dark Forest
Convert to a Fanatic Purifier as a FotD empire and eliminate all regular empires, fallen empires and enclaves.
Stellaris 0.1%
Chilean Empire
Control all mainland states that border the pacific in South America, North America and Asia
Hearts of Iron IV 0.1%
Bad Ending - The whole world is now Brazil
Control every state in the world
Hearts of Iron IV 0.1%
And the snake smoked
As Brazil, in the allies, capitulate Germany while controlling Berlin.
Hearts of Iron IV 0.1%
America Decolonized!
As Mapuche Chile liberate all native people in North and South America
Hearts of Iron IV 0.1%
Gunpowder Mastery
Defeat 50 siege units using Ozutsu units as the Japanese.
Age of Empires IV: Anniversary Edition 0.0%