Achievement Game Visibility Global Unlocks
Doom Slayed
Get killed by a Demon ability within the first minute
Escape High Rise Arcade on Hard
Escape Fugue Arcade on Hard
Escape Adrift Arcade on Hard
Déjà Vu
H3: ODST: Complete Coastal Highway on 4-player Legendary co-op, with Iron, and no 'Hog or Scorpion.
Halo: The Master Chief Collection 0.5%
Crow-eater Conquest
Win Outback Tycoon as South Australia
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.5%
Back for More
Halo 2: Complete the LASO campaign playlist.
Halo: The Master Chief Collection 0.5%
A Preference for Pain
Halo 3: Complete the Halo 3 LASO Campaign playlist.
Halo: The Master Chief Collection 0.5%
Always Bet On Black
Win Jadwiga's Legacy as Mikolaj "the Black" Radziwill
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.5%
100th Anniversary
As America make a National Park of Crater Lake and both tiles of Yosemite in one game
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.5%
100 kills as a seeker in Hide n Seek Mode
Among Us 0.4%
You Are A Terrible Person
Playing as Poland, destroy another civilization's incomplete wonder by initiating a Culture Bomb
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Yeet the Fleet
Catapult a military fleet directly into the capital system of an enemy empire you are at war with.
Stellaris 0.4%
Word Spud: Golden Nugget
Type the word "nugget" and get it accepted
The Jackbox Party Pack
What Do You Mean, "Active Volcano?"
Build three Aerodromes within 2 tiles of Eyjafjallajökull
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Wat is Love
Build Angkor Wat and a Wat in Angkor Wat
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Trans-Siberian Railroad
Playing as Russia, have a city that is at least 60 tiles away from your capital, connected by a Trade Route and road at the start of the turn.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Total A-Nile-hilation
Playing Gifts of the Nile as Egypt, win on Deity difficulty
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
The Self-Made Throne
Win a regular game as Nzinga Mbande
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
The Power Beside the Throne
Win a regular game as Theodora
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
The Abyss is Hungry
Dread Pirate - Sink 10 ships while using Walk the Plank across multiple games.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Taking All Challenges
Complete the weekly challenge mode 10 times
Phasmophobia 0.4%
Silver Hunter
Obtain the Silver Apocalypse Trophy
Phasmophobia 0.4%
Santé Passe Richesse
Win the Black Death as France
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Rock and Coil Hit Back
Halo 2A MP: In Anniversary matchmaking, earn a total of 100 Environmentalist medals.
Halo: The Master Chief Collection 0.4%
Roadkill Rampage
Halo 2A MP: In Anniversary matchmaking, earn a total of 100 Splatter medals.
Halo: The Master Chief Collection 0.4%
Rivals on Ice
Playing as Russia, conquer a city with an Ice Hockey rink
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Raiders of the Lost Galatron
Capture the Galatron from another empire
Stellaris 0.4%
Quest Complete
Find the true ending of The Order’s noble quest.
Stellaris 0.4%
Pyramid Scheme
As Nubia, earn six different adjacency bonuses on a Nubian Pyramid
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Put a Cork in It
Construct a Dimensional Lock.
Stellaris 0.4%
Pizza Party!
Activate Leonardo da Vinci in New York with Great Works from Michelangelo and Donatello -- and a sewer -- all in that city
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
One does not simply walk into Ngauruhoe
As the Maori, have a Maori Toa discover the Ngauruhoe volcano
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Non-Prophet Organization
As a Teachers of the Shroud empire, prove that the Shroudwalkers made a terrible mistake.
Stellaris 0.4%
No Light Without the Dark
In Dramatic Age Mode, as Georgia, have simultaneously a Golden and a Dark Policy active.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Midnight Oil
Build an Oil Well on the final turn of the Outback Tycoon scenario
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Meanwhile, in Australia
Win Outback Tycoon at Deity difficulty
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Maximally Effective
Be the patron of three maximum sized Mercenary Enclaves.
Stellaris 0.4%
Many Signs and Wonders 
Build all 3 Wonders in the Paths to Nirvana scenario
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Use a bomber class unit to detonate a nuclear device, as long as its base and 9 Observation Balloons are located on the continent of Nena at the time of detonation.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
LASO Master
Complete each individual game specific LASO playlist for every Halo game.
Halo: The Master Chief Collection 0.4%
I Quenched Your Thirst For Blood
Playing as Scythia, recapture one of your founded cities from Persia
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Research 12 pre-FTL Insight Technologies.
Stellaris 0.4%
I'm Not Dead Yet
Win the Black Death after turn 80
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Hello Cleveland!
Perform a Rock Concert in Cleveland
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Greatest Is As Greatest Does
Playing as Macedon, conquer a city containing both the Great Library and Great Lighthouse wonders
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
God of the Sea
Win Vikings, Traders, and Raiders! at Deity difficulty
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Father of Korean Literature
Win a regular game as Sejong
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Do You Have A Moment To Talk About Salvation?
Convert 3 opposing Holy Cities in the Paths to Nirvana scenario
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Danse Macabre
Win the Black Death scenario on Deity difficulty
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Croix de Lorraine
In War Machine, as France, conquer Metz within 5 turns
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Claim the Fourth Cataract
Playing as Egypt in a regular game, conquer the original Nubian capital within 10 turns of declaring a formal war on Nubia
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
50 wins as a hider in Hide n Seek Mode
Among Us 0.4%
Bronze Hunter
Obtain the Bronze Apocalypse Trophy
Phasmophobia 0.4%
Big Bertha
In War Machine, reduce and capture a full-health city in a single turn
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Win the Black Death as Castile
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Aggressive Strain
Win the Black Death after conquering five cities
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
Addressing Gettysburg
Win a regular game as Abraham Lincoln
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.4%
You're the Demonstrably Greatest
Achieve the highest possible rank in Conquests of Alexander at Deity difficulty
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
You Monster
Reduce, reuse, recycle.
Stellaris 0.3%
Wood for Sheep
Playing as Australia, build a Pasture over Sheep and steal an adjacent player's Lumbermill
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
With The Army You Have
Win War Machine without training any units
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
What is Matter? Nevermind. 
Win the Path to Nirvana scenario on Deity
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
As Germany, win War Machine within 25 turns
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
Valley of Kings
Win a regular game as Ramses II
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
As a Subterranean empire, dig too deep, but prove yourself worthy.
Stellaris 0.3%
U mad, bro?
Borderlords - Trick enemy factions into triggering Grieving Gifts 5 times across multiple games.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
Ultramar Português
As Portugal, have a Trading Post in cities belonging to Brazil, India, and Japan.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
To plow the sea
As Simón Bolívar activate all the Comandante Generals across multiple games.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Blorg
Complete at least ten distinct operations during a game
Stellaris 0.3%
They're coming to get you, Barbara
Zombie Beastmasters - Spawn 30 Zombie Hordes through combat kills.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
The Triumphs of Oriana
Win a regular game as Elizabeth I
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
There’s a Zombie on my Lawn
As a Necroid empire destroy a Plantoid empire, or vice-versa, without blowing up their final planet.
Stellaris 0.3%
The end of the world as we know it
Be the last person standing after comets begin falling.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
The 25th Dynasty
Playing as Nubia, liberate the original Egyptian capital in a liberation war with the capital's conqueror
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
That's Some Good Kerma
Playing Gifts of the Nile as Nubia, win on Deity difficulty
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
Spectres of Hope
Glimpse it while you can
Disco Elysium 0.3%
Sid Meier's Ditchdigging Simulator
Use two cities and the Panama Canal to make 7 contiguous land tiles passable by ships
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
Sic Semper Tyrannis
Lead a rebellion that successfully deposes the Galactic Emperor
Stellaris 0.3%
Sea of the Bow
Playing Gifts of the Nile as Nubia, found a coastal city on the Mediterranean Sea
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
Resplendent Panoply
Possess all of the following after conquering a city in Conquests of Alexander: Hoplite, Saka Horse Archer, Maryannu Chariot Archer, Immortal, and Varu
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
Control at least 20 Zombie units at the start of your turn.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
Quiplash XL: Pork Pants
Write “pork pants” and win a battle with it
The Jackbox Party Pack 2 0.3%
Purple Reign
As Dido, complete the Move Capital project on 4 different continents
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
Priceless Facade
Money-smooth streets of gentrification
Disco Elysium 0.3%
As Pachacuti, construct a Terrace Farm that is adjacent to 2 Aqueducts and 4 Mountains
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
Port in Every Storm
Swashbuckler - Visit the tavern of 10 ports in a single game.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
One Tree Hill
Have one of your Rock Band units perform a concert adjacent to a Maori Pa unique improvement
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
Old Flame
Surely, it can be killed with fire
Disco Elysium 0.3%
Now For A Difficult Provenance
Restore all of the hidden photos
Disco Elysium 0.3%
Nothing to See Here
Declare a war with a cloaked military fleet already in the primary target’s capital system.
Stellaris 0.3%
Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
As Eleanor, gain a city to loyalty that was owned by a different civilization with Eleanor as its leader
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
Love It When a Plan Comes Together
Hoarder - Sink or capture a treasure ship while a treasure escort is locked by a chainshot.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
Looks Like Progress
Spinning its wheels
Disco Elysium 0.3%
Lie Swatter: "What's My Name?" ft. Bugs
Enter one of the 7 bugs' secret names as your name
The Jackbox Party Pack
It Hungers
Cultists - Kill 10 units with the Undying Eye.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
Into the Unknown
As a Slingshot to the Stars empire, send 10 crewed science ships into the unknown with Quantum Catapults.
Stellaris 0.3%
I am Kind of a Big Deal
Win the Pirates scenario using mostly Infamous Pirate Points.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
Hope Springs Eternal
Be defeated 5 times in the Red Death scenario.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
As Mansa Musa, send a Trade Route to Mecca that gives the sending player at least 30 gold
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
Growing Like Weeds
Have 10 organic pop assembly on your capital, as a budding species without the Clone Army origin.
Stellaris 0.3%
Gold Hunter
Obtain the Gold Apocalypse Trophy
Phasmophobia 0.3%
From Med to Red to the Land of the Dead
Playing Gifts of the Nile as Egypt, conquer Irem and Punt
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
Forced Retirement
Lose the Pirates scenario due to mutiny.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
Win War Machine as France
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
Dawn of a Dynasty
Win a regular game as Sundiata Keita
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
Court of Itzamna
As the Maya found a settlement adjacent to 4 luxury resources.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
Can you Smell What the Lithoids are Cooking?
As a Lithoid empire, keep another Lithoid pop as Livestock or Process them.
Stellaris 0.3%
200 kills as a seeker in Hide n Seek Mode
Among Us 0.3%
Bomb Corp.: UFOB/GYN
Deliver an alien baby
The Jackbox Party Pack 2
Back with Your X
Get the “good ending” to the Solarpunk quest chain, with Sol as your capital system.
Stellaris 0.3%
Win War Machine as Germany
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
An Engineer's Dream
Have a Canal, Dam, Aqueduct, Railroad, Golden Gate Bridge, and Mountain Tunnel in a city
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.3%
YDKJ 2015: Drain the Main Brain
Get all questions right in an episode
The Jackbox Party Pack 0.2%
With Interest
As a Payback empire, finish what you started. Gain victory over MSI using the special Payback CB.
Stellaris 0.2%
With Great Power
As Necrophages do not invade any pre-ftls and defeat the crisis OR have 10 observation stations
Stellaris 0.2%
There be Dragons
Own 13 dragons and have them in your capital system.
Stellaris 0.2%
The Path Not Taken
Have 10 colonies without ever discovering Hyperdrives.
Stellaris 0.2%
The accursed share
Use a max-promotions Soothsayer to sacrifice a max-promotions GDR.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.2%
Tend the Garden
As custodian of Wenkwort Artem, make it a resort world with a Ranger Lodge and original blockers.
Stellaris 0.2%
Room for Desert
Consume another empire’s desert homeworld.
Stellaris 0.2%
Rock Beats Paper
As a Lithoid empire, show the Galactic Community what you think of that strongly worded letter.
Stellaris 0.2%
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Aliens - Attack while cloaked 20 times.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.2%
Jocks - Use Hail Marys to wound, but not kill, 5 Civilians across multiple games.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.2%
My name is Ozymandias
Claim the Eternal Throne.
Stellaris 0.2%
Mother’s Day
Win a regular game as Wu Zetian
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.2%
Meet the New Boss
Same as the old boss.
Stellaris 0.2%
It's a Trap!!!
Deal 50 or more damage to a single unit from trap damage on a single tile in one turn.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.2%
It's Alive!
Mad Scientists - Heal 1000 health points across multiple games.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.2%
Holy Water
Drench a Fallen Empire’s holy world.
Stellaris 0.2%
Getting Pruney
Pirates - Spend 50 turns in the water across multiple games.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.2%
From the Outer Darkness
Mutants - Attack a unit outside the Red Death while inside the Red Death 20 times.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.2%
Fishing for Trouble
As an angler empire, provoke a Fallen Empire into declaring war on you and win.
Stellaris 0.2%
Finder's Fee
Ransom 5 units from Barbarian Clans in a single game.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.2%
Experience Is Everything
Preppers - Have 5 units earn 5 promotions across multiple games.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.2%
Dawn Of A Million Souls
Terraform 3 planets with Azaryn.
Stellaris 0.2%
Crom Laughs at Your Tanks
As Gaul, kill a Tank with a Gaesatae.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.2%
Could be Worse
Colonize a planet that started the game as a Toxic world, then turn it into a Tomb World.
Stellaris 0.2%
Claimants of the Peacock Throne
Win a regular game as Nader Shah
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.2%
Battle of Adwa
Defeat an Infantry unit whose capital is on another continent with an Oromo Cavalry.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.2%
A Tad Too Late
Discover Keides' Origin.
Stellaris 0.2%
Ashes of Time
Wanderers - Explore 30 city ruins across multiple games.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI 0.2%
YDKJ 2015: Winventory
Win all Wrong Answer of the Game prizes
The Jackbox Party Pack 0.1%
We’ll Make Great Pets
Have at least 10 pops of your primary species on display in Alien Zoos within your empire.
Stellaris 0.1%
We Bring Peace
Liberate 3 different empires while having Crusader Spirit Civic.
Stellaris 0.1%
Virtual Reality
Fully embrace the virtual world and leave no pop behind.
Stellaris 0.1%
As a Broken Shackles empire, eradicate slavery in the galaxy, including on Pre-FTL worlds.
Stellaris 0.1%
Toxic Workplace
As a Toxoid Galactic Custodian or Emperor, insult all other members of the Community. (Min 3)
Stellaris 0.1%
Returned to Form
make friends...
Stellaris 0.1%
Recent History
As a Memorialist empire have Galactic Memorials on 5 tomb worlds created during the game
Stellaris 0.1%
No Good Deed…
Intervene to save a Pre-FTL experiment from catastrophic failure, even though it puts you in breach of Galactic Law.
Stellaris 0.1%
Machine Supremacy
Win the game as a machine uprising.
Stellaris 0.1%
Fixer Upper
As an Idyllic Bloom empire, convert the junk worlds of the Ketling Star Pack into Gaia Worlds.
Stellaris 0.1%
Ethical Dilemmas
Have 6 different Ethics on the Council.
Stellaris 0.1%
Equality! Democracy! Freedom!
Overthrow the Ruler in a Civil War during the Under One Rule Origin.
Stellaris 0.1%
Directive 67
As a Clone Army empire, denounce the Spiritualist fallen empire then destroy them.
Stellaris 0.1%
Destroy the People of Earth!
As the Commonwealth of Man, destroy the United Nations of Earth while ruled by symbiotic brainslugs.
Stellaris 0.1%
Dark Forest
Convert to a Fanatic Purifier as a FotD empire and eliminate all regular empires, fallen empires and enclaves.
Stellaris 0.1%
Burning Brightly
Complete an Arc Furnace and a Dyson Swarm in the same system.
Stellaris 0.1%
Past the Expiration Date
As a nanite machine empire, consume a Fallen Empire's homeworld.
Stellaris 0.0%
Mother Knows Best
Submit to all of Cetana's demands.
Stellaris 0.0%
Footsteps of the Prophet
As a Cybernetic Creed empire, defeat Cetana.
Stellaris 0.0%
A Universe of Paperclips
Create a perfect universe while meeting every quota as an Obsessional Directive empire.
Stellaris 0.0%
Video Games!!
You WON!!!
The Stanley Parable Demo 0.0%