Achievement Global Unlocks Added
Untarnished Hero
Defeated Sir Xaebos, commander of the remnants of the Galgastani army, at Brigantys.
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Unquenchable Desire
Defeat Belzebuth at Level 74 of the Palace of the Dead.
4 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Tour the King's Garden
Fight all battles in the Hanging Gardens.
2 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
The Wyrmknight
Recruit Jeunan.
10 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-16 05:50:36
The Wyrmcaller
Recruit Ocionne.
7 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-30 01:00:17
The World Can Be Put To Rights
Complete Ch2 on the Chaos Route.
6 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
The Windcaller
Recruit Canopus.
36 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
The Wicce
Recruit Deneb as the Wicce class.
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
The Warrior Sister
Recruit Cerya.
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
The Warrior
Recruit Cistina.
6 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-30 01:00:17
The Unflinching
Saved the blind swordsman Hobyrim from the Resistance on the Bahanna Highlands.
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
The Tragic King
Finish the main campaign with the 'Bad/Assassin Ending'.
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
The Thunder Maiden
Recruit Arcyelle.
11 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-19 10:45:09
The Star Seer
Recruit Warren.
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
The Spellbinder
Recruit Chamus.
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-16 05:50:36
The Songstress Of Omish
Complete initial battle of CODA episode 1 by defeating all enemies.
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
The Songstress
Recruit Iuria.
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
The Sibyl
Recruit Olivya.
11 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-16 05:50:36
There is Blood On My Hands
Complete Chapter 1.
14 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-30 01:00:18
The Princess
Recruit Catiua.
10 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
The Ogre Battle Wage You Now Part Deux
With full roster defeat all Doppelganger's then defeat the Dark King in CODA. No HP to zero.
2 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
The Ogre Battle Wage You Now
With full roster defeat all Doppelganger's then defeat the dark lord. No HP to zero.
4 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
The Necroson
Recruit Dievold.
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
The Necroprentice
Recruit Cressida.
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
The Necrodaughter
Recruit Oelias.
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
The Merciful
Came to Arycelle's aid on the Xeod Moors, even though she had once sought to take your life.
6 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-30 01:00:18
The Mercenary
Recruit Xapan.
10 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-16 05:50:36
The Magus Phoraena
Recruit Sherri.
7 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-16 05:50:36
The Magus
Recruit Rudlum.
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-16 05:50:37
The Just
Reached the Altar of the Beyond in the Palace of the Dead without using Chariot Tarot or Retreating
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
The Holy Knight
Recruit Lanselot.
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
The Fusilier
Recruit Lindl.
7 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-30 01:00:18
The Dread Pirate
Recruit Azelstan.
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
The Dark Knight Commander
Recruit Ozma.
8 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-30 01:00:17
The Conqueror
Took Coritanae Keep and brought Hierophant Balbatos to justice.
10 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
The Bloodbound
Finish the main campaign with the 'Neutral Ending'.
2 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
The Beastmaster
Recruit Ganpp.
6 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-30 01:00:17
The Abuna
Recruit Donalto.
27 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Tale of Mann Maceux
Steal a Reaver ring from the Grim Reaper.
2 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Take This Curse
Obtain a named Cursed weapon.
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Southron Liberator(N)
Drove the Dark Knights from Phidoch castle and wrested control of the south of Valeria.
6 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Southron Liberator(L)
Drove the Dark Knights from Phidoch castle and wrested control of the south of Valeria.
11 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Southron Liberator(C)
Drove the Dark Knights from Phidoch castle and wrested control of the south of Valeria.
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Songs Of Steel
Recruit Hobyrim.
11 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Slayer of Two
Defeated Enja, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Slayer of Twelve
Defeated Saranga, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals
2 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Slayer of Three
Defeated Maitreya, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Slayer of the Wind Watch
Defeated the Guardian Vainateya and Complete the Wind Sanctum.
6 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Slayer of the Water Watch
Defeated the Guardian Tlaloc and Complete the Water Sanctum.
6 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Slayer of the Sea Witch
Defeated Sirene, releasing Iuria from her spell
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Slayer of the Necromancer Lord
Defeated Blackmoor, the necromancer lord.
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Slayer of the Lightning Watch
Defeated the Guardian Xolotl and Complete the Lightning Sanctum.
6 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Slayer of the Ice Watch
Defeated the Guardian Lygenstzel and Complete the Ice Sanctum.
6 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Slayer of the Fire Watch
Defeated the Guardian Ifrit and Complete the Fire Sanctum.
6 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Slayer of the Earth Watch
Defeated the Guardian Nathalork and Complete the Earth Sanctum.
6 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Slayer of the Dying
Defeated Sir Xaebos, commander of the Galgastani army remnants, at Coritanae Keep.
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Slayer of Ten
Defeated Asurama, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals
2 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Slayer of Six
Defeated Vayu, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals
2 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Slayer of Seven
Defeated Indra, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Slayer of One
Defeated Vija, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals
2 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Slayer of Nine
Defeated Ahurama, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals
2 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Slayer of Four
Defeated Ijana, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals
2 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Slayer of Five
Defeated Chandra, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals
2 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Slayer of Eleven
Defeated Aditi, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals
2 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Slayer of Eight
Defeated Rakshas, one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals
2 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Sir Walhorn
Recruit Mirdyn.
11 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-19 10:45:09
Sir Byrne
Recruit Gildas.
11 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-19 10:45:09
Sick of the Dead
Complete all battles at Palace of Dead Floors 101-115(Finish with Chamber of the Seal battle with Rodrick)(Last battle must be completed all the way through without loading a quick save).
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Secret Of the Master
Obtain all crafting recipes.
2 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Seal Breaker
Defeated Kandyce, keeper of the Seal.
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Savior of Valeria
Finish the main campaign with the 'Good Ending'.
8 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Savior of the Dead
Saved Sir Dievold and Oelias from a horde of undead at Port Asyton.
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Ruler of Valeria
Allowed Catiua to die before the final battle at the Royal City of Heim.
2 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Make a decsion about befriending the Liberation Front.
6 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-30 01:00:17
Quick Walk through the Gardens
Take the shortest route to the Twixt Of Heaven and Earth in the hanging gardens.
4 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Power of the Divine
Defeat Vepahl at Level 3 of San Brosa.
4 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Power Of Gods
Obtain at least one of each of the God Weapons: Notos, Boreas, Zephyros, Euros
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Saved Xapan the Mercenary from pirates at Qadriga Fortress.
10 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Phorampa Open to Hunting
Complete all battles at Phorampa Wildwood.
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
One-eyed Knight Slayer
Defeated Sir Tartaros, High Champion of the Dark Knights of Lodis
2 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Old Friends Quarrel
Defeat Vyce at Tynemouth and choose Arycelle's fate.
6 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-30 01:00:17
Obsessed With the Dead
Complete all battles at Palace of Dead Floors 51-75.(Last battle must be completed all the way through without loading a quick save)
4 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Necromancer Scourge
Defeated the Necromancer Nybeth who had embraced death and become a lich.
4 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Miracle Worker
Rescued Sir Leonar from Imprisonment in Qadriga Fortress.
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Man of Peace
Journeyed to Brigantys Castle, alone and unarmed, to parley with the Order of Philaha.
7 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-30 01:00:18
Man of No Regrets
Reached and completed the Central Garden in the floating ruins of San Bronsa without using the Chariot Tarot or retreating
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Man of Deeds
Recaptured Coritanae Keep from the remnants of the Galgastani army to prevent the suffering of innocents.
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Man of Action
Complete the battle at Briganty's Great Hall and make a choice about the people of Galgastan.
10 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Like the Dead
Complete all battles at Palace of Dead Floors 1-25.(Last battle must be completed all the way through without loading a quick save)
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-16 05:50:37
Light Unto the Dark
Reached and completed the Chamber of the Seal in the Palace of the Dead without using the Chariot Tarot or retreating
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Liberation Front?
Choose if you want to help the Liberation Front.
7 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Leader of Men
Struck down Sir Leonar after he slew Duke Ronwey, becoming the leader of the Resistance.
10 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Ji'ygla's Range
Equip Denam with Ji'ygla's Equipment(Ji'ygla's Bow, Ji'ygla's Darkcoat, and Ji'ygla's Bracers)
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
In Love With the Dead
Complete all battles at Palace of the Dead 76-100(last battle at Altar Of Beyond)(Last battle must be completed all the way through without loading a quick save).
4 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
He Who Walks the Deeps
Discovered the secret door on the third level of the palace of the dead, allowing access to the depths below.
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
He Who Walks In Darkness
Defeated the Bakram forces under the command of Dark Knight Ozma and rescued the blind swordsman Hobyrim at the Arkhaiopolis of Rhime.
10 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
He Who Visited the Pirate's Graveyard
Decide what to do with the treasure of the Pirate's Graveyard.
4 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
He Who Stops the Wheel
Completed all Coda Episodes without using Chariot Tarot or Retreating
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
He Who Devoured the Depths
Complete all battles at Pirate's Graveyard.
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Hero Warrior Unscathed
Complete Chapter 1 without any units being slain(No HP to 0)(any route).
13 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-26 19:30:19
Hero of Golyat
Rescued Duke Ronway from imprisonment in Almorica Castle.
44 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Hero Lord Unscathed
Complete Chapter 3 without any units being slain(No HP to 0)(any route).
11 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Hero Knight Unscathed
Complete Chapter 2 without any units being slain(No HP to 0)(any route).
11 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Hero King Unscathed
Complete main campaign without any units falling(no HP to 0).
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Heroes Of Valeria
With only Denam and Catiua defeat Martyn and Balbas at the Hanging Gardens
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
He of Open Eyes
Slew Sir Leonar in a duel at Coritanae Keep and learned of Duke Ronwey's plot.
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Hellish Blessing
Convert a character to a Lich.
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Heavenly Communion
Craft a Heaven's Fork.
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Heavenly Blessing
Convert a character to a Divine Knight.
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Hand of Justice
Defeated Galgastani High Commander Gatialo at Tynemouth Hill.
10 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Garden Of Incredible Power
Complete all battles at San Brosa Ruins.
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Friends Reunited
Recruit Vyce.
10 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-19 10:45:09
Freer of Souls
Defeated the Necromancer Nybeth at Ndamsa Fortress and freed the soul of Sir Gildas.
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Freedom Of Choice
Choose the fate of Cistina at Arkhaiopolis of Rhime.
18 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Forgive Thy Sins
Steal an Abuna's Mark.
4 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Floating On Air
Complete the battle at Top Of San Brosa(No Heavenly General)(Complete full battle without quicksave).
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Fear of the Dark
Obtain a Heretic's Mark and Change Catuia into a special class.
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Faraway Heights
Obtain all Music selection in the Warren Report(Need to open up Warren report music menu).
2 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Evil Deeds
Equip Denam with the Dark Equipment(Dagda's Hammer, Skull Mask, and Thanatos Armor)
2 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Enticed With the Dead
Complete all battles at Palace of Dead Floors 26-50.(Last battle must be completed all the way through without loading a quick save)
4 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Dynast-King Slayer
Defeat Dorgalua, the Dynast-King, as he returned from the Abyss.
9 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Equip Denam with the Dragon Equipment(Wyrmscale Helm, Wyrmscale Armor, and Ancient Dragon Scale shield)
2 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Dragon Lord?
Defeat Belzebuth at Level 41 of the Palace of the Dead.
4 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Dont Be Deceived
Complete the story battle at Level 12 of San Brosa.
4 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Destroyer or Galgastan
Defeated Sir Xaebos, commander of the Galgastani army remnants, at Almorica Castle.
10 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Defender of Almorica
Drove the remnants of the Galgastani army out of hiding in Golyat.
4 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Dark Warlord Slayer
Defeated the Warlord Rodrick, a fallen king consumed by the Dark
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Dark Knight Slayer
Slew the Dark Knight Oz at Boed Fortress and rescued Cerya.
4 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Dark Knight Scourge
Defeated Oz at Boed Fortress and put the Dark Knights to rout.
5 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Dame Loxaerion
Recruit Ravness.
9 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Corpse Dancer
Confronted the Necromancer Nybeth at Qadriga Fortress and put an end to his dark experiments.
18 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Concord Warrior Unbloodied
Complete Chapter 1 without any units being incapacitated(any route).
9 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-16 05:50:37
Concord Warrior
Complete Chapter 1 without using Chariot Tarot or retreating(any route).
13 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-26 19:30:19
Concord Lord Unbloodied
Complete Chapter 3 without any units being incapacitated(any route).
7 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-30 01:00:17
Concord Lord
Complete Chapter 3 without using Chariot Tarot or retreating(any route).
10 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Concord Knight Unbloodied
Complete Chapter 2 without any units being incapacitated(any route).
7 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2023-12-30 01:00:17
Concord Knight
Complete Chapter 2 without using Chariot Tarot or retreating(any route).
10 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Concord King Unbloodied
Complete main without any units dying(No Death Counter to 0).
9 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Concord King
Complete Chapter 4 without using Chariot Tarot or retreating(any route).
8 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Command and Conquer
Steal a Hagiaknight Mark.
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Bringer Of Change
Defeat Brantyn at the Royal City Of Heim and decide the future of Valeria.
10 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Bodies Are Fleshy, Weak Things...A Nuisance
Defeat Georges at Level 22 of the Palace of the Dead.
4 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
Blood-stained Hero
Journeyed to Brigantys Castle to parley with the Order of Philaha, but you were unable to avoid bloodshed.
9 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Battle With Ogre's
Equip Denam with the Ogre Equipment(Ogre Sword, Ogre Helm, and Ogre Armor)
3 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
A Sister's Fate
Complete the battles at Barnicia Castle and choose Catiua's fate.
11 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
A Ronwey Decision
Heard out Sir Leonar's plot and made your desicion about the future of the Resistance.
10 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09
Arbiter of the Game
Slew Sir Leonar at Coritanae Keep and learned of Duke Ronwey's plot.
4 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:10
A Pleasure, To Be Sure!
Defeat Nybeth at Level 5 of the Palace of the Dead.
4 2023-12-12 21:10:53
2024-01-02 05:45:09