Achievement Unlocked Global Unlocks
Credit Where Credit is Due
View a special message on the opening credits screen. (HINT - SaNd WAs BeSt Earned in SeAside Beaches.)
2022-02-01 03:28:36 230
To Infinity... and Beyond!
Beat the game on Hard.
2022-02-01 03:24:48 147
Big Winner?
Match a three-in-a-row of a non-Waldo character on the Launchpad.
2022-02-01 02:38:31 266
Castle - HARD
Find Waldo in the castle on Hard.
2022-02-01 02:38:17 160
Subway - HARD
Find Waldo in the subway on Hard.
2022-02-01 02:38:04 162
City - HARD
Find Waldo in the city on Hard.
2022-02-01 01:28:18 267
Fairground - HARD
Find Waldo in the fairground on Hard.
2022-02-01 01:27:59 305
One Small Step for Waldo...
Beat the game on Medium.
2022-02-01 01:24:49 195
Castle - MEDIUM
Find Waldo in the castle on Medium.
2022-02-01 01:24:18 211
Subway - MEDIUM
Find Waldo in the subway on Medium.
2022-02-01 01:24:09 217
Find Waldo in the city on Medium.
2022-02-01 01:19:12 373
Fairground - MEDIUM
Find Waldo in the fairground on Medium.
2022-02-01 01:18:02 424
Find Waldo in the cave on Medium.
2022-02-01 01:17:17 457
Forest - MEDIUM
Find Waldo in the forest on Medium.
2022-02-01 01:17:00 465
Train Station - MEDIUM
Find Waldo in the train station on Medium.
2022-02-01 01:16:35 510
Beat the game on Easy.
2022-02-01 01:15:30 463
Castle - EASY
Find Waldo in the castle on Easy.
2022-02-01 01:15:00 487
Subway - EASY
Find Waldo in the subway on Easy.
2022-02-01 01:14:55 494
City - EASY
Find Waldo in the city on Easy.
2022-02-01 01:14:39 665
Fairground - EASY
Find Waldo in the fairground on Easy.
2022-02-01 01:14:29 670
Cave - EASY
Find Waldo in the cave on Easy.
2022-02-01 01:14:18 680
Forest - EASY
Find Waldo in the forest on Easy.
2022-02-01 01:14:01 692
Train Station - EASY
Find Waldo in the train station on Easy.
2022-02-01 01:13:54 704
Cave - HARD
Find Waldo in the cave on Hard.
2022-02-01 01:08:51 338
Forest - HARD
Find Waldo in the forest on Hard.
2022-02-01 01:08:05 343
Sharp Eye
Find Waldo on the first try on any regular stage.
2022-02-01 01:08:03 719
Train Station - HARD
Find Waldo in the train station on Hard.
2022-02-01 01:05:32 415
I've Got Places to Be
Find Waldo in under 10 seconds on any regular stage.
2022-02-01 01:05:30 678