Achievement Unlocked Global Unlocks
Biggest Boy
Score 40,000 points.
2023-02-22 02:06:56 70
Wizard with a Wand Competing with the Lightning
Teleport 10 times in one game.
2023-02-22 02:04:49 109
Bigger Boy
Score 20,000 points.
2023-02-22 02:01:27 107
Disc Dodger
Last 30 seconds w_o being hit or shooting your disc.
2023-02-22 02:00:51 135
Big Boy
Score 10,000 points.
2023-02-22 01:59:49 132
500,000 Sold
Reach the gold enemies.
2023-02-22 01:58:29 146
Yellow Devil
Shoot all 12 of the enemy spawners and turn them yellow.
Untouchable Boy
Score 15,000 points without taking damage.
500,000 Sold and No Haters
Reach the gold enemies without taking damage.
Full Recovery
Go from the least amount of health to full.