Achievement Unlocked Global Unlocks
Take A Break
Complete a match while holding 0 on both teams
2023-07-03 23:10:25 50
As either the blue or yellow team score a point for the other team
2023-07-03 23:10:06 51
Double Digits
Get a score of 10 with one of the teams
2023-07-03 23:09:51 51
Playing Catch With Dad
Throw the ball back and forth between both teams 6 times without scoring a point or letting it drop on the floor
2023-07-03 23:09:46 51
Simplistic Sport
Score your first point with the blue team
2023-07-03 23:08:41 53
Cold Play
Score your first point with the yellow team
2023-07-03 23:08:28 51