Achievement Unlocked Global Unlocks
Not-So-Relaxing Vacation
Serve a taco in the second area in under 20 seconds.
2023-02-26 10:08:02 186
Pay your rent.
2023-02-26 10:04:15 170
Escort Mission
Serve the final taco properly getting hit or scorched less than 25 times.
2023-02-26 10:03:43 160
Taco Professor
Obtain the rank of 'Taco Professor'.
2023-02-26 09:59:56 181
Early Bird Gets The Worm
Serve a taco in the third area in under one minute.
2023-02-26 09:47:27 179
Taco Connoisseur
Obtain the rank of 'Taco Connoisseur'.
2023-02-26 09:46:39 206
Taco Enthusiast
Obtain the rank of 'Taco Enthusiast'.
2023-02-26 09:41:14 213
No Time To Smell The Flowers
Serve a taco in the first area in under 30 seconds.
2023-02-26 09:40:10 176
Budget Cuts
Skimp on the ingredients.
2023-02-26 09:39:05 187
Taco Amateur
Serve your first taco.
2023-02-26 09:36:45 226