Achievement Unlocked Global Unlocks
Mr. Multiplier (Game 1, Difficulty 3)
Earn 50 points in multiplication game 1 without making a mistake. Well done.
2021-06-15 08:42:36 78
20 Points! (Game 4)
Earn 20 points in Echo!
2021-06-14 05:21:23 88
Diviser Master (Game 1, Difficulty 1, Division)
Earn 50 points in division game 1. Well done.
2021-06-14 05:10:00 100
Wait a Second, this isn't History Class!
In game 1, difficulty 3, input Isaac Newton's birth year as an answer.
2021-06-14 05:06:32 100
Handle on Subtraction? (Game 2, Subtraction)
Solve 10 subtraction questions in game 2
2021-06-14 05:05:18 95
I Know the Answer, but the Question? (Game 2)
Answer your first math question in game two
2021-06-14 05:04:43 105
I can Multiply! (Game 3, Multiplication)
Solve 50 multiplication questions in the multiplication table game (choose game 3, start at question 1)
2021-06-14 05:03:50 85
I can Add (Game 3, Addition)
Solve 50 addition questions in the addition table game (choose game 3, start at question 1)
2021-06-14 05:01:05 88
Mr. Musician! (Game 4)
Earn 10 points in Echo! without making an error
2021-06-14 04:55:03 96
Now that's Music! (Game 4)
Earn 10 points in Echo!
2021-06-14 04:55:02 102
Oof what a Beat! (Game 4)
Earn a point in Echo!
2021-06-14 04:53:28 106
1 Plus 99 is 00? (Game 1, Addition)
Solve 100 addition questions in the addition game and make the scoreboard loop (choose game 1)
2021-06-14 04:35:27 100
Technology is Incredible
On game 1, difficulty 3, put in 6969 or 420 as your answer. Even if it's wrong, you're still right
2021-06-14 04:04:35 104
Score! (Game 1)
Answer your first math question. Was it luck, or a good job?
2021-06-14 04:03:25 138
Now that's Hard! (Game 1, Difficulty 3)
Solve your first hard question in game 1
2021-06-14 04:03:24 111