Achievement Unlocked Global Unlocks
Double the Balls
Activate a multiball
2023-03-26 22:23:25 65
Gain a score of over 100,000 points
2023-03-26 22:10:09 51
Flipping Your Lid
Gain a score of over 50,000 points
2023-03-26 22:05:45 100
Flipping the Balls
Gain a score of over 25,000 points
2023-03-26 22:04:24 120
Balls to the Wall
Gain a score of over 10,000 points
2023-03-26 22:00:41 128
Hitting the Flippers
Gain a score of over 5,000 points
2023-03-26 21:50:18 134
Time Flips By
In a single game last over 4 minutes. Time will not accrue while the game is paused or when the ball isn't in play.
Flipper? I Barely Know Her...
Gain a score of over 500,000 points
These Aren't Blue Balls
On a single ball, last over 1 minute. Time will not accrue while the game is paused.
Night on Ball Mountain
Gain a score of over 250,000 points