Achievement Unlocked Global Unlocks
Trunks vs. The Legendary Super Saiyan
[Trunks] During Story Mode, win a fight against Broly on the highest difficulty
2020-06-18 10:34:23 54
Vegeta vs. The Legendary Super Saiyan
[Vegeta] During Story Mode, win a fight against Broly on the highest difficulty
2020-06-17 19:43:05 51
Piccolo vs. The Legendary Super Saiyan
[Piccolo] During Story Mode, win a fight against Broly on the highest difficulty
2020-06-17 16:37:00 50
Perfect Form Crumbled [MAX]
During Story Mode, win a fight against Cell on the highest difficulty
2020-06-17 11:34:29 77
Bojack Unbound No More [MAX]
During Story Mode, win a fight against Bojack on the highest difficulty
2020-06-17 11:34:29 77
Duel with a Galaxy Warrior! [MAX]
During Story Mode, win a fight against Zangya on the highest difficulty
2020-06-17 11:34:29 76
The Cell Juniors Pulverized [MAX]
During Story Mode, win a fight against a Cell Jr. on the highest difficulty
2020-06-17 11:34:29 76
Perfect Form Crumbled
During Story Mode, win a fight against Cell
2020-06-17 11:34:29 84
The Legendary Super Saiyan
During Story Mode, win a fight against Broly
2020-06-17 11:34:29 76
Bojack Unbound No More
During Story Mode, win a fight against Bojack
2020-06-17 11:34:29 83
Duel with a Galaxy Warrior!
During Story Mode, win a fight against Zangya
2020-06-17 11:34:29 83
The Cell Juniors Pulverized
During Story Mode, win a fight against a Cell Jr.
2020-06-17 11:34:29 78
Gohan vs. The Legendary Super Saiyan
[Gohan] During Story Mode, win a fight against Broly on the highest difficulty
2020-06-17 11:34:29 73
Defeat Trunks
Defeat Trunks on any difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-16 23:08:36 121
Defeat Trunks [MAX]
Defeat Trunks on the highest difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-16 23:08:36 117
Defeat Zangya
Defeat Zangya on Normal any difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-16 23:02:32 117
Defeat Zangya [MAX]
Defeat Zangya on the highest difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-16 23:02:32 114
Defeat Goku
Defeat Goku any difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-16 22:59:32 101
Defeat Goku [MAX]
Defeat Goku on the highest difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-16 22:59:32 99
Defeat Cell
Defeat Cell on any difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-16 22:58:55 110
Defeat Cell [MAX]
Defeat Cell on the highest difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-16 22:58:55 108
Defeat Bojack
Defeat Bojack on any difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-16 22:57:12 101
Defeat Bojack [MAX]
Defeat Bojack on the highest difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-16 22:57:12 98
Counterattack with a KI Blast on the highest difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-16 22:53:43 93
Energy Shield
Block an enemy KI blast on the highest difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-16 22:51:55 87
Catch a KI blast and deflect it away on the highest difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-16 22:51:14 90
Defeat Vegeta
Defeat Vegeta on any difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-16 22:44:00 121
Defeat Vegeta [MAX]
Defeat Vegeta on the highest difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-16 22:44:00 118
Defeat Cell Jr.
Defeat Cell Jr. on any difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-16 22:43:31 120
Defeat Cell Jr. [MAX]
Defeat Cell Jr. on the highest difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-16 22:43:31 115
Defeat Broly
Defeat Broly on any difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-16 12:45:43 95
Defeat Broly [MAX]
Defeat Broly on the highest difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-16 12:45:43 92
Defeat Piccolo
Defeat Piccolo on any difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-16 12:43:49 128
Defeat Piccolo [MAX]
Defeat Piccolo on the highest difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-16 12:43:49 123
Throwing Blaster
As Broly, unleash a Throwing Blaster [1P vs. CPU - Manual mode]
2020-06-16 11:53:37 152
Eraser Cannon
As Broly, unleash an Eraser Cannon [1P vs. CPU - Manual mode]
2020-06-16 11:53:21 155
Galactic Buster
As Bojack, unleash a Galactic Buster [1P vs. CPU - Manual mode]
2020-06-16 11:49:11 161
Grand Smasher
As Bojack, unleash a Grand Smasher [1P vs. CPU - Manual mode]
2020-06-16 11:48:39 161
Spark Laser
As Zangya, unleash a Spark Laser [1P vs. CPU - Manual mode]
2020-06-16 11:43:09 162
Shoot Blaster
As Zangya, unleash a Shoot Blaster [1P vs. CPU - Manual mode]
2020-06-16 11:43:00 161
Makankosappo Once More
As Cell Jr, unleash a Makankosappo [1P vs. CPU - Manual mode]
2020-06-16 11:41:38 159
Cell Jr's Kamehameha
As Cell Jr, unleash a Kamehameha [1P vs. CPU - Manual mode]
2020-06-16 11:41:27 158
Guard against an enemy KI blast on the highest difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-16 11:37:22 116
Cell's Kamehameha
As Cell, unleash a Kamehameha [1P vs. CPU - Manual mode]
2020-06-16 11:35:49 170
Cell's Super Kamehameha
As Cell, unleash a Super Kamehameha [1P vs. CPU - Manual mode]
2020-06-16 11:35:25 172
Gekiretsu Kōdan
As Piccolo, unleash a Gekiretsu Kōdan [1P vs. CPU - Manual mode]
2020-06-16 11:33:18 176
As Piccolo, unleash a Makankosappo [1P vs. CPU - Manual mode]
2020-06-16 11:33:14 175
Energy Clash
Against a CPU on the highest difficulty, force your beam forward
2020-06-16 09:21:22 125
Defeat Gohan
Defeat Gohan on any difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-12 21:46:38 128
Defeat Gohan [MAX]
Defeat Gohan on the highest difficulty [1P vs. CPU]
2020-06-12 21:46:38 125
Burning Attack
As Trunks, unleash a Burning Attack [1P vs. CPU - Manual mode]
2020-06-12 21:46:02 173
Finish Buster
As Trunks, unleash a Finish Buster [1P vs. CPU - Manual mode]
2020-06-12 21:45:30 175
Big Bang Attack
As Vegeta, unleash a Big Bang Attack [1P vs. CPU - Manual mode]
2020-06-12 21:43:33 201
Final Flash
As Vegeta, unleash a Final Flash [1P vs. CPU - Manual mode]
2020-06-12 21:43:03 223
As Gohan, unleash a Masenko [1P vs. CPU - Manual mode]
2020-06-12 21:41:34 188
Gohan's Kamehameha
As Gohan, unleash a Kamehameha [1P vs. CPU - Manual mode]
2020-06-12 21:37:19 194
Goku's Kamehameha
As Goku, unleash a Kamehameha [1P vs. CPU - Manual mode]
2020-06-12 21:33:53 163
Goku's Super Kamehameha
As Goku, unleash a Super Kamehameha [1P vs. CPU - Manual mode]
2020-06-12 21:32:24 166