Achievement Unlocked Global Unlocks
Asteroids, Asteroids Everywhere
Have 22 or more asteroids on screen at the same time
2022-11-08 16:54:08 117
Pew, Pew
Reach a score of 10,000
2022-11-08 16:54:08 105
Auto Turret
Reach a score of 5000 without using the throttle and without dying
2022-11-08 16:47:44 63
Asteroid Belt
Survive for one minute with 8 or more asteroids on screen
2022-11-08 16:08:50 49
With Extreme Prejudice
Reach a score of 10,000 without dying and without allowing any UFO to escape
I'm Here for the Asteroids
Reach a score of 10,000 without dying and without any UFO being destroyed (by the player)
Balls to the Wall
Survive for thirty seconds moving at max speed to the right, with 4 or more asteroids on screen throughout
Artful Dodger
From the start of the game, survive for two minutes and thirty seconds without firing
Space Cowboy
Reach a score of 40,000
Spray and Pray
While constantly spinning and without dying, destroy 20 asteroids
Bounty Hunter
Destroy any 5 UFOs consecutively without shooting an asteroid or dying
Blaster Master
Reach a score of 25,000