Achievement Unlocked Game Global Unlocks
Snowy Fortune
Collect all the coins in the Snowy Slope minigame.
2024-12-29 20:10:54
Choro Q Wonderful! 11
Snowy Sprints
Complete the Snowy Slope minigame for the first time.
2024-12-29 20:10:54
Choro Q Wonderful! 13
Keeping It Clean
Collect all of the cans in Green Park, then visit the manager.
2024-12-29 19:38:07
Choro Q Wonderful! 14
Green Is a Creative Color
Get the Green Park Visa.
2024-12-29 19:33:56
Choro Q Wonderful! 15
Green Park Tenant
Visit all of the houses in Green Park.
2024-12-29 19:33:53
Choro Q Wonderful! 13
Golden Explosions
Collect all the coins in the Firework minigame.
2024-12-29 19:29:10
Choro Q Wonderful! 11
Igniting the Night
Collect all of the shots in the Firework minigame.
2024-12-29 19:26:43
Choro Q Wonderful! 9
Green Park Winner
Win the Green Park race.
2024-12-29 19:07:54
Choro Q Wonderful! 11
Green Park Flawless
Complete the Green Park race without colliding into anything (3rd place or higher).
2024-12-29 19:04:51
Choro Q Wonderful! 7
Green Park Collector
Collect all the coins in Green Park race (3rd place or higher).
2024-12-29 18:47:39
Choro Q Wonderful! 10
Green Park Qualified
Get at least 3rd place or higher in the Green Park race.
2024-12-29 18:47:39
Choro Q Wonderful! 15
Noted with Thanks
Deliver the notice letter to the manager in Green Park.
2024-12-29 18:18:20
Choro Q Wonderful! 14
Bridge Bucks
Collect all the coins in the Drawbridge minigame.
2024-12-29 17:51:30
Choro Q Wonderful! 10
Bridge Bound
Complete the Drawbridge minigame for the first time.
2024-12-29 17:51:30
Choro Q Wonderful! 15
Buy Astro Fighter in MuuMuu Market for 3800Mu. (Can be won by Lottery)
2024-12-29 04:11:15
Pocket MuuMuu 35
Your first Pocket Game!
Obtain Auto Racing or Quarky as your first Pocket Game.
2024-12-29 04:09:50
Pocket MuuMuu 44
Full English Translation PDF Guide!
[English Translation in the Forum topic!]
2024-12-29 04:08:42
Pocket MuuMuu 47
Red City Flawless
Complete the Red City race without colliding into anything (3rd place or higher).
2024-12-28 22:09:05
Choro Q Wonderful! 6
Red City Winner
Win the Red City race.
2024-12-28 22:01:05
Choro Q Wonderful! 11
Red City Collector
Collect all the coins in Red City race (3rd place or higher).
2024-12-28 21:41:07
Choro Q Wonderful! 9
Bridge Chest
Collect the chest in the Drawbridge minigame.
2024-12-28 21:23:54
Choro Q Wonderful! 12
Sequence Breaking
In the Drawbridge minigame, get the chest before completing it for the first time (Stamp #11).
2024-12-28 21:23:43
Choro Q Wonderful! 12
Red City Tenant
Visit all of the houses in Red City.
2024-12-28 19:51:33
Choro Q Wonderful! 12
Cattle Coins
Collect all the coins in Jim's Ranch.
2024-12-28 19:25:06
Choro Q Wonderful! 12
Udderly Counted
Guess the amount of cows correctly in Jim's Ranch.
2024-12-28 19:25:06
Choro Q Wonderful! 16
Complete the Zero-Yon drag race.
2024-12-28 18:53:24
Choro Q Wonderful! 15
My First Visa
Get the Red City Visa.
2024-12-28 18:42:23
Choro Q Wonderful! 17
Red City Qualified
Get at least 3rd place or higher in the Red City race.
2024-12-28 18:28:22
Choro Q Wonderful! 17
String'n King
Get your multiplier to a 100x in any movie scene
2024-12-27 23:13:20
Stuntman: Ignition 27
Aftershocker Legend
Earn a 5 star ranking for all scenes in Aftershock
2024-12-27 23:13:20
Stuntman: Ignition 21
Earn over a million points in any scene
2024-12-26 23:31:05
Stuntman: Ignition 27
Stone Cold Copter Killer
Win the "Stone Cold Copter Killer" stunt award
2024-12-26 21:58:38
Stuntman: Ignition 23
Earn a 1 star ranking for all scenes in Overdrive
2024-12-26 21:58:38
Stuntman: Ignition 23
Down 'N Out
Win the "Down 'N Out" stunt award
2024-12-26 21:55:46
Stuntman: Ignition 20
Wrong Turn
Win the "Wrong Turn" stunt award
2024-12-26 21:51:59
Stuntman: Ignition 21
Puttin' Out the Fire
Win the "Puttin' Out the Fire" stunt award
2024-12-26 21:36:07
Stuntman: Ignition 24
Clip the Cargo
Win the "Clip the Cargo" stunt award
2024-12-26 21:13:30
Stuntman: Ignition 20
Perform 20 over-take stunts
2024-12-26 21:13:30
Stuntman: Ignition 21
Win the "Blindsided" stunt award
2024-12-26 20:48:27
Stuntman: Ignition 23
Rednecks on the Roof
Win the "Rednecks on the Roof" stunt award
2024-12-24 05:47:35
Stuntman: Ignition 27
Earn a 1 star ranking for all scenes in Whoopin' and a Hollerin II
2024-12-24 05:47:35
Stuntman: Ignition 28
Lumberjack Leap
Win the "Lumberjack Leap" stunt award
2024-12-24 05:43:43
Stuntman: Ignition 27
Earn 500 or more drift points in one movie scene
2024-12-24 05:43:43
Stuntman: Ignition 33
Two Wheel Threadin'
Win the "Two Wheel Threadin'" stunt award
2024-12-24 05:39:13
Stuntman: Ignition 26
String an entire movie scene
2024-12-24 05:34:27
Stuntman: Ignition 52
Pass the "2-Wheel" rehearsal
2024-12-24 05:28:36
Stuntman: Ignition 29
Between the Darkness and Light
Complete the Neutral - Dark Ending
2024-12-24 04:00:18
Shadow the Hedgehog 65
Lava Shelter
Complete Lava Shelter for the first time
2024-12-24 03:14:00
Shadow the Hedgehog 124
Iron Jungle
Complete Iron Jungle for the first time
2024-12-24 00:02:25
Shadow the Hedgehog 130
Sky Troops
Complete Sky Troops for the first time
2024-12-23 21:09:11
Shadow the Hedgehog 168
Prison Island
Complete Prison Island for the first time
2024-12-23 20:45:56
Shadow the Hedgehog 203
Glyphic Canyon
Complete Glyphic Canyon for the first time
2024-12-23 20:18:51
Shadow the Hedgehog 247
Complete Westopolis for the first time
2024-12-23 20:09:48
Shadow the Hedgehog 409
Tower Twister
Win the "Tower Twister" stunt award
2024-12-23 19:40:30
Stuntman: Ignition 20
Earn at least 1 star for all scenes in Strike Force Omega
2024-12-23 19:40:30
Stuntman: Ignition 23
Pass the "Pipe Ramp" rehearsal
2024-12-23 19:34:31
Stuntman: Ignition 24
Win the "Redline'" stunt award
2024-12-23 19:31:51
Stuntman: Ignition 24
Sudden Stop
Win the "Sudden Stop" stunt award
2024-12-23 19:24:22
Stuntman: Ignition 22
Semi Slalom
Win the "Semi Slalom" stunt award
2024-12-23 19:18:59
Stuntman: Ignition 19
Over 'n Under
Win the "Over 'n Under" stunt award
2024-12-23 19:15:28
Stuntman: Ignition 26
Win the "Derailed" stunt award
2024-12-23 19:12:56
Stuntman: Ignition 25
Win the "Egg-Stravaganza" stunt award
2024-12-23 19:05:14
Stuntman: Ignition 25
Earn 500 or more close points in one movie scene
2024-12-23 18:53:45
Stuntman: Ignition 42
Collateral Damage
Win the "Collateral Damage" stunt award
2024-12-23 18:42:34
Stuntman: Ignition 26
Monster Mash
Win the "Monster Mash" stunt award
2024-12-23 18:12:57
Stuntman: Ignition 37
Earn at least 1 star for all scenes in Aftershock
2024-12-22 21:26:20
Stuntman: Ignition 44
Fire Down Below
Win the "Fire Down Below" stunt award
2024-12-22 21:26:19
Stuntman: Ignition 42
Earn 300 or more air-time points in one movie scene
2024-12-22 21:26:19
Stuntman: Ignition 43
Flip your car on its back for the first time
2024-12-22 21:20:16
Stuntman: Ignition 55
Back It Up
Pass the "Reverse 180" rehearsal
2024-12-22 21:19:32
Stuntman: Ignition 45
Bridge of Death
Win the "Bridge of Death" stunt award
2024-12-22 21:17:23
Stuntman: Ignition 40
Trailer Trash
Win the "Trailer Trash" stunt award
2024-12-22 21:03:50
Stuntman: Ignition 41
To Grandma’s House We Go
Win the "To Grandma’s House We Go" stunt award
2024-12-22 20:21:55
Stuntman: Ignition 42
Hot Wash and a Wax
Win the "Hot Wash and a Wax" stunt award
2024-12-22 20:08:44
Stuntman: Ignition 56
Ignite your vehicle for the first time
2024-12-22 20:04:38
Stuntman: Ignition 66
Moto Rider
Pass the "Motorcycle" rehearsal
2024-12-22 20:04:02
Stuntman: Ignition 59
Pass the "Stringing" rehearsal
2024-12-22 19:35:45
Stuntman: Ignition 81
Win the "Firestorm" stunt award
2024-12-22 19:32:05
Stuntman: Ignition 79
Good Score!
Get 90.000 points!
2024-12-22 19:22:38
Binary Land 206
Gurin_ Complete Stage 7!
Complete Stage 7 choosing Gurin!
2024-12-22 19:21:52
Binary Land 222
Gurin_ Complete Stage 6!
Complete Stage 6 choosing Gurin!
2024-12-22 19:21:14
Binary Land 238
Gurin_ Done Quickly Stage 5!
Complete Stage 5 with 5xx or more time left choosing Gurin!
2024-12-22 19:20:38
Binary Land 166
Gurin_ Complete Stage 5!
Complete Stage 5 choosing Gurin!
2024-12-22 19:20:38
Binary Land 274
Gurin_ Complete Stage 4!
Complete Stage 4 choosing Gurin!
2024-12-22 19:18:38
Binary Land 296
Get 60.000 points!
2024-12-22 19:11:47
Binary Land 341
Gurin_ Perfect on Bonus 1!
Perfect on Bonus Stage 1 choosing Gurin!
2024-12-22 19:11:36
Binary Land 320
Gurin_ Complete Bonus 1!
Complete Bonus Stage 1 choosing Gurin!
2024-12-22 19:11:35
Binary Land 345
Gurin_ Complete Stage 2!
Complete Stage 2 choosing Gurin!
2024-12-22 19:11:04
Binary Land 373
Gurin_ Complete Stage 1!
Complete Stage 1 choosing Gurin!
2024-12-22 19:09:53
Binary Land 411
Novice Champ
Beat all Novice events in one session and become the Champ
2024-12-22 19:05:02
Track and Field 8
Novice High Jump
Beat Novice High Jump by jumping 2m30 or higher
2024-12-22 19:04:27
Track and Field 8
Novice Hammer
Beat Novice Hammer by throwing it 65m00 or further
2024-12-22 19:03:09
Track and Field 9
Novice Hurdles
Beat Novice Hurdles by finishing in 16.00 seconds or less
2024-12-22 19:02:47
Track and Field 16
Novice Javelin
Beat Novice Javelin by throwing it 65m50 or further
2024-12-22 19:02:03
Track and Field 16
Novice Long Jump
Beat Novice Long Jump by jumping 5m00 or further
2024-12-22 19:01:30
Track and Field 21
Novice Dash
Beat Novice Dash by finishing in 15.00 seconds or less
2024-12-22 19:01:00
Track and Field 22
Expert Champ
Beat all Expert events in one session and become the Champ
2024-12-22 18:50:56
Track and Field 1
Expert High Jump
Beat Expert High Jump by jumping 2m40 or higher
2024-12-22 18:50:33
Track and Field 1
Expert Hammer
Beat Expert Hammer by throwing it 89m00 or further
2024-12-22 18:43:15
Track and Field 2
Arcade Champ
Beat all Arcade events in one session and become the Champ
2024-12-22 18:39:29
Track and Field 5
Arcade High Jump
Beat Arcade High Jump by jumping 2m35 or higher
2024-12-22 18:37:27
Track and Field 5
Evenly Matched
Tie a time with the CPU (Any Difficulty)
2024-12-22 18:09:54
Track and Field 15
Expert Hurdles
Beat Expert Hurdles by finishing in 11.30 seconds or less
2024-12-22 18:07:53
Track and Field 4
Expert Javelin
Beat Expert Javelin by throwing it 82m50 or further
2024-12-22 18:06:58
Track and Field 5
Expert Long Jump
Beat Expert Long Jump by jumping 9m00 or further
2024-12-22 18:06:19
Track and Field 5
Expert Dash
Beat Expert Dash by finishing in 10.00 seconds or less
2024-12-22 18:06:00
Track and Field 5
Arcade Hammer
Beat Arcade Hammer by throwing it 77m00 or further
2024-12-22 17:52:49
Track and Field 6
Spring In Your Step
Beat Hurdles faster than the CPU (Any Difficulty)
2024-12-22 17:19:28
Track and Field 13
Arcade Hurdles
Beat Arcade Hurdles by finishing in 13.50 seconds or less
2024-12-22 17:19:27
Track and Field 14
Arcade Javelin
Beat Arcade Javelin by throwing it 72m50 or further
2024-12-22 17:18:24
Track and Field 16
Arcade Long Jump
Beat Arcade Long Jump by jumping 7m00 or further
2024-12-22 17:17:21
Track and Field 16
Catch Me If You Can
Beat Dash faster than the CPU (Any Difficulty)
2024-12-22 17:01:27
Track and Field 11
Arcade Dash
Beat Arcade Dash by finishing in 13.00 seconds or less
2024-12-22 16:53:38
Track and Field 27
Key Goal
Score a goal in the 2nd period
2024-12-21 00:06:10
Blades of Steel 659
Early Scorer
Score a goal in the 1st period
2024-12-21 00:04:22
Blades of Steel 891
First of Many
Score your first goal
2024-12-21 00:04:22
Blades of Steel 912
The Fighter
Win your first fight
2024-12-21 00:00:39
Blades of Steel 819
Get in your first fight
2024-12-21 00:00:30
Blades of Steel 902
Ferrari Mythos
Get the first upgrade for Italia P69.
2024-12-20 16:53:29
Cruis'n USA 99
Complete Appalachia in Cruis'n Mode in 1st Place.
2024-12-20 16:51:18
Cruis'n USA 47
Complete Indiana in Cruis'n Mode in 1st Place.
2024-12-20 16:46:30
Cruis'n USA 48
Complete Chicago in Cruis'n Mode in 1st Place.
2024-12-20 16:44:07
Cruis'n USA 48
Complete Iowa in Cruis'n Mode in 1st Place.
2024-12-20 16:39:09
Cruis'n USA 48
Grand Canyon
Complete Grand Canyon in Cruis'n Mode in 1st Place.
2024-12-20 16:36:45
Cruis'n USA 48
Complete Arizona in Cruis'n Mode in 1st Place.
2024-12-20 16:26:56
Cruis'n USA 49
Death Valley
Complete Death Valley in Cruis'n Mode in 1st Place.
2024-12-20 16:24:48
Cruis'n USA 50
LA Freeway
Complete LA Freeway in Cruis'n Mode in 1st Place.
2024-12-20 16:22:26
Cruis'n USA 51
Beverly Hills
Complete Beverly Hills in Cruis'n Mode in 1st Place.
2024-12-20 16:20:07
Cruis'n USA 53
Redwood Forest
Complete Redwood Forest in Cruis'n Mode in 1st Place.
2024-12-20 16:15:42
Cruis'n USA 55
US 101
Complete US 101 in Cruis'n Mode in 1st Place.
2024-12-20 16:11:03
Cruis'n USA 59
San Francisco
Complete San Francisco in Cruis'n Mode in 1st Place.
2024-12-20 16:08:17
Cruis'n USA 63
Golden Gate Park
Complete Golden Gate Park in Cruis'n Mode in 1st Place.
2024-12-20 16:05:55
Cruis'n USA 68
Come Back! Star Rail
Get 50 Stars in Back Home
2024-12-18 21:44:12
Toy Story 3 88
So Long... Partner
Finish Back Home
2024-12-18 21:44:00
Toy Story 3 99
Do Aliens Dream With Mechanical Stars?
Get 60 Stars in The Claw!!!
2024-12-18 21:30:53
Toy Story 3 100
Deus Ex Machina
Finish The Claw!!!
2024-12-18 21:30:50
Toy Story 3 100
And Where's Lotso?
Finish City Dump
2024-12-17 22:07:31
Toy Story 3 98
Prison Break!
Finish Rodeo Rescue
2024-12-17 21:52:59
Toy Story 3 102
Different Shapes and Colors
Get both trophies for getting 8 toy hats and dropping 5 magnets
2024-12-17 21:50:45
Toy Story 3 85
Your Princess Isn’t in Another Castle
Finish Save the Lady
2024-12-17 21:42:22
Toy Story 3 90
Big Brother
Finish Eye in the Sky
2024-12-17 21:39:23
Toy Story 3 119
Who's Velocistar 237?
Finish Find the Computer
2024-12-17 17:28:11
Toy Story 3 125
Finish Space Rocket Threat
2024-12-17 15:27:41
Toy Story 3 70
Powerful Essence
Finish Strawberry Smells...
2024-12-17 15:18:00
Toy Story 3 127
I’m Going off the Rails on a Crazy Train
Finish Switchman
2024-12-16 22:32:23
Toy Story 3 79
I Belive, I Can Fly
Finish Goodbye Woody
2024-12-16 22:15:55
Toy Story 3 136
Too Young to Play
Finish Trouble in the Caterpillar Room
2024-12-16 22:05:31
Toy Story 3 145
Mind Your Own Bussiness
Finish Family Minded
2024-12-16 21:46:43
Toy Story 3 160
Family Reunited
Finish Keep Cool!
2024-12-16 20:53:59
Toy Story 3 179
Star Operation
Get 80 Stars in Operation Phone Call
2024-12-16 20:30:10
Toy Story 3 164
Call Me Maybe
Finish Operation Phone Call
2024-12-16 20:30:06
Toy Story 3 193
Cubes Overload!
Finish cube destruction in Western Playtime
2024-12-16 20:12:45
Toy Story 3 124
Express Route
Finish the time attack in Westen Playtime
2024-12-16 20:07:55
Toy Story 3 116
Old West Items
Get both trophies for obtaining 8 railways and 30 barrels
2024-12-16 19:32:17
Toy Story 3 159
Shiny Stars in the Railway
Get 60 Stars in Western Playtime
2024-12-16 19:04:23
Toy Story 3 177
Sweet Memories
Finish Western Playtime
2024-12-16 19:04:16
Toy Story 3 232
Level 26
Beat Level 26
2024-12-15 17:32:43
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 17
Level 25
Beat Level 25
2024-12-15 17:32:05
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 18
Level 24
Beat Level 24
2024-12-15 17:31:33
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 17
Level 23
Beat Level 23
2024-12-15 17:30:36
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 18
Level 22
Beat Level 22
2024-12-15 17:28:21
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 19
Level 21
Beat Level 21
2024-12-15 17:27:01
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 17
Level 20
Beat Level 20
2024-12-15 17:26:28
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 19
Level 19
Beat Level 19
2024-12-15 17:25:54
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 19
Level 18
Beat Level 18
2024-12-15 17:25:14
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 18
Level 17
Beat Level 17
2024-12-15 17:24:38
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 18
Level 16
Beat Level 16
2024-12-15 17:23:45
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 18
Level 15
Beat Level 15
2024-12-15 17:23:16
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 18
Level 14
Beat Level 14
2024-12-15 17:22:33
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 18
Level 13
Beat Level 13
2024-12-15 17:21:51
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 18
Level 12
Beat Level 12
2024-12-15 17:18:42
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 20
Level 11
Beat Level 11
2024-12-15 17:17:31
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 20
Level 10
Beat Level 10
2024-12-15 17:11:50
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 22
Level 9
Beat Level 9
2024-12-15 17:11:04
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 23
Level 8
Beat Level 8
2024-12-15 17:10:40
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 24
Level 7
Beat Level 7
2024-12-15 17:07:42
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 25
Level 6
Beat Level 6
2024-12-15 17:07:18
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 24
Level 3
Beat Level 3.
2024-12-14 19:32:06
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 41
Level 2
Beat Level 2
2024-12-14 19:31:40
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 46
Level 1
Beat Level 1.
2024-12-14 19:31:15
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 51
Level 5
Beat Level 5
2024-12-14 19:29:03
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 37
Level 4
Beat Level 4
2024-12-14 19:28:34
~Homebrew~ Snake [under4mhz] 39
Double Punch Power
Get the power-up for your punches
2024-12-14 05:35:30
Shatterhand 1,038
Recover the Gravity Suit effect
2024-12-13 00:52:53
Metroid Fusion 2,330
Piercing Their Pants
Recover the Plasma Beam ability
2024-12-12 23:21:26
Metroid Fusion 2,417
Space Ninja
Recover the Space Jump ability
2024-12-11 19:38:13
Metroid Fusion 2,512
Blinding Power
Download the Power Bomb data
2024-12-11 15:23:21
Metroid Fusion 2,723
Open Wide
Recover the Wide Beam ability
2024-12-11 04:28:58
Metroid Fusion 2,783
Frigid Chamber
Add an Ice effect to your missiles
2024-12-11 00:50:24
Metroid Fusion 2,830
L3 Access (Yellow)
Unlock Level 3 locks
2024-12-11 00:46:51
Metroid Fusion 2,833
Stay Frosty
Recover the Varia Suit effect
2024-12-10 23:45:27
Metroid Fusion 2,883
Tripled Firepower
Download the Super Missile data
2024-12-10 04:16:30
Metroid Fusion 3,066
L2 Access (Green)
Unlock Level 2 Locks
2024-12-10 04:10:32
Metroid Fusion 3,124
Leg Day Paid Off
Regain the Speed Booster power
2024-12-10 03:29:44
Metroid Fusion 3,328
More Kick
Recover the High Jump and Jump Ball abilities
2024-12-09 01:28:10
Metroid Fusion 3,758
Download the Bomb data
2024-12-09 01:13:13
Metroid Fusion 4,112
L1 Access (Blue)
Unlock Level 1 Locks
2024-12-09 01:10:48
Metroid Fusion 4,126
Focused Shot
Recover the Charge Beam ability
2024-12-09 00:50:37
Metroid Fusion 4,354
Mighty Morphin'
Recover the Morph Ball ability
2024-12-09 00:06:05
Metroid Fusion 5,133
Acquire an Energy Tank
2024-12-08 23:54:15
Metroid Fusion 5,366
Explosive Chamber
Download the Missile data
2024-12-08 22:21:11
Metroid Fusion 5,718
Can a Cardboard Box?
Complete levels 1-1 to 1-5
2024-12-05 03:22:18
Carrier 28
No, but a Tin Can.
Complete 1-3 in 70 moves or less
2024-12-05 01:54:57
Carrier 35
Northern Putter
Make a putt while your caddie is strictly on the North border.[No corners]
2024-12-04 21:36:04
Champion Golf 7
Mean Green Machine
Complete all of the puzzles in the Green category!
2024-12-04 18:21:39
Sokoban DS 21
Introductory Box Pushing
Complete all of the puzzles in the Training category!
2024-12-03 17:20:23
Sokoban DS 43
Claw Crab
Defeat Yadokargo in the intro stage
2024-12-03 15:23:53
Mega Man 8 1,468
Lux Dominum
Destroy at least 250 foes and objects using only the power of light (normal or higher difficulty)
2024-12-02 20:46:51
Elemental Master 250
Blood-Stained Lake
Destroy 130 foes and objects on Stage 4 (normal or higher difficulty)
2024-12-02 20:45:55
Elemental Master 263
Crystal Ball
Obtain the Crystal Ball (normal or higher difficulty)
2024-12-02 20:43:15
Elemental Master 608
Magic Mirror
Obtain the Magic Mirror (normal or higher difficulty)
2024-12-02 20:43:04
Elemental Master 618
I'm Doing My Part
Complete missions 1-5 on Easy difficulty
2024-11-27 00:24:26
Monster Attack 151
Have a stock of at least 2 digits for each drug.
2024-11-20 00:37:08
SD Snatcher 24
It's a trap!!
Survive the time bomb.
2024-11-20 00:20:28
SD Snatcher 34
Welcome to JUNKER
Start your first day at your new job.
2024-11-19 23:44:10
SD Snatcher 45
Brace Yourself
Acquire the Level 1 Power Bracelet.
2024-11-13 21:40:02
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 1,288
Where the Swamp Flowers Grow
Have Bow-Wow eat all 15 enemies in Goponga Swamp without getting hit or pressing A or B. Exit and re-enter the area to retry.
2024-11-13 21:18:13
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 825
Tail Cello
Acquire the Full Moon Cello from the Tail Cave.
2024-11-13 19:47:54
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 2,360
Moldorm Mutilator
Defeat Moldorm without being harmed.
2024-11-13 19:47:44
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 1,496
As Light as a Feather
Acquire the Roc's Feather.
2024-11-13 19:21:01
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 1,604
Nutty Power Freak
Pick up either the Guardian Acorn or Triangle of Power, then while one is active, pick up the other.
2024-11-13 16:25:17
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 880
Diggy Diggy Hole
Purchase a shovel.
2024-11-13 16:16:03
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 1,209
Closing Shop For the Day
Get every item from the Trendy Game in one visit and ask the owner for more.
2024-11-13 15:55:06
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 744
This Pond's All Fished Out
Catch every fish in the Fishing Pond in one round. (Answer Yes to Fish Again after catching #5)
2024-11-13 15:45:17
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 867
Cuccos Gone Wild
Provoke a Cucco attack.
2024-11-13 15:42:01
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 981
Beyond the Mirage
Get the Tail Key.
2024-11-13 15:19:34
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 1,813
Chattin' with the Cukeman
See all dialogue options available from a transformed Buzz Blob.
2024-11-13 15:16:56
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 799
A Witch's Secret
Get Magic Powder for the first time.
2024-11-13 15:15:24
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX 1,899
Super... Link?
Find the sleepy mushroom in the Mysterious Forest.