Achievement Unlocked Global Unlocks
Not a Hop, Skip, and a Jump Away
Make a triple jump of 25m or better
2020-05-05 18:39:00 92
I Believe I Can Fly
Make a long jump of 15m or better
2020-05-05 18:38:07 92
If You Beat Me, You're the Best
Beat the Cheetah in the tournament
2020-05-05 18:35:58 90
Can You Keep Up With Me?
Beat the Bobcat in the tournament
2020-05-05 18:28:27 94
Can You Beat Me?
Beat the Rabbit in the tournament
2020-05-05 18:27:29 99
Run Like a Gazelle
Reach 24 m_s while running
2020-05-05 18:22:19 95
I Am Really Fast
Beat the Horse in the tournament
2020-05-05 18:21:14 99
It's My Turn Now
Beat the Bear in the tournament
2020-05-05 18:19:56 101
What Obstacles?
Beat 110m Hurdles in less than 13 seconds
2020-05-05 18:19:49 99
Let's Have a Race
Beat the Turtle in the tournament
2020-05-05 18:18:39 101
Usain Who?
Beat 100m in less than 7 seconds
2020-05-05 18:17:48 101