Achievement Visibility Global Unlocks Added
雞雞剁起來(Chop off your dick)
管不好小頭就砍掉 If you can't control your dick, just chop it off
49.6% 2021-06-23 01:38:08
2024-03-04 19:06:06
陷阱要強迫我(Trap want to force me)
強迫運動 Forced exercise
24.0% 2021-06-23 01:38:08
2024-03-20 01:18:06
逃離煉獄(Escape from purgatory)
回家囉~ Go home~
26.3% 2021-06-23 01:38:08
2024-03-20 01:18:05
莫忘世上苦人多(Never forget, there are lots of struggling people all around the world)
100台愛心筆電 One hundred laptops full of love
73.6% 2021-06-23 01:38:08
2024-03-20 01:18:06
臥肏勒(Oh my jesus)
外流私起來 Private photos are made public
30.8% 2021-06-23 01:38:08
2024-03-20 01:18:05
胸部大小不等於一切(Breast size is not everything)
優先查看外表與個性 Prioritize appearance and personality
34.5% 2021-06-23 01:38:08
2024-03-20 01:18:06
看好了世界(Look world)
我只示範一次 I will only show you once
21.8% 2021-06-23 01:38:08
2024-03-20 01:18:05
熟悉的胖次(Familiar panties)
最對味 Best taste
69.1% 2021-06-23 01:38:08
2024-03-20 01:18:05
最後戰役(Final battle)
我要看到血流成河! I want to see blood flow into a river!
26.3% 2021-06-23 01:38:08
2024-03-20 01:18:05
我有30公分(I have 30 cm)
別羨慕 Don't envy
28.5% 2021-06-23 01:38:08
2024-03-20 01:18:06
我叫宥蘿(My name is Yuro)
宥蘿奇幻冒險的主角 The protagonist of YURO'S FANTASY ADVENTURE
24.8% 2021-06-23 01:38:08
2024-03-20 01:18:06
小可愛(Little cutey)
哥哥帶你回家 Handsome guy takes you home
19.5% 2021-06-23 01:38:08
2024-03-20 01:18:06
女廁打女人(Hitting a female in the female toilet)
爽啦 Super cool
66.9% 2021-06-23 01:38:08
2024-03-20 01:18:05
天妒英才(God jealous person with outstanding ability)
不知道要講甚麼 Don't know what to say
21.8% 2021-06-23 01:38:08
2024-03-20 01:18:06
嚴謹的紀律(Strict discipline)
男女平等 Gender equality
23.3% 2021-06-23 01:38:08
2024-03-20 01:18:06
唐突惡臭(Abrupt stench)
你濃我濃 Dense together
51.8% 2021-06-23 01:38:08
2024-03-20 01:18:06
吸奶(Suck breasts)
純屬娛樂效果(For entertainment purpose only)
24.8% 2021-06-23 01:38:08
2024-03-20 01:18:05
優秀傑出青年(Outstanding youth)
某國政府認證 Government certification of a certain country
19.5% 2021-06-23 01:38:08
2024-03-20 01:18:06
三響炮No.1(San Xiang Pao No.1)
永存於貨架上 Perpetually on the shelf
63.1% 2021-06-23 01:38:08
2024-03-20 01:18:05
CD組如同次等公民(CD group like a second-class citizen)
希望下輩子能住在H組 I hope that can live in Group H in my next life
21.0% 2021-06-23 01:38:08
2024-03-20 01:18:06