Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
Lightning Reflexes
Catch every repair part delivered to you.
2023-08-15 23:19:14 1.4%
Thorough Diagnostician
Complete both diagnostic activities with all four Droids in a single playthrough.
2023-08-15 23:19:14 4.3%
Keep the NR-S3 Droids busy by dropping five good parts on the floor.
2023-08-15 23:19:14 8.9%
Three Pointer
Throw a part into the rim of the fallen gantry.
2023-08-15 23:19:14 2.0%
The Claw
Deliver each Droid to the repair table manually, before the auto-pilot kicks in.
2023-08-15 23:19:14 10.5%
Junk Piler
Contribute to the junk pile.
2023-08-15 23:19:14 3.5%
Complete the holo-gate diagnostic for all four Droids in a single playthrough.
2023-08-15 23:19:14 5.5%
Kessel Runner
Complete the treadmill diagnostic for all four Droids in a single playthrough.
2023-08-15 23:19:14 38.6%
Relay Race
Complete a holo-gate course with a different Droid than you started it with.
2023-08-15 23:19:14 17.4%
High Five!
Don't leave G2-RX hanging.
2023-08-15 23:19:14 38.3%
Very Approachable
Pet a Droid while it's on the floor.
2023-08-15 23:19:14 16.0%
Thorough Technician
Complete all Droid repairs in a single playthrough.
2023-08-15 23:19:14 52.0%
Hot Potato
Throw a repair part into the air and catch it.
2023-08-15 23:19:14 45.3%
Steady Hands
Don't drop any good parts during repairs.
2023-08-15 23:19:14 41.8%
It wasn't me!
Hit G2-RX in the head with a repair part while he's busy.
2023-08-15 23:19:14 6.9%
Use the Force
Socket a repair piece by throwing it into the Droid's guts.
2023-08-15 23:19:14 22.3%
Say 'Hi' to a BB Unit by waving.
2023-08-15 23:19:14 35.9%
Think Fast!
Catch a repair part delivered to you.
2023-08-15 23:19:14 9.0%
Complete a treadmill diagnostic with a Droid.
2023-08-15 23:19:14 68.4%
Laser-Guided Precision
Complete a holo-gate diagnostics course with a Droid.
2023-08-15 23:19:14 56.7%
All in a Day's Work
Save the day in the Repair Bay.
2023-08-15 23:19:14 56.0%
Training Complete!
Complete BB-8's repair.
2023-08-15 23:19:14 70.0%