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Deus Ex: Revision

Updated 2 years ago

Free Game for
Deus Ex: Revision
Action, Adventure, RPG
Released October 13, 2015
Game Rating
Metacritic Score
Steam Review Score
101h 57m
2018-06-03 14:44:26
Last Played
2018-06-03 14:44:06
Last Unlock & Completed
2017-08-12 02:53:54
First Unlock & Started
9 months 3 weeks 4 days 11 hours 50 minutes
Time Taken
Owners Including hidden & invalid profiles
… Players
… Expired
… in Progress
… Completed
82h 28m
Completion Playtime Avg.
15h 14m
Completion Playtime Median
15h 36m
Playtime Average
Playtime Median
Completion Average
Completion Median
Player Completion Achievements Completion Time Playtime Last Unlock
r_plus_seven 16.86% 43 / 255 16h 4m 2024-05-26 06:08:22
SHTYRKEL 100% 255 15h 14m 15h 14m 2024-05-25 17:02:29
Heru 12.55% 32 / 255 22h 13m 2024-04-02 20:55:09
0xD15EA5E 31.76% 81 / 255 43h 16m 2024-04-02 20:24:46
Ramlaa Hijazi 78.04% 199 / 255 78h 20m 2024-03-29 18:19:09
Nicolas 1.57% 4 / 255 3h 55m 2024-03-28 13:02:20
Slyjack 38.43% 98 / 255 30h 34m 2024-03-18 22:43:16
[☭]-Soviet-Triumph- 78.04% 199 / 255 40h 23m 2024-03-09 00:11:45
hyena meat 3.14% 8 / 255 12h 31m 2024-03-03 01:34:13
Citizen 12.16% 31 / 255 29h 44m 2024-02-07 14:34:23
Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
My Own Rules
Complete the game using a custom difficulty.
2018-06-03 14:44:06
Straightforward Run
Complete all Revision challenges on easy difficulty or above.
2018-06-03 14:44:06 0.6%
Transcendent God
Complete all Revision challenges on realistic difficulty.
2018-06-03 14:44:06 0.6%
Basic Standard
Complete all Revision challenges on medium difficulty or above.
2018-06-03 14:44:06 0.6%
Arduous Task
Complete all Revision challenges on hard difficulty or above.
2018-06-03 14:44:06 0.6%
Last Bullet, Last Chance
Kill someone using the very last bullet available for your weapon.
2017-09-01 04:17:09 16.2%
Out Sniped
Kill a sniper with your own sniper.
2017-09-01 04:17:09 13.3%
Caught Dead Handed
Get noticed by the enemy while carrying a body.
2017-09-01 04:17:09
Emergency Protection
Survive an attack due to the ballistic protection augmentation.
2017-09-01 04:17:09
Post-Mortem Revenge
Kill an enemy with your grenade after you've already died.
2017-09-01 04:17:09 5.3%
Unconventional Euthanasia
Kill a beggar.
2017-09-01 04:17:09 4.8%
Pity Upon Pity
Deal with Adept 34501, but not lethally.
2017-09-01 04:17:09 3.4%
Different Intentions
Kill an enemy using a mini-crossbow with a mini-crossbow.
2017-09-01 04:17:09 3.3%
Heavy Duty
Use a big weapon on a big enemy.
2017-09-01 04:17:09 2.6%
Surprising Performance
Kill an enemy while highly drugged.
2017-09-01 04:17:09
The Most Silent Way
Use the GEP gun take-down.
2017-09-01 04:17:09
Grand Host
Have the perfect body for your host.
2017-09-01 04:17:09
Premature Celebration
Kill an enemy with their own rockets/grenades.
2017-09-01 04:17:09 2.0%
Petty Theft
Grab a free soda or candy bar from a vending machine.
2017-09-01 04:17:09 1.9%
No Proof
Complete the game without alerting a security camera.
2017-09-01 04:17:09
Emergency Shields
Survive an attack due to the energy shield augmentation.
2017-09-01 04:17:09
Kill five enemies with a single 20mm HE grenade.
2017-09-01 04:17:09
A Gentleman's Agreement
Successfully knock out Gunther Hermann.
2017-09-01 04:17:09
Not So Fast, J.C.
Beat Liberty Island without talking to Paul.
2017-09-01 04:17:09 1.4%
You're a Complete Jackass
Kill a certain person by dooming them to their fate, while they watch.
2017-09-01 04:17:09
This Is War!
Beat the game without knocking out anyone.
2017-09-01 04:17:09
Exploration Domination
On any difficulty, find all 75 collectables in collectables mode.
2017-09-01 04:17:09 1.0%
Clone Wars
Kill a copy of yourself.
2017-09-01 04:17:09
Plain and Simple
Complete the game without modifying a single weapon.
2017-09-01 04:17:09 0.9%
Upon arriving at the base, get the schematic from the Ocean Lab UC within 20 (real time) minutes.
2017-09-01 04:17:09 0.8%
My Vision is Too Augmented
Gain 10 kills with the AimBot augmentation.
2017-09-01 04:17:09
Upon arriving at the dockyard, sink the ship and leave within 15 (real time) minutes.
2017-09-01 04:17:09 0.8%
Dead Within 24 Hours
Upon starting the game, beat it within 24 real time hours.
2017-09-01 04:17:09 0.7%
Make an enemy drop their weapons.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 30.2%
As Ordered
You exercised restraint with Leo Gold.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 29.4%
Friendly Fire
Make an enemy kill one of their own.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Getting an Upgrade
Installed an augmentation at the first available opportunity.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 24.3%
I Spill My Drink
Spilled your drink.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 23.5%
Eye for an Eye
Killed an enemy as they killed you.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 18.4%
How Loyal is a Hungry Turret?
Who's a good auto-targeting death machine?
2017-08-12 02:53:54 17.8%
Silence of the LAMs
Disarm a LAM...unconventionally.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 14.4%
Iron Body
Make the most of a medical bot.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 12.9%
Indiscriminate Surveillance
They didn't cover privacy at the academy.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 11.6%
Guardian Angel
Keep Sandra Renton out of danger.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 11.2%
I'm No Coward!
I just wanted to see your skill...
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Genetics Work
Helped a man in a difficult situation.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 10.7%
Scrambled Circuits
Use a scrambler grenade on a bot.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 10.6%
Deus Executioner Machina
Have one robot destroy another.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 10.5%
Unsuspected Agent
Discover the Thief at UNATCO.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 9.8%
Tipsy Flying
Give a pilot what he wants.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 9.7%
Everybody Panic!
Be free! Live! LIVE!
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Fully Loaded
Fill every possible augmentation slot.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 9.4%
Breaking the Rules
Had a meaningful conversation with Juan Lebedev.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 9.4%
Decked Out
Own a weapon with a scope, laser, and silencer.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 9.3%
Brothers in Arms
Against the odds, things turned out OK.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 9.2%
Neutralized Agent Hela
2017-08-12 02:53:54 9.2%
My Body is Augmented
Fully upgrade an augmentation.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 9.2%
Delicate Touch
Knock out a Man In Black or Woman In Black.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 9.2%
Death from Above!
Crush someone or something to death.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
I'm the Captain Now
Look at me. LOOK AT ME.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 8.9%
Soda Stealer
You wanted orange.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Didn't Blink an Eye
You didn't blink. Neither did she.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 8.7%
Smooth Operator
Saved a woman's life.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 8.4%
That Familiar Tune
2017-08-12 02:53:54 8.3%
My Biggest Fan!
It might need a spin doctor.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
A Good Deed
Helped an ally.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 8.3%
Sign Him Up
Shoot some hoops.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Recent Memories
Revisited an old secret.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Find a hidden crawlspace in UNATCO HQ
2017-08-12 02:53:54 7.9%
The More Advanced Model
Took another step forward.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 7.7%
A Game of Darts
Found a hidden cache.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 7.7%
Kill or knock out an enemy while camouflaged or cloaked.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 7.7%
Another Kind of Question
Found yourself at a crossroads.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 7.6%
The Gray Death
Not the kind you imagined.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 7.6%
So Let It Be Written
So let it be done.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 7.6%
Visit the UNATCO COM VAN at every opportunity.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 7.2%
A Real Hardass
Neutralized Manderley, despite his best efforts.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Surrendered to Gunther in Battery Park.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 7.1%
Company Man
You did as you were told.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 6.9%
A Bomb!
Oh my god.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Gave Gunther a fight in Battery Park.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 6.8%
Brutal Argument
Talk an agent to death.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 6.6%
Intrude on a private phone call.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 6.4%
A Humble Request
Brought a message from mentor to pupil.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 6.4%
Deus Ex
Became one with everything.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Over The Line
You exercised your trigger finger with Leo Gold.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 6.3%
Home Sweet Home
Went against protocol and armed a civilian.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 6.3%
Arbitrary Laws
What is privacy?
2017-08-12 02:53:54 6.2%
Against Protocol
Bought zyme from a drug dealer.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 6.0%
Solo Mission
Self-sufficiency is an unwanted virtue.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 5.9%
Year of the Vulture
Plundered the Canal Road Tunnel for rare treasure.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 5.8%
Truth is Seldom Visible
You have a suspicious mind, Agent.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Get the Hell Out of Here, Denton
Did something you probably weren't supposed to do.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 5.7%
Reprogrammed all the bots at the Naval Shipyard.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 5.7%
Safe Haven
You met up with old allies.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 5.7%
Gave some advice to an entrepreneur.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 5.7%
Made what was probably the ethical choice.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 5.5%
Where's Your Tux?
Confronted an informant.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 5.5%
Nothing to See Here
Intruded on a police investigation.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 5.4%
Quid Pro Quo
Fully upgrade the regeneration augmentation.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 5.4%
That's New
Found a new toy.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Professional Soldier
Mastered the Weapons: Rifle skill.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 5.2%
Economic Energy
Fully upgrade the power re-circulator augmentation
2017-08-12 02:53:54 5.1%
Super Computer Manipulator
Mastered the Computer skill.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 5.1%
Ready for Action
Carry the maximum number of medkits and biocells.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 5.1%
Drug of the Mind
The boldest measures are the safest.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Sonic Boom
Fully upgrade the Speed Enhancement augmentation.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 5.0%
Swift as a Dolphin
Mastered the Swimming skill.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 4.9%
Master of Discretion
Mastered the Weapons: Pistol skill.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 4.9%
Carry the maximum number of multitools and lockpicks.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 4.8%
Mankind Divided
Sliced and diced.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Up Close and Personal
Mastered the Weapons: Low Tech skill.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 4.8%
Helping Hand
Helped a fellow prisoner.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 4.7%
Escort Mission
Use your money in unethical ways.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Fight the power.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Customized Kill
Found an interesting piece of equipment.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Knock out a Commando.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 4.6%
Copper Wiring
Subverted your partner's expectations.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 4.6%
Upgrades, Versions, Functionality
Fully upgrade four augmentations.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 4.4%
Rusty Bones in the Junkyard
Used unconventional tactics against an old colleague.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 4.4%
Change of Heart
This incident will be noted and logged, Agent.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
No Regard For Authority
Obtain an assault rifle at the earliest possible opportunity.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 4.3%
Call to Arms
Answered the phone.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Show Me The Money
Accumulate 10,000 credits.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Don't Let It Go To Your Head
Find the secret location in the tutorial.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 4.3%
Desperate But Pushing
Reunite with an old acquaintance.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 4.3%
Emergency Extinguisher
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Inventory Priorities
Carry every type of alcoholic drink at once.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Off to a Great Start
Kill Private Winslow in training.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 4.0%
The Fall
Test the theory of gravity with a test subject.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Shut down every UC Page controls.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 4.0%
No Excuses
You killed Manderley before he could get a word in.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 4.0%
Loss of Trust
Confronted Everett and killed DeBeers.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
The Invisible Man
Fully upgrade the cloak augmentation.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 3.7%
War Doctor
Mastered the Medicine skill.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 3.7%
Eat, drink, and smoke one of everything.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 3.7%
Licensed Agent
Mastered three skills at once.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 3.6%
Impermeable Skin
Fully upgrade the ballistic protection augmentation.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 3.6%
Use Your Head
Mastered the Environmental Training skill.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 3.5%
Listen to everything Morpheus has to say.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 3.5%
Mmm, Delicious
A crisp aftertaste with a hint of oak.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Accumulate 10,000 unspent skill points.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
UNATCO Order 99009
Lose all four limbs and survive.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Mastered the Lockpicking skill.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 3.3%
White Hat
Mastered the Electronics skill.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 3.3%
Smash The State
Terrorise the anti-terrorist coalition from within.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Expert Usage
Destroy a camera, turret, or alarm panel using a sniper rifle or low tech weapon.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 3.2%
Human Revolution
A great use of precious time.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Small Explosive, Powerful Punch
Mastered the Demolitions skill.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 3.2%
Pre-Planned Escape
Vents can be useful.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Mobile Tank
Mastered the Weapons: Heavy skill.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 3.1%
How Unprofessional.
You killed Shannon. What did she ever do to you?
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Low-Tech Augmentations
Used every wearable item at least once.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 3.0%
Muscle Man
Fully upgrade the Microfibral Muscle augmentation.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 3.0%
Cutting Corners
Paranoia can be addictive, Agent.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Unearthed Horrors
Ventured in the deep unknown.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Violent Habit
Smoke to death.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Black Hawk Down
Continue to be too stubborn to learn and suffer real consequences.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
My Vision Is Augmented
Fully upgrade the vision enhancement augmentation.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 2.8%
Mind-Controlled UCAV
Fully upgrade the spydrone augmentation.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 2.8%
You killed Louis Pan.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Catch the Train
You have some interesting priorities, Agent.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Not Quite Convinced
You went for another option.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
What a Shame.
What a Shame.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Sniping's a Good Job
Death to all robots!
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Jesus Christ, Denton
Did something you really weren't supposed to do.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Forget it, Denton
Leave it behind.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
All I Have is a Candy Bar
Find the hidden candy bar in the training level.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Places to Go, Things to Do
You gave Manderley a chance to live.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 2.5%
Complete the game without killing any Grays, Greasels, or Karkians.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 2.4%
Indecisive Preparations
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Fully Prepared
Enter Page's bunker in tip-top shape.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Nothing to Stop Me
Completed the game on Realistic difficulty.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 2.3%
Killing Machine
Anna Navarre would be proud.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Leaded Keratin
Fully upgrade the environmental resistance augmentation.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 2.2%
Hot Dog
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Hall of Mirrors
Evade Walton Simons at every opportunity.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 2.2%
Camp Fire
Not the most ethical way to cook marshmallows.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 2.2%
You made your brother genuinely angry.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Matrix Mode
Fully upgrade the aggressive defensive system augmentation.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 2.2%
Laughing Contest
Place yourself in the other side of an awkward conversation.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 2.2%
Destroy 3 giant spiderbots.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 2.1%
Best of the Best
Mastered five skills at once.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 2.1%
Unleaded Destruction
Support clean energy
2017-08-12 02:53:54 2.0%
Digital Ghost
Fully upgrade the radar transparency augmentation
2017-08-12 02:53:54 2.0%
Fully upgrade the run silent augmentation.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 2.0%
Mr. Faraday, I Presume?
Fully upgrade the EMP shield augmentation.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 2.0%
Supply and Demand
Buy drugs, sell drugs.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 2.0%
No Unnecessary Risks
You courteously spared the NSF.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Rules of Nature
Destroy a Military Bot using a low tech weapon.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 2.0%
Forward Thinker
Planned ahead for some unpleasant business.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 2.0%
Read one chapter from every book.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.9%
Augmented Punch
Fully upgrade the combat strength augmentation.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.9%
Too Close For Comfort
Knock out a Gray with a baton.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
In My Sights
Fully upgrade the targeting augmentation.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.8%
Duel of the Fates
En garde!
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.8%
Electronics Tinkerer
Aggressively disable an alarm, camera, or laser system.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.7%
Cover Charge
You knocked out the door girl...poetically.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Amphibiously Augmented Agent
Fully upgrade the aqualung augmentation.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.7%
Underground Secrets
Read the secret to get into a hidden community
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.7%
Heh Heh
Made JC laugh.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.7%
Reminded the NSF that UNATCO is a police force.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Family First
Made it abundantly clear to UNATCO where your priorities lie.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.7%
Invisible War
The unseen battles are the most important.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
The Anonymous Gangbanger of the 21st Century
You must be some kind of standard.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Fresh Start
You left it all behind.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Company First
Assert to Paul that you are not a terrorist.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.6%
All Bark, No Bite
You took a fourth option.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
The Unavoidable Sacrifice
Finish the game with only a single, particular kill on your conscience.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.6%
One With The Elements
Fully upgrade the energy shield augmentation.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.6%
Double Disappearance
Install both the Cloak and Radar Transparency augmentations.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.6%
The One Augmented Man
Stole the one free crowbar.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Heavy Weapons Platform
Carry all of the non-disposable heavy weapons at once.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.5%
Whacked a certain mole.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Fire in the Hole
Crash, Clang, Boom.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
A New Age
Bring the world into the new age violently.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Grave Digger
Refilled the graveyard.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Reporting for Duty Free
Malory, Manderley, close enough.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Private Memoirs
Confront and report a petty mechanic.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.4%
Practice Makes Perfect
Test your skills on the shooting range each time.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.4%
Weapons Through the Ages
Carry a sword from each era of man.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.4%
Primary Objective Focus
Terrorists on my soil? Give me three minutes.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.4%
Creature of the Sea
Fully upgrade the Swimming skill and Aqualung augmentation.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.3%
Jack of All Trades
A versatile agent is an unstoppable agent.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.3%
Ambush your own ambush.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
What a Rotten Way to Die
That's, uh, great.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Orbital Cannon
Eliminated an enemy from above. Really far above.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Infiltration Work
Sneak into the PRCS Wall Cloud without killing or knocking out anyone.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.3%
Deus Express Delivery
Overcome great difficulty to deliver a cold pizza.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.3%
Regrettable Actions
You might want to reconsider some of your life choices.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Unlimited Knowledge
Completed the game without hacking any computers.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.2%
Lack of Respect
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Contamination and Mutants
Contaminated the Vandenberg tests with one of Page's subjects.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.2%
Vive la France
Détruisez et tuez tout ce que vous voyez, y compris Michel, c'est une obligation.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.2%
In and Out
You destroyed the Versalife UC without collateral damage.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Factory Reset
Successfully knock out Walton Simons.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
High Tech War
Shoot plasma while dodging plasma.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.2%
Denton, J.C. Denton
You have no trouble mixing business with pleasure.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.1%
Civil Soldier
Tell people to educate themselves.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.1%
Unsecure Data
Completed the game without using any multitools
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.1%
Explosive Intrusion
Completed the game without using any lockpicks
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.1%
Always Something New
Now you found the secret code...
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Unintended Use
That wasn't meant for that.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Modify a sawed-off shotgun to have 9 shells.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Complete Collection
Carry a colourful collection of weapon modifications.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.1%
Purity First
Resisted the cult of the machine through to the bitter end.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.0%
Baggy Coats
Completed the game in Trenchcoat mode.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.0%
Not a Challenge
Completed the game on Realistic difficulty with reduced inventory.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.0%
Self Sufficient
Finish the game without healing using a medical bot or recharging from a repair bot.
2017-08-12 02:53:54 1.0%
Tough Love
Locate the prototype assault heartgun.
2017-08-12 02:53:54
Completion Playtime
Including hidden & invalid profiles