Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
100 Stars
Collect 100 stars in total and unlock the final 40 levels.
2019-01-21 16:36:37
30 3 Stars
3 Stars in 30 Levels! Good Job!
2019-01-21 16:35:02
I need help!
This should make it easier to follow the boxes.
2019-01-20 23:29:24 6.2%
Basic Tutorial completed
Nice, that wasn't too hard. Now it's time to solve some puzzles on your own!
2019-01-20 23:28:38 7.9%
Right Decision
Starting Invisibox was a good decision. But don't expect to get thousands of achievements for doing nothing. This game only has 5 achievements.
2019-01-20 23:28:04 8.1%