Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
Feeling the Rapture Grow
Deal 20,000 or more damage with a single hit.
2020-04-20 16:50:17 1.4%
Little Ripped Riding Hood
Raise a hero's Strength bonus to +7 grades or more.
2020-04-20 15:15:58 1.9%
We Didn't Start the Fire
Defeat a certain boss before it can use Hell's Tokamak.
2020-04-20 14:45:21 1.9%
Dogged By Misfortune
Inflict Burn, Bleed, Poison and Despair on the same enemy.
2020-04-20 13:12:39 2.1%
Plague On Both Your Houses
Have 12 instances of negative status conditions affecting foes at the same time.
2020-04-20 13:12:39 1.9%
Tears of Gold
Complete the Midas Grand Prix.
2020-04-20 12:38:58 1.9%
Your Green Savior
Heal a hero from less than 5% health to full with a single card.
2020-04-20 03:17:59 3.5%
Are You Not Entertained?
Complete the Abyssal Cup.
2020-04-20 02:59:14 5.9%
Dynamic Duo
Perform 100 Tag Team Combos.
2020-04-20 01:33:07
Winter Is Coming
Deal a total of 100,000 Frost damage.
2020-04-20 01:08:37
Bound And Determined
Loot all treasure chests.
2020-04-20 00:36:02
Total Eclipse
Deal a total of 100,000 Arcane damage.
2020-04-19 04:35:16
High Voltage
Deal a total of 100,000 Storm damage.
2020-04-19 03:31:46
The Bigger They Come
Defeat Mechathiranos.
2020-04-19 02:57:10
One With the Matrix
Evade attacks 50 times.
2020-04-19 01:51:46
How The Mighty Have Fallen
Defeat the Dark Lord.
2020-04-19 01:27:21
Cooking With Charcoal
Deal a total of 100,000 Fire damage.
2020-04-19 01:03:36
That's A Good Pup
Complete the Coglin Cup.
2020-04-18 06:45:43 25.9%
Like A Surgeon
Heal a total of 50,000 points of health.
2020-04-13 07:06:39
Destiny Is In Your Hands
Craft every punch card available at the mysterious merchant's.
2019-10-20 06:21:37 6.2%
Fox Fingers
Play six cards from your hand in one turn.
2019-10-20 05:55:55 2.5%
Appetite For Destruction
Break 250 world objects.
2019-06-23 21:17:45
A Tree Whose Hungry Mouth Is Prest
Defeat the Teras Koloss.
2019-06-23 20:42:50
Limited Blade Works
Deal a total of 100,000 Physical damage.
2019-06-23 19:47:54
Money Changes Everything
Spend 10,000 gold.
2019-06-23 19:33:11
All For One
Spend 10 Steam Pressure on a single card.
2019-06-16 16:30:35 20.3%
This Tainted Love You've Given
Defeat Headmistress Hyapathia.
2019-06-02 18:21:31
… And Make It Double
Recruit Tarah & Thayne.
2019-06-02 16:50:02
It's A Secret To Everybody
Find a secret room.
2019-06-02 16:06:39 67.6%
Sharpen Your Senses
Upgrade a punch card.
2019-06-02 02:00:39 39.9%
Push It To the Limit
Fully upgrade a punch card.
2019-06-02 02:00:39 37.0%
Two Birds With One Stone
Defeat Captain Canary and the Narcassian Dragon.
2019-06-02 01:51:41
Achilles Heel
Hit innate elemental weaknesses 100 times.
2019-06-02 01:12:49
Potent Potable
Use a recovery item in battle.
2019-06-02 01:12:46 57.8%
A Form of Meditation?
Recruit Orik.
2019-06-01 19:56:27
Chain Keep Us Together
Perform 100 Heroic Chains.
2019-06-01 19:24:03
We Will All Go Together When We Go
Scrap three enemies with a single card.
2019-06-01 06:04:24 24.6%
It's Here... Somewhere
Redraw cards 100 times.
2019-06-01 05:37:03
Get It Off Your Chest
Loot 10 treasure chests.
2019-06-01 05:11:10
How To Spend It
Buy an item from the traveling merchant.
2019-06-01 05:05:14 58.5%
So It Begins
Craft a punch card.
2019-06-01 05:03:28 63.9%
Fresh Buns Anyone?
Recruit Galleo.
2019-06-01 03:55:30
Play Around
Change a hero's deck.
2019-06-01 03:48:33 78.6%
Grow Locally, Save the Environment
Defeat Gomphus.
2019-06-01 03:45:24