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Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
CPUCores Hours Used: 2000
You've used CPUCores to boost your FPS for this many hours: 2000
2020-02-26 19:53:09 2.3%
CPUCores Hours Used: 1000
You've used CPUCores to boost your FPS for this many hours: 1000
2020-01-06 10:54:52 3.5%
10 CPU Cores
Your system has 10 or more CPU Cores
2019-12-12 23:12:07
8 CPU Cores
Your system has 8 or more CPU Cores
2019-12-12 23:12:07 14.1%
6 CPU Cores
Your system has 6 or more CPU Cores
2019-12-05 06:01:01 28.7%
CPUCores Hours Used: 500
You've used CPUCores to boost your FPS for this many hours: 500
2019-12-03 16:19:49 6.0%
CPUCores Hours Used: 250
You've used CPUCores to boost your FPS for this many hours: 250
2019-11-16 19:13:57 10.2%
CPUCores Hours Used: 100
You've used CPUCores to boost your FPS for this many hours: 100
2019-11-09 10:04:23 17.4%
CPUCores Hours Used: 50
You've used CPUCores to boost your FPS for this many hours: 50
2019-11-07 02:01:18 22.8%
CPUCores Hours Used: 25
You've used CPUCores to boost your FPS for this many hours: 25
2019-11-06 01:27:05 27.7%
It's Halloween
Used the Halloween theme
2019-11-04 02:16:06 20.5%
4 CPU Cores
Your system has 4 or more CPU Cores
2019-11-04 02:12:23 73.8%
2 CPU Cores
Your system has 2 or more CPU Cores
2019-11-04 02:12:23 89.0%
1 CPU Core
Your system has 1 or more CPU Cores
2019-11-04 02:12:23 89.2%
CPUCores User
You are now using CPUCores!
2019-11-04 02:12:23 89.6%