Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
Epilogue: New life
Livia managed to survive until the end of war and gave birth to her child in time of peace.
2021-10-15 04:03:35
Epilogue: All the way
Complete the game with all the alternate endings.
2021-10-09 18:07:13
Diary: The Custodian
Milena's wish came true. We saved it all - our precious heritage.
2019-12-14 18:00:50
Note: Fortify
Our place was damaged in the bombing. We decided to reinforce all the pillars to buy us as much time as we can.
2019-12-14 17:55:05
Diary: Good Neighbor
The winter was severe. I knew Tito used to help my father frequently. I decided to help him too.
2019-10-03 15:55:25
Diary: The Janitor
Zoran's destiny is fulfilled. We didn't burn any of our legacy.
2019-09-21 16:43:36
Note: Burn'em all
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
2019-09-21 14:48:51
Note: The truck is ready
We finally managed to repair the truck. Now we can move our heritage to safety.
2019-09-21 14:46:50
Diary: Fool the Crow
We acquired the truck parts without giving up Anja's necklace.
2019-09-21 14:42:46
Note: The Fence
We gave the case files to Taras the fence. Our heritage should be safe now.
2019-09-21 03:19:20
Note: The Colonel
We gave the painting to Colonel Markov. Our heritage should be safe now.
2019-09-21 03:01:58
Diary: Innocent children
They had only their adoptive father - Adam. Now they have a glimmer of hope to survive this war.
2019-09-21 02:55:09
Diary: My dear Ruben
We faced the harsh winter together and made it to the Museum, our new shelter.
2019-09-14 19:20:51
Note: Malik on duty
Learn and broadcast all the news
2019-01-20 10:09:25
Epilogue: Remorse
Finish the game apologising to Malik
2019-01-20 09:38:54
Diary: You are a liar
Lie to Malik on two or more occasions
2019-01-19 18:42:08
Note: Roll-up master
Make one hundred cigarettes
2019-01-19 17:36:02
Epilogue: Heir
Finish the game as Malik's successor
2019-01-18 20:42:53
Note: He is back home
Let Adem return to the shelter
2019-01-18 20:24:37
Diary: Thruthful
Tell Malik the truth at least twice
2019-01-18 19:00:07
Diary: The Truth
Faced my demons and learned the truth of that horrible night.
2018-06-29 18:07:24
Diary: The doctor
The stakes were high, but I could not stay idle. I killed those soldiers, but I saved the doctor.
2018-06-29 13:42:23
Diary: Compassion
The hoodie meant the world to Amelia, but war turns everything upside down. This piece of cloth was crucial to this woman’s health. Maybe life.
2018-06-29 07:42:25
Diary: Home Shelled Home
Finally found a way back to the old apartment. Or whatever was left of it.
2018-06-29 07:01:14
Diary: Our future
We made it! Schools will reopen soon. From now on, kids will live a normal life again.
2017-05-20 20:56:25
Epilogue: Exodus
Safe at last, I looked back at the burning city and wept. I wished that all who wanted to leave it could do so. Escape from Pogoren.
2017-05-20 18:13:42
Note: No more tears
Nothing is more beautiful to see than a child smile and play again.
2017-05-19 17:52:02
Note: The school of life
It’s crucial that kids learn to survive on their own. What if we don’t come back one night?
2017-05-17 16:31:33
Note: Everybody got to learn
Solidarity. That’s the first thing we have to teach to our children.
2017-05-13 16:48:11
Note: Avoid the worst
Attacking a place that shelters a kid… Atrocious! We stand together to protect our little one!
2017-05-13 15:55:14
Diary: Our own playground
We wish we could be kids again and have fun with practically nothing.
2017-05-13 14:27:53
Note: Better days
Kids… they sometimes seem to be far away from this war. It’s heartwarming.
2017-05-13 14:14:03
Diary: Bond for life
At least the kid has a new playmate. Maybe it will even be a break from our daily routine here.
2017-05-13 13:52:34
Diary: Miraculous recovery
This recovery from a grave illness proves that medicines work miracles. Or perhaps some of us have really robust immune systems.
2015-06-30 14:08:38
Epilogue: We made it!
In the beginning, we didn't hope we'll all make it. So many died. And yet we're still here. This surely means something... right?
2015-06-27 16:43:21
Diary: Patched up and ready to go
What good fortune, not only we managed to dress these critical wounds, but they are healing nicely. Someone must be praying for us.
2015-06-27 15:09:01
Diary: We Made A Stand
The bandits came in packs like dogs driven mad with hunger. We beat them back every night. And everyone survived. A miracle.
2015-06-27 13:57:12
Note: Street Art
War can’t shut people’s mouths. Sometimes graffiti speaks more than a thousand words.
2015-06-27 06:55:59
Diary: We Have Wintered
The winter's gone. The freeze is over. We made it through... everyone made it! Amazing.
2015-06-25 17:46:06
Epilogue: War is over
The dogs of war have been raging insanely all around for so long. Too long for many. But I survived and I hope I am not the only one.
2015-06-24 17:05:06
Note: Helping children
It’s the children who suffer the most during war. They need all the help they can get. Thank you!
2015-06-23 17:20:21
Diary: Effing Snow
Fucking snow. It buried half of the city so deep that we can't get there. No point waiting for the snow plows...
2015-06-22 17:41:59
Diary: We've been everywhere
We've combed through all the neighborhood, it's harder and harder to find anything useful. This war can't end soon enough.
2015-06-21 19:13:11
Note: Distilled gold
We finally managed to distill some moonshine. In a city under siege food and alcohol are always in high demand.
2015-06-21 15:53:11
Diary: Back from the brink
With just kind words and deeds, we helped one of us survive the darkest depression that can kill just as dead as a bullet.
2015-06-21 09:45:34
Diary: First blood
One of us survived our first brush with violent death. We hope against all odds there will be no more encounters like that.
2015-06-19 20:27:58
Note: Bless the radio
The radio is useful beyond expectations. We get the news and it's so good to be reminded of normal life and the wide world.
2015-06-19 15:33:20
Note: Creature comforts
Our place is starting to resemble a proper home. Let's furnish it so we can live in a relative comfort, it keeps the spirits up.
2015-06-18 16:06:04
Diary: Day 7
It's been seven days since we holed up here. Death is all around, but we've been lucky to keep everyone alive - so far...
2015-06-18 16:03:15
Note: Doubled the watch
It's crucial to secure our place against night intruders. Two persons watching out for thieves can also watch out for each other.
2015-06-18 15:59:25
Diary: Traces of lives
Every building we visit has a story to tell. I'm wondering sometimes what kind of story we'll leave behind...
2015-06-18 13:51:08
Note: A bit of indulgence
For the first time we all indulged our addictions. It keeps the spirits up, and damn the health issues, we can die tonight anyway.
2015-06-17 16:25:29
Diary: Finished ransacking
We've explored every nook and cranny of our abode and there's nothing useful left to find. We must venture outside.
2015-06-17 16:06:52
Diary: Shooting for five stars
For the first time since we wound up here all of us ate a hot meal. Let's not get accustomed yet.
2015-06-17 16:04:08
Diary: Hostel's open!
We have now enough beds for everybody - that is, everybody but the one that has to go out and search for stuff.
2015-06-17 16:02:42