Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
Game of Chance
Saw the Third Outcome.
2021-04-11 15:52:15 55.6%
Cause and Effect
Saw the First Outcome.
2021-04-11 15:48:48 56.1%
In the Clubroom
Chat with Yuni.
2021-04-11 15:48:42 56.9%
Before the Clubroom
Chat with Pichon.
2021-04-11 15:46:28 57.2%
At the Entrance
Chat with Mio.
2021-04-11 15:44:55 62.8%
A Weekend in Eclipse
Beat the game for the first time.
2021-04-11 15:44:25 66.2%
Butterfly Effect
Saw the Second Outcome.
2021-04-11 15:43:52 58.5%
In the Classroom
Chat with Makishi.
2021-04-11 15:43:47 56.9%
Welcome to DareSora!
Play the game for the first time.
2021-04-11 15:42:32 91.7%