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Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
I bow to the Bullgod
Enter the Credits
2020-07-03 22:26:30 28.6%
I ride an asteroid
Complete the song Asteroid Blues
2020-07-03 22:26:05 33.5%
I won the battle Xardoz.
Complete the song Xardoz.
2020-07-03 22:25:22 34.6%
I talked with the Goddess
Complete the song Goddess Of Time
2020-07-03 22:24:52 38.1%
I cried like sky
Complete the song Tears In Rain
2020-07-03 22:24:22 33.4%
I see the desert.
Complete the song Palm Desert '87
2020-07-03 22:23:28 34.0%
At the Mountain
You're playing a game about stoner rock.
2020-07-03 22:21:39 50.4%
Navigate like a true headbanger
Figured out controller-free menus
2020-07-03 22:21:39 49.5%