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The Blue Fruit
Then at last the founders' work bore fruit, and in that she had great hope.
2020-02-02 21:21:48 4.9%
Faithful Chal and Tlaloc
Chal and Tlaloc loved rain, sun and sky, and each other even more.
2020-02-01 22:03:11 6.4%
Spreading Dissent
Of the disciples, one felt that his counsel was much overlooked.
2020-02-01 21:43:46 9.3%
Founder's Landing
By her command, the people made it theirs.
2020-02-01 21:21:52 6.7%
Empire's Ruin
Mictlan's most dreaded vision was now complete.
2020-02-01 21:05:06 6.0%
Michlan's Bane
They had the people take Mictlan, and punish him for his deed.
2020-02-01 20:56:12 8.0%
Xinu's Fall
The land became neglected as the great task commenced.
2020-02-01 19:28:04 4.8%
Xinu's Plea
He brought his vision to the founder, and pleaded for her to return.
2020-02-01 19:21:15 10.3%
Sudden Fury
Horrified at the brutality, Chal and Tlaloc railed.
2020-02-01 19:16:42 6.0%
Sudden Death
Mictlan, in his anger, struck Xinu down, his endless life now ended.
2020-02-01 19:13:04 6.7%
Empire's Revolt
Mictlan, Chal and Tlaloc moved to cast Xinu from his throne.
2020-02-01 19:11:03 5.1%
Changing Mind
In time, her mind grew powerful, but her thoughts grew dark and grim.
2020-02-01 18:31:10 6.5%
Changing Rule
Xinu ruled as best he could, and the people flourished.
2020-02-01 18:20:14 5.7%
Founder's Travels
The founder came on a ship, spotting fertile land.
2020-02-01 18:15:31 7.5%
Mictlan's Sin
Chal was shocked by Mictlan's action, and she bade Tlaloc act.
2020-02-01 17:59:07 7.7%
Spreading Despair
Alone on his throne, Xinu now felt despair descend.
2020-01-31 23:12:22 5.9%
See Future
A lens he crafted, to see the threads of times unfold.
Dread Future
Through the lens, Xinu saw only ruin and despair.
Spreading Eternity
And he gave the disciples the fruits from the founder's tree.
Xinu's Labour
Together they toiled, attempting to change their people's fate.
Changing Ruler
The keeper of time, her most trusted one, was appointed in her stead.
Empire's Decline
Their beloved people fell by the wayside, forgotten.
The Blue Bane
But the truth of this boon, was yet to be revealed.
The Blue Boon
Through the essence blue, it might grant endless life.
Sudden Flight
The founder fled in the chaos, never seen again.
Faithful Mictlan and Xinu
Mictlan loved death and life, and Xinu loved future and past.
Faithful Disciples
Four wise diciples gathered under her word.
Founder's Settling
She laid the roots of her greatest masterpiece.
Michlan's Fate
So Mictlan rotted in the dark, while Chal and Tlaloc ruled.
Tlaloc's Rule
Through their power, Chal and Tlaloc gave bounty to the land.
Tlaloc's Festering
But Tlaloc's mind grew dark, and the people's gifts would please him no more.
Tlaloc's Wrath
For long dark years he would use his might to make his wrath known.
Chal's Voice
No single word from Chal would end Tlaloc's terrible reign.
Chal's Flood
In the end, Chal would call down the sky to end the blue fruit's cycle.
Chal's End
And so the world ended. Just a handful were left to start the world anew.
Contemplate Future
He worried for the future, what was to be his final fate?