Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
Mílt's Restraint
Arrows are not all there is to an archer master. It is about self-restraint and finding other ways to take a life beyond bow and bolt. You might learn a lot, so try it, but not during an entire adventure. That is just foolish.
A Sticky Situation
Solve a particular situation by using a Bottle of Lye. Nothing more to it than that.
Pit Fighters
Sharpen your hooks, team up and complete an adventure with three or more heroes where all are Barbarians.
Beheading the Hydra
As the curse has been revealed, chop off the Hydra's heads and bury them in the sand forever, making sure they are to be found no more.
Cannon Fodder
Deploy the Behemoth and let it bellow its lethal shots until its killed 15 without getting scrapped.
When picking a bone with a boss, prepare to send them to the grave with it.
The Way of the Vr’ak Tribe
You must slaughter with your party before venturing forth. Defeat 100 enemies in a Town level.
Bone Appetit
Chuck a bone to get a loyal, drooling friend.
Come light!
Nothing can dim the light that shines from you.
The Rampage
As Kahl, Rekk, and Talakk once did, unleash your force upon your foes, and history shall never forget you. Eliminate 200 enemies during the same adventure together with your party.
Elven Queen
Defeat the Elven Queen and dethrone her forever!
Get the band together again, tune your instruments and complete an adventure with three or more heroes where all are Bards.
Pest Control
Don't let them freak you out. Just stomp, squash and pummel!
Trusting the Dark
Will you remain sane inside the Rat King's maze as you feel something running across your feet? Or will your fears skew your mind and forever bestow you with a fear of the dark? Where light is lacking, the same goes for hope, which is constantly in short supply. But still, to stumble about in the blackness might not be such a foolish endeavour after all. Let your Torch rest as you reach the middle of the realm, and see what happens next.
Feline Fury
Cána needs love, care and experience. Bestow Felidae Fury upon her during an adventure.
Get Over Here!
As Uhrak, pull an enemy with your hook and end the journey with a melee attack that will finish them. Fatality!
Don't be wasteful! Swag every bit of gold in an entire adventure.
The Royal Guard
Grab your shields, serve the Monarch and complete an adventure with three or more heroes where all are Guardians.
Hunting Party
Track your prey, hunt together and complete an adventure with three or more heroes where all are Hunters.
Play the Assassin without using the Sneak card throughout one level in any adventure.
Into the Light
Even in the darkest of times, a warm feeling kindle within, like a phoenix rising, rage burn with relentless hope. Corrupted by hatred, this flame scorch evil hearts into lumps of coal. Spread your light so half a dozen bask in its glory for one last moment, followed by eternal darkness.
Pull a Downed hero to safety using the Grappling Hook and ensure they get up on their feet again, all in one go.
Mad Elven King
Like the Eternal Night darkens the sun, dreams of everlasting life cloud the King's mind. Remind the King about his mortality and light The Elven Blaze.
Act as Callix and complete an adventure with one of your heroes carrying at least 1500 gold coins at the end.
Reap seven enemies or more in a single action during your turn.
Mother Cy
If Drych Forest is to bloom again, you must venture deep into the woods and find the root of the problem, ensuring that she never spreads rot again.
The Mousetrap
"The last little mouse in the trap". Use a Booby Trap to kill a rat, or make sure that the Rat King goes out with a BANG!
One Hero Wonder
Defy the odds as Alag did and get through a single-player adventure with just one hero.
Rat King
Descend to a realm where sharp yellow teeth bite and tails are seen wherever your turn—where the rodent ruler steers his minions with an iron paw. Crowned in darkness and brought forward into the light, it is time to overthrow this King of the Rats.
Serpent Lord
Put an end to the source of the curse and free High Priest Umbal once and for all.
The Kai
Move in silence, fight as one and complete an adventure with three or more heroes where all are Assassins.
Shock and Awe
Overcharge your Sorcerer for a shocking turn of events, then Stun or kill ten foes with the Counterattack.
Sorcerers' Guild
Grab your staves, cast spells and complete an adventure with three or more heroes where all are Sorcerers.
Standing Ovation
Perform The Song of Recovery to heal two downed heroes with the same card. Encore!
Still Alive
Complete an adventure without any of the party's heroes getting downed.
The True Evil
Whilst playing as four, kill the Serpent Lord without causing harm to any of the doppelgangers.
Warlock Coven
Pool your magic, summon Cána and complete an adventure with three or more heroes where all are Warlocks.
Web Designer
When caught in a web, it'll soon be dead! Friend or foe? Don't let it go! Any will do! The itsy bitsy spider will gobble on you too.