Achievement Unlocked Visibility Global Unlocks
Frequent Flyer
Reach the aviation school
2020-06-16 10:50:20 3.0%
Use the teleport 20 times in one level
2018-09-27 22:31:56 3.1%
Four seasons
Guide Millie through 4 differently coloured teleports at the same time
2018-09-27 22:29:13 3.1%
Use the scissors 10 times in one level
2018-09-22 09:22:35 3.7%
Complete the whole episode with 3 stars in every level
2018-09-22 07:58:40 3.1%
Collect all possible shoes in the whole episode
2018-09-22 07:58:39 3.2%
Sky acrobat
Finish 8 of flying levels with 3 stars
2018-09-22 07:50:17 3.1%
Ice skating
Make 10 turns on ice in one level
2018-09-21 22:24:01 3.2%
Demolition Man
Use 3 distinct hammers on 3 distinct chipped walls in one level
2018-09-21 08:35:30 4.1%
Forcefully enter the one way street 5 times in one level using the beacon light
2018-09-21 08:32:43 3.5%
Fast Runner
Complete 5 levels within maximum time
2017-07-26 08:23:30 4.6%
Use the clock 10 times in one level
2017-07-11 21:59:26 4.1%
Finish 5 levels without using the clock
2017-07-11 14:23:18 10.2%
Serial Killer
Complete 3 levels in a row without restarting or going back to menu
2017-07-11 14:21:04 11.3%